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Favorite fishing partner 2024

fishing user avatarRattlinrogue reply : 

Who is your favorite fishing partner or partners?I have more than one.My youngest son,Jamie,who is 14 and caught an 8lb. and a 9 lb. this spring is my favorite.Also my wife who caught a 7 lb bass this spring is also one of my favorites(she takes all of those neat fishing photos).

fishing user avatarPanamoka_Bassin reply : 

Well, seeing as I am almost always alone, I guess my cat would be my favorite.  He sits next to me waiting for a fish, and then runs away scared when it flops on the ground...that is, WHEN I catch fish...

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

My buddy is Speedy Madewell which is a pretty interesting name for a masonary contractor, don't you think? This fellow started two bass clubs in the Memphis area and fished competatively for more than twenty years. He's a great guy and a tremendous fisherman and has just recently started guiding on the Tennessee River for striper and smallmouth. I had to explain to him that he can't guide on Saturday, he's already booked!

fishing user avatarNick_Barr reply : 

My favorite is my best Friend Dylan Swanstrom, Me and him have been best friends for 4 years and every time i take him out we always have fun whether we have cuaght fish or not.

fishing user avatarKU_Bassmaster. reply : 

My dog, Deuce.  He never complains about how or where we are fishing. ;)  Plus I always seem to do very well when I go with him.

fishing user avatarrazyrsharpe reply : 

my brother in law Dennis Keels.  i also enjoy taking my 7 yr. old son Wyatt.  he truly loves to fish and i enjoy teaching him about the outdoors.  he does want to keep everything we catch though...for me to clean of course.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I fish alone.  I like the solitude, it's one of the reasons I fish.  By the way, the Rattlin Rogue was really hot today.  I was catching more bass on a jig and a worm, but the biggest ones came on the new gold, orange belly rogue.

fishing user avatarKeepin_It_Reel reply : 

My Grandpa, dad, or best friend at school, I like fishing with anyone  ;D

fishing user avatarhawghunter reply : 

I'm with avid, I do enoy fishing alone, but I do have my buddy Brian, we have fished together for about 9 years.


fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

My favorite is my 9 year old son Devin......he loves to fish.I usually let him pick what he wants to throw and  if he doesnt get bit quickly with his pick,he'll ask me what I suggest he use.Thats when I give him a #4 shad rap.That crank catches any and all fish.......crappie,bluegill,bass,white bass,ring perch, gets him bit on a regular basis through the day.When the bite shuts down or he's tired of taking bluegills off his line,he'll grab his Gameboy and beat up some Pokemons for a while.

fishing user avatarflip_pitch reply : 

my wife and/or my grand kids, because every time they catch a fish no matter how big or small it's still like the first time

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 


fishing user avatarBass Hammer reply : 

I have a buddy, chad, who works for me that I usually fish with about every week .

My new favorite buddy is my 6 year old that went out with me for the first time last sunday.

We had a great time that I'll remember forever.

And not because he stuck a #1 wide gap in my head. ;D


fishing user avatarbasser89 reply : 

Until my daughter gets a little older, I'll have to go with my Dad when I go back to PA or my friend Mat when fishing here in MD. While Mat and I have a similar style fishing, we each have different strong points and can really learn something from each other when we're out.

fishing user avatarphisher_d reply : 
I fish alone. I like the solitude, it's one of the reasons I fish.

Ditto.  I just like getting away from everything and catching fish.

fishing user avatarpmoravek reply : 
I fish alone. I like the solitude, it's one of the reasons I fish. By the way, the Rattlin Rogue was really hot today. I was catching more bass on a jig and a worm, but the biggest ones came on the new gold, orange belly rogue.

I fish alone...wasn't that a George Thorogood song?

I fish alone (ba naa naa nanh)

Yeeaahhh with nobody else (Bwa na na naa nanh)

fishing user avatarabelfisher reply : 

I too like to fish alone.  The solitude and all, can't be beat.  However, if I do take someone fishing, I enjoy taking my 22 yr.old son, Jacob (Jake)!

