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Hey Buddy Can't You Read,the Sign Says No Blocking The Ramp 2024

fishing user avatarskeeter1980 reply : 

Got to a local pond about 2pm yesterday,there was a truck parked and left on the ramp.We could see a small boat out on the water.My son called the town police,we waited,no cop showed.Last year while I was fishing,I became friends with this town's police chief.I have his cell number,so I called him.Of course he was out fishing,but he gave me another number to call.Meanwhile a state cop drove by,we flagged her down,told her the problem.She called the police station,and a cop was on his way.There was no way we could get a hold of this idiot on the pond.But his front license plate said,life member of slaughter beach fire dept.Yeah go figure.lolWell the cop called the fire house,they gave him the guy's cell number.He comes in talks with the cops,and reads the note I left on his windshile.It wasn't nasty,oh I thought about it lol.I just thanked him for blocking the ramp.He looks at me,i'm thinking ok just say one word.My son is 6'2'' 265lbs and worksout,so yeah go ahead,make my day.lolHe loads up his jon boat and leaves.Hey i'm thinking give him a ticket.What you guys think?

fishing user avatarMemphisFF reply : 

Them d**n firemen...

fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Just another example of... Nobody else in the world matters! It's all about me..... Ramps? Are the worst places for me... Now there's a lot of great manners shown too... Along with teamwork but it always amazes me how a person can use A 60,000$ rig.. Or a 600$ rig... Bad manners, law breakers run amuck!

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

That's downright rude of anyone to block a ramp. I often go to a reservoir that has a small boat launch and not much parking. Everyone is generally gracious to park far enough away to allow access, but sometimes people will pull up and park there and fish despite fishing from the ramp not being allowed and not part of the "shoreline permit" fishing designations.


Fortunately I have a kayak and can, if necessary, drag it around them, but that damages the bottom if I don't have my cart with me.


At least the situation was resolved. I'd have called the park rangers if I were faced with this situation.

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

It is hard to reason with plain stupid, and there are sooooooooo many out there. It had to be a very frustrating day.

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

Today one guy put his boat by the ramp, parked it, then walked across the street to the gas station. I'm thinking, are you serious? I would have said something to him but I squeezed in my boat and didn't feel like waiting on him haha.

fishing user avatarCrankinstein reply : 

The lake patrol boat has a bad habit of parking longways at the end of the dock at my local lake instead of in its designated spot. Its not impossible to get around it but in the swift current that usually runs it really makes it an inconvenience. Last time out I watched the patrol boat literally drive by a boater and his son trying to wave him down. I pulled up and ended up towing them in because their motor died. Sometimes even the people in charge need a lesson in manners and safety.

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Had a good one last weekend.  Guy was launching his "bass boat" with his girl.  After finally launching...finally....his girl holds the boat in the middle of the ramp.  Guess it wouldn't have been so bad but there were two "empty" docks to each side of the ramp.  And then for desert another one launches his pleasure craft and just floats with engine running in front of ramp.  My son has the trailor in water waiting and he finally looks at me and does the math.

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 

That's when you kindly let all the air out of their tires and leave them a thank you note for their courtesy before you fish somewhere else for the day.  

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 

The amount of stupidity that can be seen at a boat ramp at a popular lake is just amazing. Nothing surprises me.

fishing user avatarMaster Bait'r reply : 
  On 6/2/2014 at 8:54 PM, Z-Dunham said:

The amount of stupidity that can be seen at a boat ramp at a popular lake is just amazing. Nothing surprises me.



Especially by the people who by all accounts should know better.



The amount of casual ignorance and blissful selfishness at play pretty much anywhere these days blows my mind.   

fishing user avatarZach Dunham reply : 
  On 6/2/2014 at 10:32 PM, Master Bait said:

Especially by the people who by all accounts should know better.



The amount of casual ignorance and blissful selfishness at play pretty much anywhere these days blows my mind.   



People don't even have the simplest courtesy. If someone is bad at backing a boat trailer in and takes a few tries, I don't get too upset. Everyone has to learn sometime if that's what they wanna do. The worst is people who drive the boat on and then stay on the ramp for 10 minutes to tie everything down. Idling in front of the ramp blocking other boats from going in and out; taking up multiple lanes on boat ramps that have that option; parking trucks/trailers in places that screw everyone else over; all commonplace.

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

If your bored some busy weekend and want to go to a entertaining show pack up a picnic basket and go to the ramp around noon to three on a busy weekend.  If someone asks what your watching say YOU ALLLLLL

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

I saw a guy launch and then tie off to the dock, get in his car and park. The lot was maybe 300yrds. from the launch. Then he hit the porta poddy to make a long distance phone call, all the while his boat was blocking others from using the launch. Who knows, maybe the guy had the runs and intended to come right back and move it.  I was maybe fifth in line, so I got out, walked on to the dock, untied his boat and moved it to the end of the dock where it was out of the way and tied it off. 

