I went out fishing last week with a friend and he managed to catch an old kids shoe. Just like in the cartoons we watched as kids. It was pretty funny to see. I have also caught lots of things besides fish while fishing includeing a turtle, a duck, an old landing net, a glove, and a sock. What odd things have you guys managed to catch that are not fish?
I have caught a shirt, turtle, seagull, stick :, and a tire.
My son and daughter in-law both caught fishing poles at Lake Anna on different sides of the lake on the same day this past summer.
grocery bags
and of course, sticks. ;D
I caught a shirt. I thought I had a snag, but the snag moved. So I horsed it in and it was someone's shirt they had thrown in the water.
QuoteI have caught a shirt, turtle, seagull, stick :, and a tire.
What did you think when you hooked into that tire? That must have been pretty heavy?
Grocery bags, a lobster once, a porpoise ate my spanish mackeral that ate my silver spoon. Fought it for 10 minutes using 8lb test line. Had to chase it down with the boat when it nearly spooled me. I thought I for sure had a World record KING, caught a suitcase the other day with a L/C crank bait.
goose, sticks, leaves, knife, huge mesh minnow trap (the size of a 55gal. drum) that sucker took me half an hour to get to shore from about 15 ft away on 50lb test., tarp, grocerey bags, various turtles including a massive snapper that broke my brand new lure, countless tangles of old fishing line, and this is the most common thing ive caught that isnt fish: WATER!!! ;D
QuoteQuoteI have caught a shirt, turtle, seagull, stick :, and a tire.
What did you think when you hooked into that tire? That must have been pretty heavy?
yeah that tire fought forever ::)lol.
I went out fishing for crappie with my dad. There were three of us and we had few rods out each. We hit a nice size school and had one hit after another. Well my dad ended up having one of his rods pulled overboard.
Two days later and 50-60 yds away from his loss my buddy said he had bite. Then he said he was just caught up in some old line. We pulled in the line and to my dad's surprise it was his rod and reel.
Rocks. (Wedged into treble hooks)
alligators,loads of fun when your fishing topwater,NOT!
plastic barrier fence
grocery bags galore
a small plastic christmas tree (LOL)
a pipewrench tied to a rope(makeshift anchor? LOL)
an old spool of line(I pulled and pulled for 20 mins trying to get all the line and finally found the spool grrrr!)
a shoe
NO LIE... An apparently stolen purse,no ID inside,the perps obviously didn,t check the very small inside compartment which held $250.00 whoo hoo!!
QuoteI have caught a shirt, turtle, seagull, stick :, and a tire.
I try not to catch seagulls, but in the saltwater they get you so mad because they dive at the zara spook or any other topwater. So annoying >
I catch myself quite a few times!! Treble hooks in the hand.....nothing better
I've caught a crab trap, seagulls, snapping turtles, a fishing rod, another lure after getting a snag, a long piece of cable (like 20 ft), almost had a jetskier (I kept casting at him until he left, never got him though), an umbrella, a clump of mussels, a freshwater clam, crabs, a copperhead, and myself about 100 times.
Friend caught a boot in the James River while we were fishing. I asked him if he wanted to try for its mate but he did not see the humor in my suggestion.
I have caught mainly terminal tackle. Nothing spectacular like the rest of you guys.
Once caught a decomposed arm with part of the hand still attached....just kidding
Caught a shirt once in a really sheisty pond and was really worried that it would be something like an arm
Freshwater mussel (clamped down on lure), bullfrog, Jimmy Hoffa.
On a rat-l-trap=4 foot paintroller
On a tube=frisby
On a jig=Shopping cart
I hooked Neptune's castle in Atlantis once.
domestic goose ...... oh man, what a fight !
water turkey,
freshwater clam,
a cowboy hat,
rests of gill nets,
grocery plastic bags,
a couple of chlorine bottles
a ladies panties ....... hipo size
plus the usual stuff like leaves, sticks and so on.
QuoteOn a rat-l-trap=4 foot paintrollerOn a tube=frisby
On a jig=Shopping cart
How did that shopping cart fight? How far out were you when you hooked it and did you ever get it to shore to get your lure back?
