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Fingers/Hand Issues - too much fishing? 2024

fishing user avatarJunger reply : 

This is my first year of consistent fishing. I go out at least once a week for 3-4 hours, if not more which started in late April to now. Just the last few weeks, I've noticed waking up with my left hand (my main hand that I hold a baitcaster) kind of stiff. The way I describe it is, the range of motion in my fingers is "clicky" compared to my right hand. With my right hand, I can open and close my fingers with a steady motion with no resistance from the joints or muscles. With my left hand, when I try the same motion, my finger knuckles seem to be very stiff, and it's like they click on or off (open or close) is not a steady motion. It's not painful, but it's definitely noticeable. It goes away after I start pounding my keyboard with emails and get the knuckles moving, but I've never experienced anything like this even after years of video games in my teens, twenties, and having worked on a keyboard for 20+ years. Anyone else experience anything like this?



fishing user avatarKrux5506 reply : 

I get this too with a baitcaster during the colder months. A lot of times, I'm either throwing a spinnerbait or swimbait, both similar types of casting/retrieving so the constant movement of that creates little cramps here and there. Usually if the fishing is on, then it's easy to ignore the cramps. 

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 

don’t worry, it gets worse as you get older. ????

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Condition called trigger finger where the tendons are compressed from inflammation going through the joints. 


fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Congratulations,  I see you've been introduced to Mr Arthritis. 

Although he's never really welcome that rarely stops him from stepping in & and ruining the party.

Just keep fishing. 



fishing user avatarJunger reply : 

Thanks all, it seems like it's more of trigger finger. I'll try those hand exercises, as well as some Advil and hopefully it'll go away soon.

fishing user avatarDirtyeggroll reply : 

A little bit of Advil BEFORE and after you go fishing wouldn’t be a bad thing if it’s once or twice a week.


Just as long as you don’t have any kidney disease.

fishing user avatarSteve1357 reply : 

Pick up a couple left handed models of your reels. Doesn't take long at all to get use to them. I have a bad day every once in a while, if I didn't have a couple of Abu 5501 reels, I'd have to cut the trip short.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
  On 9/5/2018 at 2:52 AM, lo n slo said:

don’t worry, it gets worse as you get older. ????


If I woke up in the morning with no pain I would think I was dead!


fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

Yup, happens as you get older. Try to find an SNL skit called "Il Returno de Hercules" Bill Murray at his best.


fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I was fishing everyday from springtime till I get burned out three months down the road. Not my fingers it’s my lower back ever since I went to longer rods and try to make record long casts. I have three lower bulging discs, spinol stenosis, ect.

fishing user avatarmoguy1973 reply : 

I have three trigger fingers and it's really aggravating sometimes when you grab something and you can't let go because your finger won't open up. I sometimes have to use my other hand to open up the finger.  If it has just started an ortho doctor can inject cortisone in the joint where your finger meets the palm of your hand and it may loosen up the inflammation enough to cure the trigger caused by the tendon sheath catching on the inflammation on the tendon.  I had it in one of my thumbs and an injection helped that one.  I also had injections in my three fingers but they had built up too much scar tissue to help with just the injection.  I'll eventually have to have surgery on those three fingers to get rid of the trigger.  Seems like it's a 9-14 day down time per finger.  My doctor says it's just something that happens to some people. It's not from working with tools, popping my knuckles as a kid, fishing, sports, etc.  Although I'm one of the younger people he's seen with trigger fingers in as many fingers as I do.

fishing user avatarfishwizzard reply : 

I get a cramp in my pinky some times when I have been fishing heavly.  I find that taking advil before I go out helps a lot, as does switching over to a spinning rod for a while. 

fishing user avatarLog Catcher reply : 
  On 9/5/2018 at 8:10 PM, Catt said:


If I woke up in the morning with no pain I would think I was dead!


And I thought I was the only one on here that felt that bad.

fishing user avatarGundog reply : 

Carpel tunnel and tendonitis in my right hand is keeping me from enjoying the end of summer. Not something I'd wish on my worst enemy.

fishing user avatarIgotWood reply : 

Same here bud! Tendinitis, and arthritis for me. Start exercising your hand NOW, before it becomes a chronic issue! It will go away, or at least become less bothersome if you religiously do some stretches. Just google hand and finger stretches. They are all pretty standard. And you must continue to do the exercises even after the problem subsides. 

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Although I have a level of pain daily my goal is to keep it manageable through exercise.


As relating to fishing I had to change how cast/flip/pitch & set hook.


Stay active my friend  ???? 

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

If you don't develope a daily routine of stretches and exercise to keep the joints moving and muscles toned things tend to tighten up loosing range of motion. Inflammation is also created from what you eat so as you age adjusting your diet helps.

The joint damaged is already done by the time aches and pain shows up!

My morning routine takes 20 minutes of stretches before I can put on my own shoes.


fishing user avatarNHBull reply : 

 Advil helps, it works  best if there is a trace already in your system. That said, it is worth seeing a physical or occupational theropist to get into a stretching routine. I have compression gloves I wear at night and it does help to eleviate some swelling. 

fishing user avatartander reply : 

I am 67 and don't have much joint pain. I do stretches and walking. I also take glucosamine chondroitin and apple cider vinegar with mother every morning. May not work for everyone but it does for me.

fishing user avatarSmalls reply : 

The way I grip my rods/reels, my ring finger begins to hurt/go numb on occasion. Usually after a heavy day of frogging. It’s minor tendinitis caused by that finger a) taking a good amount of the weight/force, and b) being in a somewhat awkward position for the whole day. 