He returned as I was getting off the dock....................Never said a word to me.

fishing user avatarmacmichael reply : 

Once my wife was backing the trailer down the ramp so I could drive the boat on. Well she got nervous because there were folks waiting. She had the trailer cockeyed left, then cockeyed right. Everyone was being very patient. After sheeing how fustrated she was getting, these 2 young men walked over to the back of it, picked it up

and put it straight. It turned out to be a pleasent experience. I haven't really had too many rude folks at the ramp. 

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 

I was ready to launch at a small ramp once and had a dummy put his kayak across the boat ramp. I had been waiting on what looked like an older gentleman and his grandson so I did not rush them. As they were pulling off I started to back down and here comes this guy with a kayak and lays it on the ramp? I jumped out of the truck and said I was ready to launch and ask him to move it as he was going to get more stuff from his truck. He replied  something like I was beat and would have to wait on him? Well I am respectful of my elders but not dummies so I said I was launching and if his plastic kayak was between my 3000lb boat and the water I would win. I started backing down and he moved that kayak in a hurry!


The other issue is the trout fishermen that do not understand that it is a boat ramp and not a fishing pier. This is so bad around here I just avoid places after they are stocked with trout.



fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I have ZERO tolerance for boat launch idiots. I am not talking about the cottage owners who launch there boat once a year, or an old man launching his fishing boat and takes all day, that happens. It's the morons who tie off on the ramp,  to be exact the idiots who floats around in front of the ramp waiting to tie off on the ramp, while some one else is loading, instead of docking and getting the trailer. I don't know how many times I have had words with these fools. I dock or beach go get my trailer while they are floating around like morons, and many MANY times have backed my trailer down the ramp as they are trying to tie off on it. It gets them in a terrible uproar, but I win every time.

fishing user avatarbasscatcher8 reply : 

The ramp i use alot on the Illinois River use to have 3 docks and two lanes. Two of the docks were damaged last year and not replaced so now its one ramp with a dock and one without. Well I fish alone alot. I got to the ramp and nobody there in the middle of the after noon. Im in the staging area and undoing straps and what not. i debated getting my rods ready and decided not to just get on the water well just as i drop into drive a pontoon full of people pulls up to the dock so i put it back in park and said ok ill wait for them to load. One guy gets off and goes to the portacan another gets off with some dogs to let them do their thing and the rest just wait and the other guy comes back and they just stand there talking. By this time I'm already out getting my rod ready since I cant launch and they are just looking at me. Finally they get back on their toon and head back out on the river so not loading just blocking cause they can.. Not before they told the couple with the speed boat in the other ramp lane they did a good job cause it only took them 10 minutes to trailer instead of 30. I was beat red by this time got on the water and gone. To get to my first spot and start fishing and two kids in a bass boat run in on me stop right in front of me drop the tm and start fishing........I caught fish so was still a good day lol.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
  On 6/3/2014 at 12:01 AM, Oregon Native said:

If your bored some busy weekend and want to go to a entertaining show pack up a picnic basket and go to the ramp around noon to three on a busy weekend.  If someone asks what your watching say YOU ALLLLLL


Sorry to break topic, but that reminds me of the Atlantic Highlands Yacht Club in New Jersey,

They provide an enormous multi-boat launching facility, but the ramp consists of continuous concrete slabs

with no partitioning. On the ledge overlooking the boat ramp were a couple of park benches (may be gone today)

I used to tell my friends that those park benches provide the best free entertainment in the state of New Jersey.

Ramp antics provide the greatest show on earth. You can expect a good belly-laugh about every 5 to 10 minutes 


 > Novice boaters zigzag down the ramp, occasionally plowing into an adjacent boat or trailer

 > Some boaters can't launch without two guide lines, which looks like they're playing double-dutch bus with a boat

 > Pretty common during the retrieve is an overzealous guy in the bow who steps into what he believes

         is knee-deep water, but winds up cartwheeling over the gunnel, face-first in the drink

 > Then there's the power launch boys. They back down at high speed, hit the brake at the bottom

         and the boat self-launches. Problem is, slippery moss is exposed during low tide. If you power launch

         at low tide, you will likely launch your boat, trailer and tow-car (saltwater soon trashes the tow-car)

 > The list is endless, and you'll see things you've never seen or heard of before.





fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

I was taking out last weekend at a local lake and a couple cars were parked in such a way that they were blocking the entrance to the ramp area. The car owners were just sitting around and drinking or whatever. I was able to sneak by (I had to go off road). I don't understand people sometimes. I think I've had more trouble with non-boaters at ramps than boaters over the years. It's a boat ramp, not a beach people!

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

At the end of the day, I usually work a couple waypoints near the launch site.

This way I can watch the boat launch and wait for a lull in ramp activity.

On this day, I was heading back to the barn and there wasn't another boat in sight.

Then as I was closing-in on the ramp, an empty trailer was backed down the ramp, right in front of my boat.

