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Splitting fuel and other costs with a regular partner 2024

fishing user avatarjunyer357 reply : 

My dad is still my favorite fishing partner. Always has been, since the time he bought us a new set of baitcast combos 30 years ago (neither of us having a clue how to use them) til now and beyond . We both often fish with other folks nowdays, many of whom are far better than either dad or i ever will be, but we are both still our favorite fishing partner. Normally when either of us goes and finds new lure, technique, spot, etc.. we show the other our next trip out together.  Growing up dad always paid everything, especially before i became of working age. As i have grown older i have began paying more and more torwards gas and such, as well as all my own tackle and gear nowdays.  

Its technically his boat, even though i use it far more nowdays since he is usually golfing more. What has become our routine is to fill the boat back up with gas after a trip out to keep a full tank. This keeps us at small more frequent fill ups instead of a less often and more expensive 40 gallon fill up. 

Last year we adopted a new plan for deciding who pays to refill boat.  Loser buys gas.  We dont tourney fish, just fun but we keep a tally of 4 best fish for day, since our rapala scale will record 8 fish. Man with biggest fish also doesnt pay for truck fuel either. We found this to be a fun and fair way to split cost without having to remember who paid last time, as well as freindly competition between us. 


With other guys i fish with we do it diffrently, depending on who i am with.  With a few we alternate whose rig we take, taking turns pulling own rig, owner paying all fuel, co-angler buys biscuits.  Others we always use their much newer, bigger, and nicer boats and i either pull with my truck or give them gas money, $20 minimum up to as much as $50 depending on distance to lake and fuel prices. 


Out of curiosity how do others of you split costs with a regular partner or co-angler? 

fishing user avatarFirefish Alumacraft reply : 

My father is also my fishing buddy, when it came time to buy a boat he aways puts up the money but I try to pay for everything else, fuel, food, gear, accessories, and I'll even drive. I fig over the last 33 years of us fishing and having fun for most of the years he's been dishing out the big bucks that I can pay for everything else. I use the old boat more than my father did and just recently we got a brand new boat that I couldn't even come close to paying for he was happy to do so and he told me the boat is equally yours as it is mine and one day it's going to be yours. Im sure our fathers love fishing with your and can care less about who pays. 

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

My one buddy and I simply take turns.  He uses his boat and truck one time and I use mine the next.  While it IS true that his boat and truck consume more petrol than either of mine, no one twisted his arm to get what he got.

fishing user avatarjunyer357 reply : 
  On 2/3/2016 at 5:56 AM, Firefish Tracker said:

My father is also my fishing buddy, when it came time to buy a boat he aways puts up the money but I try to pay for everything else, fuel, food, gear, accessories, and I'll even drive. I fig over the last 33 years of us fishing and having fun for most of the years he's been dishing out the big bucks that I can pay for everything else. I use the old boat more than my father did and just recently we got a brand new boat that I couldn't even come close to paying for he was happy to do so and he told me the boat is equally yours as it is mine and one day it's going to be yours. Im sure our fathers love fishing with your and can care less about who pays. 

Yea i normally do most of the driving nowdays when dad and i go.  We started that years ago before he retired and would often try to get paperwork for work done on way.  It was also a way for me to help him relax and have a cold one and let me handle it.  Afternoon fishing trips is when he taught me the ONLY way to drink n drive. We would stop and get a beer and he would say "im gonna drink, you are gonna drive". I think when i was a teen doing it he needed it to calm his nerves teaching me how to pull a trailer and now he does it because its a way he can relax more, especially before he retired. 

