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Fitness For Fishing 2024

fishing user avatartugsandpulls reply : 

i often fish long hours and hard i feel it after, i go to gym and use treadmill and lift some weights to improve my fishing, does anyone else work out to improve your fishing?

fishing user avatarKevinator1 reply : 

Yep, after gaining a few pounds over the years, I decided in October to start lifting weights and doing cardio every other day. I've kept with it and definitely can see and feel the difference. I have more energy and I should be able to fish tournaments without getting tired.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Yep, I decided in 1977 to start lifting weights and doing cardio every other day. I've kept with it and definitely can see and feel the difference. I have sufficient strength, stamina and confidence to participate in much of what life has to offer, including fishing.


fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

If you loose weight it will help you feel better but about the best thing to make you feel better after a day of fishing is to do a good stretch routine before you go fishing, it's amazing the difference it can make at the end of the day.

fishing user avatarBrandon K. reply : 

do a good stretch routine. Your right on Blue basser. As a former personal trainer and now the PT instructor and monitor for my unit, warming up before and stretching after are the just as important as the workout itself. It may sound dumb but I always do a little stretch and workout (pushups,situps) before going fishing in the morning. Doing this clears my mind and gets the blood flowing to wake me up, this is better than a cup of coffee. As far as weight training for fishing you can search workouts for golfers and tennis players. Crossfit is good stuff too. Low weight, high rep sets are perfect for fishing. Hope this helps a little.

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

I workout to improve my muscularity and make women swoon. Fishing for bass doesnt equate to cardiovascular endurance or challenges. Maybe saltwater would be a different case.

fishing user avatarmsolorio reply : 

cardio, body weight exercises, and stretching really does help a ton.

fishing user avatarshimmy reply : 

Started powerlifting after my days playing college football. Love it! Never never get tired standing all day and really gives me a strong back and shoulders to take the constant movement; especially in a wobbly 10 foot boat. I am sure any type of full body workout routines would greatly supplement fishing and the long days on the water. Be nice to hear how Fish Chris's routine has affected his fishing since i know he was losing a lot of weight.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Heavy lifting: 12 oz curls, Red & Whites, not Bud Light

Health nut:

Filtered cigarettes

Fried bologna sandwich, slab of sharp cheddar, white Wonder Bread with mustard, no mayo

Red wine for the heart

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

Fishing IS part of my workout !

I walk 6 miles in the morning about 4 or 5 times a week BUT since I fish so much from the bank (nearly everyday) I get another mile or so a day walking the banks of my local lakes. That usually gives me about 30 to 35 miles a week of walking. Result? Since I retired 2 1/2 years ago I've lost 25 pounds, lowered my resting heart rate (now about 62), lowered cholesterol, rock-solid BP, etc. And I will be 60 this year.

I had a shoulder injury that resulted in limited range of motion of my right arm and shoulder. Tens of THOUSANDS of overhand casts has worked that out and my shoulder/arm is probably stronger now to boot.

Arthritis and joint problems run in my family. When I would wake up in the morning, my fingers would practically be stiff claws. Holding a rod for x hours and hundreds of casts a day loosens them up and improves grip strength (although I still have "casted" a rod into the lake 3 times :lol:).

When I leave the house - I don't tell my wife I'm going fishing...I tell her I'm leaving for physical therapy... :lol:

fishing user avatarTraveler2586 reply : 

Fit 4 Fishing has some very good info on fishing fitness or

Good luck,

Cheers, E

fishing user avatarElegantly Wasted reply : 

That "windshield wiper" exercise in the video is terrible for your lower back. Please don't do it.

fishing user avatarbassmedic46 reply : 

Starting P90X

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 
  On 2/25/2012 at 9:08 PM, roadwarrior said:

Heavy lifting: 12 oz curls, Red & Whites, not Bud Light

Health nut:

Filtered cigarettes

Fried bologna sandwich, slab of sharp cheddar, white Wonder Bread with mustard, no mayo

Red wine for the heart

Here's one more for you Kent,

Put some suspend dots on your TV remote. You'll have forearms like Popeye in 6 months. Is reeling in those Pickwick toads considred resistance training ?

