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Bad on the lake habits 2024

fishing user avatarEddie Munster reply : 

Went fishing for several hours yesterday and caught myself doing a number of things that were counterproductive to catching the most fish possible.

1. Got to the lake at 7:00 am and started tying on my new Lucky Craft Crankbait which dives 6-9 feet (lake is only 15 ft deep). Fishing what I want to fish instead of what the lake is telling me. 7:00 am I should be going for the topwaters or shallow running baits.

2. When fishing with a plastic worm I noticed my body wasn't facing the lure. IMO it's harder to maintain the sensitivity of the worm and harder to get a good hookset unless my body is facing the lure.

3. Making alot of noise in the boat and poor casting. probably spooked half the fish out the area I was in.

Anyone else constantly struggle breaking bad fishing habits?

fishing user avatarJeremy D. reply : 

Welcome to the club....I have to many to list....LOL

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

The struggle is half over when you realize the problem. You're half way home.

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

Just don't do those things again... :D

Try to plan your attack, upper bite's then mid level water, then bites..move on. I find that I really need to Concentrate hard and remain focused, otherwise I can pretty much waste a good day of fishing.

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

One of my worst is throwing my used/ruined plastics overboard! That is a no no and if they float i will get them out! For some reason i just can't shake it! Also, if i o for a long time without a bite i start getting sloppy with casts, presentation etc. Then when a fish does hit i am nowhere near ready and usually miss it!             >:(

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

Dropping my pliers on the floor of an aluminum boat, do it 4 or 5 times an outing, spooks em bad in the shallow weeds :-/

fishing user avatarJellyMan reply : 

I yell at people alot. When I am trying to fish and they get it stuck in the tree's, I have to stop fishing and move the boat for them. That really starts to pizz me off.

That and missing hooksets! I had probably 5 or 6 today that hit my ragetail ana, I let em take it for a min, and wamo! but no fish. GRRRR.

And not fishing areas I know I should be. Once again today... I pass right by a spot I should have been fishing, and what do I see? probably a 8 lber roll next to the boat as I rolled by and went in the brush.

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

I have my "spots" and I don't ever fish anywhere else, unless I cant catch fish in my "spots" then I try different areas. I will drive past 20 docks to get to the 5 that are usually the most productive. And for some reason I hate to retie. don't know why but I do. I usually come up with a game plan that has been in the works for 5 days while at work, I rig all my rods for my game plan but then at the lake conditions change but I don't.

also my boat positioning is horrible. I am usually so caught up in my lure retrieve that i don't notice that the boat has drifted right on top of some good structure that I intended to fish.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

all of the above :)

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

Sitting at one spot too long not catching anything....I know i should be moving on,but in the back of my mind I'll be like "one more cast then I'll move"...after 30 casts I'm calling myself an idiot for not moving on.I'm shore bound though,so i have a somewhat of an excuse.

I also tend to not pay attention all the time,I get distracted by all the wildlife around me and be too late to set the hook when i get a bite.

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

Is "probably" a word?  Two guys used it in this thread and I have never heard it used before.  I assume it means "probably"

fishing user avatartnbassfisher reply : 
Sitting at one spot too long not catching anything....I know i should be moving on,but in the back of my mind I'll be like "one more cast then I'll move"...after 30 casts I'm calling myself an idiot for not moving on.I'm shore bound though,so i have a somewhat of an excuse.

I also tend to not pay attention all the time,I get distracted by all the wildlife around me and be too late to set the hook when i get a bite.

x2 on both.

fishing user avatarPoolie727 reply : 
I also tend to not pay attention all the time,I get distracted by all the wildlife around me and be too late to set the hook when i get a bite.

This is my main issue. Must be the Adult A.D.D. Funny how the fish can sense the exact moment that my mind is wandering to decide to strike.

