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"Good" LMBass Fishing Days by Region Survey 2024

fishing user avatarericwont reply : 

Hey guys.

So in my time of just lurking around, although it's quite obvious, people have drastically different ideas of what constitutes a "good" day out on the water. However, I'm curious if this is more based on skill or where people are from, so I kind of want to survey BR (since skill levels obviously fluctuate) to see if this is true or just my imagination.

For example, people from the southern United States talk about days catching 100+ bass, while that's positively unheard of for around me. My number is six bass, which might sound pathetic to some, but for the northeastern US, some people get skunked more often then not.

So my question is: what's the minimum number of bass that you need to land in a day for you to consider it a successful fishing trip? 

I know weight is a totally different factor, and I know it varies depending on the body being fished, but just try to generalize and come up with a number.

Thanks guys!

fishing user avatarMassYak85 reply : 

I don't have a specific number, it's more of combination of quantity and size. I'd say any outing I get 3 or more 2+ pounders, or any outing I catch more than 10 less than 2 is a pretty good outings. But it also depends what I am doing. If I am fishing swimbaits then I might be satisfied with one fish. 

I guess my satisfaction comes more from finding a pattern that works for that day. Chancing upon one large fish and then getting none the rest of the day isn't always rewarding to me. Neither is slaying complete dinks on a ned rig and getting 30 fish sometimes. It just depends on my goals for the day. Conditions also play into it. Fishing right after ice out I might be happy with one or two fish. 

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

Poor <10

Successful 25

Good 50 

Excellent 75+


fishing user avatarericwont reply : 
  On 6/6/2016 at 8:37 AM, MassYak85 said:

I don't have a specific number, it's more of combination of quantity and size. I'd say any outing I get 3 or more 2+ pounders, or any outing I catch more than 10 less than 2 is a pretty good outings. But it also depends what I am doing. If I am fishing swimbaits then I might be satisfied with one fish. 

I guess my satisfaction comes more from finding a pattern that works for that day. Chancing upon one large fish and then getting none the rest of the day isn't always rewarding to me. Neither is slaying complete dinks on a ned rig and getting 30 fish sometimes. It just depends on my goals for the day. Conditions also play into it. Fishing right after ice out I might be happy with one or two fish. 

Interesting response. I do see where you're coming from with the combination of size and number.

I rarely catch anything under a pound and a half around me, but as I said, around five or six and I'm thrilled.

But as you can see in the post below yours, the premise of catching over 75 bass is a possibility. For me it basically isn't.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 6/6/2016 at 8:08 AM, ericwont said:

So my question is: what's the minimum number of bass that you need to land in a day for you to consider it a successful fishing trip? 


But The Right One.



fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 
  On 6/6/2016 at 9:53 AM, A-Jay said:


But The Right One.



There's a word for people like you....:hahaha-024:

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 6/6/2016 at 9:59 AM, slonezp said:

There's a word for people like you....:hahaha-024:

There certainly is ~



fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

All fishing trips are good trips.Better than staying at home.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

Depends on how much time I have to fish.

In the typical  2-3 hours after work, I consider anything less than 3 decent (mid 2lb and up fish) a poor night.........unless they are all hogs. Between 5-10 decent fish in those 2-3 hours is an average night, over 10 a good night, and then there are the nights where I have caught them nonstop, but those nights are only once or twice every couple weeks.

On a day when I fish longer, I catch more.

fishing user avatarjtipton91 reply : 

Here in south central kansas I like 10 or so over 2 pounds. Thats a fantastic day for me. All varies accordingly with the body of water I'm on, time of day and season, along with how long I'm on the water. But like I said, 10 or so is fantastic for me.

fishing user avatarriverbasser reply : 

I count all days on the water good, anything over 5 fish is a good day unless there all under limit but I love fishing almost as much as I love catching

fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 

I would suggest that it is more lake dependent than region dependent.  While nearby bodies of water may share some characteristics, it isn't unusual to have a good lake & poor lake within 20 miles of each other.

