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Cabin fever 2024

fishing user avataresr1 reply : 

Thanks for all the welcome posts. I am sitting here in northern illinois. The temp outside is 4 deg. The boats  has been put in storage since nov. Havent thrown a real cast in months. just wondering how many guys are in the same spot? If so what do they do to pass time?

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Welcome aboard!

Suggestion:  Move south.   ::)


fishing user avatarfishizzle reply : 

I wait for time to pass so I can cast again

fishing user avatarTeamBerettaGold reply : 

Sunday during the snow I was standing the living room with my new rod and reel, flipping a jig across the living room into a cereal bowl.  Talk about cabin fever! :'(

fishing user avatarMrs. Matstone reply : 

Welcome to the forum!  ;D I hear you on the cabin fever thing. It's real cold and windy here too. I actually resorted to breaking the ice off a pond this morning in order to do some fishing. Unfortunately there was no fish around, just me standing in the cold and the wind. I did not stay very long. Yep it was pretty pathetic.  :(

I think I am gonna take roadwarriors advice and move south.  ;D

fishing user avatarlittlefisher reply : 

Stuck up in Michigan here.  I haven't lipped a Bass in months.  Hopefully that will change when I go to Orlando and fish with badhabit in a couple weeks :).  I keep telling my parents I'm just going to get a job when I go down there and stay.  Then I shall fish all year round!

But seriously...I would love to move somewhere down south once I graduate and start looking for work.

fishing user avatarHandy reply : 

I live in north central Iowa and today it is 2 degres. Yesterday it was 8 with 35 mph winds! There is about 24 plus inches of ice on almost all bodies of water. I do go ice fishing and that does help with cabin fever but it just isn't the same. I thought about fishing in one of the little creeks that somehow manages to stay open even with these temps and is only a 1 ft deep, but it would still be fishing(LOL). I did catch a Largemouth saturday ice fishing, about 14 inches long nice an fat, many bluegill and a 18 inch channel cat.


fishing user avatarRaul reply : 
Thanks for all the welcome posts. I am sitting here in northern illinois. The temp outside is 4 deg. The boats has been put in storage since nov. Havent thrown a real cast in months. just wondering how many guys are in the same spot? If so what do they do to pass time?

Oh boy ! the BaitMonkey is gonnna be all over you when it reads this. ;D

BTW, welcome to the forum !

Down here it 's warmy 90°F ..... almost purrrfect.  ;)

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Down here it 's warmy 90°F ..... almost purrrfect.  ;)

Raul, you're a bad man.  You are a very ba-a-a-a-d man.   ;)

fishing user avatarJCrzy4Bass reply : 

Northern, Va here, water temps in ponds probably in the mid 30's if that. Some partially freeze up in the mornings and evenings depending on if we have a front coming through. Water temps on the rivers won't be above 40 yet for at least a couple weeks (at least stay that way). The Rappahannock at Fredericksburg was 39 when we went this weekend to cast a few, what a waste that was, besides trying out some new line I bought. Other rivers are at about the same. Lakes close to the same. In other words we are still about a month away from pre-spawn action. Bleh. Somewhere around there.

And ps: Raul, remind me to send you hate mail!

What do I do in the mean time? Read about bass fishing, write about bass fishing, visit bass fishing forums, repeatedly look at my lures and plastics in my tackle box constantly reorganizing, watch bass pros/bill dance/and other bass fishing shows, and dream about the first lipping of the season... pre spawn can't come fast enough.

Most importantly welcome to the forums esr1.  You've found a great place where you can learn no matter what kind of fisherman you are.  The people are great, and you'll probably make some fishing buddies in your region.  Good stuff!  

fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

Cabin fever is killing me. I clean my reels and organize my tackle, but this winter it seems worse than ever. Worse yet, every time I look out my front window, I see this frozen tundra called Lake St. Clair. I look out my back windows I see my frozen canal. Last year at this time, there was open water, this year there is at least two feet of ice. I think it's going to be a long time before I take any casts.


fishing user avatarWTRDOG reply : 

End of March the boats coming out..Ice or

fishing user avatartkite16 reply : 

My buddy and I have all but decided were going to Lake of the Ozarks in 2 weeks no matter what .  

Plus its only 1 month and 1 week till Lake Fork   8-) :):D

fishing user avatarTpayneful reply : 

What I have done for each of the last 3 years is take a trip to Florida in February.  This year the trip is slipping into March.  I leave in 18 days!  

fishing user avatarelduderino reply : 

my boats been put away since October.... but i duck hunt in the fall so its OK. Caught my last bass through the ice on Jan 1st... fished Toho on vacation for a day and got skunked...

since then i've built 1 rod, started 4 others and ripped the foregrips off all my bass pro rods along with some other mods. Also... ran my credit card up nice and high buying all those "secret baits" i'm gonna need for spring.

Sad thing is with michigan's bass season it will still be late April before i get to go bass fishing.

fishing user avatarba7ss3in reply : 

I wouldn't know what to do if couldn't fish year round. Don't get me wrong I love my wife and kids but  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

North East PA here, it has been a cold winter, with a lot of small pesky snow/sleet and frezzing rain storms. From the look of things Ice Out in Mauch Chunk will not be to mid to late March

 I start classes agian this week and I have 2 more to go for my degree. The hardesat one will be done just around Ice Out. Going up to visit LBh for Easter and other than that spend as much time in Brooklyn with Elaine that I can. It looks like in 2 years I may be living back in Brooklyn

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

We have plenty of room for everyone next month at Guntersville.

