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Personal fishing bloopers 2024

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 

We have all seen the Bill Dance ones but what have you done yourself? I have two that stick out and thankfully I was alone when they happened.


First I was throwing a Poe's crankbait on the Potomac trying to learn deep cranking. Well I feel something so I set the hook and the fights on! It takes off upriver against the current pulling like hell running back and forth. In my mind I am thinking about what my picture will look like holding the new state record smallmouth. Finally get my "trophy fish" to the side of the boat only to reach down to lip a 3 piece folding bathing chair. It seems it ran back in forth just like a kite does in the wind. I released my quarry onto a nearby dock so it could be with other chairs.



fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

I was fishing a spinnerbait slow rolled bouncing bottom. I fell a thump and a couple of tugs. Started reeling in and "man, this thing is piggish!" Had a real heck of a time getting it to the surface. It's tugging and almost feels like I'm reeling it in against the side of the fish, like it's fouled hooked.


My "piggish" thing turn out to be a fresh water muscle.


The other episode was a hooked Ford F150 door mirror on the back cast. My drag had no chance...spooled me...:D

fishing user avatarj bab reply : 

One time I casted real hard and well into the cast I got a sudden and aggressive backlash (using braid). I was holding the rod with one hand at this point, and the whole rod popped straight out of my hands and into the water! Luckily I was quick enough to grab it before it sank too far, but my shirt and jacket were soaked to my elbows and it was freezing out.


Another time a wasp got a little too close for comfort so I swatted at it with my hat, but I forgot that my Costas were on top so they went flying into the lake... I was kind of in shock and just stood there watching them sink, but my dad was in the bottom of the boat re-tying so he reached down and grabbed them.


A couple of close calls that would have been really expensive mistakes!

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 

Forgot to post the second story.


Fishing a heavy football jig on a lake for big fish. Make a long cast then my wife calls my phone. She knows how much I enjoy fishing so she will not call unless it is important. Short conversation and since the TM was on constant at a very low speed I never shut it off. Hung up so now back to fishing for the big ones. Engaged the reel and lift the rod to see the line start running on me. Figured it was a big one so I set the hook and almost had the rod ripped out of my hands. It was a big one alright, a 74 pound MinnKota Maxuum to be exact. Not paying attention talking on the phone I ran over my line with the TM and let me tell you it puts up one hell of a fight!



fishing user avatarratherbfishin1 reply : 

One time I was fishing with someone and they set their rod down for a minute and looked away (I can't remember why) and something pulled it off the bank into the water.  I think it was probably a catfish or something judging by the speed that rod took off, it was long gone...

fishing user avatarKoz reply : 

It was a slow day fishing so I let my then pre-teen son toss the iBobber out to see if he could see any fish out there with the downward looking sonar. When a fish swims under the icon has a red tag for a fish under 18" and a green tag for fish over 18".


He casts the iBobber out and calls out, "Red. Red. Red. Green. Red. Green" as fish are swimming by. I'm casting in that location, try different baits, and not a bite as he continues to call out the fish. I'm getting frustrated because with a school of fish out there I'm not getting even one bite.


So I take the phone from him to see what he's looking at on the app screen.


It was in demo mode. DOH!

fishing user avatarfishwizzard reply : 

So I am wade fishing a small river.  It’s a spot where I have had a literal 100-fish day and a few others close to that.  It’s all tiny fish though, big Redbrest sunfish and smallies in the 7-12” range.  


It’s the end of the day and I am at the edge of a 3-4’ deep pool, casting upstream past it.   My lure gets slammed, the UL rod is bent double. It’s a smallie, maybe 16”, maybe 18”, the biggest I have ever seen in this river.  I set the hook and the fight is on.  I get him into the pool and he calms down.  This is when I get cocky and decide to get my phone out before the fish is landed. 


I take my hand off the reel and grab my phone.  As soon as it clears my pocket, the bass surges away.  I drop my $700 pocket computer and grab the reel handle.  Now, the phone is in a “waterproof” case, but it’s now in 3-4’ of water in front of me. The screen is lit and I can see it.  


I land the bass and get him lipped, but I can’t reach my phone. I am waist deep and the bottom of my pack is just skimming the water. I want a picture of this bass so I close my eyes and dunk my head under.  


