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Cabin Fever Sucks. 2024

fishing user avatarCPBassFishing reply : 

This is terrible. The only pond with fish in it is a 20 minute bike ride away, and even if I do go, I only have 45 minutes to fish because it gets dark so early and I don't get home until 4:00. Am I the only one with cabin fever? I can't wait until spring. Weekends are not enough!

fishing user avatartugsandpulls reply : 

most of my post are in the winter months the rest of the year im too busy fishing to post

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

Yeah - the days are shorter, colder, windier, and the bite is poor. BUT, at least some of us still have soft water; fishing is hard, but you can still fish.... :thumbsup:

Usually, by this time in December, I have REAL cabin fever - the kind you get when your lakes look like this. :lol:


fishing user avatarplumworm reply : 

The boat is in storage, the tackle is put away, I just finished blowing a foot of snow from my driveway. My cabin fever temp is about 105 and rising. Four months from now, I'll be on KY. Lake for 2 weeks. If I can last that long.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

Be grateful. I've been laid up for 3 months already due to injury. Probably would have been fishing up until this week if I had not gotten hurt. We should have ice here by next week. I won't be seeing the water until March

fishing user avatarFrog Turds reply : 

cabin fever is puttin it softwater season is over here, all the lakes are locked up & i don't care to hardwater fish with midget rods...its been only 19 days since my last outing, but now with all the snow & artic cold, it feels as if it was months ago...another grueling looooooooooong @ss winter of pure mental anguish and seasonal suffering till the end of may when bass opener comes around again...

fishing user avatarTuckahoe Joe reply : 

Yeah it sucks. I was going out a couple times a week and now its been a couple weeks since I went out. Waters not frozen but the bass bite has really died off. I can still go after trout and probably will a couple more times this winter but its getting pretty cold and windy. Fishing isn't quite as fun when your freezing and the winds taking your lure into a tree every other cast.

fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 
  On 12/21/2012 at 11:13 PM, CPBassFishing said:

This is terrible. The only pond with fish in it is a 20 minute bike ride away, and even if I do go, I only have 45 minutes to fish because it gets dark so early and I don't get home until 4:00. Am I the only one with cabin fever? I can't wait until spring. Weekends are not enough!

What you're experiencing is NOT cabin fever. Cabin fever is what us folks up north have had to deal with since mid-October, NO FISHING. Oh yea, and NO FISHING for another 12 weeks.

All you guys that are able to, take my advice, but don't give me credit for it if asked. Cut school, call in sick, tell the wife a buddy needs help moving tomorrow, but get out there and fish if you can. Not having the option of going drives me nuts, being able to but not taking an occasional break from the everyday humdrum to enjoy my favorite passtime .........they'd be fitting me for a straight jacket after a couple of weeks.

So quit whining and get out there. You can thank me by observing a moment of silence in my honor as you admire your catch. You're welcome.

fishing user avatarCPBassFishing reply : 

I'd skip if my mom let me! Lol :D

fishing user avatarCaylub reply : 

Where I live you can pretty well fish all year round, but I have a new illness. It is called "Stuck at home with the babies while the wife works on the weekends fever". I get out when I can but it isn't nearly enough. I fish vicariously through you guys. lol

fishing user avatarRyneB reply : 
  On 12/21/2012 at 11:49 PM, Goose52 said:

Yeah - the days are shorter, colder, windier, and the bite is poor. BUT, at least some of us still have soft water; fishing is hard, but you can still fish.... :thumbsup:

Usually, by this time in December, I have REAL cabin fever - the kind you get when your lakes look like this. :lol:


All im thinking about is drilling some holes for my tip ups and then planting my heated Frabill about 35 feet off that point and jigging some Maki plastics.

fishing user avatarplumworm reply : 

I think I'm going take my chain saw and cut a hole about 5 ft.wide by 30 yards long in the ice and " Carolina rig" It's how we think up here. Crazy ways to get through the winter.

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 
  On 12/22/2012 at 7:33 AM, RyneB said:

All im thinking about is drilling some holes for my tip ups and then planting my heated Frabill about 35 feet off that point and jigging some Maki plastics.

EXCELLENT site selection. That's a nice drop-off, about 10-12 FOW, with a small boulder field on the bottom - about 3' to 4' boulders - some good fish-holding cover down there.

