Usually I try to find a buddy to come with, but I have an unconventional schedule (third shift) that allows me to fish pretty much every day of the week. So usually the people I ask are working 9-5 and can only come out on weekends. I hate going out on weekends because every lake is a zoo and it's just bad fishing on these tiny lakes while there is 10 ski boats doing laps 50 yards from your boat. That's if I can even find a parking spot.
So most day's I fish alone. I've been finding it harder to get the motivation to go alone lately. I absolutely love fishing, dream about it all night and watch videos of the pros all day. But when I come home from work I just have a hard time getting out. It's like the gym. Once I get out, I am so glad I did and have a buncha fun, even alone.
Do any of you mainly fish alone? Do you ever deal with this?
I usually fish alone. I have some buddies who like to fish, and we’ll go sometimes but most of the time I’m alone. Fishing solo definitely has its perks, like getting to stay out as long as you want. If there are more than one person in a boat, they won’t always agree on when to leave. Fishing solo allows me to stay out as long as I want without worrying about if the other person started getting bored 4 hours ago. Fishing with a buddy has its benefits too. Like having a net-man, and it can be a little more fun on a slow fishing day when you have someone to talk to.
I'd say its about 50/50 for me. I either fish or alone, or with my brother or dad. I'm picky about who I bring, because there is a fine line between having someone to talk to, and having someone who never stops talking. lol
On 7/11/2018 at 9:10 PM, Jar11591 said:I usually fish alone. I have some buddies who like to fish, and we’ll go sometimes but most of the time I’m alone. Fishing solo definitely has its perks, like getting to stay out as long as you want. If there are more than one person in a boat, they won’t always agree on when to leave. Fishing solo allows me to stay out as long as I want without worrying about if the other person started getting bored 4 hours ago. Fishing with a buddy has its benefits too. Like having a net-man, and it can be a little more fun on a slow fishing day when you have someone to talk to.
I agree about buddies. If I do bring a friend and they're not as hardcore as me, I tell them to meet me at the launch and I can drop them off whenever they want to leave. That way I don't get ticked when they inevitably say "I have a dinner to go to" when we've only been out for 2 hours.
I fish by myself the vast majority of the time and I'm OK with it.
Capturing (& then sharing) video makes it 'seem' - like I not really alone.
Blue tooth speaker is my partner 75% of the time. +1 on ‘who you bring is important’ rather fish alone then bring someone who thinks it’s a fishing show and they’ll catch something every cast. My advice (same as with the gym) don’t think of it as something else besides work you have to do. Think of it as what you do, part of your schedule and it won’t feel like something extra. That’s when it’s not fun. Plan around it instead of doing it when there’s nothing else to do. I’m working out 4 days a week period. I’ll meet y’all for a drink after or help the kids with homework after, but not in place of. Make it a routine
I mostly fish alone cause I like it that way. The other times, it's mostly with a small clique of guys that I've known for ever, and occasionally the charity basket case "fishing is so hard" or " I never catch anything" that someone forces on me. I'm thinking of having tee shirts made up with "I'm both agoraphobic and antisocial, sometimes **** just works out"
Alright, you guys lit a fire under me. I'm heading off to the lake!
On 7/11/2018 at 10:02 PM, Brew City Bass said:Alright, you guys lit a fire under me. I'm heading off to the lake!
sometimes when im alone i listen to stuff like music or news.
I fish alone when I'm bank fishing but never alone when boating, or when I rent a kayak. I prefer to fish with other people, since I'm always learning a thing or two.
I've been alone for most of my life so fishing by myself doesn't phase me. It would be nice to have a fishing buddy, but for now it's just me and my CRV
What you need is discipline. I feel you. I fish alone in my kayak 75% of the time and like you said I can't wait to go out again. But some mornings when that 4am or 5am alarm goes off I just don't feel like it, I'm going alone so the only person to disappoint is myself if I don't go. It's a discipline thing honestly. You basically nailed it, I know if I go I will have fun so it's just about disciplining myself to get ready and go, because I don't think I will ever truly find the motivation to wake up at 4am lol. If you can get everything ready the night before so all you have to do is get dressed and walk out the door, I think that helps me at least,
I fish alone maybe 95% of the time, does not of my friends have any interest in fishing and I have a weird work schedule so I’m often fishing weekdays.
I really do enjoy fishing with other people, both for the company and because you can find a pattern twice as fast with two than with one.
