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Bassmasters membership? 2024

fishing user avatarendless reply : 

I have just received in the mail a Bass master's Joining membership thing. Says you will receive a free bag plus a 12 month membership and magazines for only $12. Newstand price is $54.45 and you save 78%. Now I would like to know any one a member or it's just a scam? Seems odd $12 only?

fishing user avatarInLikeFinz reply : 

I can't exactly remember what I paid for my membership but it wasn't much. Got the bag, sticker, patch, all that stuff.

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

I used to be a member a few years ago. I don't approve of their business model and choose not to be associated with them.

I got one of those "invitations" this week, it went in the trash with the other junk mail.

fishing user avatarendless reply : 
I used to be a member a few years ago. I don't approve of their business model and choose not to be associated with them.

I got one of those "invitations" this week, it went in the trash with the other junk mail.

Do you mind me asking how come? Also do you have any recommendations on anything? My brother wants to join In-fisherman I think.

fishing user avatarBigMoneyGrip reply : 

Yeah, it's legit. I just renewed 3 years for like $20.

fishing user avatarTourPT reply : 

It's legit. Been a member for years. FLW is another good one, along with Bass West. The only two I had problems with where Bassin, in that I paid but hardly ever got a mag and North American Fisherman of which not only did I not receive more then two issues they kept sending me stuff I never ordered and billing me for it. They gave the option to send it back, but I don't have time for that garbage. if I want it I will order it.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Legit, take advantage of it. While you're at it get Bass Times to.

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 

i got all that stuff too   :) ive been a bassmaster since the beginning  of 07 and they are the best magazines i have ever read. i love being a member and just being a member can be beneficial too like u get more rewards points  at bass pro for certain things if u show them your BASS card

fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 
Legit, take advantage of it. While you're at it get Bass Times to.

:-? i got bass times for awhile and they are very hard to read because they are so big and flimsy and i do not think they are very good either. i just got a thing in the mail to renew my bass times subscription but it went in the trash

fishing user avatarWayne P. reply : 

endless, I won't go into the idiocy of that organization since Ray Scott sold it. Do your own research of it's history. Pay particular attention to the present ESPN/Disney era and why there is  The BASS Federation and the BASS Federation Nation.

I don't belong to any fishing organization now (been-there-done-that-got-the-tee-shirts). I get and share fishing knowlege from sites like this. Some fishing publications are useful but I wouldn't  recommend any.

fishing user avatareyedabassman reply : 

Yes it is on the up & up. I always wait for them to offer it at $ 12 because I won't pay the reg. price,just not worth it. But for $ 12 it is a good deal!

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 

They will send you books that you didn't order and bill you at 20.00 per book , pretty shady , that's why I dropped them.

fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 

Been a member for years... can't beat the price and it supports the sport. They won't be sending you anything if you don't ask them to. Enjoy!

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
Been a member for years... can't beat the price and it supports the sport. They won't be sending you anything if you don't ask them to. Enjoy!

When did they change their tactics ?

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 
Yes it is on the up & up. I always wait for them to offer it at $ 12 because I won't pay the reg. price,just not worth it. But for $ 12 it is a good deal!

x2 been a member for a while and even though it's not worth as much now as what they used to be there is still a good bit of useful info and the articles on the fishing men and women are pretty cool too.

The bag is a smaller bag but it can hold a fair amount of tackle.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

As a bass fisherman you need to learn as much as you can regarding your objective: catching more fish.

By subscribing to Bassmaster Magazine you will add to your educational level by reading the articles.

I can also suggest Bassin Magazine as it is the best bass fishing publication on the market today.

When you receive your magazines and Bass Times newspaper set up your library using file folders to save the various articles.

You will be surprised how fast your library will grow and the articles make great reading in the winter and when you want to refresh your knowledge or try a new bait or technique.

I suggest taking advantage of the offer.

As a comparison to see if this is a bargain, if you live in New York state a pack of cigarettes cost around $11 and the magazine won't kill you!  :)

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

It's legit. They will send you renewal notices every month thereafter. As far as Bassin magazine, if I received 3 issues it was alot. I prefer BassWest for content.

fishing user avatarGangley reply : 

Just signed up, been needing to for a while.  Its worth it simply because I buy every BM magazine when it hits the shelves.  This way Im saving money and getting a bag.  Glad that somebody posted this up. :)

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

Basmaster is a great mag, and well worth the $12 and the bags are great for my soft plastics! They do send out videos and books and then ask for payment, but the law is that if you dont ask for them , you dont have to pay for them, and if you read the fine print on the bassmaster invoice they send with the video/book, it says they PREFER if you payed or sent it back, but you do not have to,it's yours to keep. and I do keep them! ;)

fishing user avatarBig Tom reply : 

Honestly, I let my membership lapse after I became an active member of this site.  I felt like the Bassmaster magazine was a little more geared toward selling me the next newest thing instead of teaching me about bass fishing.  They also sent me a book they were going to charge me for which didn't set right with me at all.

I do miss reading A Day on the Lake though.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

I have lifetime membership so it keeps coming, back in the old days the magazine was a very good source of information on lures, technicques, tactics, it was thick and packed with goodies, I have to admit that The Adventures of Harry n 'Charlie was my favorite part of the magazine, it 's still the time that when my compadre and I go fishing I feel like we are actually Harry n 'Charlie ;D, LaTinaSesina ( that 's how I call my boat ) fits the description of Ol Stump Jumper like a glove ;D.

Nowdays when I get my issue I get it with a sense of desilusion, no longer I 'm eager to open the bag and read it, the truth is that issues just stay there for weeks before I open them, nope, I don 't think it 's worth the money you pay for it anymore, if you want truely great information all you have to do is to log in to BR and you 'll get more information in a day than in all the BM magazines of the year.

