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Practical Bass fishing Jokes 2024

fishing user avatarflbassmaster reply : 

What’s the best / worst practical joke that you’ve played on someone while bass fishing? or that was played on you? please share!

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 

Not necessarily while bass fishing, but... On canoe trips, if I'm paddling from the back seat, and my fishing partner who is up front, isn't paying too much attention, I'll slap the water hard with the flat part of the canoe paddle. It sounds like a gunshot and scares the heck out of the guy in front.


Another trick I used to play on my fishing partners while on fly-in fishing trips. We used to frequently troll from the small boats provided by the outfitter. Sometimes, while I am driving the tiller motor, the guys in front might fall asleep while holding his rod while trolling. I'd slowly turn the boat so his line would cross over the transom and I could reach it. I'd grab his line and give a hard tug making him think he'd gotten a fish. Wakes him up real fast.

My fishing partners learn not to fall asleep while I'm operating the boat.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Loosening spool tension is a pretty common trick.

fishing user avatarflbassmaster reply : 

That is awesome! LOL

the spool tension trick will definitely do it! LOL

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Partner started to get starrier eyed and bored and when he looked away to stare at the shoreline behind him I took my rod tip and put it under his line near his rod tip and powered my rod over my head which lifted his rod up into the air and scared him to death. He thought he had a monster on.


He was somewhat PO'ed but we both laughed about it and I told him to concentrate on his line and not the trees.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Tap the rod butt when they aren't looking.  The hooksets are hilarious.

fishing user avatarTroy85 reply : 

My dad likes to shake the rod tip in the water so it sounds like a hooked fish splashing next to the boat.  It works pretty well on those slow days.

fishing user avatarRpratt reply : 

I wasn't Bass fishing, I was out on a pier in Alameda fishing with some buddies for sea trout or something rather. Well, I was crushing them. The ONLY guy on a crowded pier pulling in fish left and right. And I um, well I was hamming it up with everyone. Well I threw my line out and ran to the bathroom. When I came back my rod tip was bouncing up and down and my buddies were all gesturing to me to hurry up. And I did....


Ran to my rod, set that hook and the fight was on! My line was jumping and I knew I had a big one! 


Of course when my line came out with it came 4 of those BIG triangle shaped weights my buds had slipped down the line while I was in the can. Talk about a whole bunch of hootin and hollering that this at the time young man suffered ....

fishing user avatarLog Catcher reply : 

Fellow I used to fish with would act like he got upset if I was catching more fish than he did. He would say if you catch another fish I will throw you overboard. I would tell him go ahead but to let me know which side of his butt he wanted me to hang the treble hooks of my crankbait in.


 Another time he threatened to leave me one the bank. I told him he would be back to pick me up. When he asked why I pulled the keys to his truck out of my pocket. Since we were in his boat I had put him in that day.

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 

a rubber snake or big fake spider never gets old 

fishing user avatarArcs&sparks reply : 

When I was first starting out,  I stopped by a local bridge to fish for bass.  This was a tributary just upstream of a lake where a few big pike have been caught, but they’re rare. As I was fishing I heard a large fish jump upstream and got really excited.  Must be one of those big pike!  I hurried and grabbed a 7” floating swimbait out of my bag and tied it on.  I crouched down and quietly snuck through the woods to where the fish was.  I pitched the bait out near some lay-downs and instantly hung up on a submerged tree.  As I was trying like heck to get it unstuck, a saw a beaver slowly swimming across the river.  As we made eye contact, he turned his butt to me and slapped the water.  I won’t be falling for that dirty trick again.  Didn’t get my bait back either.  

fishing user avatarLog Catcher reply : 
  On 1/25/2019 at 9:48 AM, lo n slo said:

a rubber snake or big fake spider never gets old 

The problem with a rubber snake is it could get somebody hurt. 

fishing user avatarcookieman reply : 

When son was small and things were slow and boring i would wait until he was not really paying attention and would yank  my pole up like I had a bite which got his attention and would then say" Just checking". To this day it still works alot of the time and he is in his thirdys. Now we both still get a good laugh

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

If someone keeps casting across my line, I'll get tired of it and wait until I feel them pulling my line and start jerking so they think they have a fish. 

fishing user avatarTOXIC reply : 

On boat shennagigans are always fun but if you are around serious fishermen I always make sure I don't do anything to cause them to lose a fish.  I have gotten the most experienced fishermen by tapping the rod butt when they aren't looking or tapping their line.  I've seen charter captians put an old 45 record on the end of a trolling line and let a client fight it all the way back to the boat.  It dips and dives and runs right to left just like a fish.  We were fishing St Clair one year and we were having a particularly tough day.  My fishing partner and I in one boat and our buddies in another.  We were fishing somewhat close and they were pulling in fish after fish and we couldn't get bit.  We were changing baits according to what they were telling us and no luck but they kept pulling in fish.  One of them yelled it was so easy he could catch them while taking a nap so he layed down on the front deck and sure enough......bam!!  another fish.  We were pulling our hair out.  Then they started cracking up and we found out it was the same fish the whole time, they would just release it back into the water still hooked and acted like they caught it again, trading the rod back and forth.   They were gentle with the fish and it was released unharmed.