That said, for my home lake, under 20 fish is a slower day and over 40 is a good day.  During our six weeks of winter, cut those numbers in half.  In comparison, when I was younger & fished a different lake almost exclusively, under 3 fish was a slow day and over 8 was a good day.  Experience and better gear & techniques makeup part of that difference, but the body of water I think is the biggest variable.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Not a numbers anglers unless tournament fishing, then 5 bass over 3 lbs  is OK, 5 over 5 lbs and I am getting a check. I have fished several days without a strike when trophy bass fishing without being disappointed because of the challenge and knowing the reward of catching big bass could happen the next cast.


fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I'd prefer to catch a handful of larger fish, but most of our lakes in NE Kansas just don't have many bigger fish. If I'm on a lake with mostly numbers of fish, I start to feel like I've done alright when I get around 50 fish in the boat. If I'm on a big fish lake, all I need is a couple good ones and I'm happy. Most of the lakes I go to for big fish I'm having a good day if I have a couple dozen in the boat.

If I'm after smallies it's not unusual to near or surpass 100 fish on a good day. 

fishing user avatardavecon reply : 

As stated above, any day on the water is a good day . That being said, anything less than 15 is a slow day. Usually have two or three days per year with between 50 and 75/100.

I only fish for bass December through April, then it's snook and juvi tarpon which is very tide dependent so it's kind of a crap shoot.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I fish some very pressured water.  If I don't get skunked I consider myself lucky.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I totally agree that depends on the body of water.

Toledo Bend: after 45 yrs my minimum daily average is 15 bass per day & a 3 lb average, that's considered a slow day. I fully expect a kicker in the 7-9 lb range daily.

Lacassine Wildlife Refuge: extremely difficult to fish, the average angler boats 0-5 fish a day. This year my daily average has been 10-12 with a 3-4 lb kicker

Sabine River: good for numbers with not much size; my average is 15-20 daily with 2 1/2-3 lb kicker.

fishing user avatar"hamma" reply : 

     Before I answer, its a good day, any day, I get to fish. Sometimes its a daunting task, just making it to a lake, that has a open spot for the truck/trailer to park in. Having everything fall into place and actually getting to float the boat and pick up a rod to make that first cast.

The body of water chosen, conditions, and chosen tactics are what determines success for me

meaning,,, If im fishing a smallie lake on a day the conditions are good id expect, 50 or over,..100 fish days happen here too but that also depends,..... a tough conditions day?,... over 10,. just because smallies are fiesty.

A small largemouth pond with good conditions, 10+,... tough conditions? 5 or more.

I usually expect myself to exceed a limit no matter what, after all the years of fishing ive done I should at least get a limit of fish that exceed that states size requirement. Do I always pass  this "test"? No, but its a very rare occasion that I get skunked anymore. Now that im thinking of it,..I cant remember my last skunking

fishing user avatarTurtle135 reply : 

Most of the bodies of water I fish get heavy fishing pressure. If I happen to catch 5 or 6 in that 14" - 16" size range I will generally upsize my presentation and change location/pattern to target a larger bass in the 20" plus range rather than continue to pound those average sized fish. I would rather not "educate" another 20 bass and will save those fish for another day.

So 3-4 average sized bass and 1-2 big fish would be a good day.



fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

I went Saturday. It was hot and very humid with full sun when i got there. I managed a couple bites, 1 fish. Then intermittent clods started rolling over. I could get a topwater bite on a Spook, Jr when cloudy but they didn't seem fully committed to it. Probably that was due to the light level. I ended up with 4 fish out of 9 bites. One of the ones I lost was probably 4 lbs. It was well-hooked, but got itself wrapped around a tree limb and got off before I could get to it. That was the dividing line. Had I caught that one, the day would have been a success. Having lost it, it was a bit of a disappointing day.

Now, if I go out and fish 3 hours and the only fish I catch is over 5 lbs, that's a good day because I admit I target the larger fish sometimes. If I can catch 5 fish on topwater, that's also a good day. Or maybe 10 dinks would qualify as well because at least it kept me busy and the bite is generally slower where I fish and fish don't seem to school as much as they are solitary creatures. It's a smaller body of water that can be completely fished in 3 hours from a kayak. 


fishing user avatarbigbassin' reply : 

So I'm hoping some Florida guys chime in and say 50+ days aren't that common out here because y'all are making me question my fish catching abilities... I consider 30 fish great, but am more than happy with just 5 coming out to over 15 pounds combined.

fishing user avatarBassMaster17 reply : 