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

My dad would pay for the gas for the trip down to the lake and back, and I would pay for the gas for the boat, as well as, putting the boat in the water.  We would split just about everything else 50/50.

fishing user avatarFirefish Alumacraft reply : 

My fathers retiring this summer and he fig if he's going to be off he going to enjoy it fishing in a new boat.  We always owned used boats around 10 years and needed TLC. Now its all new and just fishing.

fishing user avatarFishinthefish reply : 

I always offer half and ask them what they feel half is and pay what they ask.

fishing user avatarlo n slo reply : 
  On 2/3/2016 at 5:57 AM, Ratherbfishing said:

My one buddy and I simply take turns.  He uses his boat and truck one time and I use mine the next.  While it IS true that his boat and truck consume more petrol than either of mine, no one twisted his arm to get what he got.

my cousin is my fishing partner 90% of the time. we do it the same way plus, rider buys the biscuits. we do take my boat most of the time. it doesn't bother me. he's one of the funniest guys i know and can really fish. heck, i'm going fishing anyways with or without him!

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

I've been fortunate the past few years to have two, good, regular fishing buddies.  Here's how we worked it.   We rotated taking our boats.  The boat owner pays for the boat and tow vehicle fuel.  The first mate caters (brings lunch, snacks, and beverages) and provides valet service (backs the rig into the water to launch, and parks the tow vehicle, after fishing, he gets the tow vehicle and backs it down the ramp to load the boat.

It has served us well.  Now, one of my buddies has moved to South Carolina (where he's supposed to be scouting out the local waters before I make the drive to spend a few days fishing with him, and the other got a promotion at work, which makes more demands on his time).


fishing user avatarblckshirt98 reply : 

I've never been on a boat but if someone were to offer me a day on the boat I'd pay for 100% of the gas, both tow and boat, because I wouldn't have a boat to offer in return to take turns with nor a truck to help haul it.  No different then borrowing someone's car and returning it with a full tank.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I leave it up to the boater................if it's my boat, and were going fishing for "fun" ..................IE  NOT a tournament, I expect nothing. I am going fishing anyways, and (most of the time) don't mind having a buddy tag along. 

In tournament situations, I expect my partner to pay his 1/2 of the entry fee and that's it. I am already there, I am fishing the tournament with or without a partner, and the lake is like 10 mins. from my house, so gas is not an issue. Any winnings get split 50/50...........more than once my partner has offered up a small % of his winnings for boat gas/etc...I never mandate it,or expect it, but I don't turn it down either.

When I fish off of someone else's boat, for fun fishing I offer a few $$'s for gas if we travel beyond the home lake. 99% of the time my buddies tell me to "get the heck out of here".

When I tournament fish out of someone else's boat I offer this...........I'll either pay the entire team entry fee, or my 1/2 plus give you what you need/want for gas, etc....

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

In my fishing circle we are family & close friends.

Here's our simple plan

We slit all cost equally Including anything that breaks 

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

I fish alone.

But when I don't. My son buys breakfast. My dad buys lunch. Both pay for launch fees anywhere but my home water(I buy an annual pass). The past 2 years my son has paid the annual user fee for our home water. When we were competing, my son paid 50% hotels and food and I paid everything else, winnings were split down the middle. 

On the rare occasion I fish with a friend, all I expect is a gesture. The better the gesture, the better the odds they get invited back.  

fishing user avatarBaitMonkey1984 reply : 

If I am the guest on the boat, I offer. None of my buddies take me up on this regularly. In fact, for the one salmon trip I do for a week, that is the only time my buddies will take $ and it is because we are on then oat 14 hours a day for 7 days. So lots of gas being burnt. When I take people out fishing, I expect an offer to help pay or a thank you- but I don't accept because my waters are small, and because I wouldn't have invited the person to join me if I didn't  genuinely enjoy their company. Luckily, the majority of my buddies fish. They mainly fish for salmon and trout, so I take them out bass fishing when they want and they take me out salmon fishing. Everything comes out as a wash. 

fishing user avatarBasspro3106 reply : 

I never ask my buddy for anything but him being a pal always pays for the 10.00 dollar launch fee. 

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 2/3/2016 at 12:59 PM, Basspro3106 said:

I never ask my buddy for anything but him being a pal always pays for the 10.00 dollar launch fee. 

$10 launch fee! That's outrageous! It's $15 for a year permit for any state owned ramp here, which there's at least one on almost every major reservoir in the state.