However, if what you want is the bag, get the subscription, it 's a nice bag ( can hold 2 3600 T-boxes ), but do not accept yearly automatic renewal cuz you won 't get anything anymore.

fishing user avatardave reply : 

My favorite feature from the old days was called "The Way It Used To Be" by Byron Dalrymple.

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 

I was going to join soon also. Mainly because I want to fish an open tournament next year. The bag looks like its worth 12 dollars itself :) I was a member of FLW also and it was a decent magazine. I can get a ton more info here though.

fishing user avatarbassmanET reply : 

I subscribed , so far , I enjoy reading them!

There are times when I'm  not near a CPU or would like to sit on my deck & read. The bag is not really anything great but it serves it purpose. I too was sent a book "advanced bass fishing techniques" or something like that. If you don't want it your supposed to send it back free of charge. I look at as I didn't ask for it or order it so, its free! If they send me a bill, they can kiss my BASS!  ;D

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
They will send you books that you didn't order and bill you at 20.00 per book , pretty shady , that's why I dropped them.

If said book is unwanted, all you have to do is write RETURN TO SENDER on the box and put it back in your mailbox.

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

when bas sends books/videos you have no obligation to send it back at all, you can keep them,its stated on the invoice they send you.

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
when bas sends books/videos you have no obligation to send it back at all, you can keep them,its stated on the invoice they send you.

Is theft a part of your daily routine?

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 
when bas sends books/videos you have no obligation to send it back at all, you can keep them,its stated on the invoice they send you.

Is theft a part of your daily routine?

BAM! Yeah, send those back. I don't care if they say you don't have to pay or not, that's just unethical.

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

Bass states on the invoice "if you do not want the book/video and don't wish to send it back, please keep it as our(bass') gift to you. how is that theft? and please watch what you say, accusing people of things like that is not very ethical either.

fishing user avatarboneil reply : 

been a member for many years. Just a little dissapointed in how small the mag has gotten over the years. but good stuff for the most part and I fish the opens.  there's  something nice about sittin back and reading from a mag.

fishing user avatarRory_MO reply : 

I just joined a couple days ago. Wonder how long it will be until my bag arrives.

fishing user avatarBeastie Bass reply : 

I've been a member since 94 and still have every mag! I treasure my older ones and I admit it seems to have diminished in size and quality. I still would not be without it. As the founding membership organization of the sport we love the price of the publication is well justified. I never got sent anything I had to pay to send back. I even got to test a Revo S and a battery powered cooler. Score! I feel almost as strongly about my BASS membership as my NRA status! Take away my fish or guns? I think not!!


fishing user avatarInLikeFinz reply : 

The bag will come later.......much much later. HaHa. Takes a while.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

All you have to do is notify them that you don't want any articles or books sent to your address. They will take you off the list and you will receive no more. All it took for me was a phone call and the lady said you can send a note to the circulation dept if you prefer. Nothing else will arrive with a later bill requesting payment. Not hard to get it stopped.

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 

Wow, they must be hurting. I also let my membership lapse, and about 4 weeks ago and just yesterday, I just received another solicitation to renew for a new bag and 10 issues or so. I could use another bag.  ;D

fishing user avatarskunked_again reply : 
when bas sends books/videos you have no obligation to send it back at all, you can keep them,its stated on the invoice they send you.

Is theft a part of your daily routine?

well...........thats not theft. if i had any motivation at all id find the mail fraud law that clearly states unsolicited goods do not have to be returned to sender.

fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 

I'm eating crow on this one... been a member for years and they've never sent me anything other than my magazines and membership info.

I see both sides of the book issue but would personally have to send it back. If the roles were reversed and you sent something to someone expecting to either get paid for it or have it returned and they decided to keep it out of a technicality... you'd be pretty upset. I don't think a $12 subscription gives us the right to keep $20 books despite how annoying it is to have unsolicited things sent to us. Just refuse it at the post office and they'll send it back.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
They will send you books that you didn't order and bill you at 20.00 per book , pretty shady , that's why I dropped them.

If said book is unwanted, all you have to do is write RETURN TO SENDER on the box and put it back in your mailbox.

No crap , why don't you state the obivous ? That wasn't the point of my post.

fishing user avatarBoogey Man reply : 

I swore when my membership ran out this spring I wasn't going to renew, but I ate my words and renewed. The price on the cover is $4.95 per issue so if you can get a one year subscription for $12 bucks you're saving money. Plus any free tackle, bags, etc.

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

What you are buying is really a magazine subscription with an organization affiliation.  But beware, YOUR INFORMATION WILL BE SOLD to anyone who wants to solicit you, a fisherman, to buy their product or services.  That pretty much goes for any similar organization. The Bass West is a really good publication.  FLW also has a good publication.  They all have information to help your knowedge grow.

fishing user avatarNBR reply : 

For $12 its not a bad deal. I also dropped out because in my opinion the magazine was not as good as in the years before ESPN. Also I didn't think ESPN treated the former Federation well and I don't fish T's.

Years ago I'd read cover to cover as soon as possible after receiving the magazine. Now I pretty much skim through when I get an issue. Grand Daughter had a school thing to get orders for mags so I reupped for Bass Master.

fishing user avatarOneUp reply : 

I'm not a current member, but $12 is pretty cheap and I'd be willing to take a chance.  Anyone know if there's a way to get this $12 deal online?

fishing user avatardeaknh03 reply : 

Oneup, check out ebay, sometimes sellers have a good deal on subscriptions.


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