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What Is The Weirdest Thing You've Caught??? 2024

fishing user avatarjmed999 reply : 

I was top water fishing the other day and a Blue Herring flew right up to my lure and tried to take it and fly away. We literally played tug of war for a good 10 seconds. :blink: Then it tried to spit it out of it's mouth but it was hooked on the trebbles. It finally shook it loose. I'm sure it injured it's tongue.

That was a trip! :lol:

Has anyone else caught anything weird like that while trying to fish??? :)

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

9 pages of weirdness, LOL:

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

My neighbor's cat, during a casting lesson. It fought just like a summer run steelhead.

It was carefully landed, unkooked, teated and released to fight another day.

fishing user avatarGlenn reply : 

I hooked into what I thought was a really good fish. I mean it dove down and pulled hard, then dove right, then darted left, then dove down again. I fought it hard and screamed for the net!

....until I saw it was a Pringles can!

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I've caught several seagulls freelining live shad for wipers during the winter time. The most frustrating part of the whole this is that the shad are usually on the surface because a wiper is chasing them but the gulls get them first :angry: Good thing is they usually don't fight much when you try to unhook them and never seem any worse off after being caught.

fishing user avatarBurke reply : 

Weirdest was trying to catch or lure a sunfish in the pacific ocean !

what was my brother and I thinking :)

fishing user avatargobig reply : 

The wildest thing I have ever seen fishing was out on a Salmon trip in the Pacific. My grandfather had hooked a nice 25 to 30lb Salmon and fought it with in about 10 yards of the boat. Out of no where a Sea Lion grabbed a hold of the Salmon and with in seconds a 15 foot plus White Shark nailed the Sea Lion right in front of us. This happened so close the the boat the Shark actually hit the down rigger line.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 
  On 11/24/2011 at 2:56 PM, gobig said:

The wildest thing I have ever seen fishing was out on a Salmon trip in the Pacific. My grandfather had hooked a nice 25 to 30lb Salmon and fought it with in about 10 yards of the boat. Out of no where a Sea Lion grabbed a hold of the Salmon and with in seconds a 15 foot plus White Shark nailed the Sea Lion right in front of us. This happened so close the the boat the Shark actually hit the down rigger line.

That is very cool, tough story to beat.

I'll give high praise to anyone that knows what this is ( don't google it, lol )


or this


fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

The top one is a trumpet fish - don't know about the second photo.

(I only know about the trumpet fish because you posted that photo in the earlier "weird" thread back in January... :lol: )

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Give that man an RG.Dunn............right trumpet fish, I forgot I posted it before..................2nd one is a ribbon fish

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I was deep cranking one day when the rod loaded up and pulled back. Fish on! Put up a modest fight all the way back to the boat, I had the net handy when I finally got a look at the critter. A very large size 12 flip flop hooked on the toe thong.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Domestic goose ( man what a fight ! :lol: )


Water Turkey

Pelican ( good fight too ! :lol: )

Freshwater clam :blink:

fishing user avatarpitchinthejig reply : 
  On 11/24/2011 at 10:50 PM, SirSnookalot said:

Give that man an RG.Dunn............right trumpet fish, I forgot I posted it before..................2nd one is a ribbon fish

Man thats awesome King bait! they LOVE them some Ribbons!

fishing user avatarMArnold reply : 


It fought hard but could not get away!

fishing user avatartholmes reply : 

I once hooked an osprey on a Zara Spook Had a pretty good aerial battle goin' on for a few seconds but, thankfully, he threw the lure. I wasn't looking forward to trying to unhook a large, angry raptor.


fishing user avatarloodkop reply : 

I have hooked into 3 crocodiles, an African fish eagle, a rock that turned into a hippo as well as a large snake on a deerhair mouse. My Pb however must be the jersey cow I landed on my spare outfit while wading a small farm pond. I had left the spare rod on the side leaning against some brush. The cow was solidly hooked on the left corner of the mouth after munching on the scrub. It took nearly an hour to corner the cow and retrieve my favourite (at that time only) rapala. -

I have also managed to hook my unsuspecting and sunbathing wife trying to cast a fly for smallies on windy day but that is a long and complicated tale. Chris

fishing user avatarbknap reply : 

I was looking at my buddies fishing pole, released the line and then it ate it, it was amy 20 pound dog ...

