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Fishing As An "out" 2024

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

Does anyone else ever see fishing as a get away from stress, bad work days, anxiety, etc? Sure it is a fun sport, I mean I will even fish on the bass charter when we go to Disney World for vacation in January. But I also like it to relieve all sorts of negativity. It is so relaxing and the fact that it is a year round sport and my family loves it, makes it that much better. :-)


fishing user avatarDyerbassman reply : 

It's a HUGE "out" for me. The chance to be alone, outside, doing something that I love, and maybe catching a few is the stress relief that I need sometimes.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

O yea I think a majority of us do.

My wife said if my car and clothes weren't dirty and smelling like fish she would think that I am cheating on her whenever I go fishing early morning or at night. She was like if you are they are some grimey females lol. The best thing for a fishermen who is married is a wife who supports their hobby I love my wifey!

fishing user avatarCaylub reply : 

For me 50% of my passion for fishing is being able to get away, clear my mind, and have some Me time. I live in an ocean of estrogen though so any time I can get away from the house it's an "out". Lol.

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

My wife and I are both 30. Our daughter will be 7 this month and we all love to fish!!! However I take fishing as an out from my school and work schedule as well. Once I'm on the water, that other junks stays out of the way for the time I fish. Even when I get done fishing, I have a clearer mind and feel better. ;-)

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

It's good to get out by yourself sometimes and be totally alone for a while.

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

It keeps me busy, I like the challange it brings and the work I have to do to achive the goals involved. I don't get stressed out.

Everyone's different though.

fishing user avatarLoop_Dad reply : 

Yup, the 'out' part is the bigger side for me, as in " I need to get out'.

fishing user avatarBassinLou reply : 

Bass fishing to me is like yoga to a yogi. Bass fishing is my "out" I love my family very dearly, however, every so often I need to plug out and just go bass fishing. When I come back home from a long trip , I will be exhausted, but clear minded.

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

You betchya and I fished in Disney last January as well. As a matter of fact 2 guides have a StrikeBack Spinnerbait in addidtion to their tip. Shameless sponsor plug, I know!

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

It's definitely my out! Just being on or near water does it for me!

fishing user avatarmddrew88 reply : 


fishing user avatarBrian6428 reply : 

Sometimes I do. During the school year I just love being on the water, relaxing and having a good time. During the summer, though, I get serious and whenever I am on the lake I mean business lol.



fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 


I can relate 100%


fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

Yes, it is, but is not always an out for me.

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

Yes fishing is like exercise. It helps relax you, distracts you, & helps relieve stress until you loose a big one.

fishing user avatarRAMBLER reply : 

I like to fish alone.  I need and like my alone time.  Some times the entire rest of the world seems nuts.

fishing user avatarMrPeanut reply : 

fishing is definitely an out / stress reliever whatever you want to call it for me


sometimes i catch myself daydreaming while enjoying the scenery/serenity...until i miss the biggest bite of the day ha :laugh5:  

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

Yep. I've been out there before just daydreaming, slow retrieve, and BAM! But I was late on the hook set. :-/

fishing user avatarthehooligan reply : 

Fishing & riding motorcycles are my stress relievers....

fishing user avatarstkbassn reply : 

I never thought of it as an out, just something I love to do. I don't get to do it enough to actually consider it as an out to be honest. I play pool three nights a week in a league too. I love it but it's just something I do, not necessarily an out. However, if an out means "is it better than work"? Absolutely!!

I think we all have our escapes or reasons for needing one now and then. If fishing is yours then you've certainly chosen a good one!

fishing user avatarCDobber reply : 

Definitely an out for me...something I'm really enjoying the learning process with, complete yang to the yin of my noisy gym of elementary aged kids, getting back to nature, etc.  

fishing user avatarclayton86 reply : 

It is for me to an extant I try for it to get out as a stress relief but it just seems to be more stressful my phone constantly rings the ex wife bugs me more now then when we were together. I get out on the water start catching fish and then some thing happens with my boys or they cry for me and I have to come back. Sadly I've lost some of my love for fishing or enjoyment because I haven't enjoyed myself on the water in some time but I definitely try and use it as an out to deal with some stress

fishing user avatarBassfink86 reply : 

it's the best "out" there is for me, too bad i got my wife hooked on fishing, so its really hard for me to do it alone now

fishing user avatarmddrew88 reply : 

I'd have to come to an agreement not to call while I'm fishing. It's one thing to have an emergency but for trivial things...yeah I wouldn't be happy.

