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Funniest Fishing Stories 2024

fishing user avatarmatuka reply : 

I'm sure we all have several that would qualify so let's have at it!

fishing user avatarBrian6428 reply : 

I don't have any really funny stores, but this one is ok.


One time this past summer my brother and I were fishing on our local lake. We had been fishing for about an hour with no luck so I decided to change lures. I was sitting on the rod locker with the center storage compartment open, which holds my tackle. My brother was on the trolling motor fishing a 7" power bait worm T-rigged. I was just tying my new knot when my brother says he's got one. There was no time to get the net so he just boat flipped it, as it wasn't much larger than a pound. As soon as he gets the fish over the boat the fish comes off and falls right into my tackle compartment. 


I had a tough time getting that flopping fish out of my tackle compartment but once I did it swam away just fine. The amazing thing is that when my brother checked his worm to re-rig it on the hook, the hook point wasn't even exposed! The hook point was still sitting right under the plastic with no signs of penetrating the plastic or any fish's mouth. The fish bit and held on to that power bait worm so hard that he reeled it in and flipped it in without hooking it!


I'm sure the whole situation would have been hilarious to an observer. I bet the fish falling into my tackle compartment and me struggling to get it out was quite the spectacle. After all that we laughed in amazement that he flipped a fish into the boat without even hooking it!

fishing user avatarblackmax135 reply : 

putting my boat back on the trailer I had my buddy sitting on the tailgate pulling the boat up.  He got it all hooked up and I slammed the gas because I was in a hole and forgot to take it out of reverse.  My buddy had to get a new phone and all my tools in my bed are rusted now lol.  Lets just say im lucky the truck pulled out when half the bed was under water

fishing user avatarmatuka reply : 

I'll throw one in since I started this. My friend Mike and I were having a so so day at the Delta. Finally the wind picked up and the tide turned. We went to a spot we call the restaurant, a point with now both the wind and current pushing on it from across a weedy flat. I tied on a fresh swimbait and cast toward a grass patch on the point. A strong hit, a good hookset, and a behemouth ticked off largemouth screamed past the boat into deeper water. It was easily the biggest fish I hooked and I start screaming  at Mike  to get ready. After a brief tussle I guided her along side the boat with Mike on his knees and his big hands waiting. He said,"its way over ten, eleven, might be thirteen" and grabbed her jaw. He leaned back with the pig in hand. I'm screaming, he's screaming, then in a few seconds she starts shaking her tail, Hard! Mike is trying to get control as she shakes. In a second she's over the water, and Mike has both hands in her mouth. Two more shakes then Mike falls overboard still holding the fish. A few  seconds later he surfaces, PFD deployed and grabs the gunnel. Spitting water he yells, "get the f?$%&!in fish"! I see the line between his hands and grab hold in time feel two shakes, then it went limp. My twenty lb fluoro was chewed thru, I never touched the fish, and never got a picture, never even weighed her. Mike climbed aboard then we start laughing uncontrollably.  But why is this funny? The way I look at it, if anyone had caught this on video, it might make the funniest fishing story somewhere, highlighting two dumb--- fisherman being made fools of by a big green peasized brain fish. Besides, if we had handled the situation, high fived, weighed it and taken photos, it would just be another boring big fish story.   

fishing user avatarDjman72 reply : 

My best bud had a girlfriend who lived on a private small farm pond with some monster bass. We would slay them on just about anything. One time my buddy's older brother was with us and me and him went out on a little row boat while my bud stayed back with his girl.


We were pulling them in pretty good that day on some t rigged worms and my boat mate said he'd hooked into one. Not thinking anything of it I casted out and hooked into a little dink. Bill tells me the fish is decent sized and was about to surface right next to me and he asked me to lip it for him.


I was fully focused on keeping my fish from snagging in a brush pile when he said he needed the lip. I glance over and grab the lip not knowing the size of this thing. I tried to lift at a funny angle and couldn't move it so I look over at what turned out to be a monster.


My fist fit in this fish's mouth easily and i'm a big guy with big hands. It literally startled me and I lost grip when she shook. The hook ripped out and went directly into my hand deep. The fish swam away and I felt like the biggest Arse.


We still talk about it to this day, and i'll always feel like a horses behind for losing such a prized fish.