I would say 70% of the time, I'm by myself.. but my girlfriend likes to fish a lot, so she comes out often with me.
I think I typically catch more fish when I'm alone and I learn more, so that's good.
But I like being more of a guide and spectator sometimes too. It's fun to say "I told ya!"
I LOVE fishing alone! 10-12 hour days are typical. I have a buddy I fish with occasionally which is a nice change but fishing solo also has its perks as some of you have already mentioned.
Isn't that a George Thorogood song?
"I fish alone.
Yeah, with nobody else.
I fish alone.
Yeah, with nobody else.
Yeah, you know when I fish alone
I prefer to be by myself."
Alone . When I take others I feel pressured to put them on fish , at the same time I dont want to take them to my favorite spots . I took a guy fishing and told him not to show this spot to anyone , he replied "I dont even have a boat , how can I show it to anybody?' Well , someone else took him fishing and he tells him " I know where a good spot is ."
By myself half the time......I find I am my own best friend..
On 7/11/2018 at 11:36 PM, scaleface said:Alone . When I take others I fell pressured to put them on fish , at the same time I dont want to take them to my favorite spots . I took a guy fishing and told him not to show this spot to anyone , he replied "I dont even have a boat , how can I show it to anybody?' Well , someone else took him fishing and he tells him " I know where a good spot is ."
Bingo...this year when I take folk, it is to the popular spots that are obvious. By myself, I don’t know if if have been in the same place twice.
I mostly fish alone & don't have a problem with it but it is fun to fish with real friends to share those special catches. It also helps to have a net man & camera man when you catch that new PB or vice versa I also understand the motivation part of it which I think worsens with age.
I always fish alone. To me getting away from people is one of my favorite things about fishing. Just me and nature.
About 10 years ago I though I'd eventually want a fishing partner... so the wife and I had a baby... 9 years later I have a fishing partner! I could have saved tens of thousands of dollars and hired a guide once a week. And he would do all the work! ????
Just kidding- I wouldn't give him up for [insert favorite pro here] as my own personal guide.
Anyone from work, fish? With your schedule, it would be nice to find a partner on the same schedule.
I prefer fishing with a partner fun fishing and alone trophy bass fishing. All of my fishing partners have past on now and my son works 6 days a week so I am fishing lone more now then in the past. My wife goes out with me if the weather is just right and we don't leave at o dark 30 or stay out past lunch time.
It's get more and more difficult to fish alone the older we get and I am at that stage in my life, will be 75 this week.
I bank fish, as I don't have a boat, and if I can, I like to have my son (20) or daughter (17) come along. I just started fishing not even two months ago, as it's been something I have wanted to get into for years as well as my son. My daughter comes, but she's not nearly into it as much as my son is. But she tries. They both know they're always welcome to come with me, but there are those rough days at the office, where I will just stop on my drive home at whatever pond I think of first. I work a part time most weeknights as well, so in between jobs is the times I will fish alone, when i have between 30 minutes to an hour, but if it's a night off or a weekend, my kids will be invited for sure. But if they don't go, I still am.
I fish alone 99% of the time. I despise weekend fishing and the bud I fish with works long hours. I actually enjoy the solitude of fishing alone, but I have a Grandson waiting to share the bank and boat with Pop-Pop. Brian.
On 7/12/2018 at 1:28 AM, WRB said:My wife goes out with me if the weather is just right
I'm guessing you must live inland, a bit. Having spent a lot of time on the San Diego/Carlsbad area, I would have called your weather just right, about 300 days a year!!
I fished alone for a long time. Now my grandson who is 13 fishes with me quite a bit. He's very interested in bass fishing, and is doing pretty well.
I usually go fishing with my son, but on occasion I do fish alone and do enjoy that time as well. Some days it's a great chance to get out there and think, while others it's a chance to go out there and clear my mind from all distractions. Lately it seems we all get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the everyday world and technology, so for me it's a great reminder to appreciate the outdoors and a quieter life.
I fish alone 90% of the time and I prefer it that way honestly , the only time I am with someone is if my fiancé comes , her brother who is who got me into fishing again or once a month my friend nick comes. I enjoy the alone time honestly it’s my happy place, away from work, away from people, away from everything noisy. I love fishing before the sun comes up bc it’s peaceful and you get to watch the “world” wake up. It’s nice.
I'm lucky to be living about 200 feet from one of the best bass lakes in Texas; so, the allure is always staring right back at me, like, "Well, what are you waiting for?" Oh, yes, lakes can talk to you!