When we go together,  we both let our hair down and talk about things going on in our lives and we both have a great time fishing.  Once the fish are on, the braggin starts! ;D  It's a blast!

fishing user avatarMax-in-Mn reply : 

I fish with my friend Adam or my 4 yo niece Julia. I like to hunt alone though, not safe, but so peaceful.

fishing user avatarPanamoka_Bassin reply : 
my brother in law Dennis Keels.

Someone who likes his bro-in-law?...what a concept...I thought all brothers-in-law  were boobs...I know mine sure is, lol

fishing user avatarL.D. reply : 

I fish with different people daily, some good, some more difficult. But my favorite fishing partner is my wife. She's good at it and really enjoys her time on the water.


fishing user avataralhuff reply : 

A buddy of mine that was at Ft Hood with me, he and I would fish anytime and anywhere.  

Then there was another fishing buddy from Hood, hes in Germany now, needs to get back so we can go fishing.  We would fish every weekend.  If he lived closer we would still be doing that.  

Now its my kids, my oldest son, 7 this Saturday, is really getting into bass fishing.  He got "hooked" on using lizards this past summer, he likes lizards and is getting one as a pet for his b-day.  My other two are slowly coming around to fishing.  They tend to get bored quick.


fishing user avatarpaparock reply : 

My wife because she makes ME look like a pro!

fishing user avatarHula_King reply : 

My favorite fishing partener would have to be my uncle.  He pretty much started me into fishing and has a wealth of knowledge.  Besides that, we have a lot of fun out on the lake whether we're catching anything or not.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

roadwarrior, my buddy would say the same thing!! His name is Eric, (A.K.A. Dirk_Jigl-lure)

But then there's Kev






fishing user avatarutser reply : 

i fish with my son, keeps me outta trouble. he's in college now, so hit it alone.

fishing user avatarjusttrying reply : 

gotta go with the  wife. ......she goes very seldom, but we have a ball when she does. ..i just love to have her in the boat with me (and, the fact that she brags on me when i catch 'em don't hurt! Wheeeeeeeee)

fishing user avatarIllinoisBasser reply : 

My buddy Rich.We usually fish together about once a week.If we don't,we will call one another and compare notes on what worked,what didn't,wind,air temp,water temp,what lake,etc. I pick up so much knowledge from the guy,and i know he picks up quite a bit from me.He's one of the few local tourny guys i know that i fish with on a consistent basis.I also enjoy fishing with my wife,she enjoys being out on the water with me as i give her a seminar on how to catch fish in this situation.what tackle to use,the proper retrieve,and of course i end up catching dinks.My 7 year old step-son is a blast to fish with as well. I usually set him up with a crappie tube, a grub,or a beetle spin. He caught his first 3 pounder this past fall.I seriously thought he was going to get pulled in.He never did let go of the rod though.Give him another year or two and he will be fishing local tournys with me.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Illinois- That's what it's all about for me man!  

I love fishing with new people.  You either learn or teach and I love both.




Two of my favorite "teach" situations.  Sometimes I won't even fish.  I really get alot of happiness out of bringing fishing to others.  Perhaps I just want more people to understand me.

fishing user avatarPhishn_Phool reply : 

I fish alone now, but I don't like it.  I guided for 25 years and when i wasn't guiding I fished with other guides(friends).  When I retired to Florida I thought I would enjou being alone, but it is not what I thought it would be.  The fact that I can't catch fish here has something to do with it. :-[  I thought living on the water in a retirement community I could find someone to fish with, but of you indicate you are going out longer than 2 hours at a time they don.t want to fish.  Oh well, my bowling is getting better LOL


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Phool- There are lots of guys here on the board from Fla.  including guides like acstech.  Someones GOT to be able to set you straight or at least give you some good durable company.

fishing user avatarchevy reply : 

I'd have to say my favorite fishing partner is my dad. He got me into fishing when I was about 5 or 6. And I still love just spending the day on the water with him.