fishing user avatarStinkyBass reply : 

The weirdest thing i ever caught was a baby duckling. (i know...i have no soul!) The best my wife and i could figure was that it had dove after the lure while flippin and pitchin near some over hanging shrubs. i thought momma duck was going to land on our heads. Anyways, the screaming duckling reeled in (awful excuse for a fight), hook removed, antibiotic applied and released back to momma duck!

fishing user avatarColton Neal reply : 

A swan, it swam over my line when i was working a zara spook. lololol

fishing user avatarYoungProdigy19 reply : 

I haven't really caught anything weird. But once my dad caught a smallmouth and a blue herring flew onto our boat and tried to take it from him. It was pretty entertaining.

fishing user avatarHi Salenity reply : 


fishing user avatarBasskingKeith reply : 

Hooked and landed an osprey, seagull or some look-alike, and a water moccasin. The birds weren't on purpose, that osprey swooped out of no where and nabbed my popper. LOL, then he wouldn't fly away after I unhooked him, so I picked him up and gave him a toss, then he flew away, out of my hands. Felt good. A catfish on a spinnerbait? Is that weird?

fishing user avatarjiggerpole reply : 

I was night fishing with a plastic worm. Made my cast to the bank and I felt that tap/tap/tap. I rared back and set the hook on a Racoon. Man did it ever make a racket.

fishing user avatarMuffinMan reply : 

A Q-Beam spotlight

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 
  On 1/6/2012 at 9:54 AM, Hi Salenity said:


My monitor thanks you for the coffee shower.

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 


caimen in the Amazon, piranhas are always fun too. :)

fishing user avatarThe Bassinator reply : 
  On 11/23/2011 at 10:34 PM, jmed999 said:

I was top water fishing the other day and a Blue Herring flew right up to my lure and tried to take it and fly away. We literally played tug of war for a good 10 seconds. blink.gif Then it tried to spit it out of it's mouth but it was hooked on the trebbles. It finally shook it loose. I'm sure it injured it's tongue.

That was a trip! laugh.gif

Has anyone else caught anything weird like that while trying to fish??? smile.gif

I thought you meant a fish haha!

fishing user avatarFishinDaddy reply : 

4 ft gator on a spinnerbait, 18" gator on a frog, and a minnow on a rattle trap.

fishing user avatarFishing Cowgirl reply : 

I cast a jig with a Rage Tail Space Monkey and while it was in the air, I caught sight of a Marsh Hen fying towards the area of where I had cast. It seemed to be in slow motion as I watched the jig smack the bird, which let out a started 'Squarwwwarrkkk", knocking it down out of the air and disappearing under the water. As my husband turned around at the birds noise, asking what on earth just happened, I was thinking maybe I'd killed it, & if not, I better start reellng it in so it doesn't drown,and how was I going to untangle it whn I get it to the boat? Just as I was reeling it in, it popped to the surface, giving me an angry bird glare, and squawking at me as it swam to the grass. Fortunately, i didn't have to unhook it after all.

fishing user avatarCrankenstein Crony reply : 

- I was testing out some new gear at a river that runs through my local park. Some little kids chased several geese into the water and sure enough I caught myself a big ole Canadian goose.

- Fishing for gills I caught a 10 pound leatherback turtle. That was pretty neat.

- Caught a seagull fishing for crappies with my grandpa on a cane pole.

- When I first started fishing I caught my brother... hooked him right in the ear.

- The weirdest thing I've ever caught was a red Nintendo 64 controller. Caught it while cranking a stretch of the St. Joe river near my house.

fishing user avatarjmb27 reply : 

I caught about a 15 lb turtle on a Carolina rig. He was none too happy as I was reeling him in. Thankfully I was able to shake the rig a few times and the plastic lizard fell out. Whew...thought I would lose a finger if I had to get the hook. ;)

fishing user avatarkanasbassfisher08 reply : 
  On 11/24/2011 at 12:39 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

I've caught several seagulls freelining live shad for wipers during the winter time. The most frustrating part of the whole this is that the shad are usually on the surface because a wiper is chasing them but the gulls get them first angry.gif Good thing is they usually don't fight much when you try to unhook them and never seem any worse off after being caught.

um i also recall u catching a pretty rock that u thought was a fish for a second
fishing user avatarRaider Nation Fisher reply : 
  On 1/6/2012 at 6:31 PM, jiggerpole said:

I was night fishing with a plastic worm. Made my cast to the bank and I felt that tap/tap/tap. I rared back and set the hook on a Racoon. Man did it ever make a racket.