So, I go out often in the late afternoons for 2 to 3 hours and just float around and really enjoy myself, usually catching a limit. For me? It'd be sacrilegious to even bring a radio: I like to soak in the nature all around me. If a boat or another floats by, I do socialize, share tips. Made lots of friends that way.
On weekends, I will often look to see what other kayakers have planned, have several I fish with regularly. We have the D/FW Kayak Angling Group on FB and I'd bet there are at least 100 if not multiple hundreds making plans constantly. D/FW is likely one of the biggest hotbeds of kayak anglers in the country.
The one thing I have sort of sworn off of is any serious fishing while going out tandem with friends or family in my big canoe. I want to control the vessel, so I take the back, that and two lines out makes holding water a bit harder. I rarely fish well tandem. And, when I do, my fishing is sort of recreational.
The only other matter relates to danger. If I were fishing deep in really cold weather from a kayak, I'd want to go out in a group, at least one other. Or, new water. I feel that way now where I want to kayak fish Lake Palestine (19 miles away) in an area stump-ridden that boats have to avoid. But, I'll likely wait for a pal to join me.
Well I just got back from the lake.
Rough day for bass, great day for pike. At least I didn't get bored!
Caught this fat 32" and a hand full of 25-30"ers. Biggest was a 35" I got to the boat and he did a shake and snapped the 12lb copoly as I had him in my hands. He inhaled the 5xd. I hope enjoys it because I only got to use it for 2 casts... Pike are getting expensive this year... Maybe I should bring the net next time....
I fish alone 99.9% of the time. I go during the week only, this way I don't have to put up with the crowds & jet ski's. I can come in for lunch or stop fishing & go looking around for new places to check out or maybe take a nap.
I fish alone 95% of the time
I usually fish alone
Yeah, with nobody else
And you know, when I fish alone
I prefer to be by myself.
Honestly, I enjoy my own company better than anyone else's. Other people bug me. I have two buddies I occasionally fish with and that's about that. Most people I know don't want to go out in the middle of summer when the temp is in the mid 90's with high humidity and only catch 2 dinks. But I'm just stupid like that.
Mostly alone. I have one buddy who I go with sometimes but for the most part I'm solo. I end up meeting other anglers and have some good talk. Love the solo time as it relaxes me....
Eric J
The only issue I see and is in the back of my mind is "safety". I am more apt to wear my pfd, have the ladder unlatched, ect. I never go solo at night. Just recognize I am not the man I used to be.
I'm quite ugly... daytime, I fish from my boat solo with my hat brim pulled down -- after dark, from shore I sometimes draw a crowd while landing hefty walleye. Go figure!
On 7/12/2018 at 5:25 AM, NHBull said:The only issue I see and is in the back of my mind is "safety". I am more apt to wear my pfd, have the ladder unlatched, ect. I never go solo at night. Just recognize I am not the man I used to be.
Safety is usually the last thing on my mind, stupidly, but I have a sense of security because every lake I fish is either 80 acres or under 1,000. Pretty tiny.
If I'm doing some night fishing I always bring my .45 cal S&W because I feel vulnerable at the ramp. I also have a flair gun and air horn in the rod locket just in case I start going down. Even if I do, it's usually a 50 yard swim to shore.
On 7/12/2018 at 1:28 AM, WRB said:I prefer fishing with a partner fun fishing and alone trophy bass fishing. All of my fishing partners have past on now and my son works 6 days a week so I am fishing lone more now then in the past. My wife goes out with me if the weather is just right and we don't leave at o dark 30 or stay out past lunch time.
It's get more and more difficult to fish alone the older we get and I am at that stage in my life, will be 75 this week.
It's something I think about as I get older. At 43 I've seen how everything gets more difficult with age. I've always wished for a genuine fishing buddy to grow old with since I was just a kid. I have gotten my hopes up that I may have found that buddy in the past but sadly I've also come to realize that the feelings need to be mutual and it just can't be forced if it isn't there
I used to fish alone because very few of my friends fished, then I joined a local club. Got used to fishing with a partner now hate fishing alone. I do not do the club anymore. Worst part is even now the I have my own boat people who always say they want to go out with me always have some reason they cannot.
On 7/12/2018 at 6:15 AM, BrianinMD said:I used to fish alone because very few of my friends fished, then I joined a local club. Got used to fishing with a partner now hate fishing alone. I do not do the club anymore. Worst part is even now the I have my own boat people who always say they want to go out with me always have some reason they cannot.