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 

Fished an open tournament on the Upper Potomac and while waiting in line for livewell check the guys ahead of me were giggling. Had to ask what was so funny to which they said just watch the livewell check on the boat in front of them. The guy opened up the livewell lid and out jumps a squirrel. Those guys busted out laughing but the other guy was ticked. Apparently it was payback for a joke he pulled on one of them.



fishing user avatarFryDog62 reply : 

When I first met my future father in law at his house shortly after starting to date his daughter, he found out I liked to fish... 


... So off his dock he pre-set a “Popeil’s Pocket Fisherman” pole with about 30 feet of line out in the water tied to one of his old Converse high-tops.  


As as we walked in the house, he looked out the back and said “Bobber’s down!” And told me to run out and set the hook. 


So now there is vintage video footage of me “fighting the big one” off their dock with an 18 inch rod.  


He sure loves to still tell that story years later... and I can’t wait for the old film to finally deteriorate to the point of self destructing..

fishing user avatarflbassmaster reply : 

lol That's hilarious!

fishing user avatarFCPhil reply : 
  On 1/24/2019 at 11:30 PM, J Francho said:

Loosening spool tension is a pretty common trick.

That’s just cold...

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 
  On 1/25/2019 at 11:03 PM, Log Catcher said:

The problem with a rubber snake is it could get somebody hurt. 

we had a black snake fall into the boat one day when we were pitching this dock. my cousin jump outta his boat, onto the dock, and left me in the boat with the snake. ????

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 
  On 1/25/2019 at 5:24 AM, J Francho said:

Tap the rod butt when they aren't looking.  The hooksets are hilarious.

I've seen this done while pier fishing for salmon.  The school of salmon run the gauntlet of the pier, anglers throw down their jigs, rod but gets tapped followed by a swift and massive hookset, shortly after which is a burst of laughter and an occasional jig flying up and out of the water. Too funny.


Since I fish solo 99.9999999% of the time, I have no one to pull fast ones on.  It would be a sad day if I start pulling pranks on myself, lol.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I don't see much jig fishing from piers.  It's mostly chucking and ducking with spoons, so the tap wouldn't work.

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

I had my buddies cut my line then rewind it back on the spool so when I casted my jig it just kept going & going. I was bewildered until they started laughing and I finally figured out what they had done. 

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 1/26/2019 at 4:32 AM, Dwight Hottle said:

I had my buddies cut my line then rewind it back on the spool so when I casted my jig it just kept going & going. I was bewildered until they started laughing and I finally figured out what they had done. 

I have a buddy that used Fluoroclear.  No one had to actually cut his line, but lures flew off all the time, lol.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

Not a joke but it is funny.


One of the guys on this Forum and I were fishing the Chickahominy River when he told me that he was going to throw his bait really far with his new Lew's reel to show me just how far he could get his bait.


He hauled back and casted that bait as far as he could and the line popped.


He just stood there in disbelief as the bait sailed deep into the grass. It was one of his favorites.


I almost fell out of the boat laughing.

fishing user avatarLog Catcher reply : 
  On 1/26/2019 at 3:21 AM, lo n slo said:

we had a black snake fall into the boat one day when we were pitching this dock. my cousin jump outta his boat, onto the dock, and left me in the boat with the snake. ????

My dad worked for the water company. One night he was called in finish out the shift for the guy that worked 4:PM to midnight. Found out a water snake had crawled in a window that was open. He was so scared of snakes he went in to convulsions and hit the floor. Had to be taken to the hospital. He was found by another another water company employee that came over from another building. That is why I don't play games concerning snakes. Too many people are scared of them and react in many different ways.

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 
  On 1/26/2019 at 4:01 AM, J Francho said:

I don't see much jig fishing from piers.  It's mostly chucking and ducking with spoons, so the tap wouldn't work.

Pink (cerise) jigs for pink salmon. Strange but true and effective. 

fishing user avatarflbassmaster reply : 

that's happened to me before!

fishing user avatarGoneFishingLTN reply : 
  On 1/26/2019 at 4:52 AM, J Francho said:

I have a buddy that used Fluoroclear.  No one had to actually cut his line, but lures flew off all the time, lol.

Dang from p line? I have tons of it is it really that bad?