As soon as my fingers close on the phone, the bass, now fully sick of the situation, thrashes out of my grip and swims off.  Some how my phone still works and I have a very soggy 3 mile hike back to my car.


This was three years ago and still see that bass perfectly in my mind’s eye.

fishing user avatartander reply : 

I was fishing The Rez in the summertime, probably been fishing all day. I pulled up to the dock, tied my boat off, and got out just like I always do. I was at the end of the dock looking at something in the water when it happen. It was if someone pushed me, in I went. I could not stop myself. I guess fishing all day, my legs were weak and tired. Of course there was someone to see me. He asked if I was alright, told him yea, sure is hot and I thought I would take a dip. I don't believe he believed it. The worse thing about this, when I came up from the water, my prescription sunglasses that was around my neck on a cord was gone. I got a Bagley's DB3 and started casting. Would you believe I caught them on the 10th cast. Other than being wet, I guess it turned out ok.

fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 

I posted this adventure in a similiar thread, but it is worth a repeat.


I am moving down a bank and come to a retaining wall that juts out into the lake & is part of a green belt area for people to fish from shore.  I see a bass pinning baitfish up against the wall, so I quickly fire a high arcing cast in that direction.  Unfortunately, I was so focused on the fish that I failed to notice the enormous tree right near the edge of the greenbelt.  My popper ends up about 25 ft up in the tree.  After grabbing a different rod and failing to catch the fish, I set my attention to freeing my lure.  I pulled & yanked from different angles to no avail.  Finally, I was directly under the tree and for some reason thought a good hard yank would work.  It did, kinda.  As I yanked, both my rod and the tree limb snapped simultaneously, the rod fell to the deck & the branch fell on my head.


But I got the lure back...

fishing user avatarEGbassing reply : 

Last summer I was walking the banks with a rod in each hand and I tripped in this concrete water runoff thing; A second later my arms and face were really scraped/bleeding from the concrete but I somehow kept both of the rods from even touching the ground. ????

fishing user avatarN Florida Mike reply : 

I was fishing one of my favorite lakes back in the day in my JB , with my gf at the time. I had only told her one rule- be careful when casting not to hook me from behind.It wasnt long and I heard and felt a Swoosh, and on her cast she had hooked my hat and threw it out in the lake. She was so worried Id be mad but I thought it was funny. I did not marry her tho.


Another time I was fishing with shiners off a dock in the river. I had a big shiner under a cork , and when I cast got a big birdnest, the shiner smacking the water 10-15 feet out. Im trying to pull it out and it starts tightening up. Cork was under . It had to be a lunker, because the shiner was 10-11 inch. I had no choice but to set the hook, but with no drag , the line  broke.

My favorite one happenned while fishing a nght tourney on lake Sante fe. It was around 2 in the morning and I had tried everything in my box to no avail. I had tied on a crankbait and just started trolling offshore. After a long time the rod suddenly loaded up and it felt good, real good. Im thinking Ive won the tournament and big fish... But it was not in the boat yet. I woke my partner up and he got a light and net. I would pull it almost up where I could see it , and it would take most of the line back I had gained. Not sure how long this went on and I tightened the drag a little, putting a little more pressure on it. Suddenly it came into view. A trot line. ????

I had hooked a dad -gum trot line. I dont think I had ever been that disappointed about anything before. Then I almost cut in in half in anger, but decided to just run it and see... Not even one catfish for my trouble.

I did not win the tournament...


fishing user avatarCrankFate reply : 

One night I was fishing with a friend on a pier in the ocean many years ago. We’re hangin out with our rods in the water on a calm quiet summer night and his rod just shoots right in the water and disappears. Instantly. I was bummed about it, and wanted to leave, but he was like keep fishing, that had to be big. And we know there are fish out. So we stay there at least another 3 hours just hanging out. No bites, nothing. When all of the sudden, I get a bite and I start reeling in. It’s a big fish. I estimate 25lbs, about, maybe bigger. But whatever it is it was strong and never stopped fighting. So I’m reeling and fighting and as I’m about to get the fish out of the water, we see that I’m actually reeling up his rod! which I hooked with my hook in the top guide on the tip. It was like the greatest moment ever. He grabs the bouncing rod and starts reeling it up. He’s fighting and fighting the fish and as it gets close, it takes a quick turn pulling drag and runs around a piling right next to the pier, he couldn’t stop it — and pops the line! It was the best worst day fishing ever. After that, we decided it was time to call it a night.

