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Talking While Fishing 2024

fishing user avatar(='_'=) reply : 

hey. when fishing with a partner, do you usually talk, or are you quiet and tring to make as little noise as possible?? me, i always fish with my best friend, or my dad.... and we are never quiet, we talk about everything... with my dad its the only time i have alone with him, due to work schedules we rarely are at home at the same time, and never alone... so fishing is just an excuse to hang out with him and spend some quality time... i dont know if that affects the number of fish we get, but i dont really care.... when we go hunting we try to be semi-quiet, but fishing is just a time to relax and talk for us....

what about you??? does noise affects the numer of fish you boat???

fishing user avatarTalmadge reply : 

i always talk while fishing i dont think it makes a difference while i=on my boat we even have music playing sometimes and we are still catching fish

fishing user avatar"BRB" reply : 

it does seem like I do get more when I'm by my-self. I don't no if its the noise or I'm more focus on fishing. Like you I enjoy fishing with my dad and we are anything but quit. We laugh and joke around more then fish. But I know fishing trips with him are numbered so I take a few less fish and spend more time with my dad when ever I can.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I fish 2 ways, serious and for fun. When I'm fishing serious I want no noise at all, I don't any one even close to me. When I'm on the jettie or fishing with a buddy, it's fun time. I'm probably more interested in my buddy catching fish than me, I catch nice fish almost everyday so it's no big deal. Much of the time I'm walking around on the jettie just ***ting, I can't tell you how many times I hand my rod with snook on to a little kid.

fishing user avatarLWD reply : 

Bass hear best at 100hz, all the way up to 600hz. I avoid heavy thumps, on bottom of boat etc. But conversation is alright. I would fish with my dad but he has his own spot I have mine. Sometimes I'll go and check if he caught anything. smile.gif

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

I don't like to fish with people who talk a lot. It is distracting and I want to put all my concentration into knowing when I get a pickup. I also don't look more than a few feet above the waterline so I never see the eagles, etc.

fishing user avatarFL_Sharpshooter reply : 

Talking while fishing doesn't bother me at all. I will agree though that it does cut out a lot of your concentration. Then again, if I wanted to be serious, I would fish alone :). I like the social time.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Fishing with my friends or my dad wouldn't be nearly as fun without some good natured ribbing and story telling. I can talk and fish at the same time without getting very distracted from either and I don't feel like the talking turns the fish off very much.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

There have been many a times when I've lost a good fish or two, that I end up talking to myself !



fishing user avatarclayton86 reply : 

I always talk when out I'm always with my nephew so its usualy smack talk lol

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I mesh pretty well with the guys I fish with, so we are usually talking all the time, fun fishing, tournaments, etc.... it dosen't matter.

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 

talk. its important to have fun. your positive energy will catch more bass than being bored and quiet. I couldnt stand going fishing inshore with my uncle growing up for sheepshead, he used to make me and my friends be silent, although it was probably just to shut us up and bring him some peace!

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 
  On 9/3/2011 at 7:39 PM, A-Jay said:

There have been many a times when I've lost a good fish or two, that I end up talking to myself !



Yes I have had that one sided conversation myself!

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Yup,I talk.....specially when I have my buddy with me. We have fun.He's an older retired guy and we enjoy each others company. If I want total peace and quiet I'll go by myself.

fishing user avatarbrushhoggin reply : 

i dont think it effects the fishing but i sure as hell missed a big fish this morning reelin my crank bait in while talkin to my buddy down the bank a ways. i think i thought it snagged something at the time so i just stood there staring until the line went slack again and i saw a huge wake. :stupid: i blamed my buddy for talking to me.

fishing user avatarAvid Angler FL reply : 

From what I've heard, 99% of sound waves from talking or from regular noise deflect off of the water's surface, and if you're on a boat, and you're stepping lightly and not dropping things, you should be alright. It's not a matter or silence that I think effects my fishing, it's the concentration as others have said. I can concentrate pretty well when I'm fishing with my friends though.

fishing user avatarSkeet22 reply : 

I was in the boat with Boyd Duckett on the final day of this past classic when he boated the heaviest sack of the classic at 28 lbs and I can tell you the dude talked the entire time. When he was not talking to me he had a camera man drilling him. I guess those guys are so good its just second nature to them. I even asked him if he gets ticked that he is fishing the biggest tournament in the world and he keeps getting interupted by the camera boat every 15 minutes. He said its just part of the deal and handled it very well and said if it were not for the sponsors and fans there would not be where they are so it is the least he can do..