Try adjusting your grip, or holding your rod at a slightly different angle. I also find that taking a 10 minute break every so often and rubbing the affected joints helps. 

fishing user avatarburrows reply : 

Could be carpel tunnel my hand or fingers  used to lock up hurt like a mofo I had the surgery for carpel tunel release and pain is gone let me tell you carpal tunnel ain’t no joke.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 

Well, at 73, arthritis is one reason I don't post much anymore. Bass fishing has become very uncomfortable for me with the arthritis in both my hands. Doc has me on Glucosamine/Chondroitin and huge fish oil capsules! And I excercise and walk just about every day. Doesn't seem to help much, but it's about all you can do.


Now I fish for crappie & bluegill. Less painful and just about as much fun, with 9' rods & 2# test line! LOL! I miss the bass fishing, but it's no long much of an option these days. Count your blessings guys! :)

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 
  On 9/10/2018 at 8:33 PM, Crestliner2008 said:

Well, at 73, arthritis is one reason I don't post much anymore. Bass fishing has become very uncomfortable for me with the arthritis in both my hands. Doc has me on Glucosamine/Chondroitin and huge fish oil capsules! And I excercise and walk just about every day. Doesn't seem to help much, but it's about all you can do.


Now I fish for crappie & bluegill. Less painful and just about as much fun, with 9' rods & 2# test line! LOL! I miss the bass fishing, but it's no long much of an option these days. Count your blessings guys! :)

FYI, this isn't medically proven but....reducing your gluten consumption tends to help both myself and wife problems with arthritis issues. Anything that reduces inflammation helps reduce the pain and swelling. Getting old isn't for sissy's! 




fishing user avatarBig Rick reply : 

There's a great product called Relief Factor. It's all natural and not some MLM product. Resveratrol, Turmeric, Omega 3, and Icariin. It made all the difference in my inflammation. It took 2 weeks to max the benefits, but it worked....  


I'm not sponsored, related, or anything. Just passing along info on what has worked for me.

fishing user avatargreentrout reply : 

Had bad case of trigger finger in both hands....60 plus yrs. old...doc said best thing to do stop fishing for a while and let the hands rest with some exercise with a stress ball and the like...worked...


Now, don't sling the cast anymore -- now with a relaxed motion not attempting to throw it a mile when fan casting...too...find myself using spinning gear mostly plastics...spinnerbaits not near as much...spincast will also see more use in the for me


good fishing...


A man's got to know his limitations.


Dirty Harry Callahan

fishing user avatar1BADAIR reply : 

had trigger finger surgery on both hands .  cortisone injections didnt last very long.  Alieve and rest helps.  I also would tape something to my finger to hold it completey straight at night

fishing user avatarFairtax4me reply : 

I’m 33 and have had issues with minor arthritis since I was a teen. Doctor said I’m a candidate for RA (sure makes me wanna live another 3 decades!) 


Ive had a few days when I can barely hold a rod after 30 minutes and just have to put it down. Couple things I’ve noticed are that hand positioning on the rod/reel and the size  of the reel and/or rod will make a significant difference at times.

Sometimes a 200 size reel is more comfortable to grip. Others a 75 size is best. I’ve returned one or two reels I bought that were horribly uncomfortable to hold. 


I also try to alternate grip between index, middle, and ring fingers on the “trigger” of the rod. This changes your hand placement on the reel. It may feel odd at first but after spending 30 minutes with one hold, then changing to another hold, it changes how your hand sits rather than leaving it in the same position for hours at a time. 

I have plenty of fishing days during the summer when I spend 12-14 hours in a single day holding a rod and casting/reeling, and making those change-ups front time to time make all the difference. 


Another thing that really helps is lighter weight rods and reels. Not necessarily lighter action, but less actual weight in your hand. They cost more, but they sure can make fishing a lot more enjoyable when your hands and arms aren’t tired of casting heavy gear after a few hours. 

fishing user avatarMobasser reply : 

I've done carpentry work all most all my adult life. Gripping tools, boards etc hasn't helped. Luckily, I don't have huge hand problems. I have a friend who is a mechanic, and he is worse off. He has to take a break from fishing sometimes. One thing that's helped him is to use rods with a thicker handle, or adding foam grips to increase the diameter of his rod handles. Too many years of gripping small parts, wrenches, etc has taken its toll. Unfortunately, these things creep up on us as we get older

fishing user avatarHarold Scoggins reply : 
  On 9/5/2018 at 2:52 AM, lo n slo said:

don’t worry, it gets worse as you get older. ????

You know it!

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Believe I've mentioned it hands are getting horrible with the arthritis and there's a big knot on my left palm that seems to change sizes at will.  Doc says will have to cut some day...."we will see"!!!  Hope not.  Takes about ten to fifteen minutes most mornings to just get the hands working.....If it even looks cold outside I put on the Nitrite gloves and they are a game changer for me....could not imagine not fishing through the cold weather when everyone is inside looking out.  


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