I still wonder how big that thing was. For a small Indiana Farm pond, this thing was a behemoth.



fishing user avataryugrac reply : 

My wife started fishing with me after I bought my first boat, [an old 14 ft sylvan v hull I gave 650 for] all she had caught the first 6 or so times out were small Crappie and a few bluegill. I told her we would try to go after some big bluegill one Sunday Morning so I stopped at the bait shop and bought a few dozen waxworms. She had only fished with lures to this point. I baited her hook and told her to just watch her bobber and when it started moving wait for it to go under and then she would have a fish. She sat there for a few minutes and ask me "is this all there is to this?" I said yes this is bobber fishing' well she starts daydreaming and looking around at the birds and such when I told her, Gayle, your bobbers gone. she pulls back on the rod but gets something she didnt count on, something VERY big on the other end. She was screaming what do I do! I told her you have watched River Monsters, pull up and crank down, about that time it took off nearly pulling the rod out of her hand, she grabbed the rod toward the tip I told her NO! It will break your rod keep your rod tip up, she raised the rod so far back she got the line tangled around the hood on her sweatshirt, yelling help me help me. So I took her rod and got the line untangled from her hood, handed the rod back to her and told her its your fish you land it.  She did manage to get it to the boat and I was surprised to see a 28 Inch long Carp! She said after it was in the boat, Oh my god my heart is pounding, my hands are shaking! I told her, see fishing is not so boring now is it. We caught several more large carp that day all on waxworms. She has came a long way since then and after 3 full seasons can now hit her marks when casting, and spends lots less time in the trees and bushes, and on several trips has out fished me. She is still my sweetheart.

fishing user avatarBlues19 reply : 

I was night fishing with my uncle on Kentucky Lake one June night.  I was using a 10" Anaconda  and caught a dink.  It wasnt more than 13-14 inches.  As I went to re-rig the worm and texpose the hook I looked at the tail. Somehow that fish managed to tie the tail in an overhand knot.  Reminded me of someone tying a cherry stem in a knot.  Not a really funny story, but it was interesting.  A funnier story is when my uncle and I were fishing there was a red wasp flying all over the place.  My uncle was swinging at it with his rod.  Couldnt get it. I figured since it was by him I wasnt gonna worry about it.  And if it was by me if I left it alone it would leave me alone.  A few minutes later that joker flew up my shorts and stung me right on the heinie. We were swinging hats, kicking, trying darn near everything to get that wasp.  Im sure we looked like lunatics to anyone who was passing by.

fishing user avatarpaul. reply : 

when i was much younger, i lucked up on what was considered the holy grail of fishing tackle at the time - a boron rod at a ridiculously low price at a store that was about to go out of business.  to this day, i was more giddy over that purchase than i ever have been over any other expenditure on fishing tackle.  and why not?  i got a rolls royce for the price of a bicycle.  boron rods were the "members only" jackets of the fishing world. 


and man o man did that rod ever catch fish.  very quickly i became convinced that there were magical powers contained within that lightweight super sensitive boron awesomeness.  sometimes i wondered if the rod was even crafted by human hands at all.  perhaps it was left here by aliens who were watching from afar, conducting a bizarre experiment to see how a bumbling human would react to their advanced technology.  in retrospect, i wonder if it could have shot lasers or somehow teleported fish out of the water into my waiting hands if i had only been smart enough to figure out how to harness its full potential. 


i cherished that rod like it was my only child, even down to polishing my fingerprints off of it after every outing.  and i never, EVER let anyone else touch it. 


it was only natural for me to begin wondering if its powers extended beyond fishing.  one day i decided to find out.  i had met a girl that i was crazy about.  and the kicker was that she actually liked to fish.  i decided that she was the only human on the planet worthy of sharing a trip that included my precious magic fishing wand.  this was the perfect storm.  the girl of my dreams and the rod of my dreams on the same fishing trip.  perhaps the rod's powers and luck would extend beyond the realm of fishing.  :eyebrows:


