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When did you fall in love with fishing? 2024

fishing user avatarregretlove reply : 

So, my question is when did you fall in love with fishing?  

I fished when I was a kid, but didn't really understand the sport until recently.

I have only been fishing for about a year, and I really began to love fishing when I was introduced and instructed by a dear friend of mine who  had an extreme passion for the sport.

Unfortunately he's gone, but he gave me something I will never forget - the peace of being out on the lake.  The focus he had in preparing, and planning.  Now,  his words come back to me, when I am choosing just the right lure, picking the right spot.

I have needed a safe place to escape and find peace, and he introduced me to this wonderful sport of fishing. I go out on the lake and I can find serenity. A sense of hope.

I am eager to learn more, and I am getting better every day.  Thank you to all of the friends who have helped me and answered my questions.  I am truly grateful for this board.  :)

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 

I fell in love with fishing the first time my dad took me.  There is so much more to just catching fish and you nailed it in your post.  You will get a ton of info from the people on this site.  Glad to have ya on board.  Now lets go catch some of those Peacocks we were talking about.

fishing user avatarJohn J. reply : 

My first bass being 3 pounds 10 ounces when I was 6 or 7 had me 'hooked'. I caught it at my parent's friend's pond on a beetle-spin. She was a monster to me! I been chasing bass ever since!

fishing user avatarHooked_On_Bass reply : 

I was about 6 or 7 years old when I started fishing at my Grandparents pond, it was love at first cast. I've been in love ever since :).

fishing user avatarRed reply : 

i have loved fishing for as long as i can remember.  but i think i fell in love when my dad bought me a boat when i was in high school, it was a complete suprise. it was a 1952 14' row boat, had a hole in it and a big dent.  he pounded out the dent, repaired the leak, painted it red and slapped a 7.5 HP merc on it.  many a sunburn and smallmouth were had in "the red torpedo", wish i never sold it now.


fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

3:37 P.M. April 22, 1973. ::)

fishing user avatar10_More_Minutes reply : 

I would say from the ages of 6-10 spending every chance I could fishing with my grandfather. He taught me the how, when, where and why's of fishing without any fancy gear. Keeping it simple and learning alot.

fishing user avatarPopeye reply : 

When my Grandfather took me fishing in Kentucky all those many years ago and I caught my first fish - a BG I think. It was at a beautiful quarry pond and I musta been around 7 - 8 years old. I honestly can say that it's as much FUN now as it was way back when!

fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 
3:37 P.M. April 22, 1973. ::)

You were 40 years old before you feel in love with fishing :o ;D

fishing user avatarcootertom reply : 

When I was about six y.o. my Dad carried me to the creek (old swimming hole) and I caught my first fish. I haven't ever stopped since and will quit when I die (or they pry my cold stiff fingers from that rod)

fishing user avatarBassn Blvd reply : 
3:37 P.M. April 22, 1973. ::)

You were 40 years old before you feel in love with fishing :o ;D

fishing user avatarfishinfiend reply : 

When I was still in diapers!

fishing user avatarskillet reply : 

 Both of my parents loved to fish for Bream and Crappie and I have been fishing for as long as I can remember ;)...

                                 As Ever,


BTW always loved it!!!

fishing user avatarGrey Wolf reply : 


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

Around the same time I started noticing girls,lol....happened pretty much the same way too, day,I found a magazine.... ::) ;D

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

3 years ago,decided to just find a lake and catch some bluegills and have fun.Instead that day i landed a black bass to my surprise.Came home looked up some information.Been addicted since then.I've been fishing since i was 10,but it was on and off and my passion wasn't that hardcore for it.

I see no plans to be giving up anytime soon.Our bass season here kills me over the winter sometimes.It also gives me a stronger passion that i can't wait for the ice out and bass season to open.

fishing user avatarBassChump reply : 

I fell in love with fishing when I was about 5 years old. My folks belonged to a poor mans country club and there was a small manmade lake. My dad bought me a mini-bike and it was a private country club so it was legal at that time for me to ride my mini-bike on the roads.

