I have been throwing somthing around with Glenn about re-doing the store this winter.
Glenn has agreed to let me take some control of the store and to create a product line for winter '06/spring '07.
Well, I have recieved a few emails and pm's asking about my LBH vest and also a few questions about other LBH clothing. As we all know, Glenn is not happy with his current line. This was an experimantal endeavor for him and he is willing to turn it over to me with everything passing his desk for approval.
I want to do 2 lines, a BR line and an LBH line. This is this years garment that we had made.
North Face Pumori vest
We do a few things each year but I would design a whole new line for the future. I would of course do this vest but as with all the LBH line, it would have your home state on it as opposed to "Rhode Island".
Like this is one we did for HawgHunter
Lines would include,
hats-skull fit baseball, 6 panel baseball, beanies, boonies
embroidered t-neck, embroidered mocks t-necks
screened t-shirts long and short sleeve
hooded sweatshirts
team shirts to order (maybe, waiting for feedback)
jackets (to order)
Just throwing the idea out there to see what kind of feedback I would get.
Thanks for any replies.
Thats tight! I would love to see the baseball hat version. I would need one of them.............
I like it, I would like to see a waterproof wind breaker, in Black for LBH and a khaki one for BassResource.com, or a pull over windbreaker like golfers wear.
I would buy the hoodie today if avalible.
The rain gear was a thought but to embroider a gore-tex garment isn't suggested I don't think. When it is done in a factory all the embroidery also gets seam sealed which isnt an option (I don't think) of a company that just does emb/screening as opposed to building the clothes.
I will look into it that today.
Thanks guys
It's a natural. I think that with your energy and creativity the apparal line could be a real success. BassResource.com is the premier bass fishing website. I'm sure that with the right designs people will want to display their connection.
You are the perfect guy to "get r done"
QuoteThe rain gear was a thought but to embroider a gore-tex garment isn't suggested I don't think. When it is done in a factory all the embroidery also gets seam sealed which isnt an option (I don't think) of a company that just does emb/screening as opposed to building the clothes.I will look into it that today.
Thanks guys
I wasn't talking Gore-tex, i couldn't afford that. I ment the wind breakers like coaches use, some of the moderatly priced ones are water proof nylon and have a cotton liner that helps keep a little warm. The pull overs aren't that expensive unless you start getting the type with liners and depending on lining is what makes the price.
Like this:
This is an example of the pull over
Disclaimer: these are just suggestions to LBH, they have not been approved.
This is an example of the pull over
Disclaimer: these are just suggestions to LBH, they have not been approved.
A regular Gucci, that LBH boy!
Good luck and we'll be looking forward to the latest in Fishin' Fashion!
Peeyess: Why not some stuff specifically for the lovely :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* of the Bassin' world?
I was thinking transparent stuff, mostly...they could work on their tans.heh! :
Put me down for one of each ....... : I definelty would be interested in most of the stuff you mentioned.
i would want a beenie!! shoot me a pm when available
A beanie,hooded sweatshirt,and baseball caps are a great idea. A good quality hat. Not one of those gas station meshback hats.As long as the hoodies aren't 50 bucks,I'll buy one. Here's a suggestion,if any of us tourny anglers buy one and wear it to our tournaments,could we get a little knocked off the price?
Was afraid to open this thread. Thought LBH was going natural like the young guns and their gulp baits. I really didn't know what to expect. Read a thread early that mentioned in the subject area, #400 caught yesterday, got pics!!!!!!!!! so I clicked and opened, kinda bummed to see it caught, when I opened it up, it said JUST JOKING, BUT DID SAVE ALOT ON MY CAR INSURANCE THOUGH!!!! So I didn't know what to expect, specially from you!!!!!
LBH, With the C.A.S.T. for kids, clothing line, working at UPS, and fishing, how do you manage it all? That is only some of your irons in the fire, and thats alot to get done. My Tx Longhorn hat is tipped to you. Kudos to your drive and determination.
QuoteWas afraid to open this thread. Thought LBH was going natural like the young guns and their gulp baits.
There is an idea, donate some clothes to them guys. The thought of seeing Skeet Resse and Ike with no clothes makes me afraid to go out to the lake.
I never buy clothes, but if BR puts out a line of stuff I'll make sure to add it to my fathers day or birthday wish list.
fyi - there IS a line of clothing available to today at http://www.bassresource.com/mm5/merchant.mvc
LBH is looking to expand it.
I'd order a few LBH shirts with California on them of course.
I'd also be interested in the hat & I like the windbreaker idea.
Schweeeet idea LBH, I would get a hooded sweatshirt and a couple T's.
I'm into Tournament shirts.I'm gonna get a BR Tournament shirt,and I'd also get a LBH Tournament shirt if you make one.
Great suggestions guys!
That's the kind of input I'm looking for.
Tenka- gotchya- UPS has all their facility working sups wearing them They have a v-neck one.
I have set uop a few meetings with people in the know on this kind of stuff and will have more info for you by next week. Until then please keep feeding me your thoughts.