fishing user avatarFacepalmmaster reply : 

Talking is the only way I ever fish, if im not fishing with someone it's too boring. I don't like to talk a lot, but I don't like it when it's dead quite. I talk while fishing a lot and I still catch good amounts of fish.

fishing user avatarendless reply : 

I talk most of time like some say smack talk with my brother. We battle back and forth when together. I even play low music when we fish together or when alone I put my earplugs in. The music help my keep peace in mind. Me and my brother we talk about whatever also doesn't have to relate to fishing. It's also nice having someone along to blame also like Brushhoggin says, lol. I even have to keep my bluetooth in the ear cause I know almost every 20 minutes or less the wife will be calling!

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

Depends on who I'm with. If I'm with a buddy who knows how to fish then we yuk it up and have fun, but If I'm with a buddy who doesn't know how to fish then it's a different story. They tend to have short attention span and want me to get them to a spot and have instant results. I hate fishing with those peeps only because it's not fishing at that point. I'd rather get skunked and fish, than the "I'll last 2 casts" guys.

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 
  On 9/3/2011 at 7:39 PM, A-Jay said:

There have been many a times when I've lost a good fish or two, that I end up talking to myself !



I can actually visualize this happening! ROFL

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Too much noise in the boat is one thing but for gosh sakes TALK!!! You're gonna talk about fishing most of the time anyway and there's so much to learn from others. Many of us older folks have fished by ourselves a lot and we realize that sharing our fishing experiences with others when possible is much more rewarding. If you can walk and chew gum successfully, talking while your fishing is a "CAKE WALK" ;)

Big O

fishing user avatarmarinetech reply : 

Big O is right , I see no sense in fishing with someone and not talking. When I fish with my buddy stinkus it is great to see him catch fish and to not talk and laugh would be foolish in my book. Heck I even let him fish from the front yesterday and for the first time I fished from the back. We had our best day this year.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

The fish don't care if you communicate to each other just don't hit the side of the boat with something. B)

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

On Saturday December 14, 2008 I had the honor of fishing with Jack (fishfordollars) Yates, yes we talked the entire 8 hours, and we fished together several times after that day. We became close friends talking to each other almost daily and even calling each other while one was out on the lake.

Jack (fishfordollars) Yates Jack passed away Jan 18 2011 of a heart attack.

Think of what I would have missed had we kept out mouths shut and just fished ;)

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

That's all my buddies and I do, we have fun and they get some time away from the wife n kids...not talking would be a waste of shoot the sheeet time

fishing user avatarBassThumb reply : 

I'm pretty quiet when I fish. I would rather concentrate on what I'm doing when I'm fishing and save the talking for the drive to and from the lake.

fishing user avatarDiablos reply : 

If I'm with friends or family, then talking is great.

It's probably one of the reason I will never tournament fish or join a club. I do not like forced conversation while fishing with someone I barely know. It seems kind of anti-social but I do enjoy people who I connect with well.

My wife is always introducing me to her friend's husbands/boyfriends to take out fishing. Why do I want to be on the water with artsy fartsy type or the 40 year old guy who still dresses like a 17 year old gang member?

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

If I'm fishing with someone we always talk,doesn't seem to make any difference.

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

I don't think it makes any difference to the fish. For me it really depends who I'm with, mood, weather, and who knows what else. My wife and I fish together often. Some days we talk about everything from fishing to grandkids to politics; other days we just fish. There is a comfortable ease that doesn't require conversation or quiet. I fish with a couple of good friends where this also seems to be true. I also fish with folks who seem to be constantly talking while paying little attention to fishing. This is particularly frustrating to me when I'm trying to help them catch fish. I like helping and teaching, I just expect the same effort from them as me. That is not a realistic expectation. When you find a fishing partner that you're comfortable with, count your blessings.

fishing user avatarrboat reply : 

If I am with a friend or my dad then talking and laughing is part of the fun and we normally catch fish at some point. There are times I like to go by myself. I can concentrate and think about things and enjoy the peace and quiet. I am more relaxed by myself, because I decide where to go, how to fish, what to use, and when to leave. If I am with someone I will let them make those decisions. I usually catch a few more when I am alone, but noise or talking is not the reason.