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

yeah I guess it could be but I don't look as it like that.. I just love fishing period................................

fishing user avatarDrewski73 reply : 

I know it relieves stress for me. I can tell Im stressed out when Ive been home for 10 minutes, and my wife says "Why dont you go fishing".

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

Been there drew........

My wife told me one time, "you need to go fish for a bit and let me have the house for a while"

fishing user avatar5 Dollar Fishing Game reply : 

Translated as "you're annoying"

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Yup I been acused of cheating too by my wife's friend. My wife told me. I just shrugged it off. I go fishing to fish at 62yo why after almost 40 years of marriage would I jump ship now. Stupid people.

I go fishing and block out every thought in my mind. I'm in my own zone. It's me and the fish.

fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 

Fishing is much cheaper than a psychiatrist

fishing user avatarsuperdak01 reply : 

I am very blessed with a job that is 5 minutes away from a great spot to fish. I go on my lunch break almost everyday and even if i dont catch a thing, i still get to look around and see the little blue gill or bream, occasional turtle, and listen to absolutely nothing (wich is the best noise in my opinion) My sons are almost 3 and 1,  and i look forward to sharing this pass time/ sport with him. An out? absolutely!! 

fishing user avatarCravinMorehead reply : 

Growing up in Florida, there's no place I'd rather be (other than Cali..). First cast and all my worries disappear, until I hit a snag.. haha. Just being by the water makes it all worth it.. :hangloose:

fishing user avatarFrogFreak reply : 

There is no better feeling than when I start up the motor and cruise across the lake with the sun coming up. The anticipation of the day and the quiet as I drop my tm in the water at my first spot. The splat of my frog on the lily pads. The steam coming off of the water!


Is it an out? I don't know, but I'm 100% thoroughly addicted to the feeling and the adrenaline rush of a top water strike. OK, I'm getting the shakes, gotta go froggin!

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

Sure, plus the wife said I would drive her crazy if she didn't get her alone time as well!!

fishing user avatargreyleg33 reply : 

A total relaxer for me. After I pick up the boat I can only manage to drive about 30 mph.

fishing user avatarDogBone_384 reply : 

Fishing is a great stress reliever: no copay, no waiting 3 weeks for an appointment, no bill rejection from your insurance company.....

So to answer your question: yes.

fishing user avatarDogBone_384 reply : 
  On 8/16/2013 at 8:10 AM, clayton86 said:

It is for me to an extant I try for it to get out as a stress relief but it just seems to be more stressful my phone constantly rings the ex wife bugs me more now then when we were together. I get out on the water start catching fish and then some thing happens with my boys or they cry for me and I have to come back. Sadly I've lost some of my love for fishing or enjoyment because I haven't enjoyed myself on the water in some time but I definitely try and use it as an out to deal with some stress

Explain to the ex that it'll be OK while you're gone for a short while and leave your phone in the truck. The world will still be there when you get back. You need to enjoy yourself too.

fishing user avatarERTOMUDD reply : 

Fising whether it be actively casting or sitting back waiting for a cat, is a huuuuge "out" for me. Hands down my favorite way to relax and cool down from the stresses. I can do it with friends or family, or even by myself. Either way, its usually a guaranteed way to make me feel better.

fishing user avatarJohn F. reply : 

I consider my fishing time my decompression time. I work a sort of stressful job and I spend all day and many nights on the computer. I like to fish because it is a way to get away from the screens for a while. I am in the "get caught dreaming" category. I often get caught looking when a fish hits and screw everything up.


On top of that, it's a way to connect with my Dad. I introduced him back to fishing and helped him learn fly fishing. Now we fish every weekend we possibly can and often spend the week thinking about where we'll fish, what the boat needs etc... Next thing I'm going to do is help him learn to (successfully) bass fish. 

fishing user avatarHookSetDon reply : 

Life can be stressful... Juggling work, family life, bills, just about everything else. When I get into the truck and load up the boat at 4:30 am it all fades away, I don't give anything else a second thought.

fishing user avatarrangerboy reply : 

I can put 70 plus hours in a 6 day work week. but the 10-12 hours on the water make it all worth while. just you vs the fish. bring it

fishing user avatarBroc reply : 

Yeah i guess its an out... but for me, fishing is much more than that.  its a life style.


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