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

Not sure the suspend dots will do it... :lol:

You know, if you let yourself get lumpy, weak, your bones creak, and you get sick easy. BUT, if you take care of yourself, your body will get smooth, strong, silent, and reliant !

Hmmm, haven't I heard that expression before............... :lol: :lol:

fishing user avatarTraveler2586 reply : 
  On 2/26/2012 at 12:01 AM, Elegantly Wasted said:

That "windshield wiper" exercise in the video is terrible for your lower back. Please don't do it.

Actually, they had me do a version of the "windshield wiper" exercise at physical therapy last year after I fractured L-1 in my back; but PT had me keep my heals on a large ball. I spent six months in PT pulling rubber bands, the WW, and a host of other legalized tortures.

Cheers, E

fishing user avatarElegantly Wasted reply : 
  On 2/26/2012 at 7:55 AM, Traveler2586 said:

Actually, they had me do a version of the "windshield wiper" exercise at physical therapy last year after I fractured L-1 in my back; but PT had me keep my heals on a large ball. I spent six months in PT pulling rubber bands, the WW, and a host of other legalized tortures.

Cheers, E

"Actually", I have a BSc in Kinesiology and a Masters in Physiotherapy. I'm a registered physiotherapist, Titleist Performance Institute Certified Golf Fitness Instructor, and injury management leader for an interdisciplinary golf performance organization (golf being a very rotary sport). Long axis rotation of your lumbar spine is one of the most potentially harmful things you could do to a lumbar intervertebral disc not to mention what it does to irritate your facet joints. That exercise was used 20 years ago as a mainstay in rehab and fitness training and should be forgotten. Your lumbar spine is supposed to flex and extend - not rotate. Rotation comes from your hips and thoracic spine. The only time that exercise is somewhat acceptable is when the legs are supported and knees flexed. But certainly not a long axis unsupported rotation as shown in the video without having exceptional spinal stability strength.

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

The best workout I have found after a hard days fishing is a trip to the Asian Sun Spa massage parlor. :respect-059:

fishing user avatarZoff reply : 

I have always been a big guy... 6'3" 245lbs. So, after I crossed the 40 yoa mark, I realized that my heart was the key. Started some basic cardio and went back to martial arts (stringent cardio) which I had been out of for about 15 years. I have always been active... Football in my "pre-career" days, then 15 of my 17 LEO years as a TAC Officer with 6 of them being a K9 Handler. Unfortunatly... all that only does so much. I guess my greatest fear (involving just myself) is dying of a heart attack before I retire.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Hey Shimmy, thanks for remembering :)

Yes, I did go and get myself completely caught up in the whole health and fitness thing 30 months ago, and I guess you could look at how it has affected my fishing (and basically, every other part of my life) in two ways...

On the one hand, I spend so much time lifting weights, hill climbing, and mountain biking nowadays, that I just don't have near as much time to fish anymore, as I used to.

On the other hand, if I had continued on the self destructive path I was on, I'd almost surely have been dead in a few more years anyway > And THAT would definitely put a damper on my fishing ! So, less fishing now, but maybe a little more later ;)


One thing I have to say though..... Weight loss has just been ridiculously easy, while gaining lean muscle mass, is the hardest thing I've ever undertook in my life !

I've lost 105 lbs of fat, and put on just over 30 lbs of lean muscle. Right now I'm 206@13% BF. My long term goal (by my 50th B-day... I'm 47 now) is to be up to 225@9% BF....



Me in Oct. 09', with barely enough muscle to drag all that lard around...