Anyway, dad took me fishing one morning and we caught a bunch of bluegill. After that, I would just wake up at dawn and you'd see me cruising to the lake with one hand on the throttle and the other holding my tackle box and rod.

Dad,s long gone now and the country club is now decrepid but I'll admit right now and right here that those were the happiest times of my life fishing for bluegill out of that little 3 acre pond and I've been chasing that happeness ever since.

Got side tracked for a few years but I'm back again with a bass boat in tow. I haven't caught much yet but I think it's going to be a fun summer trying.

Please tell me there is a Santa Claus??? ;)

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 

Can't remember. I've loved fishing since I can remember. I was a very lucky kid I had a lot in my family that loved to fish. I've been going fishing as far back as I can remember and have loved every minute of it.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

1957 & still get that lunatic smile   ;)

fishing user avatarregretlove reply : 

WOW!  I love hearing all your stories...thanks!  Keep em' coming!  ;)

fishing user avatarBlack Bass reply : 

My folks bought me a 22 rifle when I was 12. My mom wouldn't let me take it home until I had been trained by the store owner to take proper care of the gun. After I was trained, mom decided she didn't want a gun in the house and I had to try trade the rifle for a Great Lakes 69 (I believe) fishing rod. That was 50+ years ago. Have never hunted, and always fished. Most of my adult life was spent fly fishing. I'm now trying to learn to use spinning and baitcasting equipment for bass.

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

When iw as in grammar school, my dad's best friend got he and I into fishing.  To this day, when dad and I go, he usually comes with us.   On our first trip to Brazil, I told my dad it wouldnt be right if Juan didn't come with us, so I paid for his entire trip to come join us.  I think that will become the best fishing trip we ever had.   :)

fishing user avatarBass Smacker reply : 

I have no idia when I fell in love with fishing. As long as i can remember it's just what we did. We would go camping and fish for trout. for a day trip we would go to the Ca Delta and fish for catfish strippers blue gills crappy or bass or one of the mother lode lake fish for all of the abuve..... I for the life of me can not fathum not fishing. Its just what I do its who I am. :)

fishing user avatarnick mack reply : 

I fell in love with fishing when i was young only about 9- 10 when i would go with my dad 8-)

fishing user avatarregretlove reply : 

Wonderful stories - thanks so much for sharing! :D

fishing user avatarprocraft68 reply : 

I first fell in love with bass fishing when I first broke out of my egg and swan off the bed...... Oh wait, sorry. First time I hooked one. I was so excited, had no clue a fish could put up a fight like that. I got him in, un hooked him (that was a trip), threw it back in the water and didn't want to fish for anything else after that. It was love at first bite.. Hook em hard, Snag

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

My older brother always took me fishing when i was just 6yo. We hunted and fished always together. We also took our kids fishing and hunting too.

His favorite quote was; You have to stay going and sooner or later they will turn on. We always fished from shore too. My brother was an awesome saltwater fisherman too he caught big stripers and blues too. Like anything else you just have to find that honey hole...

I lost my brother about 10 years ago but there is still his cigarette smell at my camp after all these years so he is still with us. Even after i wash the place the smell is still there. We had a lot of fun fishing and hunting all these many years...

As my health got worse(disabled) I started buy up all the fishing stuff on sales and clearances so i'm stocked up just incase $$ got tight. I can fish for the rest of my life now.

We were always out in the spring trout fishing mainly.  We caught bass but i never caught on.  I was out one night about two hours before the front hit(rain).  We were using livebait(worms) and while reeling it in i had a strike.  I figured right away to go to lures.  I put on a mepps inline and started nailing bass after bass.  I thew one to my son and we had doubles after doubles.  I was hooked, line and sinker on bass fishing ever since that night in the spring.  Then the weeds came...I went insearch of weedless stuff and purchased everything i could find.  I found out all this stuff really works when we present it correctly.  Using livebait didn't last for long I was spending up to $50 a week on livebait.  I started using nothing but lures and used my livebait $$ to support my lure habit.  Of course if i had a lure work i purchased many of them just incase they stopped making them. My tackle storage room is more like a tackle shop now.  I have rods & reels for just about every kind of fishing there is from trout fishing to Pike fishing plus the lures and fly's to go with it too.  I even buy up older plastics that still work too.  I tried bass fishing many years ago on a local lake here and we were using a black creme worm that was split shot rigged back in the eary 70's.  This setup still works today too.