I caught a really nice-sized dead bass
My line caught another line so I pulled it in by hand and sure enough a nice size bass that was totally white and dead. Someone must have caught it and fought it and the line snapped and the fish died.
Every type of aquatic vegetation known to exist in our waters, a shirt, a soup can complete with bullet holes, grocery bags from every chain store in Georgia. The best ever was a minnow about 3/4" long on a lipless crank. The hook speared him in the side of the head. Aggressive little fellow!
I caught a cold once.
I didn't catch these thing but they are pretty funny. ;D
Couple cheap fishin poles.
Bag's that are so nasty covered in crap that you can hardly tell its still a bag.
Ive caught fish that have plastic's in their mouth, first person on the lake and catching a bass with a zoom lizard in his mouth makes you wonder how long the fish will sit there with it.
The strangest would have to be a 3 inch grub suspended floating around on a rattletrap, what are the chances of that?
a really good beer buzz! everytime i ocean fish and it is rough, bring on the beer.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I was surf fishing back in 2005 with a double rig and a heavy sinker. I went through with the cast and the rig went flying. "Great," I thought. A $4 rig gone. So, I retied and put everything back on and made some more casts. Well, I feel my rig pulling something in, I thought it was a crab.
Guess what I had hooked?
Somehow, I had hooked the rig through a hole on the top no larger than this "o". Pretty amazing!
Gator, on a Zoom Centipede!
I've never caught anything out of the ordinary while fishing, but I did see a kid catch a couple turtles out of a pond while fishing with night crawlers. I also saw a dead freshwater eel on the bank of one of then ponds that someone must have caught and NOT released because it was all rigamortised.
I have snagged several things like
pelicans - it was like flying a kite!!
fishing pole
shopping cart
my dad
Caught a seagull once at Hatteras. We were getting ready to leave as it was late, and my buddy was tossing the left over bait into the water. Just as I thought I had a bite and set the hook, a gull swooped down to grab some of the bait still floating. Clotheslined him and the line wrapped around its neck. We got it loose and it flied away.
Crazy Birds.
Actually after reading someone elses post I remebered catchign a few freshwater clams that clamp down on the hooks. I caught one one a crankbait once. Plus one time these ducks were swimming around grazing off the bottom, and I was casting a Slug Go, and for some reason these ducks loved this thing. I have never had a duck go after any other lure, but they kept chasing the SLug Go. It was pretty funny.
Plus I have almost caught a seagull when chunking bait for stripers. Thos things will dive right in after your bait, once I had one grab my bait and fly away with it. I thought he was hooked, but luckily not. I couldn't imagine how difficult it would be trying to un hook a seagull.
QuoteQuoteOn a rat-l-trap=4 foot paintrollerOn a tube=frisby
On a jig=Shopping cart
How did that shopping cart fight? How far out were you when you hooked it and did you ever get it to shore to get your lure back?
Lol, it is amazing what 65 pound braid can do. Didnt want to break the rod so went over on the trolling motor and go my jig out, but the hook was bent out so that was the end of that one. The next time I fished there my buddy actually got a four pounder off of it. I couldnt believe it. Must have been holding some heat or something in that 40* h2o.
The worse thing I have caught was a red bag filled with blood samples and needles. I pulled it into the boat to get the hooks out and then I noticed the Bio Hazard symbol on the bag. I guess the lake I was fishing had some hospital dump waste dumped into by some dumb@$$. The bad thing though I don't how many I have caught and eaten out of that lake.
thats pretty rough. can you say blood fish. and about the shopping cart and freakin huge panties lol. ;
I like to catch my tom cat on zoom flukes in the back yard. Hook point removed of course. He puts up a pretty good fight.
Turtle~ Soft sided as big as my 31" mud tire's.
Fishing line with lure's attached is what, I like .
Trash bag's
Tree branch or is it a log? ;D
My favorite was when i was fly fishing for smallies in New Hampshire with a popper and had a bat nail it. I trolled with him on ther for a while but nothing took it
my head,old line and lures, turtles, almost got a couple of surfers. and o yea ive almost caught my uncles hat and cigar before while rearing back to cast ;D