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

He was using 10# line.  I actually think he had a nick in one of his guides.  He'd break off every 30 casts or so.  I don't trust that line at all.  I love most of their other lines.

fishing user avatarflbassmaster reply : 

That would happen to me also when I used flouro clear on my bait caster. I just use straight braid now. works way better

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

I posted this in a similar thread last year. We were at a church men's retreat on Lake George in the 80s. It got dark and we posted a teen under the dock and attached him to the end of a line on someones baitcaster. Then we hollered as a friend walked up that we had a huge bass, it was possibly a world record etc. At that point the teen began thrashing and splashing around, and the friend bought it hook, line, and sinker. We handed him the net and purposely kept throwing the light beam around so he couldnt see too good. At just the right moment, with Steve hunched over with the net, the teen ( david ) lunged all the way out of the water with weeds wrapped all around him. At the same time he made a scary , loud noise, kind of like " aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh "

Steve shouted in terror, fell over backwards into a boat on the other side of the dock. The only thing that was hurt was his pride. No doubt the funniest thing Ive seen in 50 + years fishing.

fishing user avatarColumbia Craw reply : 

I am puzzled.  How does practical and jokes fit together?

fishing user avatarflbassmaster reply : 

Columbia craw, Have fun. Life is serious enough as it is.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Lol, from Wikipedia:


A practical joke is "practical" because it consists of someone doing something physical, in contrast to a verbal or written joke. For example, the joker who is setting up and conducting the practical joke might hang a bucket of water above a doorway and rig the bucket using pulleys so when the door opens the bucket dumps the water. The joker would then wait for the victim to walk through the doorway and be drenched by the bucket of water. Objects can also be used in practical jokes, like fake vomit, chewing gum bugs, exploding cigars, stink bombs, costumes and whoopee cushions.


fishing user avatarflbassmaster reply : 

thank you, j francho!

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

#2 Funniest was one I was in the middle of, but I didnt do it or was the one it was done to.

We were fishing near welaka, on the St Johns, and fishing the cypress . I was in the middle seat, sandwiched between two brothers I had grown up with. The younger was in the back. We had been seeing a lot of cottonmouths on limbs, stumps, and so the younger bro. whispered " watch this ", and he flipped a big worm he had tied to the line on back of the older bros. neck. He was a big outdoorsman, and Id never seen him slightly scared of anything in the woods or water.

Until that day !  " Reaction " does not do it justice. He hollered and flailed his arms wildly and almost fell out of the boat ,until he finally realized what happened. In the meantime, me and younger bro. had nearly fell out of the boat laughing.????

I had to get between them then to keep little bro. from getting thrown off the boat.

fishing user avatarstepup reply : 

I told this story on another thread. When I was a young man there was a older gentleman that took a liking to me and took me under his wing. He would take me to fish team tournaments when his regular partner couldn't make it. He had just gotten a Brand new 21XD bullet. We were out fishing one day and I was throwing a DD22 crankbait. As I was casting it I drew back and went to make a long cast and when I slung it forward I heard what sounded like a gun shot. He looked back at me like "what the hell did you do to my boat". I was bewildered. I couldn't find my crankbait anywhere and couldn't figure out what the sound was. Well I tied another crankbait on and continued to fish. When he was ready to move we sat down and when he cranked the big motor all kinds of crazy noises started coming from the motor. I mean it sounded like a barrel of hammer was in the motor. It still didn't hit me what was going on but when he pulled the cowling off he was ready to kill me. Somehow I had slung the crankbait through the hole of his brand new Alien Cowl and when he fired the motor it destroyed the crankbait. There was bits of green and orange plastic all over the inside of the motor. He was ready to kill me. So I don't know that it was a practical joke but he still gives me **** about it every time I see him and loves to tell the story any time we are at a weigh in and there are a bunch of fishermen around.

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 
  On 1/30/2019 at 2:27 AM, N Florida Mike said:

#2 Funniest was one I was in the middle of, but I didnt do it or was the one it was done to.

We were fishing near welaka, on the St Johns, and fishing the cypress . I was in the middle seat, sandwiched between two brothers I had grown up with. The younger was in the back. We had been seeing a lot of cottonmouths on limbs, stumps, and so the younger bro. whispered " watch this ", and he flipped a big worm he had tied to the line on back of the older bros. neck. He was a big outdoorsman, and Id never seen him slightly scared of anything in the woods or water.

Until that day !  " Reaction " does not do it justice. He hollered and flailed his arms wildly and almost fell out of the boat ,until he finally realized what happened. In the meantime, me and younger bro. had nearly fell out of the boat laughing.????

I had to get between them then to keep little bro. from getting thrown off the boat.

y’all sound like my kind of folks ????

fishing user avatarTnRiver46 reply : 
  On 1/26/2019 at 12:22 AM, Munkin said:

Fished an open tournament on the Upper Potomac and while waiting in line for livewell check the guys ahead of me were giggling. Had to ask what was so funny to which they said just watch the livewell check on the boat in front of them. The guy opened up the livewell lid and out jumps a squirrel. Those guys busted out laughing but the other guy was ticked. Apparently it was payback for a joke he pulled on one of them.



Now that is friggin hilarious

fishing user avatarBoatSquirrel reply : 
  On 1/26/2019 at 4:52 AM, J Francho said:

I have a buddy that used Fluoroclear.  No one had to actually cut his line, but lures flew off all the time, lol.

Right you are sir.  I guess thats why its $5 for 600 yards.  They are trying to give it away.

fishing user avatarschplurg reply : 

Only thing I can think of is a guy, my Dad's friend, who would always wave at other boaters as we motored along, and when I'd turned to look at who he was waving at, most of the time there was nothing there, and he'd just laugh.


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