initially, that hot summer day's trip exceeded all expectations with big fish after big fish reeled in, admired, and released.  in my delirium, i proceeded to do the unthinkable.  i handed her the rod to reel in a fish.  biggest fish she had ever caught she said.  she offered to go to the store to buy us a couple of cold beverages to celebrate.  i wouldn't hear of her buying me a drink.  "hold on, i got it, let me give you some money," i said.  i laid down the rod and walked to the car, wallet in hand.  "be back in a minute", she said with a smile that just made me melt.  she turned the car around and headed for the store.  too late, i saw it happening like it was in slow motion.  she ran right over my precious boron rod!!!  NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! i screamed in a pathetic wail that was probably heard in the next county.  not knowing what in the world she had done, and probably more than a little freaked out herself to hear a grown man scream like that, she slammed the car in reverse and headed back towards me at the speed of sound trying to figure out what the commotion was about - BACKING RIGHT OVER MY BORON ROD A SECOND TIME!!! 


i just fell to the ground beside the shattered rod and shattered dreams lamenting this horrible, sadistic twist of fate.  why couldn't she just have run over me instead?  it was over.  it was all over.  the mojo was gone.  i just knew i would never catch another fish again.  i have never felt such rage and betrayal.  this woman deserved a fate worse than death. there was no choice.  she HAD to be punished for committing this unspeakable act.  so i married her.  she has been paying for that rod for the last 25 years.  and neither one of us could be happier about it.  :grin:

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 
  On 2/17/2015 at 9:48 AM, paul. said:

when i was much younger, i lucked up on what was considered the holy grail  so i married her.   and neither one of us could be happier about it.  :grin:


Excellent Story Paul.


I fixed it (a little) for you.


Thanks for sharing it.



fishing user avatarBluegiller reply : 

My Dad thought he caught a whopper, and slowly reeled in a huge branch. It was huge, I couldn't believe the line didn't snap. It was funny, but I wish he had actually caught a huge fish.

fishing user avatarmatuka reply : 

One more just for fun. Fishing The Cali Delta with a nooby I felt more like a guide than a fishing companion. I handed him a Spinning rod and weightless senko. It can't get any easier. We were in a well known spawning flat with tules and a seawall. I missed a bite in the trough between the two and instructed Daniel to quickly toss back in there to that hot fish. In his excitement he launched a high one that got caught in the considerable wind. His senko flew about twenty feet left of target, over the seawall, which is about six feet higher than my deck. He was embarrassed and I acted like it was no biggie. Happens all the time. I kicked the T-motor into high and cruised to the wall. Daniel says he has something pulling on the line. Yeah right. I figured he hooked a twig that was twirling in the current. He held the boat steady at the wall and I hopped up and straddled it. It was then that I saw he actually did hook something. A four pounder was going crazy trying to get away from the wall and Daniel's senko. I'm bustin a gut by now. Luckily the fish couldn't throw the hook as I hand lined her up the wall and handed Daniel his prize, his PB as well. He's hooked now!

fishing user avatarDILLY07 reply : 

Day 2 on Iowa Bass Nation aka Federation for B.A.S.S as a non boater. I was paired up with this guy, Greg, a local on his town where the tournament event was held at in Dubuque, Iowa. 


Story is going to be detailed...


I get up at 3:20 a.m. and so pumped for Day 2 and hoping for a limit ( which ended up with 3 keepers). I get coffee, hurried to the boat ramp. I waited for Greg to meet me at the ramp so I can put my gear in his 2014 Legend. So, I get in his truck so I can back down his boat. Got that done. I meet him down at the water. Exchanged words and such and talked.


Finally, launched was number 33, took awhile. Went to the Lock and Dam to go up river. Got to this spot, I remember this exactly spot where I caught 2 keepers in that area during official practice. I didn't tell him. I did later the day. Anyways, I see he was using black and blue chigger craw 3/8 oz pegged. He pitched to high. I don't know why but his lure got in the tree and got stuck. So, he kept pulling it, like it was tug of war. He was like hell with it, he pulled so hard with his strength that he get. It popped out, but thing is the bullet weight came out FLYING and hit him the nads. :laugh5:  . He groaned and started laughing so hard. I was in tears of laugh. But got 2 keepers in that area, just like I did during practice. Later on that day, we became friends.


I'll never forget that day.

fishing user avatarEthanw08 reply : 

I know this thread is old but I stumbled upon it and have to share this story of my dad. I could keep you guys up all night in a cabin in the woods laughing until sunrise will all the stories I have of him but this one stuck out.