Unless I mention something beforehand, I don't expect any gas money. I'm going either way, so I'm not out anything and have someone to help load and unload the boat. Gas money or buying breakfast is always appreciated, but I'm not upset if someone doesn't offer. 

On the rare occasion I go on a longer, multiple day trip with someone, then I like to try to split it fairly as possible. What we usually do is I pay for the truck and boat gas, my partner pays for the room and food. It usually ends up pretty close that way. 

fishing user avatarstkbassn reply : 

If it's my Dad then that's a whole different story, he's done more for me than I could ever deserve or repay in this lifetime. If it's a guy that I fish a local public tourney with now and again then I am not going to split the cost of gas when I only get to fish say this tourney and then not again with him for another two weeks, meanwhile he's out the next day or next week riding on free gas. Sorry, but the boat doesn't use that much in a 6 hour tourney.  However, I will pay the entry fee for both of us and the parking fee for his boat and truck. That's generally 45 bucks. I can back the boat in or be backed in and put it on the trailer since I've had two boats of my own. If we get big fish then we split it, if we win or place then we split it. If we get nothing then he gets a free chance at winning money with nothing out of pocket but using his boat and truck....fair enough in my opinion.

fishing user avatarbuzzed bait reply : 
  On 2/3/2016 at 3:11 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

$10 launch fee! That's outrageous! It's $15 for a year permit for any state owned ramp here, which there's at least one on almost every major reservoir in the state.

there's some steep ones around in GA too...  most are $5, but one i know of is $10 for out of county residents.  and no uniformity on who owns the ramps, some state, private, local, etc.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

You want to puke on launch fees, come on up to the northeast, lol.

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

Family doesn't count. With others, I always pay for gas and other incidentals or try to really hard until it becomes ackward.. When on our boats, its expected but never requested. Just the way we were brought up. Owning, maintaining and running a boat is expensive enough. The "He would have gone anyway" math, just doesn't make any sense to me. LMB guys have it easy, try filling up over 200 gallons and burning most of it in a day or two, not so bad right now, but when it was $4, fueling up was painful.

fishing user avatarlecisnith reply : 

My fishing partner is retired, came into quite a bit of money, and has refused any cash I offer him.  Because of that I usually grab drinks, lunch, snacks.  I've given TW gift cards and a pretty sweet spinning combo, too.  So you make it up when you can, as a co-angler.

fishing user avatarJ._Bricker reply : 

Junyer357, thanks for posting this topic as it reminded me of fishing with my dad and our ground rules.  A dollar for the first fish in the boat and a dollar for the biggest fish of the day.  About a month a go I was cleaning out the boat and found the little container with "my winnings", an inch high stack of $1 bills.  And of course our discussions of insisting on paying for fuel, lunch and launch.  Most of the time I believe I lost graciously cause it was like fighting city hall....

As Basspro3106 mentioned about launch fees, I thought $10.00 was pretty much the standard going rate.  Kinda envious of buzzed bait down there in Georgia.  Here in Cali, we get to pay a bridge toll when towing our boat of $15 for a single axle trailer or $20.00 for a dual axle trailer.  Which I have to do to get to Clear Lake or Lake Berryessa.  Not to mention the quagga/zebra mussle inspection fees depending on the lake...

Bottom line, I'm always appreciative when someone offers to share some the cost.

Good fishing


fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

I never concerned myself with the aspect of splitting money when it comes to fishing trips. Now if you're a leech then you will be barred and I won't bother with you no more. 

fishing user avatarNitrofreak reply : 

I really don't have a partner, when dad and I went I paid for everything, just a little right back atcha for all he did for me, when I do go I look at it this way, I'm going with or without you anyway, if I have an open seat and I invite you, it's yours to enjoy, if you feel compelled to chip in because you had some great up-bringin then ok,  but you wont hear me ask about it or expect anything for it.