fishing user avatarKy_Lake_Dude reply : 

I got hooked on fishing when I was like 1 1/2yr or 2 old. But I got hooked on bass fishing when I was 4 and caught 5lber

fishing user avatareastkybass reply : 

Been fishing for as long as I can remember.  There are pictures of me fishing going back to the earliest ones.  I grew up in a family that loved it.  My Grandparents owned a houseboat on Cave Run lake in NE Kentucky and with it being only a hour away it made it real easy to go on the weekends and most of the summer.

fishing user avatarJake P reply : 

Its been about 9 months i believe, i remember i was throwin cranks and got a bite but had no clue until it jumped out of the water. I reeled it in and released it and then casted out again and boom another bite, once again i had no clue i had it until it jumped and splashed a little bit. I remember thinking wow this is easy! Now months and months later without a fish i realize it isnt as easy as i once thought. Whether im catching or not i still love everything about bass fishing, being out in nature on the lake where its quiet and peaceful, theres nothing like it.

fishing user avatarTokyo Tony reply : 

I think I was 8-10 years old at the time. The first time I ever went fishing was with my dad, his friend, and my brother. We rented a boat out of Key Largo, and we had no idea what to do. My dad bought some squid and we just trolled around. We ended up catching a couple grunts, but that's it. When we got back to the dock, I put a little piece of squid on a hook and fished from the dock. Cast after cast I kept catching little (I mean really little  :) ) mangrove snappers. I was really young, so it seems kind of like a dream to me, but I'll never forget the inexplicable feeling of catching those first few fish.

Although now fishing is much different for me - it's more of a sport, or a challenge, and a quest for good bass - I know that the root of my love of fishing is still that magical feeling you get when you hook into, and land, a fish. The feeling isn't as exposed as it was when I was younger (it's more buried within me now), but I still catch myself smiling and feeling giddy when I hook a bass  ;D

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Although I grew up fishing, I was not passionate about it for a long stretch of time. Moving from Colorado to Tennessee in 1997 rekindled my interest, but it wasn't until I discovered the Senko that I became obsessed.

The Senko changed my entire outlook on "fishing". For the first time I was able to consistantly catch BIG bass. Initially I began catching 3-4 pound bass and a occasional 5, which I considered a milestone. Suddenly, it seemed, there was the opportunity to take my game to the next level.

About the time I caught my first 10, I also met a guy that has turned into my best friend and fishing partner. In July 2001, almost seven years ago, I caught my first 20 lb striper. That fall, I learned a thing or two about smallmouth. I've been after them critters ever since!


fishing user avatarRob.Atl reply : 

I have fished when i was young but it wasnt anything really, i had gone deep sea fishing for a little bit when i went on trips. And i went to Alaska for it to and it was amazing. I caught like 10 salmon and a 75lbs halibut :).Really it has been just recently i have fished on and off for bass for a bout a year but this spring i have had a new outlook i cant stop thinking about fishing and new techniques and skills i can learn to get good at this sport. Im setting goals for my self such as learning new lures and getting good with them (the jig at the moment) I just caught my first fish ever on a jig and first over 5 pounds and it was a nice 6 lb bed fish and that is a great accomplishment in my mind. Im young so i have a great sport to improve at for a long long time.  :)

fishing user avatarntrojack reply : 

6 years old on vacation with my dad right after he got back from Vietnam. Caught a small trout - Swallowed the hook, as most fish do with the attention span of a 6 year old. Wanted to keep it alive, and my Dad let me take it back to the cabin in a bucket. Of course he knew it was going to die, but he knew he had to let me try to save it.