We borrowed a sweet Ranger from my dad's boss at work which owned his own company. He was loaded. I mean multi-millionaire! He told us we could borrow his boat anytime we wanted so we decided to take him up on that. We got to the lake, unloaded the boat, made it half way across the lake at midnight and the boat dies........of course we call the bossman to no avail, he doesn't answer it is midnight so we figured as much. My dad left a voice mail...."Dave....Uhhhh, we started up your boat and made it across the lake and it died. We know it has fuel, cause we topped off both tanks, where is the switch, if you could call us back we'd appreciate it" then right before he hangs up my dad says...."uuhhhhh Dave, we're drifting...we're headed for the rocks.....over and out." then just hangs up. We were nowhere near rocks, he just though that by saying that he would call back faster lmao. we get towed back (30 min tow) and Dave calls back and says the switch is between my dads legs just below the seat cushion.....OMG! We felt so bad for the gusy in the pontoon that just towed us all the way across the lake, we tried to pay them and explain the boat wasn't ours and we thought it was engine trouble. They laughed at us (as they should have tried to kill us lol.)


The next day, we head back out to the shallows where we lowered the trolling motor and caught some small ones. We wanted to get on some bigger fish after about an hour so with my brother driving, my dad in the passenger seat and me laying on the front casting deck, I signaled to my brother we are good to go! My brother eased into the throttle, that 250 started rumbling'! The front lifted up! Here we go I thought! Then water just starts dumping on me! I cant see a d**n thing! Then I hear it! My brother floors it! That 250 is SCREAMIN! the boat lifts even higher! EVEN MORE WATER is coming over now, he held it like this for 30 seconds. We all cant see anything now. All I see is the wave of water in front of the boat just dumping on me. I hear my brother cut the engine and I will never forget what I saw, My brother with his eyes squinted, my dad scrunching over in his passenger seat, water running full stream off of the bill of his hat, a full cigarette that he had just lit is now broken in half soaking wet, but still dangling out of his mouth, and through the dripping water off the bill of his hat there is not an ounce of emotion on his face. He looked like what just happened was completely and utterly normal HAHAHA! What caused the issue? The trolling motor was never pulled up and when my brother hammered on the throttle it was scooping water from the lake and dumping it on top of the boat. I have never laughed so hard in my life thinking about the look on my dads face and then him uttering the words "GAWD d**n boys!" What happened to my smoke!?!!



fishing user avatardetroit1 reply : 

3 guys were trolling for musky on lk. st. clair all morning without a bite. They tried different  sizes and styles of baits to no avail. Over by the shoreline they heard a lady yelling and looking like she was panicked. They motor over to see what was wrong and if they could help. She said her little dog was out swimming and she heard a big splash, she turned around, and the little dog was gone. One of the anglers asked the lady what color her dog was.

fishing user avatarkiteman reply : 

when i was a kid a friend from out of town came and visited and we went fishing in a local pond.  we were probably 12-13.  he had never fished before and i remember he hooked up to a little bream, and instead of reeling in the line/fish, he just turned away from the lake and sprinted while holding the fishing pole until the fish came out of the lake.  i just remember thinking "where's he going??" i guess there's more than one way to skin a cat.

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 

Here is a couple:


My husband and I were fishing our Weekend Warriors Bass tournament, which is a monthly draw type tournament and we never know which lake we get until that morning. This time we drew Lake Gentry. A fairly tough lake and at that time we had to go by State Rules which was 1 each over 22" and the others had to be under 22' for a 5 bass limit. For one of the first times, we actually got our limit by noon. So Kevin said we could eat a little snack before fishing more.  So I plop down in my seat and eat a bacon cheddar cracker. While I'm eating, I throw a senko out by some Kissimmee Grass and said I'll just let the senko do it's stuff and just sit there. I just then grab a second cracker and the line I have my finger under does a little "tic". Then I do what he calls my "ejection seat" move and test the line. Fish. I rear back with a hook set and you see that deep water swirl and I'm "Oh My Goodness"!  I end up with a 6 pound 2 ounce bass. A gentry giant. After I put it in the live well I feel a heaviness below my throat and I'm looking around for my cracker. Turns out I swallowed that cracker and felt like it was stuck there the rest of the day. I lost big bass by 2 ounces by another team that broke off the braid while pitching in lily pads and ended up hand lining their bass in.