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 
Is "probably" a word? Two guys used it in this thread and I have never heard it used before. I assume it means "probably"

Is "LMAO" a word? probably not, but it is now!  :D

fishing user avatarMaxximus Redneckus reply : 

I have a bad habit of lookin for snakes  .When im in my boat ill beach it if i see snakey looking habitat.OO and staying in one spot too long

fishing user avatartritz18 reply : 

On a slow day I tend to start joking around and this usually leads to baits lost and lots of snags.

fishing user avatarendless reply : 
Went fishing for several hours yesterday and caught myself doing a number of things that were counterproductive to catching the most fish possible.

1. Got to the lake at 7:00 am and started tying on my new Lucky Craft Crankbait which dives 6-9 feet (lake is only 15 ft deep). Fishing what I want to fish instead of what the lake is telling me. 7:00 am I should be going for the topwaters or shallow running baits.

2. When fishing with a plastic worm I noticed my body wasn't facing the lure. IMO it's harder to maintain the sensitivity of the worm and harder to get a good hookset unless my body is facing the lure.

3. Making alot of noise in the boat and poor casting. probably spooked half the fish out the area I was in.

Anyone else constantly struggle breaking bad fishing habits?

on #2 meaning facing the worm can you please explain i might be making one of my habits. but i no one of mine is frustration.

fishing user avatarKoop reply : 

facing the worm, basically if you cast at 12o'clock keep your body square to 12 o'clock where your worm is.

The worst of my mistake habbits are cutting finesse retreives short, I'll find myself bouncing a worm along the bottom and either speed up my retreive to much or just reel in and cast somewhere else.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 
Is "probably" a word? Two guys used it in this thread and I have never heard it used before. I assume it means "probably"

probably does.  

fishing user avatarHammer 4 reply : 

Abolutly........ :)

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 
Abolutly........ :)

wut hee sed

fishing user avatarEddie Munster reply : 
Went fishing for several hours yesterday and caught myself doing a number of things that were counterproductive to catching the most fish possible.

1. Got to the lake at 7:00 am and started tying on my new Lucky Craft Crankbait which dives 6-9 feet (lake is only 15 ft deep). Fishing what I want to fish instead of what the lake is telling me. 7:00 am I should be going for the topwaters or shallow running baits.

2. When fishing with a plastic worm I noticed my body wasn't facing the lure. IMO it's harder to maintain the sensitivity of the worm and harder to get a good hookset unless my body is facing the lure.

3. Making alot of noise in the boat and poor casting. probably spooked half the fish out the area I was in.

Anyone else constantly struggle breaking bad fishing habits?

on #2 meaning facing the worm can you please explain i might be making one of my habits. but i no one of mine is frustration.

As KingKoopa said; you cast out to 12:00 so keep facing where you cast that worm. In a small boat the wind pushes me around a bit and I find myself not swivelling around to face where I cast the worm. As I said, for me it's easier to maintain just a little slack in the line for sensitivity (keeping an eye on any movement) and I get a better hookup ratio being able to pull straight back or even to the left or right if I need to.

fishing user avatarLCpointerKILLA reply : 
Is "probably" a word? Two guys used it in this thread and I have never heard it used before. I assume it means "probably"

strange that bothers you...

Anyways my habit is changing lures WAY too much when it's a bad day.

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 

Not paying attention when I'm fishing topwater and having a fish blow up on it when I'm not ready, lost some big bass because of that. I'm sure I have others but thats the only one that comes to mind at the moment.

As far as other peoples bad habbits, the one that "probably" ticks me off more than anything is fishing with people who clean the weeds/scum/grass off their lures by smacking them hard on the water. Sounds like a freaking bomb going off to the fish.   >:(

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

Running WFO and depending on my GPS at night.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Bad habits.

I don't litter, or discard anything I've brought over the side.  The only thing that does not go back with me is the stuff I've lost.

I used to be bad about checking for frays and nicks, and ignoring minute imperfections, but no longer.  I take the time to cut past the blemish, and retie.

On ponds with which I am familiar, I will work the areas that have produced thoroughly.