After that I like trying to introduce people to loving fishing. My last boyfriend, I got him right hooked. The current boyfriend, doing the same thing.

Then there are my friends who I always have a good time going out fishing with.

There's also my mom, who I'm getting used to spending 8 hrs in a boat with during bass tournaments. She'll be my toourney partner next year.

fishing user avatarmobassattack reply : 

I fish with my best friend KB. thats his nickname and we grew up fishing together so when the bite is on for one of us its on for both of us we use the same stratagies in the same situations when one of us learn something new the other does to, its just how it has been forever.

fishing user avatarFutureClassicChamp reply : 

my brother.....or whichever of my acquaintances looks the best in a bikini on a particular day.

fishing user avatarDDbasser reply : 

My wife is my favorite fishing partner.

Even though she usually gives me a lesson in fishing.

I also like to fish with my son.

I do my best fishing when I'm fishing alone, I tend to concentrate harder when I'm not trying to get someone else bit!

fishing user avatarKana reply : 

i love fishing with my dad, but being we havent lived close enough to fish together in 5 years, it is a little too long.  but soon im going to take some time away and catch up on missed time (when i move back to the states).  it nice just to be able to talk about any and everything, share stories just hang out. i dont mind fishng alone either, as i get to take soem time out, enjoy some music and let my mind cruise.  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

God is always my best Partner!   :)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I have several friends that I fish with, but I don't have a best partner. These guys have been my best friends through out the past 30 years or so, and all of us fish with each other... There is always one of us available to fish with, when one of the other calls...They all are good fishing partners.

fishing user avatarCBedo reply : 

I've gotten a chance over the last year or so to take my brother fishing.  We used to fish together as kids, but hadn't in a long time, and I don't think he had probably picked up a rod in over ten years.  Now he is back, as addicted as me.  We are even trying to buy a boat together to fish some team tournaments.  

I treasure every minute of it.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey fellas didnt have time to finish the post the other day b/c i was at work The most important partner is always god who rescued my butt from a world of misery. 90% of the time I fish with my friend Ron and except for his pre disposition to decorate trees with expensive plugs (Then we gotta go to shore to get em out) i really have a lot of fun fishin wiht him

But my favorite fishing partner changes every spring LET ME EXPLAIN

14 years ago I was a homless drug addict Some fellas intoduced ne to a 12 step program and with god working through the it saved and changed my life I am now clean 13 1/2 years.

The reason I bring them up when I got clean they got me a rod and reel and someone would always have (Extra) bait and a pack of smokes and after the morning meeting they would pack me in a car and off to the docks in Sheepshead Bay Brooklyn we would go fishin all day for snapper blue fish until the night meeting It kept me in good company around guys with the experince i needed to get baCK TO SOCIETY AND GAVE ME SOMETHING TO LOOK FOWARD TO THE NEXT DAY

when i had 3 months clean they gave me a mitchell 300, a 6'6" shakespear Rod and a couple of rapalas and took me bass fishin at Greenwood Lake NY which i hadnt done since i was a kid What they did worked b/c im still clean and a worrkin productive member of society

Now every spring I grab the newest guy get him a rod and reel combo from wal mart a couple of rapals and some worms and take him fishin with me and ron between meetings

There is a spiritual principle where i go to meetings YOU CANT KEEP WHAT YOU HAVE UNLESS YOU GIVE IT AWAY! i DONT SAY THIS B/C I WANT PRAise i want you fellas to know how much you all mean in your families life and your communities life Look outside of those areas find some one you know is strugglin TAKE THEM FISHIN get them a rod and reel and god will work through you

fishing user avatarChris reply : 

Thats way cool muddy man!!! :)

fishing user avatarBass Hammer reply : 


Thanks for sharing that with us.

Sometimes it is hard to open up on things like that.



fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey thank u fellas its not hard at all and you need to know what you mean to me and to all you share with Why wait to put in out in some obituary or something


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