The good size bass bite here in MI. has been terrible for me recently, so i would say any fish over 2 lb would be a success to the trip, currently that is. as for numbers im getting a little sick of catching 50 half lbers every trip, so that's why their not counting towards a successful trip for me.

fishing user avatarGundog reply : 

Eric I know what you are talking about. In the Northeastern part of the US we are not blessed with the big bass that the south has. In my local lake I will take any bass I can get. Unfortunately most will be 1lb or less but anything bigger than that is a bonus. I focus on techniques and what catches more fish during the conditions. 5-6 bass in the middle of summer is a good day. But I've fished lakes where catching one bass was a hugh feat and (I feel) worthy of a trophy. 

fishing user avatarDerekbass02 reply : 

Anywhere from 2-3 fish and up can be a good day if I get one nice fish. 1 fish would be fine with me if it was around my PB size. If I don't catch any size I need 5-7 or more for it to be a good day.

fishing user avatarRichF reply : 

If I don't catch over 20 a day up in Northern NY it's not that great.  That's 20 legal sized bass of 12 inches or larger as I don't count anything under that.  I also spend 99% of my time throwing big jigs, frogs, and bladed jigs which always get me the biggest bites.  I tend to fish every day like it's a tournament, looking for at least a 15lb sack of largemouth or 18-20lb sack of smallmouth since those weights will put you in the top 3 on most of the bodies I fish.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Many years ago how many used to matter, now ..... man there are days I don´t even make a cast and it was an excellent day, "gone fishin´ " doesn´t necessarily mean gone catching.

fishing user avatarMIbassyaker reply : 

I fish mornings almost exclusively, for about 3-4 hours at a time, 2-3 times a week. Any day fishing is "good", even if I get skunked. I'd count catching five or more keeper size (14") or "close" to be "successful", or one or more over 4lb would also be successful. But it depends a lot on where I am. I divide my time between about 25 different bodies of water in my area (mostly natural lakes, rivers, and river bayous) mostly small (30-150 acres), but that can vary a lot in water clarity, forage, cover, vegetation, pressure, and competition from other predator species. Not all of these places are highly productive for bass numbers or sizes, they just happen to be the bodies of water I prefer to be on. Some I visit more often than others, but I hit about 10-15 per summer, and I try to add a few new ones each year.  If I'm visiting a new place, or coming back to a tough one I don't know very well and haven't been there in a while, I'm happy if I catch one dink.

fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 
  On 6/6/2016 at 9:24 PM, the reel ess said:

...Then intermittent clods started rolling over...

That can really mess up a day of fishing.  You are walking down the bank, picking up fish here & there, when all of a sudden Herbert with the big under-bite shows up behind you and starts doing awkward somersaults.  It turns off the fish & can be very distracting... :P

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 6/7/2016 at 4:24 AM, OCdockskipper said:

That can really mess up a day of fishing.  You are walking down the bank, picking up fish here & there, when all of a sudden Herbert with the big under-bite shows up behind you and starts doing awkward somersaults.  It turns off the fish & can be very distracting... :P

Freudian slip about fishing with my daughter around.

fishing user avatarrmcguirk reply : 

Of course, every day fishing is a "good day."  But as to catching success it depends on the lake I'm fishing and the time of year I'm fishing.  Mid summer, where I keep my boat, if I get over 10 fish in a typical six-hour weekend day (before boating traffic gets too crazy), its a good day.  I very rarely get skunked (though it did happen in a three-hour trip this past Saturday).  And, since my lake is pretty good for size, if I catch 10 a couple are likely to be in the 4lb range, which I consider quality fish.  (I'm not counting the pike, though they can be a blast to fight.)

The lake I typically take my kayak out on is more of a numbers lake.  A good day there is well over 25--I've had days where I had to leave because I ran out of plastic.  But, catching over a 2lber there is much more rare. 

fishing user avatarIndianaFinesse reply : 

It really depends on what I am after.  If I am fishing for quality with big swimbaits, then my target is one fish every hour and fifteen minutes.  Anything less is a poor day, and anything more is a good day.  But if I am throwing a Ned rig, my average is 10-12 bass an hour. Under ten bass an hour is a slow day, and anything over twelve is a good day of fishing.  My personal record for numbers off bass in a four hour trip is 96 bass, frustratingly close to 101 fish.  That being said any day on the water is a good day, no matter what I catch.


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