The bad news about my lakes is that while they ice-over...the ice never gets thick enough for safe ice fishing... :sad10:

fishing user avatargripnrip reply : 

I put 3 hours on the water today. No fish but hey at least I got to go! Sunny mid 50's slight breeze.

fishing user avatarKevinator1 reply : 

You have no idea. I'm dying already! It snowed here in central Indiana for the 1st decent snow of the season....It sucks...I sit in my boat in the garage and look over my fishing gear and can't hardly stand it. I guess I'll have to hang around the house with the wife this winter.....Booooo!!!! I'm glad she isn't on this website.

fishing user avatarCoBass reply : 

It's been pretty darn cold around here lately too and it's already driving me crazy. It got into the upper forties today so I went to a local pond that is fed by a ground water spring and usually has some open water around the inlet. There was a spot of open water about fifty yards wide and maybe seventy five yards from the shore to the ice. It wasn't much but it was enough to get one decent fish and four little dinks. I tried several larger presentations but didn't hook up until I downsized to a three inch grub worked really slow along the bottom. Sure felt good to get that one decent fish.


fishing user avatarpapajoe222 reply : 
  On 12/22/2012 at 7:33 AM, RyneB said:

All im thinking about is drilling some holes for my tip ups and then planting my heated Frabill about 35 feet off that point and jigging some Maki plastics.

See, I told you a few weeks without being able to fish would drive you crazy. This guy can't even communicate anymore and it's only the first day of winter.

I don't know what he plans on drilling holes in, why he'd want to put good booze in them, getting his 'heated Frabill' (must be Canadian for hot butt) off the point. The only part of that I understood was jigging, but how the h@ll does he plan on getting that pretty boat to float on hard water?

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

CP, the winter is your time to orgainize your tackle and read, read and read about bass fishing.

It is the time to find the various pro's web sites, bookmark them, and read their articles.

It is the time to get on Facebook and "like" Ike, VanDam, Clunn and any other pros you wish to keep up with. You can also "like" Zoom, Okuma, Bass Pro Shops and other fishing related links.

Go outside and practice your pitching and flipping. Use a paper plate about 30 feet away and your goal is to hit it on every try by the time you go back fishing.

Get maps of the bodies of water you fish or check them out on one of the map links and study it carefully to learn all you can from a satellite photo. Contact your County's specific department to find out if they have any maps of the ponds and lakes you fish. Get a copy of what they have, too.

And do your homework; get into college; graduate; start a career; and you will have the funds to buy a nice bass boat, keep it up and running, and purchase all types of baits and tackle. Do this before you get married. Once you get married fishing is all over for about 10 years.

Also bookmark on and their Facebook link. The guy is a professional meteorlolgist and you will find his forecasts way ahead of the local TV and radio weathermen. Here is a link to his last post showing the December 26 snow, ice and rain storm heading towards Virginia:

If you want to improve your fishing you need to set time aside to do homework. Get some fishing books on by Denny Brauer, VanDam, Ike. Go to Woo Daves web site and read all of his articles.

Your most important goal this winter is to hit the school books and improve your grades so you can get into college and have a career that pays lots of money. JMU is a fun school if you can get in.

Merry Christmas!

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I only fished for 30 minutes yesterday and didn't go to the ocean this morning because of high winds and cool weather, I already have cabin fever.

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

CP, jsut remembered two other things I wanted to mention to you.

Go to this site and view their maps. Get the ones for the bodies of water you will be fishing and study them. Learn where the ramps are located, too.

Also check out this site so your mom can take you to the show January 25th through the 27th. Walk around and meet the Virginia bass industry movers and shakers. Lots of stuff for sale. Check out the boats. Meet the GMCO map guy, George. Really nice person. Say hello to the local guides. Bring money!!!!

Check out the seminars, too. Ish will be there and he is an excellent speaker and bass professional:

Winter is a great time for all bass fisherman to regroup, plan, dream and educate themselves.

And don't forget YouTube for information on various baits and techniques.

Speak to your parents about you joining a local bass club. Many will allow youngsters 16 and older to join and to fish their tournaments. Go to the top of the Forum page and look for Links and then check out Bass Fishing Clubs and go to the BASS and FLW sites to locate a bass club near you.

You will learn a lot from fishing with older bass fishermen and the investment is well worth the money.

Stay warm in Asburn, if that is possible!!!!

fishing user avatarRyneB reply : 
  On 12/22/2012 at 4:54 PM, papajoe222 said:

See, I told you a few weeks without being able to fish would drive you crazy. This guy can't even communicate anymore and it's only the first day of winter.