Only one rule, no alcohol.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 
  On 2/4/2016 at 12:53 AM, J Francho said:

You want to puke on launch fees, come on up to the northeast, lol.

or northern IL because most every launch is private. It's $25 to launch anywhere in Chicago to fish Lake Michigan, $250 for an annual. These ramps are managed by the Chicago Park District. My home water ranges anywhere from a single state owned ramp which is free, to $10 on the low end and $25 on the high end. PLUS a user fee which varies by boat size and propulsion. I buy a $100 annual ramp pass from the American Legion. The money goes to a good place. I also pay a $100 annual user fee which goes towards the "upkeep" of the waterway. The Fox Chain of lakes is owned by the state, laws are enforced by the DNR and county sheriff, and  the upkeep managed by a private entity. In SE Wisconsin I fish a lake that charges launch fees by the foot. If my boat was 3" shorter, my launch fee would be $5 less. Every other lake I fish runs $15-$20 per launch with no in and out privliges 

fishing user avatarclh121787 reply : 

Preface...I fish 90 percent alone. Which i like yet i dont mind fishing with others. I met this 18 year old young man, family friend. loves to fish. Not a bad angler. Don't expect him to chip in for anything since I invited him. But the first time we fish he's an hour late to the dock. Calling me for directions s to the lake (lake only has one launch, lcoated in his own home town...) anyway. Decent trip. He calls me again asking if he can join me for another fishing trip 2 days later. I say sure. Again he's 45 minutes late, doesn't offer any gas money, and then after lunch at the marina he mentions to me he doesn't have any money to pay for his meal... after the fact he just ate a double double... really? Whatever no big deal and ten bucks later. Ive decided at this point he has worn out his welcome with me.yet he still calls me asking to fish with me. I always decline nicely. And since we're friends on insta space he'll see pictures. Then txt me later  asking why I didn't invite him to go. It's getting kind of agrivating

fishing user avatarjunyer357 reply : 

Wow. I cant beleive the launch fees some of yall pay. Im spoiled i guess. I have 5 lakes i can be on in under 2hr drive.  Fees are free - $3-5 for me anywhere i go. The alabama power ramps at the dam are free and most other privately owened public use launches are 4 or 5. 


@clh121787 that would aggrevate most anyone as well.  If someone invites me i try to be 5 min early and bring a few bottles of water or gatorade for sharing as well as my own use. I keep a tub of pop tarts, crackers, chips, granola bars, etc... for work snacks in my truck and offer whomever i go with their choice of what they want. 

fishing user avatarWIGuide reply : 

For me, if I'm just fun fishing, I don't expect anything. I'm going with or without them so an extra person doesn't change anything. As far as tournaments go, if I'm fishing them with someone else they pay half the entry I pay half and they give me something for gas. If we place in the money we split it and if one of us catch big bass the person who caught it keeps the money for it. 

Most of the time my tourney partner is my dad though and although we don't have an exact system other than with the payouts, we end up with about a 50/50 split. I'll at times pay the whole entry fee and then he'll pay gas or if we're prefishing whoever pays for gas eats free. It's one of those unwritten systems that just kind of works.


On a side note, WOW what some of you guys are paying for launch fees is crazy! I'm glad I am where I am. Within about an hour radius of my house there's close to if not over 100 different lakes. Very few of which there are launch fees for. The ones you do have to pay for it's usually $3 or $5. One of the counties sells a seasonal pass for any of the county ramps there for $20 a year.

fishing user avatarstkbassn reply : 
  On 2/4/2016 at 4:45 PM, clh121787 said:

Preface...I fish 90 percent alone. Which i like yet i dont mind fishing with others. I met this 18 year old young man, family friend. loves to fish. Not a bad angler. Don't expect him to chip in for anything since I invited him. But the first time we fish he's an hour late to the dock. Calling me for directions s to the lake (lake only has one launch, lcoated in his own home town...) anyway. Decent trip. He calls me again asking if he can join me for another fishing trip 2 days later. I say sure. Again he's 45 minutes late, doesn't offer any gas money, and then after lunch at the marina he mentions to me he doesn't have any money to pay for his meal... after the fact he just ate a double double... really? Whatever no big deal and ten bucks later. Ive decided at this point he has worn out his welcome with me.yet he still calls me asking to fish with me. I always decline nicely. And since we're friends on insta space he'll see pictures. Then txt me later  asking why I didn't invite him to go. It's getting kind of agrivating