Isn't that weird? I've got people hitting me up weekly to go out in the boat, but they always flake last minute. I am more than happy to just go boating and chill with friends. For whatever reason it's like they didn't really mean it so when you're at the launch and text them they respond "Oh sorry, something came up!". That's happened to me three times this year. I don't even ask for gas money or anything. I am gonna be on the lake either way so I figure why not have someone along for a bit.
Its hard to find a compatible fishing partner .I've had people who wanted to stop after an hour . I'm an eight hour guy . I often fish outside the box , trying crazy things that usually dont work . Most people tire of this quickly .
I have weekdays off so I usually fish alone minus my furry copilot.
Eh fishing buddies always make it more enjoyable but I'd say I probably fish 98% of the time by myself. The one advantage is you can stay as out as long as you want and if you lose a fish or are having a rough day you can let out a few choice words without having to mutter them.
I fish alone 99.9999999999% percent of the time. Not by choice. Kids really don't fish with me any more as they have their own lives at 18 and 13, lol, and none of my friends care to fish. That won't stop me from fishing and I never feel bad fishing alone. No doubt, company is usually better, but just is not the case for me.
I mainly fish alone because of my work schedule.
I work a 10 on 4 off which puts me at home Thu through Sun.
Soooo, I usually get a day in Thu or Fri and then my fishing Partner (wife) goes with me on Saturday.
I almost always fish along. It's therapy to me. I wouldn't mind having company, but I come off as an ahole to most people and I dont try too hard to change their minds. My 17 year old daughter comes with me sometimes, but other than that it's just me. I love it, just me and nature.
I didn't realize there were so many people on here that fished alone most of the time. I usually take another person in my boat 75% of the time. A lot of my friends that like to fish simply don't have their own boat so they jump at the opportunity. The problem with fishing alone is that there's no one to take a photo. I don't have a go pro camera and I don't do selfies because they look terrible. Also, its easier to load and unload the boat when you have 2 people rather than one. I will admit that it can be more peaceful and you only have to worry about your own schedule.
I fish alone most of the time. I enjoy the quiet and not having someone talking to me.
On 7/12/2018 at 6:21 AM, Brew City Bass said:Isn't that weird? I've got people hitting me up weekly to go out in the boat, but they always flake last minute. I am more than happy to just go boating and chill with friends. For whatever reason it's like they didn't really mean it so when you're at the launch and text them they respond "Oh sorry, something came up!".
I get that a lot with my friend's who like the idea of fishing more than the actual fact of getting up early on a saturday to actually go. I know just assume whatever friend I am supposed to go with is going to flake and plan my day accordingly.
On 7/12/2018 at 7:50 AM, gimruis said:I didn't realize there were so many people on here that fished alone most of the time. I usually take another person in my boat 75% of the time. A lot of my friends that like to fish simply don't have their own boat so they jump at the opportunity. The problem with fishing alone is that there's no one to take a photo. I don't have a go pro camera and I don't do selfies because they look terrible. Also, its easier to load and unload the boat when you have 2 people rather than one. I will admit that it can be more peaceful and you only have to worry about your own schedule.
See, I find it easier to load / unload by myself. Usually a friend trying to be helpful just messes up something I have to fix. Last friend put the transom saver on wrong, put the boat tie downs on twisted (ripped one) and then he started hosing down the inside of the boat all while I was at the portajohn. DUDE, OUTSIDE ONLY!
I can be loaded / unloaded in 3-5 minutes by myself and on the road if there isn't anyone taking out in front of me.
On 7/12/2018 at 7:50 AM, gimruis said:I didn't realize there were so many people on here that fished alone most of the time. I usually take another person in my boat 75% of the time. A lot of my friends that like to fish simply don't have their own boat so they jump at the opportunity. The problem with fishing alone is that there's no one to take a photo. I don't have a go pro camera and I don't do selfies because they look terrible. Also, its easier to load and unload the boat when you have 2 people rather than one. I will admit that it can be more peaceful and you only have to worry about your own schedule.
I agree selfies look lame. We all love good fish pictures. I use a tripod to take pics when I'm solo. I'll admit it's a bit of a pain and can eat up precious fishing need to take a bunch to make sure you get a good one. I'll only do it when it's a truly BIG fish but for those times I have no regets about spending the time to get a nice picture. My big fish album has some really nice pictures of some great memories.