On new waters, I'm basically prospecting, and move around a lot more.  I'll try a few casts with one bait, switch rods and throw something different.

After I've tried three or four different things, I'll move on to the next, likely area.

I'll say my number one bad habit is neglecting chores and procrastinating when it comes to doing them, and go fishing instead.  

Don't put off fishing today to do a chore that can be done tomorrow,...........or the day after, or the day after that, and so forth and so on.

fishing user avatartommy reply : 
I have my "spots" and I don't ever fish anywhere else, unless I cant catch fish in my "spots" then I try different areas. I will drive past 20 docks to get to the 5 that are usually the most productive. And for some reason I hate to retie. don't know why but I do. I usually come up with a game plan that has been in the works for 5 days while at work, I rig all my rods for my game plan but then at the lake conditions change but I don't.

also my boat positioning is horrible. I am usually so caught up in my lure retrieve that i don't notice that the boat has drifted right on top of some good structure that I intended to fish.

im guilty of most of those....


practicing for our monday and friday tournament and getting a game plan.....then throwing it out the window once i get out there....

leaving one spot to run to another....and stopping at 5 others on the way.....

not spending enough time on a spot....

not fishing a spot thoroughly....

fishing plastics and jigs too fast...

having my trolling motor in 4th gear...on a spot i should be using 1st or 2nd gear at the most......

fishing outside a pattern...

trying to tell the fish how, where, and when they are going to opposed to them telling me....

i keep my rod tip too high when working jigs and soft plastics, so im out of position when i need to set the hook....i also raise my tip up for better feel when i think im getting a strike...old habit...

other than those things there are only 2 things that keep me from being the best in the world....finding fish, and catching them....

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

probably is a word used by the ignorant and the lazy.  One is either too ignorant to know how the word 'probably' is properly spelled, or is too lazy to spell it properly.

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
Running WFO and depending on my GPS at night.

-Definitely guilty of this. 60 - 70 mph in the dark is spooky even if you know where you're going.

-I stick with certain baits too long sometimes when nothing's happening. Force feeding a fish is tough to do.

-I fish the same spots a lot. I know everything about these spots but sometimes I need to go somewhere else and do something different. I'm hard-headed.

fishing user avatarOH-bass614 reply : 

ive done this two times in a row on the same lake .... i went to the lake with a gameplan and threw it out the window once i didnt start hammering them right away. i went flippin/pitching wood and vegitation b.c. its my strength but the goal for the day was to catch fish on deep structure. also i will be on a pattern and start second guessing that there is a better one that someone is on right now and i need to leave mine to find it.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 
Running WFO and depending on my GPS at night.

-Definitely guilty of this. 60 - 70 mph in the dark is spooky even if you know where you're going.


It's not "spooky". It's insane, or it's a death wish.

After spending tens of thousands of hours on the water as a commercial fisherman, I've seen all sorts of flotsam and jetsam that can tear a boat apart, or flip it at high speeds.

Telephone poles, huge truck tires (mounted and inflated), pilings, timbers, fifty-five gallon drums (containing who knows what), five gallon pails, navigational buoys and markers that are "off station", old mill timbers, and all manner of debris that is barely visible, even on a clear, calm day.

There ain't nothin' that swims worth risking life and limb in pursuit of it.

Coast Guard crews often put their lives in jeopardy, sometimes perishing in their attempt to rescue boaters who do things they ought not to do.

The consequences of risky behavior often involve other innocent parties.

On three occasions I've rescued people from the water who could very well have perished. Two of those three times were definitely due to stupidity. The third was questionable, at best.

On most issues, I'm a very tolerant person. Regarding this stuff, my tolerance level is zero.

fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

noise in the boat and not adjusting the b/c when changing lures of varying weight.

fishing user avatarbigtimfish reply : 

My worst on the water habit is Copenhagen. It is the only time I use the stuff. I don't even know why I do it. My other one is not taking the time to eat. I always bring sandwiches and beef jerky but I never eat any of it. I never stop fishing long enough.