Man up!


fishing user avatarDean reply : 

Cabin fever has got me real bad. It's so tempting to use my neighbor's birdhouse as a casting target :-/ :-/

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I rather use the neighbors cat

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

Go ice fishing, helps winter pass a little faster, and panfish caught from the cold water can't be beat for tatse. Actually, I like that we have a "hard water season", gives me a chance to stock up on tackle, reflect and lern form the past season, and prevents, if it's possable, burnout or fatique. By ice out I am soo raring to go, the passion lasts till the end of the season.

fishing user avatarDavis reply : 

I can't take it anymore. Not a winter sports person. Last spring was my first full year of fishing since being a teen. So this winter is killing me. Bought more than enough tackle. Actually went into Dicks the other day and went out empty handied because I had everything I wanted already sitting at home. My tackle is super organized and cleaned. Already told my wife when that first nice day comes in March I will be out all day long fishing.

My favorite place to fish is great for ice fishing so I'm told. But never had the urge to buy ice fishing stuff.

fishing user avatarbocabasser reply : 


fishing user avatarjwo1124 reply : 

My cabin fever was bad a month or two ago, but once the WIn/Spr semester started I've been so focused on school I haven't really had time to think about fishing. I just came back to the forum a few days ago after not posting for awhile. It seems the more I think about fishing when I can;t fish, the madder I go. It's like staring at a nice hot meal in front of you when you are starving but not being able to take a bite.

I am really considering moving down to a southern state when I am done with school. Fish at least a couple hours a day after work, everyday, for the rest of my life...HEAVEN!

fishing user avatarriverfisher reply : 

I peeled the cover OFF my boat in my garage lastnite. Felt good a little cold but very calming!! :o *shiver*

fishing user avatarHOIST-N-HAWGS reply : 

61* two days ago and around 15 tonight! Uuuuuuuuugh! :-/

fishing user avatarcdabelow reply : 

Suggestion:  Move south.

i agree with Road Warrior on this one.  Got four more inches of snow last night.  Thank God for ice fishing or I would be CRAZY

fishing user avatarCigarlover 1 reply : 
I rather use the neighbors cat

Muddy's right. Cat's put up a much better fight. More realistic of a LMB.  ;D

High today is about 20 deg. 4-8 inches of snow forcast for tomorrow. Lakes still frozen solid here in north central MA.

Last year I was fortunae enough to be able to head downt o FL the first of March then Lake Fork for BR Roadtrip. This year neither are happening. Don't know how much more I can stands.  

fishing user avatarDean reply : 
I rather use the neighbors cat

Muddy's right. Cat's put up a much better fight. More realistic of a LMB. ;D

High today is about 20 deg. 4-8 inches of snow forcast for tomorrow. Lakes still frozen solid here in north central MA.

Last year I was fortunae enough to be able to head downt o FL the first of March then Lake Fork for BR Roadtrip. This year neither are happening. Don't know how much more I can stands.

I know what ya mean. All this snow they're forcasting for FRI into SAT is going to just top the cake on things. I'm going insane as it is. Not being able to fish, is flat out torture for me. Hopefully I will not loose my humanity during this snow storm.

fishing user avataresr1 reply : 

At least im not the only one going insane. you know missery loves company. I would love to move south someday. till then we dream of days to come.

                                     Fish strong/ Reap rewards!

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

This is my worst winter for cabin fever in a long time.  I'm usually able to get out a handful of times during the Winter to fish, but not this Winter.  It's been really cold and we have ice and snow every 3 - 5 days it seems. Our forecast is showing precipitation and cold temperatures for the next week.  I need to get out on the water by March.   Something has to change. :)

fishing user avatarhamer08 reply : 

I took a guided fishing trip in FL earlier this winter and it only seemed to make the cabin fever worse. One thing I did get out of the trip was how much fun it was to fish with big live shiners. So I've taken this off season to develop a plan to get and maintain some fair size shiners (4") for my spring fishing pleasure. The local bait shops (central IL) only stock small fatheads for crappie and walleye. I think I have the details worked out and a setup in place. I just need towait until mid march to put the plan in action.

fishing user avatarTeamBerettaGold reply : 

I was sitting around yesterday bored out of my mind, reading the "skipping" thread and got the idea to go outside and practice skipping with the new BC rig.  Got myself a bucket to stand on, and an old jig, and some flat concrete (no snow or ice on it, pretty tuff to find).  I then dug a tunnel into the snow bank that was about 18" high and 3 feet deep, this was to be my dock.  I was pumped, put in some time setting it up, figured I skip'er in there like no ones business.  First attempt.....hit the concrete so hard with the jig, the whole spool of line exploded off the reel.....spent the next hour cutting off 120 yards of brand new 14LB sufix pro mix.  I decided to give skippin a break for a while, could be very expensive to learn if I keep this up! :'(


Man I cant wait for spring!!!

P.S. The neighboors thought I had seriously gone off the deep end, standing on a five gallon bucket, in the middle fo the drive way, swearing up a storm, in 0 degree temps, with a fishing rod in hand. ;D

fishing user avatarelduderino reply : 

we are at 98" of snow for the year... already set records for total snowfall and most snowfall in a month for Jan and Feb... Ice out appears to be at least April... my first salmon tourney on lake michigan is on April 5... might be breaking shelf ice to get out of the harbor!!! i need to move to texas or something..... >:(


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