fishing user avatarvolzfan59 reply : 

One time me and an old buddy of mine were pulling my old Jon boat out of Station Camp Creek, Old Hickory Lake, TN. The trailer lights were up on three foot poles that had pvc rollers around them. Instead of securing the boat to the trailer, my buddy said "I'll just hold onto the light poles". He grabbed the rollers instead of the pole. I heard Bob holler, looked up in the rear view mirror in time to see Bob's head disappearing as the bow of the boat came up. I still chuckle when I think about it.

fishing user avatarrtwvumtneer6 reply : 

3 chatterbaits gone, in 2 casts.  


First cast off the day sailed into a tree.  It happens.  Tied on #2.  Snagged it on the bottom just far enough out that I couldn't reach it, or see it in muddy water.  Tied on #3 and tossed it (by hand) into the water, only to realize I cut my main line instead of the tag end.


Rough start that day...



fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 


fishing user avatarArcs&sparks reply : 

When I was first getting into fishing I was casting a crankbait from shore beside a bridge.  I hooked on to a decent sized pickerel and since I had no net or pliers, I had to try to get a good grab on it.  It’s mouth was pinned shut because it had a hook in both it’s upper and lower jaw.  What do I do now??  Hard to hold on to these slimey things... Well,  it slipped out of my hands and the other treble hook stuck to my jeans.  The fish wasn’t happy and neither was I.  Now I have this pickerel stuck to me flopping around like crazy starting to dig the hooks into my skin.  All I could do grab my jeans and pull it away from my leg so I didn’t get hooked!  Luckily my girlfriend was there and between the two of us,  we were able to cut the hook out of my pants with a dull keychain knife,  and I don’t remember how we got the bait out of its mouth but I’m not so sure it was a clean release... 

fishing user avatarDirtyeggroll reply : 

We used to fish small farm ponds all of the time when I was younger. Once my sister was holding her pole with a bobber and worm out in the water and sitting on a cooler focused on the bobber when a cow walked up right behind her and licked her in the face before she even knew what had happened. She took off across the bank scream carrying her Zebco with her. One of the funniest things I have ever seen.

fishing user avatarJigfishn10 reply : 

Some funny things here! I think I've read through this thread about 4 times now and can't stop laughing. Great stories.

@Koz, don't ya love technology?!?

@OCdockskipper, I hate to admit this, but I'm a multiple time offender. I can't tell you how many trees have popper ornaments...LOL

@tander, let's just call it a senior moment, at least that's what I did in a similar situation...LOL

fishing user avatarEGbassing reply : 
  On 1/26/2019 at 11:56 AM, Bluebasser86 said:


But you got the fish.

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 1/26/2019 at 10:59 PM, EGbassing said:

But you got the fish.

Yes, but unfortunately we didn't win that night.

fishing user avatarBankbeater reply : 

A couple of years ago I was walking the bank fishing some rip rap in the rain.  I cast my baby brush hog parallel and felt a tap.  I go to set the hook and my feet slipped on those wet rocks.  I missed the fish and got a nasty looking bruise on my back. 

fishing user avatarjunyer357 reply : 

I fish a pasture pond pretty frequently. Good fishing and alot cheaper and easier than hooking up boat for a quick trip after work. I had already caught a few, and moved to a diffrent spot on shallower end of lake, where i want to fish earlier, but the cows were there drinking. Moved on over, and a few cast later i had a good one. Stepped back to set hook, slipped in a fresh cow patty and then landed in it with my butt and back. Got up, landed fish, and brushed off what i could and fished for a while longer. Thankfully i still had my insulated overalls in truck toolbox, so i didnt have to get crap on my truck seats or ride out in my undies. Would have been really embarassing getting out to open gates then.  

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 
  On 1/26/2019 at 11:56 AM, Bluebasser86 said:


True dedication in landing that one.



fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 
  On 1/27/2019 at 2:22 AM, Munkin said:

True dedication in landing that one.