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 
probably is a word used by the ignorant and the lazy. One is either too ignorant to know how the word 'probably' is properly spelled, or is too lazy to spell it properly.

So you don't use any slang, ever, and always use propper grammar?

I agree with bigtimefish, I try to bring a snack or sandwich on the boat, take 2 bites, and put it down.  And I never drink water, even though I have it.  Always come back tired, thirsty, and hungry to the point where I get home and don't feel like doing anything.  Get too hung up in what I'm doing.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Definitely guilty of this. 60 - 70 mph in the dark is spooky even if you know where you're going.

It's not "spooky".  It's insane, or it's a death wish.

That's so normal to me running in daylight is spooky; I have tendency to run wide on the boat lanes and cut corners where at night it's connect the dots (buoys).

fishing user avatarNewAngler reply : 

Me this morning:

"One more cast then I'm gonna switch to a crank " 10 casts later I'm walking up to the shore, talking to my dog, throw one more half *** cast and start to reel it in while walking back and BOOM a hit, missed the hook set. Then walking into the river again with my crank I trip over a log, and my morning was shot. DOH!!

fishing user avatarNewAngler reply : 

Me this morning:

"One more cast then I'm gonna switch to a crank " 10 casts later I'm walking up to the shore, talking to my dog, throw one more half *** cast and start to reel it in while walking back and BOOM a hit, missed the hook set. Then walking into the river again with my crank I trip over a log, and my morning was shot. DOH!!

fishing user avatarAverageJoeBass reply : 

Like alot of others my mistake habit is when they are not biting it seems at all (and this is after 30-hour) of no bites, I begin to get sloppy with my casts and not giving the fishing my full 100% attention and wouldn't you know it BAM! have a bite and lost it because I wasn't ready.  probably anyways.

fishing user avatarBlakeMolone reply : 

I change baits every few cast if im not confident in the area and half the time I go to the lake a look for snakes and lizards instead of fishing ::)

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 
probably is a word used by the ignorant and the lazy. One is either too ignorant to know how the word 'probably' is properly spelled, or is too lazy to spell it properly.

I use the word "probably" frequently. I am neither ignorant nor lazy.

Superiority complex???  ::)

fishing user avatarbass wrangler569 reply : 
Running WFO and depending on my GPS at night.

-Definitely guilty of this. 60 - 70 mph in the dark is spooky even if you know where you're going.

-I stick with certain baits too long sometimes when nothing's happening. Force feeding a fish is tough to do.

-I fish the same spots a lot. I know everything about these spots but sometimes I need to go somewhere else and do something different. I'm hard-headed.

Spooky? I would say freaking terrifying. You guys must have some serious cajones to run wide open at night! :D  ;D

fishing user avatarLynx reply : 


I have a rant about a habit, & annoyance.

Everyone has a habit from time to time that they would like to break. Mine happens to be, being picky about who I would like to be on the water w/. I get overly annoyed w/ those that I take fishing who think that they know what they are doing but in reality don't. Meaning that they think, they know it all. Example: Why would you throw a 15' diver in 3' of water. Wow. Always getting tied up, losing lures they just paid way to much money for, not producing fish. I must say that everyone has to start somewhere and learn, but learning something the right way the first time should be the only way to go. Advice though can sometimes determine the way the day goes, specially if they are not opened to structured criticism. I am not as old as most, but have been on the water since I could remember. Thanks to a great father w/ lots of patience, a family friend being a Pro Angler, I myself have a few Bass Derby Ribbons under my belt. With fewer mistakes, habits, & mishaps, I myself enjoy Bass Fishing that much more & am always looking forward to that next time on the water.


fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
probably is a word used by the ignorant and the lazy. One is either too ignorant to know how the word 'probably' is properly spelled, or is too lazy to spell it properly.

I use the word "probably" frequently. I am neither ignorant nor lazy.

Superiority complex??? ::)

Improper use of the English language is a prime example of laziness.


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