He passed 7 years ago from Agent Orange related Cancer, but instilled in me the passion of fishing. Started my boy when he was 5 pond fishing. At 8 years old he decided he wanted to fish with "fake baits" like me. I'm on my 2nd boat now, and he's my favorite partner. He can work a fluke, jerkbait, shakeyhead with the best of 'em. He took 7th in my club tourney last month at 11 years old from the back of my boat, and he bought his own Senko's in the color he wanted and fished with nothing else all day. You should see me smiling about it right now. Couldn't be more proud. Thank goodness I caught 'em late in the day cause he had me beat at noon. I didn't have the same color, and he wasn't sharing. Well maybe he would have, but I wasn't going to ask.    

Take your kids fishing. The memories last forever.....

fishing user avatarAMSFishing reply : 

12:43pm Today!  Landed my first one!

fishing user avatarFrank19 reply : 

Two years ago for me.  I always enjoyed fishing but never really knew what I was doing.  Then two years ago I decided I finally had some more free time to really dedicate myself to a new hobby.  I jumped on this and some other forums and learned as much as I could.  Then last year I joined a bass club and fished my first tournament.  I've been hooked ever since.  Although its frustrating at times being a newbie angler and seeing other guys catching so much while I still have a tough time I realize that I'm just in the beginning of the learning curve and I enjoy the challenge and the constant learning process.  

fishing user avatarZEN BASSIN reply : 

7 years old, always trout fishing or salt water with my dad. it wasn't until last year that I got serious about bass fishing thanks to my 7 yr. old daughter.

fishing user avatarthetr20one reply : 

Very early 4 or 5 watching the sun go down catfishing with my dad. Been fishing ever since. Started focusing on bass at about 14. Its scary to remember some of the trips of the past so vividly and realize how fast time flies!! I still fish for other species with my wife and daughter but bass are my thing! It's the challenge that has me hooked. What did  Skeete Reese say "who needs crack when there is bass fishing"?

fishing user avatarSouthMiamiBassMan reply : 

I came from a long line of fishermen from Cuba, and my grandfather use to take Hemmingway out deep sea fishing all the time when he lived down there. My dad took me out  (to the sea) for the first time when I was 3 and I loved it. As for bass, I began fishing them by accident. I had just moved in to my Condo (about 2 years ago) that has a lake behind it and I was just fishing for Tilapia with night crawlers on a float. The float was there and then it was gone. I thought it was a Tilapia until I set the hook and the fish took off! I remember saying holy S$!@, about 8 times, as that hawg splashed around trying get away, and then she jumped clear out of the water. That's when I saw what looked like a football with fins and a big ol' mouth, flying through the air and it was like she was in slow motion. While she was in mid flight, she shook off the hook and belly flopped back in the water like brick. I was kind shell shocked for a few seconds that it got away but that was all it took. That week at work I went online to find out more and found this site and I have been on that mission ever since. Like my tags says "I'm always wishing I was fishing."

fishing user avatarGobbleDog reply : 

I hated fishing with my dad.  He stunk at it.  And my grandpa stunk too.

If an old friend hadn't showed me how to catch monster snook many years ago, I'd probably be collecting stamps or something.  

fishing user avatarsimplejoe reply : 

I grew up fishing with my dad and Grandpa on Lake Aurthor but we fished with worms and we didn't catch many fish back then. 2 yrs ago I became addicted when I bought my first lure ( Heddon torpedo) and I was catching fish off of it. since then I have 2 tackleboxs full of lures  everychance I get I go out on crooked creek lake and fish, along with many other spots :D

fishing user avatarlow_pro reply : 

February 20, 1994 :D

My second bass ever was this guy....


I was 11 visiting my dad... been fishing ever since!

fishing user avatartntitans21399 reply : 

I grew up going to the lake, but our boat's motor blew and we couldn't get it fixed (money).  We mainly skied and hung out, but I always liked to casual fish.  So now that I finally have my own boat I can go out their more now and I love it.  Before I had to wait until a friend was going, but now I can go whenever I want to.


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