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

If I'm with someone else, I talk with them. If I'm by myself, I talk to the voices in my head. Sometimes the distinction is very fuzzy.

fishing user avatarBassAssassin726 reply : 

I actually just read an interesting article on noise while fishing. Basically you dont want sounds traveling through the medium fish live in, water. Talking and music are ok because the sounds they produce travel through the air. Things like stomping on the bottom of the boat which will make the sound travel through the water. Sound can even transfer from the ground on the bank you may be fishing into the water and spook fish. Heavy steps on the bank or boat, engine noise, stuff like that spook em. Talking and music is just fine. Although talking may break your focus. I fish with my grandfather a lot and i always catch less fish with him than i do by myself. probably cause im not as focused.

fishing user avatarTommyBass reply : 
  On 9/30/2011 at 2:13 AM, BassAssassin726 said:

I actually just read an interesting article on noise while fishing. Basically you dont want sounds traveling through the medium fish live in, water. Talking and music are ok because the sounds they produce travel through the air. Things like stomping on the bottom of the boat which will make the sound travel through the water. Sound can even transfer from the ground on the bank you may be fishing into the water and spook fish. Heavy steps on the bank or boat, engine noise, stuff like that spook em. Talking and music is just fine. Although talking may break your focus. I fish with my grandfather a lot and i always catch less fish with him than i do by myself. probably cause im not as focused.

This is correct. The wavelength of the sound in the air is essentially reflected off of the water, it does not absorb or transfer it at any high rate. Havn't you ever noticed how you can hear someone talking at a normal voice alot farther when your only seperated by water? Have somone talk when your underwater in a pool and they are above water.. you won't hear them, probably even if they scream.

Now vibrations are another story. They are transfered directly through the hull of the boat then into the water. In that case the noise can be heard VERY far away. Sound travels easier through water. You can hear someone ticking (with for example, a diving stick) on the side of an olympic swimming pool all the way across it if your under water with them. I would say the same would be for the radio as well. I would fear the vibrations of the noise directly touching your hull would transfer into the water, unless you had something to dampen it like thick carpet or rubber underneath the stereo. Speakers mounted into the hull directly likely would emit enough sound to be noticable.

I don't like to yell when I'm fishing, but normal talking dosn't effect anything. Any other noises / vibrations I try to eliminate completely.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I don't understand this focus thing, the fish need to focus not me. I can have the most intent conversations and not miss a beat, it's automatic, the fish are doing the majority of the work. I can recite the Gettysberg address while pulling in 30# jack crevelle, what do I need to think about?

fishing user avatarSouth FLA reply : 

Fishing without talking is not fishing in my book.

I think its more important to turn off your depth finder when fishing shallow water and keep trolling motor use to a minimum. I do hate it though when tree catchers slam compartments shut or drop heavy objects on deck while fishing, especially on the non skid deck.

fishing user avatarNashua Nev reply : 

We always talk. Its guy hangout time as well as fish time. Locker room etc. What is said in the boat stays in the boat. but always enjoying it.

I guess if i had other fishing partners who didnt want to talk it would be quieter.

But have not had that yet.

When i fish alone i talk to myself.

Sometimes i have the radio with the game or some music.

Its relax and unwind time as much as it is fish time.

Do try not to make too much noise to the boat such as dropping things, banging around the anchor etc...

fishing user avatardeep reply : 

I talk aloud to myself a lot, like Santiago. Does that count?

fishing user avatarClint C. reply : 

Well I never catch a fish so if it wasn't for talking to whoever is with me I'd be pretty bored! haha

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Is it bad to talk while fishing ? it depends

Why it depends or depends on what ? it depends on the mood the fish are that particular day or time frame.

It´s a matter of you being "in tune" ( being able to detect ) in what mood the fish are in that particular day or time frame, then you can determine if it´s right or wrong to talk because there are days or moments in which the fish can be extremely sensitive about the noise level they can take before developing shutmouthitis, there are days that the sound of polen touching the water can send them hiding to be seen no more and there are days they don´t mind the sound of a nuclear bomb blasting a foot away.

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 

talking doesnt bother me at all while fishing. i can still watch my line, feel a bite, set a hook, and fight a fish while talking. i often wonder what it is that some of you are concentrating so hard on that you cant talk?

fishing user avatarwhitwolf reply : 

Me and the few that I fish with talk constantly. It works for me and I truly can't Imagine being silent for 8 hours.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Of course you talk to each other when fishing.

Unless you don't like each other or have nothing in common.

I always talk to the guy with me.

And Micro will tell you that I talk to the geese, too. And the ducks. :D:D:D


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