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Quality Vs Quantity 2024

fishing user avatarswagkid300 reply : 

Would you rather catch a couple big bass or a lot of average size bass on a fishing trip?

fishing user avatarmnbassman23 reply : 

Some days it's nice to hammer 50+fish but 9.9 times out of 10 I'm taking quality over quantity.

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

I'd "rather" catch a few big ones, but that's easier said than done. Not always a guarantee, and sometimes catching a bunch of small ones when the bite is tough is still fun.

fishing user avatarKhong reply : 

The point about fishing is to FISH THAT BIG ONE, not about catching all those little one.

fishing user avataralexandboi reply : 

I always try to catch the big ones, although at the end of the day if I haven't caught anything I will switch lures to something I know will get bit. Just because at that point I'd rather catch at least one then none haha.

fishing user avatarrockchalk06 reply : 

If I'm by myself, I go for Quality. A long fight with a big girl will beat any amount of fish. If I have my son, I prefer quantity as it will keep him in the game. He's only 7 and loses patients pretty quick.

fishing user avatarMissourifishin reply : 

Quality. Catching a lot of fish can be fun too. But I think I'd rather catch one 5 pounder than ten 1 pounders.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

1 big one if it's just about what I'm catching. Not many people are going to care to hear about someone catching 100 dinks, but mention catching a trophy sized fish and they're all ears. 

fishing user avatarLoop_Dad reply : 

Obviously quality.


But I'll be honest. When the going is tough, I'll switch to quantity mode to make sure I don't get skunked, then back to quality mode. That's how I roll it.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I voted quantity, not that I don't enjoy catching larger bass and would prefer it.  I'm not as passionate about bass as others, while being a lot of fun to catch a 5 or 7# bass is only a 7# fish.  My bass fishing is more relaxation and getting our of the house for an hour or so, with all due respect it's the smallest fish I target.

I catch my share of significantly larger inshore fish which I'm very passionate about, I get way more thrill out of tarpon or permit.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Go big or go home ;)

fishing user avatarBrianinMD reply : 

Depends on why I am out, tournament is quality. But if I am out just for fun and trying to relax quantity is good just as long as they are not dinks. 

fishing user avatarMainebass1984 reply : 

 I am all about going big or going home. Still searching for that 10 lb New England Largemouth.

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

Quality over quantity by far.

I hate when I go out and waste casts/lures on dinks.

I can be out for a few hours and catch 1 fish and as long as it's big I don't mind that it was my only fish. Happened to me last weekend with a fish around 7lbs

fishing user avatarTodd2 reply : 

Quality, but sometimes my buddy will be wearing out little ones and I switch over to shut him up. Once I'm on the board, I go back to my jig.

fishing user avatarGrizzn N Bassin reply : 

Fishing by myself which is 95% of the time I'm going for big bass" quality".. I fish everyday so most of time I'm by my self.. the times I'm catching fishing and seeing what there doing or trying new stuff I'm fishing with someone else.. I'd say 4 days big bass... 3 days catching fish...

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Both! Quantity of big bass.


fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

I love catching a bunch of little fish.....said no one ever.


Give me big fish. ;)

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

Answer to the poll; BOTH

I don't mind the drinks in numbers there telling us the body of water is healthy and the bass population is being maintained. I'll take catching the many numbers of smaller bass too it's all good. If a few larger bass find there way to my hook that's ok too. I a new state record shows up that's ok, if not I get to fish more. If I can't break the state record I hope and pray some little kid using a tackle the storm outfit does it.

That would make me very happy too.

Going fishing and being able to breathe fresh air and being one with nature is what it's all about. Everyday we go out, relax and fish is a plus.

fishing user avatarbasshole8190 reply : 

I like both qualty and quantity it doesn't always work out like that though

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

I go for size, but if all I can catch are dinks, I will settle for that.

fishing user avatarMacP reply : 

One of my best days of fishing this year was on father's day. I went wading in the creek with my 3 y.o. (at the time) daughter.  I probably caught 50 little sunfish.  She loved it.  She got to hold and play with each one.


My next best day was a short 3 hour trip in my kayak where I caught a 3.5 lb LMB, a 6 lb lmb, a 3 lb stripe and a 5 lb stripe and a 17 inch brown trout plus some other trout and panfish.


So, I like quantity if I'm with others who don't fish all the time.  I don't think it's a question about quality for people who do fish all the time.




fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

^ Ok, there would be my exception to "said no one ever."


Awesome to see kids fishing. My hat is off to you sir.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 
  On 10/8/2013 at 3:55 AM, SPEEDBEAD. said:

^ Ok, there would be my exception to "said no one ever."

Awesome to see kids fishing. My hat is off to you sir.