I didn't mean to go in, just forget that I'd waxed the boat the day before. I did a good job, it was really slick.

fishing user avatarArcs&sparks reply : 

My good buddy and I were up north at Moosehead. We were fishing below one of the dams in this big eddy, deep heavy current smacking brookies and salmon left and right.  He gets a brookie and was struggling to get the hook out, he dropped the fish on the ground and I told him we should keep that one for dinner.  After he gets the hook out it slipped his grip again and flopped back into the water.  I immediately sprawled out on my belly on the big smooth rock I was standing on, reached out and almost had a grip on the fish when I started to lose my balance and slip. Uh oh! I’m going in, ever so slowly!  As I was slowly sliding into the river, my reaction was to throw my brand new Trout Series GLX/Supreme XT right into the current and caught myself before going completely under. His reaction was to sprawl out on his big rock and catch my rod by the tip, also almost falling into the 40* water as well, right before it was to be swallowed up by the raging white water spilling out of the dam. Luckily I managed to keep my right leg mostly out of the water which had my iPhone in the pocket, and I can’t thank him enough for snagging my rod and not trying to help me!! Almost lost my phone, and my new stick for one 10” trout lol.  We hadn’t been drinkin BTW ????

fishing user avatarRB 77 reply : 

This one involves me and my cousin and his skiff in one of our bays. Bear with me, this is a long one, but the comedy that ensues is worth it.


So, he had been working on his outboard and wanted to take his skiff out to "test" it. Had it fired up at the house on the hose and was feeling good about things, so he rings me up and asks if i want to cruise with him. I ask him if we can fish a little bit and he says sure he’s already got all the gear in the boat.  I'm all in. We met up at his house and off we go. He backs me down the ramp and yells at me to fire her up. I yell back at him to toss me the keys... Oh crap #1. They're at the house. So we launch the boat any way and pull it over to the dock with a rope. Off he goes to grab the keys...


So as I'm sitting there and I notice the boat is taking on water... Oh crap #2. He forgot to put the plug in at the house. I scramble around looking for it in every compartment in the boat. It's nowhere to be found. For some reason he had it in his truck. Finally he gets back and jumps in the boat and sees what has happened. Off he sprints to go grab the truck and trailer. He yells to fire the boat up to trailer the boat... Oh crap #3. The engine won’t turn over. Out comes the carb cleaner/ starting fluid...


So we get the boat started and back on the trailer to drain her and he jokes about how he’s been meaning to "clean the bilge" anyway. We have a good laugh and put the plug in and off we go. We cruise around the bay and the boat is running great. We find a nice flat to drift and kill the engine and go to rig up... Oh crap #4. He left his tackle at home. Loaded the rods, forgot the tackle box. I had just what I had tied on and so we scrounge around find an old spark plug to use for a drop shot weight and a rusty hook lying in a storage compartment. If memory serves me correct we caught a short Halibut and maybe a Sculpin? Anyway, we finish our first drift and go to start the engine... Oh crap #5. Of course the engine won’t turn over. Only this time we can’t get it started. We have to flag another skiff down and get towed in to the launch ramp. Thankfully it wasn't too far.


I've had many fishing related bloopers over the years, but that was the classic "when it rains, it pours" trip of all time. We still have a laugh about from time to time to this day.

fishing user avatarYaknBassn reply : 

#1.  Went on a river fishing trip with a few buddies.  Caught a few fish and a buzz.  Late in the day, I was bragging to one of them about how stable this kayak was.  I was tilting it side to side and over it went.  I lost a cell phone, a pair of Costas, a 3700 Plano box full of jigs, and two rods.  One of which was a brand new custom rod I had built specifically for river bassin'.  I was a bungee away from losing my truck keys.  I did have the custom rod eventually returned to me by a guy that dives that particular river.  


#2.  Fishing in backwaters, snakes are expected.  Most swim away, but there was one guy that wouldn't.  I intended to scoop him with my paddle and sling him the other direction.  It didnt work.  Landed right on the deck of my kayak.  


#3.  Fishing was slow, so I figured I would pick up trash from the water.  I picked up a styrofoam worm container floating upside down.  Turned in over and the biggest spider I've ever seen jumps out of the container .  I fell right off the boat into the lake.  

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 
  On 1/26/2019 at 10:33 AM, rtwvumtneer6 said:

3 chatterbaits gone, in 2 casts.  


First cast off the day sailed into a tree.  It happens.  Tied on #2.  Snagged it on the bottom just far enough out that I couldn't reach it, or see it in muddy water.  Tied on #3 and tossed it (by hand) into the water, only to realize I cut my main line instead of the tag end.


