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Your fishing goals? 2024

fishing user avatarhelms83 reply : 

Goals vary from weekend anglers escaping reality to the Bassmaster Classic, and include everything in between. Some want the title, the recognition, free trucks/boats, or the money.

My goals:

-Gain and share knowledge with fishing community

-Build a good relationship with fishermen all over the US

-Write for a magazine or online source about fishing

-Compete competitively in tournaments (at least mid-level tournaments)

-Win enough money from tournaments to support my hobby; I don't want to make a living fishing, I only want to win enough to help buy gear, pay for tournaments, improve truck/trailer/boat

-Give back and promote fishing to the community by running a club, organizing youth events, 'paying it forward' to others with gear, tournament fees, fishing trips, or even a boat, etc.

-Have a few sponsors (only a few I truely believe in)

What are your fishing goals?

fishing user avatarNateFollmer reply : 

I love to teach people new things, so I'd love to become a guide or something similar. Maybe even some kind of instructor. I just want to learn as much as possible and give my knowledge back to as many people as I can reach...

Sappy I know, but it's true  :)

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

Sappy I know, but it's true :)

I don't think so, I thought that was a great answer to the question. Very sincere. Good job Nate.

I've never thought about it before, so I'll have to think about this one before I respond.

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

I never really thought about any long term goals.  My goal for this season was to catch a lmit (5 bass) of keepers in one outing.  Can't seem to break the "four" mark.  Gonna give it all I got every weekend though!!

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

My goals are simple....

Enjoy each day that I'm able to fish.  Catching them is just a bonus.  Maybe when I retire I'll become a guide as a hobby and a way to make a few extra bucks.  Competing in tournaments would be cool.  I'm sure I'll try it out one of these days but I'm in no major rush.  I just enjoy the simple act of fishing for the hell of it.

fishing user avatarbass or bass ? reply : 

I'll just be happy if I can get out to fish once a month!

fishing user avatarOHIO reply : 

Catch a fish over five pounds.

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

Wow - I certainly have never established significant goals of the type stated by the OP!

I recently retired and can now fish nearly everyday; this after not doing very much fishing for the 40 years that I worked (my bass fishing mostly stopped in 1967). This season is the first full fishing season since my retirement. My goals for this year were to re-learn as much as I could about bass fishing and to catch 1,000 bass. Thanks to this board, among other things, the learning process is proceeding well; and as of tonight I have 881 bass. I need to bag 119 more bass this year to reach the goal! :D

I would imagine that my goal for NEXT year would be to focus on size instead of quantity! ::)

fishing user avatarbigredxlt reply : 

Goal number one: Catch a double digit bass. Pond Boss says that 1 out of every 20 something million bass reach this size so I think that would be pretty amazing to catch a big ol bucket mouth like that.

Goal Number two: enjoy fishing as much as possible

I think I meant to switch that order, oh well, they both work 8-)

fishing user avatarjazzy0017 reply : 

O H I O that was one of my goals up until two yrs ago when I skipped the whole 5 lber thing and brought in a big ole 6lb michigan pig!! lol  ;D...but i only have that one so I feel your pain!

But my goals for fishing are to simply make more money then I spend in fishing. And my ultimate goal is to be the best!! thats what it has to be or else I wont ever get where I wanna be!  :)

fishing user avatardeep reply : 

I want to catch a double digit bass, here in Virginia. Wait, that's not really a goal, it's a wish :)

Realistically speaking, I want to learn jigs and dropshot before the end of 2011. This was my first bass fishing season. I have learnt a lot, theoretically at least. I know I still can't/don't apply everything I learnt over here and elsewhere. I want to work on that. Information is no good until it becomes knowledge. I caught three 5+ bass this year, but I kinda feel I didn't earn them, they just happened to be where I casted; I need to get to the phase where I'll expect a big bite.

A short term goal for what's left of this season is to catch at least one more bass that's big enough to pull out some drag.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I know three people that have DD's in the past 18 months in VA.  I'll say this:  Look for small waters.  Learn to fish a frog and snack sized swimbaits.

fishing user avatarMaxumBass reply : 

My goal is to enjoy what life I have left and fish as much as possible with friends and family. A new boat wouldn't hurt either. :)

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 
My goal is to enjoy what life I have left and fish as much as possible with friends and family. A new boat wouldn't hurt either. :)

I like that answer.....I think I'm going with that answer too. A new boat would be nice as well...I'm getting tired of being shore bound.

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 
My goal is to enjoy what life I have left and fish as much as possible with friends and family. A new boat wouldn't hurt either. :)

I like that answer.....I think I'm going with that answer too. A new boat would be nice as well...I'm getting tired of being shore bound.

X3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Nowdays the only fishing goal I have is having enough time to use all my stuff before I kick the bucket, so if such wish is granted I 'll probably live to ........... 250 years ? give or take two or three.  ;D

fishing user avatarBASSclary reply : 

To be the best, and nothing but the best  ;)

fishing user avatardeep reply : 
I know three people that have DD's in the past 18 months in VA. I'll say this: Look for small waters. Learn to fish a frog and snack sized swimbaits.