The other I call the Ballad of Little Red.

I was in the Paralyzed Veterans Bass tournament Citrus Slam this year. I recommend it if you haven't done this. I went as a co-angler for a paralyzed boater. I paired up with Jason Swanson of Texas with his service dog Buddy Swanson. We were in his Lund boat and it has really a big live well. The first day, they do all the fishing but you can net, suggest locations and baits, and help them cull their fish.  He caught one on a frog and then after I gave him a fluke with some bait scent, he had another 12" . I put a red culling tag on it and the first bass was a lot bigger so I joking told it not to eat the little one. After putting a couple more in, the little red one was still the smallest and it was getting chased from one end of the well to the other. I told Jason that little red one sure needs to get culled soon. We managed to get a nice 2 pounder and I took the small bass out and turned it loose in an open spot of hydrilla, telling it to go, grow up, see ya next year, it swam down a bit. So Jason continues fishing that grass line and about 10 minutes later we hear a big splash. About 40 yards behind us an Osprey was in the water and started flapping to fly off. We both watched and saw it had a fish. We watched it flying off with the struggling fish and both said, its a bass he got.. about a 1 pounder... then we both looked at each other and said "Little Red!"  Poor little Red. Through out the rest of the day we would now and then shake our head and say "Poor little Red".

(Jason won 5th place in the open and we both won 5th in the team competition on day two).

fishing user avatarCroakHunter reply : 

I've got one, it was approximately 10 years ago and the girl I was "dating" said her step dad liked to fish, so I said let's go. He said he had a honey hole full of 1lb bluegill and red ear. Even better. Its was early May so the gills were spawning. We loaded up his rickety 12ft boat and picked up one of his buddies and hit the pond. Boy oh boy were we laying into them. One right after another. I was sitting in the middle and at one point I couldn't even fish because I was passing the bait back and forth and putting the fish on the stringer that was tied to the side of the boat. So after 50-60 big bluegill and red ear are on the stringer it started getting pretty heavy. Next thing I knew we started to rock a bit and using my cat like reflexes I grabbed the sides of the small boat to help stabilize us. Which was great because we settled down shortly...the big stringer of fish also settled down shortly, settled to the bottom of the pit! I tried to grab it, I yelled for help, I even tried to snag it with my rod But to no avail. We were sitting in approximately 40ft of water casting into 3 ft. I felt so bad for wasting all those fish, it still embarasses me when I think about it. But I can't help but laugh at the thought of someone seeing us idiots out there in that little tin boat balling and squawling and watching our guaranteed fish fry sink to the bottom. 

fishing user avatartoni63 reply : 

Went fishing with a friend (who really wasn't much of an angler but enjoyed it all the same) in a 12 foot john on a small sluice lake. We weren't catching anything for about 4-5 hours, tried a bunch of different stuff, no luck. So we are sitting about 8 feet off a bank casting parallel to it when he decides the heck with it and rears back and lets fly with his mightiest casting effort all day trying to break the distance record and his lure ends up about twenty feet up the bank in some briars and bushes. So I look at him and say "yeah, that's where they'll be Art, up in the bushes up there......." 

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 
  On 12/19/2017 at 9:12 AM, Fishing Cowgirl said:

Poor little Red.

Poor little Red!


fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

Waaaay back when I had a friend who performed exactly zero (0) maintenance on his fishing gear.  It was not then and to this day it is not uncommon for him to fish with only half a spool of line.  On this day his line was looking mighty shabby.  I said too him, "Your line needs to be replaced."  Nope.  So we're fishing a deep pool on a river.  He's using a Rooster Tail (he always uses a Rooster Tail).  He hooks into a nice bass.  As expected, *POP*.  Line breaks.  My friend is bumming.  I refrain from saying anything.  We continue to fish.


The fishing begins to slow and I elect to fish the far end of the pool with a night crawler under a bobber.  It isn't long before my bobber goes down and I pull in a good bass.  One of the better ones I'd caught in my early fishing career.  HUGE by our meager standards.  Low and Behold!  What does it have in its mouth?  A rooster tail!  I take it out and hand it to him, saying "You want your lure back?"  Perhaps it was funnier at the time but back was hilarious!

fishing user avatarBassNJake reply : 

I took a girl out on my canoe for our first date on a hot summer day.