I dropped Lois off on the bank, she brings the car around and jockeys the trailer in position so we're next in line.


Next in line for WHAT?

I'm the only boat in the bay, I'm floating 100 ft off the boat ramp, I'm staring at someone's empty trailer and I'm marking time.

Then I hear the drone of an outboard motor in the distance, I turn around and see a boat way out in the middle of the lake,

heading in the direction of the launch site.


You know what that was all about, right?

The guy in the boat phoned his buddy or wife on shore. The accomplice then backs the trailer down the ramp

and has it waiting for the boat. Go ahead use the phone, but have the common decency to wait your turn at the ramp.

Don't kill all ramp activity while the world waits for the messenger boy to motor across the lake.

This actually happened twice to us!



fishing user avatarmacmichael reply : 
  On 6/2/2014 at 1:20 AM, MemphisFF said:

Them d**n firemen...

Ain't it the truth!!!! :)

fishing user avatarDave P reply : 

Last weekend during our weigh in there was an enormous 'toon sitting on the ramp and blocking a lane and a half for a good 45 minutes while he: a) tried to start the motor repeatedly. B) flooded same. c) ran the battery down. d) replaced same with another battery. e) took the plug out and changed it. f) tried to start repeatedly. g) took the cover off. f) dropped some tool in the water. g) replaced cover and finally got it started in an huge blue fog. He put it in a slip and it quit again but at least his wife/gf got to pull the trailer off the ramp.

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

I should stop reading these.  It gets my blood pressure up without even having to experience it myself.

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

If it was a small pond I'd block the ramp too! I'm going to be only one out there!

fishing user avatarFL Bass Abducter reply : 
  On 6/2/2014 at 1:20 AM, MemphisFF said:

Them d**n firemen...

Hey Memphis! Just wondering, are YOU a firefighter?  :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarColdSVT reply : 

I had to giggle at the guys that asked me recently how i was gonna load my boat by myself, as all three of them were loading thier jonboat.

They were shocked when backed in parallel to them and drove my boat on, hooked it, and kept my feet dry and was up and out before they roped thier boat on thier trailor lol

fishing user avatarDave P reply : 

OK, one more good one. Couple of years back I went to a local state park one afternoon. There are three lakes. The main one has a two hole ramp, the other two are one holers. So I pull up to the loot of the big lake and undo the straps. About the time I got in the truck and got ready to go put in, up pulls a big suv and a big ole deep v-bottom walk through. He pulls right down in the middle of the ramp, taking both lanes out of action. So, I sit. And sit. And sit. And sit. After about fifteen minutes, I pulled forward to see what the hold up was. Yep. Still "loading up". Straps aren't ever off yet. 4 adult humans, still getting baskets and coolers out. I'm pretty ticked, but I figure screw it, I'll just go to one of the other lakes. It takes a couple of minutes to get there so I put the straps on again. Pull up and take the straps off. There's one truck in the lot. They're in a jon boat on the other side of the lake. That is, until they see me starting to back down the ramp. Here they come flying and heading right in the middle of the one hole ramp. I'm making the universal I don't understand signal. He's making gestures and yelling. She evidently has to pee. Why the couldn't utilize the dock to get her out to pee, I don't know. So, now I'm really ticked. I peel off up the ramp and head back to the original lake. Annnnd, they're still not in the water. I'm absolutely fuming. I consider getting out and helping them get their crap together, but they finally show signs of launching. Another several minutes and finally done. I watch in awe as the son runs the boat into the dock with the trolling motor. Of course he's broadside across the ramp so, still can't launch. Oh, and the dad takes ten minutes to park the truck and get back to the dock. 40-45 minutes after I had originally tried to launch, I got in the water. The fishing sucked and the gnats were horrible. They were on the water for a grand total of 30 minutes, so I gave them plenty of time to get loaded up so my head wouldn't explode. True story.

fishing user avatarMemphisFF reply : 
  On 6/11/2014 at 8:26 AM, FL Bass Abducter said:

Hey Memphis! Just wondering, are YOU a firefighter? :eyebrows:

The FF didn't give it away did it? Or those d**n firemen? Lol
fishing user avatarjohnmb reply : 

What bothers me at the ramp, besides what has already been mentioned, is when you head out to your local lake with a small ramp and there are a couple of people sitting on the (only) dock with towels and bathing suits and picnic supplies.  Then, you start to launch and they don't get out of the way but instead watch in awe as if they've never seen a boat before.

fishing user avatarNathanW reply : 
  On 6/5/2014 at 11:16 PM, Ratherbfishing said:

I should stop reading these.  It gets my blood pressure up without even having to experience it myself.

I know....I am boiling right now reading these. Pretty much have first hand experience with everything mentioned.


I get out of my mind frustrated at the boat launches especially when the party crowd and salmon guys arrive. Around here they use their $40,000+ dollar boats about 12 times a year and it really shows when they are launching. This also attracts the sheriff who wants to inspect everyone's boat before they launch.


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