That's pretty ridiculous. Maybe he's in a tight spot in life but that's not your burden to bare. I tell you what, one thing I am NOT late for is fishing! And then to expect you to wait and cover all expenses including a lunch he knew he couldn't pay! That takes a lot of nerve. Sounds like a sure fire way to never get invited again to me. I don't blame you for that. It's one thing if he shows up early, brings his own lunch, and informs you ahead of time that he doesn't have much to offer in the way of money or any other contribution....then if you enjoyed his company enough and still decided to have him along great...but all of that nonsense, nope!

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 

But he's 18, still just a baby...

fishing user avatarBaitMonkey1984 reply : 
  On 2/4/2016 at 4:45 PM, clh121787 said:

Preface...I fish 90 percent alone. Which i like yet i dont mind fishing with others. I met this 18 year old young man, family friend. loves to fish. Not a bad angler. Don't expect him to chip in for anything since I invited him. But the first time we fish he's an hour late to the dock. Calling me for directions s to the lake (lake only has one launch, lcoated in his own home town...) anyway. Decent trip. He calls me again asking if he can join me for another fishing trip 2 days later. I say sure. Again he's 45 minutes late, doesn't offer any gas money, and then after lunch at the marina he mentions to me he doesn't have any money to pay for his meal... after the fact he just ate a double double... really? Whatever no big deal and ten bucks later. Ive decided at this point he has worn out his welcome with me.yet he still calls me asking to fish with me. I always decline nicely. And since we're friends on insta space he'll see pictures. Then txt me later  asking why I didn't invite him to go. It's getting kind of agrivating

I go salmon fishing one week every summer with a bunch of friends and Dads. We fish two people per boat because we fish with down riggers and you are only allowed two rods. One friends dad is a diehard, after a night of partying he still makes sure he is up first thing in the morning, gets his coffee, gets the smelt, and then he's off to the dock. If you aren't there after he is ready and the boat is warmed up, he leaves without you and you either down fish that day, fish with someone else, or get a ride out to his boat. Last time this happened, my buddy got pisssed at him and hasn't been back up since. I thought that was bad, but I would have given the kid 15 minutes then left him on the bank.

fishing user avatarStarchalopakis reply : 
  On 2/3/2016 at 3:11 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

$10 launch fee! That's outrageous! It's $15 for a year permit for any state owned ramp here, which there's at least one on almost every major reservoir in the state.



You think $10 is outrageous, one of the lakes around here is $11 for your vehicle and $13 for your boat. $24 to launch for one day!

fishing user avatartomustang reply : 
  On 2/5/2016 at 6:26 AM, Starchalopakis said:

You think $10 is outrageous, one of the lakes around here is $11 for your vehicle and $13 for your boat. $24 to launch for one day!

That's commiefornia for ya, they even charged to get into the park at folsom lake, I drove around the park for 5 minutes and asked the wife what exactly did I pay for :rolleyes:

fishing user avatargulfcaptain reply : 
  On 2/5/2016 at 6:26 AM, Starchalopakis said:

You think $10 is outrageous, one of the lakes around here is $11 for your vehicle and $13 for your boat. $24 to launch for one day!

Yep, and then there's the inspections, stickers, outboard requirements.  Lets just say if I'm going fishing and my partner has a truck, he pays for the gas in the truck, and I'll pay for the gas in the boat.  Otherwise, it's going to be a 50/50 split on expenses (gas for both and launch fees).  Fished that Snag Proof tournament in the Delta last summer with a partner, I paid the entry fee for us, some launch fees, and he covered the gas and the other launch fees.  All together the 4 days of fishing each put us back about $300.  But then the delta is a big place and you can burn through 20 gallons of gas pretty quick and that $20 fee to lauch the boat each day sucked too.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 2/5/2016 at 6:26 AM, Starchalopakis said:

You think $10 is outrageous, one of the lakes around here is $11 for your vehicle and $13 for your boat. $24 to launch for one day!