Rough start that day...



Never cut the wrong line but twice I have cut the tag end and thrown my pliers into the water.



fishing user avatarWay north bass guy reply : 
  On 1/27/2019 at 9:10 AM, Munkin said:

Never cut the wrong line but twice I have cut the tag end and thrown my pliers into the water.



I have also done that, all you can do is just shake your head ????

fishing user avatarAlex from GA reply : 

Had many but the last one was I was at our dock last year and my boat floated away.  My dock mate's boat was there so I borrowed it to bring mine back.

fishing user avatarkjfishman reply : 

I was by myself and launching my boat into a small lake. I had a rope attached to the boat and tied off to the trailer. All  went well until the rope broke. The boat drifts out to the middle of the lake and there wasn't anyone else out on the water to help me retrieve the boat. Called my buddy to ask him to stop by my home and pickup my kayak and bring it out to the lake so I could get my boat back.



fishing user avatarOCdockskipper reply : 

This one falls less into the "blooper" category and more into the "no good deed goes unpunished" category.


Towards the end of spring last year, I was fishing and worked my way to the back of a small cove.  There is an abandoned launch ramp there, fenced off to stop non-residents from launching boats on it.  Using the ramp as a beach were a pair of black Australian Swans, who were tending to their 3 cygnets (baby swans).  There are about 18 Australian swans on our lake, all from 1 breeding pair that was brought in about 7 years ago.  Since this is the only home they have ever known, they have no fear of nor animosity towards humans, they look at us as potential feeding machines.


As I got closer to the swans, I heard a cry emanating from the opposite direction.  I look over and a baby Canada  goose, maybe 2 months old or so, has lost his way from his parents and in a panic, starts swimming towards the swans.  Immediately, the male swan takes this as an act of aggression and begins swimming towards the gosling.  Knowing what is about to happen, I pull my boat between the swan & the gosling, only to have the gosling dive under water, swim past me & the swan and pop up at the boat ramp right next to the cygnets.  All hell breaks loose! The adult swans pinned the gosling against the fencing and began hammering it with their beaks, feet & wings.  The gosling kept trying to get through the fence to get away, but couldn't.  I quickly got my boat up next to the retaining wall, and went over towards them.  The swans stopped, calmed down and just watched as I lifted the bottom of the fence up so the gosling could get on the other side.  No worse for wear, the gosling kept squawking, running down the shore trying to find his parents while the swans went back to their brood.  Feeling like Dr. Doolittle, I turned back to my boat...which was now floating in the middle of the cove.

fishing user avatarhaleywp reply : 

Many years ago, while at the camp we set out a trot line across the river and baited it up.  The next morning the river had raised some.  I get in the jon boat and start running the trot line.  It was raining a little so I put on my cowboy slicker (you know the one that reaches the ground and covers your saddle).  When I get to the end of the trot line where we had tied it to a limb overhanging the water I am looking at one of the biggest wasp nest I had ever seen.  They were all up and their wings looked like jets on the runway ready to take off.  Sure enough here they come.  I let the trot line go, one of two pop me and in the water I go to get away from the rest.  The slicker wraps around me like a blanket.  I managed to grab the side of the boat and get it away from the tree.

Invited the welding inspector at the plant we were building to go fishing.  As we were fishing I look at the back of the boat and he was getting ready to change baits.  I ask him what he was going to put on and he said a Texas rigged worm.   I said grab that rod it is rigged up already.  The rod was on its first trip.  He starts fishing and gets a bite.  When he sets the hook the back of the set brakes and he falls on the back of the casting deck.  As he is going overboard I run back there and grab his feet and pull him back in the boat.  The rod goes overboard.  We rig up some treble hooks with weights and start casting.  Luckily we catch the rod after pulling up every tot line in the area.



fishing user avatarGundog reply : 

My blooper happened on a windy day when I was out on my canoe at a local lake. I had drifted with the wind for about a mile when I decided to paddle back to the launch. I grabbed the paddle and started to paddle. After a few minutes the paddle slipped out of my hands and onto the lake as my boat keep going in the opposite direction. Luckily there was a couple in a v-hull behind me who helped me out and retrieved my wayward paddle and brought it to me using their trolling motor. The guy suggested I get a TM just in case. I actually thought about it. 


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