I woulda paid so much money to see that. I know that coon was madder than hell.

fishing user avatarteam510 reply : 

catfish on a zara spook

fishing user avatarEbrahim Ali reply : 

i caught a lays chips packet a glove and a shoe and my friend caught a duck while fishing for carp...all on the same lake.

fishing user avatarstanlje2 reply : 

I was throwing top water next to grass and pulled in a water snake. Not poisonous but sure not a pleasant catch and release!

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 
  On 1/12/2012 at 12:36 AM, stanlje2 said:

I was throwing top water next to grass and pulled in a water snake. Not poisonous but sure not a pleasant catch and release!

im literally terrified of snakes, yall can laugh if you want lol. but i want nothing to do with a snake. i wouldve cut the line, to hell with the lure lol

fishing user avatarFat-G reply : 
  On 1/12/2012 at 12:39 AM, Red Earth said:

im literally terrified of snakes, yall can laugh if you want lol. but i want nothing to do with a snake. i wouldve cut the line, to hell with the lure lol

I used to think I was afraid of them as well, until I randomly had the urge to pick up a black rat snake on the road one day. Now I'm not afraid of them, but a musking snake smells terrible.

fishing user avatarHyrule Bass reply : 
  On 1/12/2012 at 11:19 PM, Fat-G said:

I used to think I was afraid of them as well, until I randomly had the urge to pick up a black rat snake on the road one day. Now I'm not afraid of them, but a musking snake smells terrible.

haha, its one thing i dont think i will ever overcome. poisonous or not, i want nothing to do with a snake.

one evening at Smith Mountain Lake, VA i was setting up to night fish on the dock at my aunt and uncles lake house. and my uncle had invited his deviant always in trouble nephew(not related to me) to do some work down there for him. he was pretty hammered. well, while setting up we saw a snake swimming across the water towards the shore. several minutes later he realized he forgot his chicken livers up at the house and went to get them. stepping off the dock and he saw the snake right there climbing into a barrel that was partially in the water that had a few alewives we had caught the night before.

so he pulls this snake out by the tail and starts messing with it on the edge of the dock where it meets land. he is pretty drunk and has this maniacal laugh going on while taunting the snake, which at this point is mad and coiled up with its head up like its ready to strike. im on the end of the dock, feeling trapped. the dude kicks the snake down the dock towards me and i start to freak out and jump on the boatlift and am hanging on to the side of the boat ready to climb in it. the snake makes it halfway down the dock. i get back on the end of the dock, and dude is still taunting this snake. i see his big winchester deer knife on the end of the dock, pick it up and start cussing him out saying if he kicked that snake at me one more time i was gonna cut the hell out of him with his own knife and he saw i was dead serious. he kicked the snake towards the water but it was able to hang on the dock by its tail and wrapped its body around and sat its head up on the dock while its body hung off the side. the guy said he was too drunk to fish and walked up to the house and passed out. i ran by the snake, couldve walked lol, but ran by and grabbed a long pipe that was laying on the dock, took it and pushed the snake into the water and that was the end of that. did end up having a great night fishing, tore up the channel cats, they were in their spawning and feeding.

fishing user avatarBass-minded reply : 

I almost caught a duck. I've also caught lawn chairs, tires, and other junk. :-)

fishing user avatarhendrix190 reply : 

ive caught several alligators, turtles, snakes, eels, a bullfrog, a house cat, a couple sharks, a sea gull( it was like flying a kite on a fishing rod) , a duck, a dolphin, the wierdest though, which is similar to another posters on the thread was one day when fishing with my gf, she casts, unknowing at that very moment a large domesticated duck comes flying from behind to directly infront of us at probably 40 mph. My gf saw it at the last mintue and engaged the reel to hopefully stop the lure from meeting the duck. It was too late the lure landed directly on my ducks back and snagged it. This was a very strong duck, hooking it didnt slow it down one bit, it kept flyin and ran all the line outta my gfs reel then broke it where it was tied to the spool.

fishing user avatarBass-minded reply : 

I forgot to add that my dad caught himself in the lip.


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