I don't fish big waters anyway (nothing over 100 acres). I have an idea which of the lakes have some DD bass, thanks to a bunch of fellow Virginians. I still need to work on my techniques. I caught some 3-4 pounders on frogs. Never really tried swimbaits though.

My real problem is I never seem to get enough time to chase my double figure dream; I don't get much break to fish.

fishing user avatarCarrington reply : 

my goal this year is to be in the top 4 rank in my college bass fishing team

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 
Catch a fish over five pounds.


Fish as much as possible

Long term: When I retire I would like to fish a couple of the LBAA tournaments.

fishing user avatarfishermantony reply : 

My goal is for fishing to become the only thing I have to do after taking care of my family.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

To be a working/fishing owner of a fishing resort within the next 5 years.

And a new boat would be nice. My last payment on my 17' tin boat is in January. I outgrew it after the first season on the water. d**n boatmonkey has been on my back. I have stacks of literature from all the major 'glass mfgs. If I give in to the new boat, it will be that much harder to reach my #1 goal. Decisions, decisions

fishing user avataracmaul13 reply : 

My goals are fairly simple.

#1-To pass on my love for fishing and the outdoors to my kids and grandkids.

#2-To continue to learn and evolve as an outdoorsman.


fishing user avatarrowyourboat reply : 

win the classic and win AOY...... im not a pro... but this is my honest to god answer.... i better get busy haha

fishing user avatarMottfia reply : 

well I'll be fishing in a local circuit that has 100+ boats in it so my first goal for the coming season is going to be finish in the top 5 in points along with winning one of the tournaments. I personally don't feel like that is much of a stretch but you never know with fishing.

pass that I want to stay as consistent as I have been this year. The big man has really blessed me with some great tournaments

definately fish more. I've only been once each month lately. I'd like to make it three times a month.


fishing user avatarCAdeltaLipRipper reply : 

Right now im still waiting to put that double digit into the boat. :-/ ive come close,but still havent reached the 10 lb mark yet

fishing user avataraceman387 reply : 

I would love to catch a bass 24"or larger which would be a big bass in Illinois.This summer i have shore fished in the morning before work and again in the evening after work, so far the biggest has been a 21"and it better happen soon because winter is coming quick.

fishing user avatarbassfisherjk reply : 

Fish as much as possible.

Enjoy life,friends and family.

fishing user avatarOHIO reply : 
Fish as much as possible.

Enjoy life,friends and family.

This the best answer of all time.

fishing user avatarAndrewS reply : 

learn to fish deep lakes and docks eficently with at least a bass per outing

fishing user avatarBass Dude reply : 

My goal is to get to the point where the puzzle gets easier to solve.

fishing user avatarBaker06 reply : 

Keep teaching my 10 year old son as much as possible about fishing and the outdoors and keep my 5 year old daughter as excited about fishing as she already is.

Most importantly finally get my wife to understand why I need so much stuff for fishing and hunting. ;D

fishing user avatarNice_Bass reply : 

Break DD's from Illinois waters- win bass club pts. standings, and fish more with my daughter as she grows.  (3yrs old)

fishing user avatarDam Yankee reply : 

First goal: Enjoy and appreciate my timer on the water regardless of how many fish I catch if any cause it is a lot better than any day I spent in the Army for 25 years! Done.

2nd goal: Catch a DD Largemouth

3rd Goal: Bring 5 fish to a weigh-in.

fishing user avatarhogrustler reply : 

Make it off the water alive to fish another day

fishing user avatarangler1 reply : 
Catch a fish over five pounds.

X2. I have been trying for the last 2 years for a 5 pounder. 4-14 is my current largest.

fishing user avatarbassmedic46 reply : 

taking my kids out as much as I can to share my love of the outdoors with them.

fishing user avatarfarmpond1 reply : 

I just watched a "treatise" on how revealing ones goals to others can actually reduce the chance of realizing them.  So, I won't say what my goals are.  Or, rather, if such is the case, I'll say my goals are to be sunburned, mosquito bitten, and skunked on every fishing outing I ever have.  Oh, wait!  I'm closer than I ever imagined!


fishing user avatarbonzai22 reply : 

1. catch an 8 lb bass ive caught a few 6 to 7 lbers

2. Me and my friend are starting tournaments next year so i want to place pretty well and hopefully learn a lot more about bass fishing

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

I just got back from a three day trip and it was the best fishing of my life ! The number of quality fish was far beyond what I could have ever hoped for. MY GOAL is to keep bass fishing in a healthy perspective. If I never have a trip like this again, I could not be disappointed. If I ever fail to meet with, fish with and share with some of the incredible people I have met or yet to meet and become friends with, I will not have met that goal.

fishing user avatarCarrington reply : 

my goal is to have fun and catch limits when i need them.  i also like teaching people whenever they come on my boat, that is of course if they want to be taught.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Not to fall out of the boat.

Really, with my knees going to he** in a hand basket I have to be careful.

Guys, it is tough looking at the grass from the green side but you just got to keep trucking along.  ;D   ;D   ;D


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