I don't know what he plans on drilling holes in, why he'd want to put good booze in them, getting his 'heated Frabill' (must be Canadian for hot butt) off the point. The only part of that I understood was jigging, but how the h@ll does he plan on getting that pretty boat to float on hard water?

you must not ice fish

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

All but our power plant lakes are iced over, that means only fishing one day a week now :( It gets a lot harder once hunting season is over at the end of January but at least our water is usually back open by mid March.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Despite my original prediction my cabin fever only lasted a few hours, I did skip the ocean but did some late morning bass fishing and it was pretty nice out. Back to my normal routine today, I got the jones on for a snnok or tarpon.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

No cabin fever here. I look forward to the off season. Gives me a chance to do the inside stuff around the house. We have a spare room we started renovating last year. Then the weather warmed up enough to go fishing. Paint the walls. Put down a hardwood floor, after ripping the carpet up. Sanding down the edges of doors that stick a bit. Nothing major, but enough to keep my wife happy.

Getting ready for the family Christmas dinner we have every year. In the middle of February we're off to Daytona for the races with a stop at our daughter's home in GA on the return drive. Be home in early March. There should be some fishing days around here starting in late March, but it has to be a nice day. I doubt there will be much action to make it worthwhile fishing on windy chilly days. April will be better.

On April 26 the boat will be hooked up to my pickup, and about one in the morning I'll pull out of the driveway, headed for the Pickwick road trip, and hopefully about ten days of fishing.

Just thinking about it is enough for me to need a nap.

fishing user avataraceman387 reply : 

Cabin fever seems to hit me around jan-feb when the bitter cold keeps me indoors.I have this ritual i do every winter which consists of me dragging all my tackle out of the cold garage into my warm basement and sprawl it all over the place on the floor,as weird as it seems i find it kind of meditating to grab a cup of coffee and go down in the basement and sit amongst it and try and sort it into different binders and boxes.I am mainly a soft plastic fisherman and i have accumulated a vast inventory of soft plastics over the years ,so much so that i always happen upon bags of stuff i had forgotten i even bought.I will find my self organizing and unorganizing my tackle over the next couple months to keep my sanity lol. Thank god we have bass resource for this time of year to read,i would think this site is responsible for the reduction of bass angler cabin fever suicide deaths every

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

This past weekend is the first that it has really been too cold to fish around here. I hope that it warms back back up a little before I have to go back to work.

fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

I still have soft water and am fishing every day. Not catching much but at least I get out for 30-60 minutes a day and beat the water. The last bass I caught was on December 21st. Surface water temp was 42deg., air temp was 31 deg., wind was 25mph gusting to 35, wind chill <17deg. The bass was 15"....

I sure work hard for my fish... :lol:

fishing user avatarBassmanDan reply : 

Being a native Hoosier now living in NC makes me really appreciate being able to fish pretty much year-round. Saturday it was a balmy 52 and the bass are fat and fiesty. A couple of five-pounders and a few of their smaller buddies just had to have a taste of a Zoom finesse worm on a drop-shot. Don't think I could make it through those Indiana winters anymore.

fishing user avatartnbassfisher reply : 

I haven't gotten to do much fishing since August because of school and other factors, so yes, cabin fever has set in.

fishing user avatarShewillbemine reply : 

I'll pour some beer on the water for the cabin fever folks. I'm goin' lake fishing on Wednesday and ocean fishing on Thursday. It's low to mid 60s around these western parts.

fishing user avatarJig Meister reply : 
  On 12/21/2012 at 11:13 PM, CPBassFishing said:

This is terrible. The only pond with fish in it is a 20 minute bike ride away, and even if I do go, I only have 45 minutes to fish because it gets dark so early and I don't get home until 4:00. Am I the only one with cabin fever? I can't wait until spring. Weekends are not enough!

try living in ohio....if you do not ice fish the winter sucks.

fishing user avatarClint C. reply : 

Call of Duty has been helping keep me at bay, mostly. I spent $200 today on a new rod and swimbait due to cabin fever haha.

fishing user avatarRyneB reply : 

checked the ice today. Looks like ill be pulling fish through the ice come next week. Really excited, considering i only got out once last year.

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

Winter bites! I find that this site helps me deal with cabin fever. I also do the following ...