About 8 months ago.... I think I've made some really good gains since then..... But I'm so darn pale. Waiting for a good tan this Summer, to take some new, updated shots :)


fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 



fishing user avatarunionman reply : 

Im with goose on this one. I walk many miles at work. Then when i go fishing im almost always walking. Its a great thing when you get exersize and enjoyment at the same time.... Life is good.

fishing user avatarTraveler2586 reply : 
  On 2/26/2012 at 10:46 AM, Elegantly Wasted said:

"Actually", I have a BSc in Kinesiology and a Masters in Physiotherapy. I'm a registered physiotherapist, Titleist Performance Institute Certified Golf Fitness Instructor, and injury management leader for an interdisciplinary golf performance organization (golf being a very rotary sport). Long axis rotation of your lumbar spine is one of the most potentially harmful things you could do to a lumbar intervertebral disc not to mention what it does to irritate your facet joints. That exercise was used 20 years ago as a mainstay in rehab and fitness training and should be forgotten. Your lumbar spine is supposed to flex and extend - not rotate. Rotation comes from your hips and thoracic spine. The only time that exercise is somewhat acceptable is when the legs are supported and knees flexed. But certainly not a long axis unsupported rotation as shown in the video without having exceptional spinal stability strength.

Elegantly Wasted, Thanks for your input, it's always good to get a second opinion. I guess it shows how old habits die hard and some PT offices are not up to date; they did have me support my legs (feet) on a large ball though. Can you suggest a good source of exercises for older fishermen or what to look for in a Personal Trainer. I'm going to my heart doctor Tuesday for a checkup and will talk with him about an exercises plan.

And this just goes to underscore the point that we need to remember to take the internet with a grain of salt.

Again, thanks for your reply

Cheers, E

P.S. How do you take down a post??

fishing user avatarTraveler2586 reply : 

Fish Chris,

Totally outstanding job !! That' commitment :respect-059:

fishing user avatarElegantly Wasted reply : 
  On 2/27/2012 at 1:55 AM, Traveler2586 said:

Elegantly Wasted, Thanks for your input, it's always good to get a second opinion. I guess it shows how old habits die hard and some PT offices are not up to date; they did have me support my legs (feet) on a large ball though. Can you suggest a good source of exercises for older fishermen or what to look for in a Personal Trainer. I'm going to my heart doctor Tuesday for a checkup and will talk with him about an exercises plan.

And this just goes to underscore the point that we need to remember to take the internet with a grain of salt.

Again, thanks for your reply

Cheers, E

P.S. How do you take down a post??

Hi Traveler2586,

It would be irresponsible of me to recommend a generic set of exercises for fishing simply because mobility, stability and strength vary so much from person to person that the focus of an appropriate exercise program will likewise be dramatically different from person to person. I'm in Canada so I'm not entirely familiar with the different certifications for personal trainers in the US but I do know of a few that are reputable. What I would recommend at a bare minimum is working with a personal trainer with a CSCS designation (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist) or ACE certification (American Council on Exercise) in order to ensure you're working with a duly qualified trainer and not a fly-by-night trainer.

Hope that helps.

fishing user avatarMichael DiNardo reply : 

Fish Dhris, great job.


fishing user avatarJT Bagwell reply : 

Working out will most definately help you on the water.

I train several days per week. I do cardio, weight lifting (high reps/light weight), weight lifting (low reps/heavy weight), stretching and Mixed Martial Arts. The more physical training you do, the easier fishing all day long will be.

Eating healthy is also very important. I try to limit the amount of unhealthy food I eat. I take 1-3 Max Muscle Whey Protein shakes per day.

Don't wait until it is too late. Try to get healthy now.

Unfortunately working out won't make the fish bite.

fishing user avatarFish Chris reply : 

Thanks guys :) But to be totally honest, this little psychological issue I have {OCD} makes something like this so easy, it's almost like cheating :) Same with catching a bunch of big fish.

For me, the hardest part is, trying to pay just a little bit of attention to anything "other than" the one subject I have stuck in the front of my head !

Why couldn't I have gotten stuck on becoming a billionaire, surrounded with beautiful babes ? Too bad I can't pick and choose, huh ? Oh well :)




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