I drive an extra 5 miles to avoid paying $3 at the CORPS ramp so I can launch for free at the state ramp. $24 for a ramp better be on Erie or Falcon.

fishing user avatargardnerjigman reply : 
  On 2/5/2016 at 7:42 AM, Bluebasser86 said:

I drive an extra 5 miles to avoid paying $3 at the CORPS ramp so I can launch for free at the state ramp. $24 for a ramp better be on Erie or Falcon.

And better come with a kicker guarentee!

fishing user avatartander reply : 

The reservoir that I fish is free. They tried to put a $30 yearly launch fee but received so much fuss they decided not to start it. I was for it because they were suppose to improve ramps but you never know what they were actually going to do with the money. The most I pay for fishing is $20 a day but it is a lake they only open about 3 times a year.

fishing user avatarSnakehead Whisperer reply : 
  On 2/3/2016 at 3:11 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

$10 launch fee! That's outrageous! It's $15 for a year permit for any state owned ramp here, which there's at least one on almost every major reservoir in the state.

National Park Service runs the boat ramp in DC. It's free! (Free as in free beer not freedom, launch is closed from 10pm-6am.)

As for splitting costs, it's rare that I go out on somebody else's boat. When I do I always offer gas money and try my best to bring food and drink that the boater will enjoy. I have friends who insist that I take their money, every single time that I take them out on my boat. This year I am going to put my foot down and refuse their money, as it usually exceeds the amount I spend on gas. 

One of my friend's rationale is that he is paying for maintenance and incidentals. My rationale is that I'd be out there whether he comes along or not, so these things are my responsibility. He sees it as a gesture that ensures that I'll invite him back, but I enjoy his company so that's not an issue. 

Bottom line is if you have a cantankerous personality, pay for gas. If you're an easy going guy who plays well with others, don't sweat it. 

fishing user avatarFSUFish reply : 

I normally fish alone. But when I'm in the skiff and invite a friend (either dad, brother or 1 friend) I expect nothing, and decline all offers of money.  I'd rather not fish with you guys who expect pay.

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

I have fished with others for about 35 years and have never charged anyone a penny.  I would be going with or without them and appreciate the company.  I had one exclusive partner for 20 years and he would often pay tolls and bring breakfast rolls for the trip.  The food was greatly appreciated.

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 
  On 2/5/2016 at 5:16 AM, tomustang said:

But he's 18, still just a baby...

Babies have a lot of lessons to learn.  He just learned one!!!!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 2/4/2016 at 4:45 PM, clh121787 said:

Preface...I fish 90 percent alone. Which i like yet i dont mind fishing with others. I met this 18 year old young man, family friend. loves to fish. Not a bad angler. Don't expect him to chip in for anything since I invited him. But the first time we fish he's an hour late to the dock. Calling me for directions s to the lake (lake only has one launch, lcoated in his own home town...) anyway. Decent trip. He calls me again asking if he can join me for another fishing trip 2 days later. I say sure. Again he's 45 minutes late, doesn't offer any gas money, and then after lunch at the marina he mentions to me he doesn't have any money to pay for his meal... after the fact he just ate a double double... really? Whatever no big deal and ten bucks later. Ive decided at this point he has worn out his welcome with me.yet he still calls me asking to fish with me. I always decline nicely. And since we're friends on insta space he'll see pictures. Then txt me later  asking why I didn't invite him to go. It's getting kind of agrivating

If someone is a bad mooch, I'll usually make sure to tell them well in advance that money is tight and I need gas money or tell them I'll get the gas if they buy lunch, no excuses for it then. As for being late, tell him a time 30 minutes earlier than you're planning on going.

The other option is to man up and tell him that he needs to be more responsible and start showing up on time and at least buying his own lunch or you'll stop inviting him. Sounds like the young man might need to hear something like that so maybe he can realize he needs to take some ownership.


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