There's a pretty good mixture of fishing alone and with a partner for me. I'd say I do fish alone the majority of the time, because I often go on a whim without anything preconceived. Usually some spicy looking weather draws me out.
I also go to some places deep into the sticks where a lot of my casual fisherman friends aren't too keen about.
It's nice to have a friend there with another bait in the water to figure out a pattern; but with the limited time I have in my busy schedule, it's hard to coordinate with others who are also busy.
I almost always fish alone. I spend most every other hour of life interacting with people in some other capacity, and people stress me out. So fishing is the mechanism by which I extract myself from social activity as much as possible (for about 5 months of the year up here, at least.).
When I fish, I specifically go where and when I am least likely to be around more than a few other people. This means small, out-of-the-way waters that are difficult to find, or require effort to get to, and usually in the early morning.
On 7/12/2018 at 7:50 AM, gimruis said:I didn't realize there were so many people on here that fished alone most of the time. I usually take another person in my boat 75% of the time. A lot of my friends that like to fish simply don't have their own boat so they jump at the opportunity. The problem with fishing alone is that there's no one to take a photo. I don't have a go pro camera and I don't do selfies because they look terrible. Also, its easier to load and unload the boat when you have 2 people rather than one. I will admit that it can be more peaceful and you only have to worry about your own schedule.
So true about taking photos! Results in almost all my photos are pics of me holding the fish with an extended arm. I refrain from taking selfies but because I think taking them is just plain odd if not stupid... and I am too photogenic for my own good. ???? I’m just not vain like that.
On 7/12/2018 at 9:51 AM, The Maestro said:I agree selfies look lame. We all love good fish pictures. I use a tripod to take pics when I'm solo. I'll admit it's a bit of a pain and can eat up precious fishing need to take a bunch to make sure you get a good one. I'll only do it when it's a truly BIG fish but for those times I have no regets about spending the time to get a nice picture. My big fish album has some really nice pictures of some great memories.
Not to Hi-Jack the thread But - Get a GoPro (or other action video camera) & a Clamp mount - shoot a few second of video of yourself holding your catch. Then you can go back and select pictures out of the video - it's very easy.
This allows you to go frame by frame - you can really dial it in - even action shots.
Most every pic I post is done this way.
I fish too long & hard not to take the few extra steps needed to get a decent pic of what I worked for.
Now back to our regularly scheduled program.
On 7/12/2018 at 11:57 AM, A-Jay said:Get a GoPro (or other action video camera) & a Clamp mount - shoot a few second of video of yourself holding your catch. Then you can go back and select pictures out of the video - it's very easy.
This allows you to go frame by frame - you can really dial it is - even actin shots.
Most every pic I post is done this way
Stunning pictures, beautiful fish!
On 7/11/2018 at 9:29 PM, A-Jay said:I fish by myself the vast majority of the time and I'm OK with it.
Capturing (& then sharing) video makes it 'seem' - like I not really alone.
Very cool!
Forgot to mention..offspring (in the 7+ range) are awesome. Kids are the most optimistic people I know. We’ve gone 11 hours without a bite and he’s ticked we’re headed back to the boat ramp. That’s positive attitude right there.
I always fish alone since my work schedule is not regular and I only fish a couple hour each trip. my old fishing buddy staying with us for now, but still I only fish with him once or twice other than that I fish by myself morning and he fish by himself all day on my boat and my fishing gear. He did pretty good though, a lot better than me.
On 7/12/2018 at 1:28 AM, WRB said:I prefer fishing with a partner fun fishing and alone trophy bass fishing. All of my fishing partners have past on now and my son works 6 days a week so I am fishing lone more now then in the past. My wife goes out with me if the weather is just right and we don't leave at o dark 30 or stay out past lunch time.
It's get more and more difficult to fish alone the older we get and I am at that stage in my life, will be 75 this week.
May you have 75 more birthdays....
On 7/12/2018 at 6:21 AM, Brew City Bass said:Isn't that weird? I've got people hitting me up weekly to go out in the boat, but they always flake last minute. I am more than happy to just go boating and chill with friends. For whatever reason it's like they didn't really mean it so when you're at the launch and text them they respond "Oh sorry, something came up!". That's happened to me three times this year. I don't even ask for gas money or anything. I am gonna be on the lake either way so I figure why not have someone along for a bit.
That is also part of the reason I'm picky. I got tired of people committing to go. Only to get to their house at the arranged time, to have them either not wake up to answer the door/phone, or have them answer only to say they were to tired. I don't ask for any money and I would always tell them, I'm going regardless, and your extra weight isn't gonna cost me enough extra gas to matter.
