It's that time again folks.
For those of you who are new to the site, we make a 'members video" every time we get another 1000 members. We skipped "8000" because it was winter, very slow, and very few pics available.
Please, especially if this is your first, send me a pic or video clip of yourself to be featured in the video.
To view a few of the previous ones, click on the video name HERE
Im in I sent you a PM
a few questions....if your new enough to the site that this os the first video since u strted can u send in pics from b4 u were a member..and also can some of the pics be of fish?
You've got mail!
I'll send some pics. Hopefully my ugly mug doesn't break the internet.
Just sent you a few LBH. Earlier pics but they looked good and clear.
Email sent.
LBH you get mine?
I got it but it's only 1 of 5!!
C'mon guys, there are 8,995 more of you, surely you have a pic,...send it along!!
Also,...please remember to include your screenname in the email.
should the pictures be attached to the email?
Hopefully it's on it's way.. ;D
Quoteshould the pictures be attached to the email?
that's the idea. lol
did u get mine yet
Thats better guys, keep 'em coming!
I will post a list of all the ones I have a few days before I start putting vid together. If your name is not on the list at that time, contact me.
Curious if you got mine? I didn't put my screenname as it is my email name ... Anyway look forward to seeing this when it is finished .
ive sent one got more to go
1 pic each folks but if you want to submit a few and let me pick, that's fine.
Bassassasin- Nice touch (hehehe)
Howdy LBH,
I sent 4. I hope they come through. I didn't have the opportunity to send a pic for the prior video. Since you said only one please choose but I like the one of me on my new bass boat.
Thanks so much for doing these videos. It's very cool.
Tom Bass
How soon do you need them? Will be going out this Thursday fishing. Friday to Bass Pro to spend mula. Will take pic both days.
I'll have my people call your people. 8-)
Avid-Your agent already contacted me,...those are some crazy prices but worth it to see you dance with Shaq again.
Grid- that's fine.
I am going to wait and see how the negotiations go with avid to see what I can get ........... or wait to see if I can get some new footage. Whatever comes first.
KU- FYI....Willing to pay extra for a cameo of "Duece" He's just too cool
Tom Bass-request acknowledged
I will have to get with his agent about that one, but I think I could get some footage of him sight fishing .... "Deuce Style"
If his tournament schedule is just to hectic to stop and do a shoot, I understand, but see what you can do for me.
I'm working on Queen Bee right now as I'M L LLL LLLOser at geek stuff.
Alright sent mine in
Can I send the cleary undoctored photo of me pushing Muddy Man off of his boat?
What about submitting video footage?
I sent a few to ya
uve got mail Russ
burley, the more the better, if it cant be emailed, hop on AIM and we can do a "file share"
my screenname is: fvrustyhooks
Quoteburley, the more the better, if it cant be emailed, hop on AIM and we can do a "file share"my screenname is: fvrustyhooks
What format do you prefer? I haven't actually processed the footage, should only take me a few minutes.
Burley- anything windows movie maker will accept.
I'll send one along now. We should have more after this weekend when the Central BFR group meets at Little Dixie for our little Rally/tournament.
email sent...
email sent!!!
email sent
Guys, you can send me whatever pics you want, doctored or undoctored. This doesn't mean I will use it but I might. The more I have to choose from, the better.
Again--send all media to
Again, again- I am not answering "did you get mine" pm's, just too many. I will post a list of all the members I got stuff from when I begin to build the vid. (early next week) If your name is not on the list and you sent in a pic, then this would be the time to contact me.
Thanks guys/girls and keep 'em coming!!
email sent
ok guys, I need video!!
A few of you have some but the problem is getting it to me. IT'S VERY EASY!!
The most detailed part is downloading AIM 6.0
After that, just find me on-line (not too hard to do,lol) and send me a message. I'll walk you through it from there. Just a few more clicks.
My AIM name is : fvrustyhooks
Now what about all you other guys that got video cameras for xmas, b-days, etc,....what happened?? I NEED FOOTAGE!!