She had only been fishing a couple of times before and never in a canoe.

We paddle out to this spot and she can see something in the water.

She stands up and leans over to take a look.

Like the idiot I am, I purposely shake the canoe a little and she goes in head first.

She's terrified, I'm laughing and trying to keep her calm so she dont tip the whole canoe over.

She finally gets in and we ended up having a great day.

She kept apologizing and I kept telling her it was all good and it would be a great story for us.


I meet the parents later that night and she tells the story to her mom and dad.

Her dad takes one look at me and says I bet he dumped you in on purpose.

(I didn't fess up until later that I may have caused the canoe to rock at the same time she was leaning over)


We ended up being friends and had a laugh or twenty about it over the years.

fishing user avatarRuss E reply : 

my funniest fishing memory was during a windy spring bass tournament. the water temp was 55 degrees and we were catching a lot of bass in standing timber with spinnerbaits. My fishing partner in the back of the boat snagged a brushpile with his last spinnerbait . the timber was too thick to get to the snag, so I could only get within 5 ft of the snag. I offered him one of mine, but he was intent on getting his back.

he stepped out onto a log with one foot. the wind swung the boat around and he did a perfect split between the log and the boat. while I was laughing, trying not to move the boat, I was also impressed he was so flexible. he looked like Jean Claude Van Damme. after a 10 second pose he fell in the water. he never did get the spinnerbait.

we won the tournament and after I told everyone at the weigh in the story, his new club name was Jean Claude Van Damme 

fishing user avatarPamAndJim reply : 
  On 2/18/2015 at 6:38 AM, DILLY07 said:

It popped out, but thing is the bullet weight came out FLYING and hit him the nads. :laugh5:  

I had a very similar experience when I was out fishing with a buddy of mine.  I was casting my Rat L Trap and some how the wind caught it just right.  It flew for what seemed like miles, landed on top of a row of boat slips, and got stuck on the metal roof.  I tried tugging and twitching from every possible angle with no luck.  After a few fruitful minutes, i give it one last pull figuring it would either come lose or I would break the line.  I did not break the line...  that thing came off of that roof like a rocket and hit me right in the family jewels.  Luckily i was wearing some lose fitting shorts and was able to unhook it pretty easily.  But, we both had a good laugh.

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

One of my favorite stories was when a friend I nicknamed " hoot owl " and me went speckled perch fishing in a lake near Gainesville Fl.

So Hoot owl begged me to take him fishing. I'm pretty sure it was his first time. (22 years old) .We got some minnows and went out on the lake. He could not bait the hook. He could not cast a zebco 33. He threw off every minnow I put on the hook. I finally would bait the hook and just get him to drop it over the side of the boat. He actually caught a low IQ speck or two that way. After a while I decided to try to teach him to cast a spinning reel. At first he seemed to do a little better with it so I turned my attention to catching specks. Within 5 minutes he said " Somethins wrong with this reel. What was wrong was he had reeled the line all the way around the handle somehow and it was tied up and immovable. He had asked me to borrow one of my hats and I let him wear one of my favorite Gator hats with the stipulation that he not let it get wet. Shortly after the wrapped up reel incident I see my hat floating by !! I look back at hoot owl and he's fishing intently with not a care in the world. He didn't seem to understand why I raised my voice at that point. To quote Andy Griffith " Some's got it , and some aint "????



fishing user avatarJohnbt reply : 

An ocean pier in Virginia Beach Virginia 30 years ago. I'm with friends fishing off the end of the pier and it's crowded - shoulder to shoulder crowded and we're all fishing heavy gear for cobia.


After a couple of hours go by an old guy makes a cast and throws his rod and reel in the water. Oops. We have shipyard workers, lawyers, mechanics, all sorts of people there and not one person made a noise. A few people started turning blue from holding it in.