Or I would give them a time to meet and their response would be. That's to early, how about 10am....I'm like dude, its summer in the south, its gonna be 105 degrees by 10am.
I always fish alone. No cell phone. No camera. No radio. I'm not antisocial, I just find too much human interactive exhausting and my fishing time is "me" time. If I need to talk to someone, I'll shoot the breeze with one of the other old timers at the lake that's doing the same thing I am.
I mainly fish alone myself and enjoy it. It gives me some time to think about things in a way that is not rushed as is most days. I am able to fish on my lunch break at work for 30 minutes, and it is so worth it to just get out and deflate for a few. I love to catch fish, but just being out there with nature is refreshing. When I take my girls fishing (plan to this weekend) it reminds me that it isn't all about me either and I have a lot of fun just watching them catch little 'gills. Sure it isn't a big bass but the smile on their faces and knowing that they are out actually doing something rather than just sitting inside is a good feeling and that they want to be with their Dad.
On 7/12/2018 at 12:33 PM, 813basstard said:Forgot to mention..offspring (in the 7+ range) are awesome. Kids are the most optimistic people I know. We’ve gone 11 hours without a bite and he’s ticked we’re headed back to the boat ramp. That’s positive attitude right there.
Could not have said that better myself and they teach me more some days about life while fishing than I could teach them in a year.
I fish alone probably 99% of the time. My friends really aren't interesting in the sport and I'd rather not drag someone out who is not going to have fun. I try and get some of my family to head out with me from time to time but that hardly ever works. I don't mind it though, I usually use fishing as relaxation after working all day.
On 7/12/2018 at 12:33 PM, 813basstard said:Forgot to mention..offspring (in the 7+ range) are awesome. Kids are the most optimistic people I know. We’ve gone 11 hours without a bite and he’s ticked we’re headed back to the boat ramp. That’s positive attitude right there.
I was the same. I wore my dad out. He got where he let me run the boat and he sat back. Then he got where he sat in the back of my boat. Then he got where he didn't want to go anymore. He was getting into his late 60's then. I did get him to go to a family friend's pond and walk the bank a little about 8 months before he passed away unexpectedly. And he caught some! Then he got tired and went to sit on my tailgate and talk to our friend while I fished. I'm really glad we did that one more time.
My buddy always gives me the same answer, "Sounds like a plan." I hardly ask him any longer as I know he just ain't coming. I think we've fished a few times together this season so I passively let him know and then its up to him ...
Am I the only one with a wife who doesn't let them out on the water alone? Granted I fish Lake St Clair mostly and it can get pretty hairy at times.
Even though my fishing buddy is always 30 minutes late, he doesn't contribute to gas money, makes lousy sandwiches... I enjoy having him there. He listens to me when I tell him what to throw, and it's like I'm casting two rods at the same time. We can cover water quickly and figure them out.
On 7/13/2018 at 1:39 AM, DubyaDee said:Am I the only one with a wife who doesn't let them out on the water alone?
Only questions my wife asks is "Aren't you going fishing" ...or..."I thought you were fishing, why haven't you left yet?".....or "you're still here?"
I fish to get away from people. I manage 50+ people- mostly women- and deal with the public...
Occasionally my wife goes or one of my kids if they are here. My one fishing buddy is into catfish with bait lately, trying to catch a monster. Not my cup of tea. I can take the kayak out after work, or fish rip rap from shore.
I fish alone 90% of the time. I like being able to try new things and new spots and not have to worry about someone else catching fish. I am lucky that I have a camper at a campground and once I put my boat in I can tie it to a dock. I usually try to go so I can fish a night and a morning at least. I mostly go during the week. I also lake hop to a few area lakes. Unloading is not an issue because most area lakes have very few boats on them so there is no hurry. If I want a pic I set the phone on my console and use the timer. Pics are just so I can look back and remember the good days.
I like the peace and quiet of fishing by myself.
On 7/11/2018 at 11:30 PM, Team9nine said:Isn't that a George Thorogood song?
"I fish alone.
Yeah, with nobody else.
I fish alone.
Yeah, with nobody else.
Yeah, you know when I fish alone
I prefer to be by myself."
First thing that came to mind when I read the title of the thread.
I’m retired & live on a small lake, and always have a fishing companion—my 4 yr old lab. Many of my friends fish alone; I like partners, but I seem to mostly go on the spur of the moment.