1 - Study new techniques. Learn all you can about a technique, see how your equipment stocks up against it and make a shopping list. My focus thus far has been on the drop shot and crankbaiting. :-)

2 - Read (and reread) about seasonal patterns. Books, DVD's (not reading I know) and magazines help keep your thoughts about fish locations fresh.

3 - Sort your tackle - I'm primarily a co-angler so I am revisiting my tournament bag to see how I can get more in there. Reorganize things so they are more accessible. Example Buy 2 Plano 3601's and replace them for one 3600. This get's more terminal tackle in there. You can never have enough.

4 - Clean your gear - Oil and lube reels. If you don't know learn how (videos on this site).

5 - Reply to posts. Helps to know you are not alone.

Good luck

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
  On 12/25/2012 at 5:10 PM, Shewillbemine said:

I'll pour some beer on the water for the cabin fever folks. I'm goin' lake fishing on Wednesday and ocean fishing on Thursday. It's low to mid 60s around these western parts.

Are you going to filter it through your kidneys first?

fishing user avatartholmes reply : 

Just in the last couple of weeks, it's been too cold for me to fish. The local lakes are iced over, so I'll be spending my time indoors until it warms up again. It's time to service some reels, send a few off for professional clean 'n' lube, pour some jigheads and spend a lot of time playing guitar.


fishing user avatar11justin22 reply : 
  On 12/28/2012 at 9:10 PM, tholmes said:

Just in the last couple of weeks, it's been too cold for me to fish. The local lakes are iced over, so I'll be spending my time indoors until it warms up again. It's time to service some reels, send a few off for professional clean 'n' lube, pour some jigheads and spend a lot of time playing guitar.


That's what I do, play guitar though I do play a lot more than just the winter time. Also when it gets this cold I start doing a lot more hunting.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Here's a fun project:

Take all your baits and lures out of the Plano boxes, clean the boxes, inspect the lures

and reorganize your tackle bag. If you haven't used something in the last several years

sell it, give it away or put it into a separate storage container.

Another suggestion:

Even if you are completely satified with the knots you are tying, learn to tie a few more.

Try the Pitzen, Big O, Palomar, San Diego Jam and Snell knots for example. Maybe a

couple of different line to line knots: Blood, Albright or Alberto, Nail, Double Uni. Here

is a lot more to choose from:


fishing user avatarrb56 reply : 

here on the arkansas-texas line we get so use to 70 degree weather in the fall that when december hits and usually brings winter here, it easily becomes way too cold. since Christmas eve it started to rain, then sleet, then snowed 5 inches Christmas day, then cloudy and cold and last night and today hard rain and 30 degree temps. not to mention last friday the fuel pump on my pickup goes out. still haven't been able to get it fixed. i have stole my son's car, walked to the store and am just about ready...i better not say. where i fish is 80 miles away, but even one lake closer at only 25 miles is alligator filled and in a canoe...i'd rather not. plus even going it's dang cold. this was my first summer to own my canoe and fish the way i use to. now i'm spoiled. i've even considered selling out and buying a large camper or small motor home and staying at the lake.

fishing user avatarShewillbemine reply : 
  On 12/27/2012 at 9:38 PM, Fishing Rhino said:

Are you going to filter it through your kidneys first?

Unfortunately, no bodily fluids allowed in the lake. :tongue8:

fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

Here is the view off my deck, theres a mountain back there that you cant see its snowing so hard.

I was going to late season archery hunt today but that snow on the deck wasnt there last night and we already had 6" so now walking is even beginning to be a problem.


fishing user avatarjhoffman reply : 

Ive been working on tackle(cleaning reels, replacing bearings) and brewing booze. We just gave away all but 5 bottles of 5 gallons of blackberry wine I made(christmas presents). I have 5 gallons of hard apple cider to bottle but the bottles are out there in that shed and need the labels removed and sanitized. I was going to do it this week and never got to it. Maybe tomorrow.

The cider is going to be bottle carbed so it still needs time after bottling. Its been sitting since Oct in bulk fermentation.

These colder temps are perfect to make a lager beer also.

Wonder how many guys on here think a lager is some form of a darker beer. Color has no indication of taste. Coors light is a lager!

Lagers are lagers due to the yeast fermenting from the bottom up vs top down(an ale yeast) and the temperature at which fermentation takes place. Ale yeast needs a higher temp than a lager yeast.

Its funny when someone says..."i dont like lagers" as they stand there and drink a bud light or a coors.


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