The guy's wife was sitting behind us on the bench. We found out when she said, "That's the second time you've done that this weekend." - Silence on the pier


We started dragging the bottom with 4-ounce metal lures with treble hooks and after 20 minutes a foreman from the shipyard snagged a line. After about 200 yards of mono he looked at the guy and said, "You did tie it on the spool, didn't you?"  Then we laughed. And the man got his gear back.

fishing user avatarGundog reply : 

I'll tell a story on myself, one I don't repeat because of ego issues. I was fishing with a friend in what use to be my 12' jon boat (that I had sold to him). My friend is not a great fisherman but he is ok with a spinning reel. I was trying to convince him that he should learn to use a baitcaster. Telling him how great it is and how much longer you can cast with it and to prove my point I rear back and throw what would have been a very long cast if the spool hadn't engaged. The 3/8 ounce weight on the line swung back at me and connected right in my nether regions. I dropped the rod and reel and clutched the area and my friend burst out into uncontrollable laughter. Every time I get to full of myself he brings that day up. 

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

The story above reminded me of a fishing pier story when I was 10 or so. This woman hooked something real big and was struggling to reel it in. As luck would have it , her husband had gone off the pier to the bait store . The woman continued to desperately fight her " fish".

At about that time , it came up , flat , and about the size of a small car hood. And it was flapping. Immediately , she began to yell at the top of her lungs  " A FLOUNDA !! IT'S A FLOUNDA ! Her husband was just making it back to the pier when he heard the commotion and began running out on the pier with his bag of supplies. The whole time he was running she continued yelling the same " A FLOUNDA !!.

The husband gets to her , panting , looks over the side and says disgustedly " Its NOT a FLOUNDA , Its a STINGERAY."

Everyone on the pier was either laughing or trying hard not to.

My dad shook his head and muttered something about" those yankees."


fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

Beyond the usual launching the boat without the plug...


My fish &ski didn't run for 6 months because I had the kill switch pulled and didn't know. My dad and I worked on it weekends for months before he finally called me up and asked if I'd checked the switch. How embarrassing! The number one rule of mechanics is to always check the simplest solutions first. I know that but routinely forget to apply it.


My dad and I were out once trolling along the bank when we came across Mr. Tourney Bassboat leaving a spot. He told us to not fish there because he needed it for a tourney the next day. We cleaned it out. Tourney or no, we had one day that week to fish.


Very near that spot my dad and I hooked the same fish at the same time and we both landed it. The only time I ever caught more than zero and less than one.


Once while putting out some brushpiles for crappie off the front of our pontoon my dad's buddy got the rope of one of them around his foot and when they pushed the tree off it took him with it. He was fortunate he didn't drown.


My daughter used to go kayak with me while I fished. One time she got close to me and started beating the kayak with her paddle. I said "Are you trying to run every fish in the lake off?" She said "No, I had a spider in my kayak."





fishing user avatarJawjaBoy reply : 

Fishing with a buddy many years ago, and he brought along a new rod.  It was a 7'6" heavy action flipping rod.  I asked him why he wanted such a heavy rod and he said so he could horse the fish out of cover easier.  I told him it was way too heavy, but those things were really catching on at that time and he had seen pictures of all the pros in Bassmaster using them, so he was determined to use it.  


Well, he fished it using jigs and worms for about an hour and a half with no luck before I see him throwing a big jointed Rapala.  I tell him that rod is WAY too heavy for that lure, but it's the only rod he brought with him.  After about 5 minutes, a little dink hits and he sets the hook like he's using a magnum worm on a striper.  The fish comes completely out of the water, makes a perfect arc, and comes down right on the bill of his hat where the front hook of the Rapala digs in, leaving the fish just hanging there.  Being none too happy about this, the fish starts flipping like crazy.  It sounded like someone clapping!  That little bass beat him all over his face!   He finally managed to get his hat off and get the fish unhooked and back in the water.  Then he just sat there for a minute with fish slime dripping off of his nose and chin before he wiped his face off and said "Head for the d**n hill.  I'm fixing to take this d**n rod back to the store!"







fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

Couple of years ago we were fishing vertical along a deep water bluff.  My back was to the bluff and it just so happened that there was a small bush growing behind me.  I came back with my 3/4 jig to cast it out a little, and I snagged that bush.  The bush wasn't very big so I decided just to rip it loose.  When I did the jig came out and hit me upside the head.  I had a nasty little lump for the rest of the trip.

fishing user avatarBoomstick reply : 

I don't think I have any really funny fishing stories really, but my oldest son told me how his grandfather took him and his brother fishing once and he hooked his underwear. I wish I was around to see that one.


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