X2 ;)

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

With my grankids it doesn't matter much. When I have a new fisherman along we will find some fish, and not worry too much about size. A tourney requires a limit. Other than that I am happy going for a big bite or two.

fishing user avatarswagkid300 reply : 
  On 10/8/2013 at 3:42 AM, MacP said:

One of my best days of fishing this year was on father's day. I went wading in the creek with my 3 y.o. (at the time) daughter.  I probably caught 50 little sunfish.  She loved it.  She got to hold and play with each one.


My next best day was a short 3 hour trip in my kayak where I caught a 3.5 lb LMB, a 6 lb lmb, a 3 lb stripe and a 5 lb stripe and a 17 inch brown trout plus some other trout and panfish.


So, I like quantity if I'm with others who don't fish all the time.  I don't think it's a question about quality for people who do fish all the time.




your daughters so adorable man, did she wade with you?

fishing user avatarMontanaro reply : 

everyone WANTS quality...but if I had the choice of fishing for 10+ hours and catching a fiver...or catching 5 choose the quantity just to have some consistent fun.

fishing user avatareinscodek reply : 

Definitely quality.. I dont even go after the small or average ones anymore..doesnt do much for me..

But tell ya what, when a small one hits my big baits, I'll still take it.. no skunk.. and then focuses me for really going for the big-uns.

Still a day isnt good unless I catch a 20" fish.. and when I catch a 20", I toss on my monster baits and go for the the grand slam the rest of the day.. an even bigger one..I know they are in my lake.. one demolished my big topwater and ripped it away.

I have a wanted poster for that gal!

fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 

Over all numbers were down this year, but I caught more hawgs then I have in many years.  quanity over dinks anyday

fishing user avatarQUAKEnSHAKE reply : 

As of late I'll take anything I can get quality or numbers but it aint happening. Today I was out 6-1/2  hours and only caught 2 a 13"(palm tree) & 15"(senko) made for looong day. Lipless cranks,spinnerbait,jig- zero.

fishing user avatarinrll reply : 

I guess I'm a quantity guy. I subscribe to the theory that a day filled with average sized fish will usually result in one or two big fish too. I still get a huge kick out of catching a 12" fish so until that thrill goes away I won't avoid them.

fishing user avatarFish Murderer 71 reply : 

My target is the big fish, the dinks are collateral damage.

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 

Early in the season, it's a numbers game for me.  Months without wetting a line and all I can think about is catching.


By the time the fish have spawned, I'm all about quality. There have been outings when I've come up empty, but there've also been ones that get me through the winter just thinking about them.  Quality AND Quantity.....doesn't happen often enough. :eh:

fishing user avatarBrian6428 reply : 

Quality for me. Catching a few average fish in a few hours is fun and all, but one or two big fish alone can make it a great day.

fishing user avatarBuffaloBass716 reply : 

Hmmm... Well quality fish are tough to find and catch for a bank fisherman around my parts.  I consider a chunky 15" bass a quality fish. Most of the fish I catch are dinks but that's what makes catching a nice 15"+ bass worth it. As long as I get one decent fish each time I am out, that is just fine with me.

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

When your catching the smaller bass from shore and the bite slows down. I notice the bigger bass will come closer to see what the smaller bass are eating but they won't strike the smaller sized lure. I put on a larger lure of the same style/color under daylite

conditions. If the daylite conditions are getting towards the darker evening conditions I go brighter in color in the same style of lure.

fishing user avatarDylan L reply : 

I like to catch a lot of 1-2 pound bass but I won't complain if I get a 5-6 pounder!

fishing user avatarTeam9nine reply : 
  On 10/7/2013 at 11:05 AM, swagkid300 said:

Would you rather catch a couple big bass or a lot of average size bass on a fishing trip?


Answering this question depends a lot on how you interpret the terms. "Big" isn't necessarily a giant, and "average" isn't always dinks. On most of my waters, big would be approaching 5 lbs., and average would be between 1lb.-2lb. Also, "a lot" hasn't been defined. Regardless, count my vote in the minority, but I'm after quantity. I go fishing to catch fish, and lots of them, 50 bass a day or more. I consider anything much less than 8-10 bass an hour as slow. Granted, if I'm only going to catch 2 bass a day I would love for them to be 5 pounders (big), but 2 fish a day would make for an awefully boring time on the water to me. 



fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

As someone else has noted, it depends on how you define "quality" and "a lot of fish."  And if I were guaranteed to catch a few big ones (since when has that ever occurred in fishing?).  Around my neck of the woods, If I were "swinging for the fence" on every trip, I'd go home empty-handed an awful lot.  I don't particularly care for dinks but if it's them or nothing at all, I'd go with dinks.  But then again, if the bass aren't biting, I'll switch to bluegill or crappie readily enough.

fishing user avatarwngan9447 reply : 

If i'm off on a trip, i rather get more "average" size fish all day long.


If i'm out for a couple of hours, i want the big one.

fishing user avatarCreekcrappie reply : 

I voted quality but I would rather compromise in the middle somewhere.

fishing user avatarMike2841 reply : 

I voted quantity, most days I'm happy if I can catch A fish never mind a big one.


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