Thanks guys
If you come up with a visor let me know.
Definitely gotta make a hoodie.Not so sure about that black jacket pictured above.I remember wearing jackets like that when I was like 10 years old. ;D
The black jacket pictured above needs to have:
1) a zipper
2) a hood
3) choice of different colors
I'm definitely in for a hoodie (they are pretty much universal) and possibly some other stuff,depending on styles.Good idea nonetheless.
This time of year, the hoodies come in real handy fishing on the river! I also like the idea of the pull over wind breaker, t-shirts, hats and visors. Matter a fact, I'd probably look into a tourney shirt too!
ok guys,I appreciate all the input but just want to clarify somthing seeing how I have 2 "orders" already in my email.
This is a thought right now, a concept. I'm just feeling the grounds a bit. Glenn and I havn't talked about any specifics or anything, it is just a thought that we are looking into. I really want this to fly but Glenn makes the calls and if it did go, there would certainly drop more work in his lap. JUst what he needs
But on top of that, the boss has an image of his site and we need to make sure we are both on the same page with that before moving forward.
Basically, I'm just letting you know that this is somthing we are throwing around. You will notice when things change here, we go to you first to feel out the situation with our members.
We still have lots of products available right now at the on-line store and every purchase gets a free gift!
That being said, I appreciate your opinions and don't be afraid to add somthing in here still.
That's why i put the disclaimer on my examples.
I told the wife to get me the current Torney Shirt, the boss hasn't approved that purchase, YET!
LBH/Glenn, If there is anything small(Military takes up a lot of my time) I can do to help, let me know.
how about lbh soft plastics tackle binders
One step at a time.
Actually, the name LBH would be perfect for one of these knock-off plastic companies.
Luckily we had the name Copywrited a few yrs back. One less step.
I can see it now:
"Low Budget Hookers Bait Company, Where you don't have to be loaded to get some action"
;D ;D ;D ;D
Now that.......
I like
QuoteI can see it now:"Low Budget Hookers Bait Company, Where you don't have to be loaded to get some action"
;D ;D ;D ;D
Tha is choice, when does stock go on sale, i'm in!
It would be a natural fit for Low Budget Hookers to come out with a line of hooks that "Never come outta the mouth." (Of the fish of course)
What about the Bait Monkey. He needs his own line of clothes.
LBH Clothing/Bait line ...... man the slogans are limitless. Dirty and clean ........ somewhat ;D
I'm thinking there needs to be a small monkey logo on the back neckline with "BaitMonkey approved" under it, at least on most garments.
Raul-look what you started!
Heck Russ, most of the time I see the pictures you post wearing no shirt at all.
What you really need to do is get that logo tatooed on your back! LOL
Nice Job Russ, keep up the good work. I have a post to you under Regions (Ct, RI MA)
That would be the 2nd coolest tatoo ever next to Steve-o's.
I think my wife needs a bait monkey approved, Low Budget Hookers......
Personally, I think the girlfriend or wife of ANY respectable angler would!
Yea mike,...I saw those
Mykeyb-thanks for the hookup via PM. I can use that company for compararitive reason at a minimum. Good to have a reference thanks! (Mike sent link for company that does what I'm looking for)
No thanks needed. Anything I can do to help the Resource and everyone here that has helped me along the way. I deserve no thanks. One hand washes the other, LBH. Hell, I thank you for your dedication to us BRer's. You go above and beyond.
Glenn, RW, Chris (I have learned a thing or two from that dummy! Thanks Chris ) and yourself (LBH) have taught me more than I could ever hope to learn about bass fishing. THANK YOU!
I dig it. I would definitely go for a LBH skull-fit baseball cap - especially one of the flexible (stretchy) fitted variety.
I would like to get some tournament shirts. I have never owned one but, of all the ones I have seen on tv or mags, they all look so stiff and uncomfortable. That could be my misconception as I have never seen or felt one in person. RR maybe you set me straight on the comfort and cloth weight of those tournament shirts. I have looked at the one on this site but not willing to experiment for $90, and my personal fashion consultant told me those are not my colors. Sorry Glenn, no offense intended towards you or whomever designed them.
Well it seems there are plenty of ideas for types of apparel. I would love to see a tee shirt with the BR or LBH logo on front and that photo of the bait monkey with the gun on the back. I know for sure you would sell at least one. ;D
QuoteI would like to get some tournament shirts. I have never owned one but, of all the ones I have seen on tv or mags, they all look so stiff and uncomfortable. That could be my misconception as I have never seen or felt one in person. RR maybe you set me straight on the comfort and cloth weight of those tournament shirts. I have looked at the one on this site but not willing to experiment for $90, and my personal fashion consultant told me those are not my colors.Sorry Glenn, no offense intended towards you or whomever designed them.
I've got a Yamaha tournament shirt,an FLW tourney shirt,and an Iconelli Tourney shirt.They are all very comfortable.Like wearing a bowling shirt(I wear mine untucked).Great for fishing in.They're very light feeling.