mine is strike king and lucky craft because i've always fished them and i have a discout on their lures
I like the Megabass and Lucky Craft lines, but have recently picked up a few of the Duo Realis 110SP and 100DR, and they look very promising.
Lucky craft
Lucky Craft
On 1/28/2016 at 12:34 PM, iabass8 said:Lucky craft
Lucky Craft Tuna or Lucky Craft Soup?
megabass...vision 110 are hard to beat....
Luck E Strike or 110 KO customs.
I like strike king when the bass want a lot of action and smithwicks when they aren't as active. Wish I could afford some mega bass or lucky craft but I tend to lose them a lot when bank fishing.
On 1/28/2016 at 1:07 PM, Molay1292 said:Lucky Craft Tuna or Lucky Craft Soup?
The luckiest of all craft....cookies
Lucky Craft makes a quality bait and certainly offers a wide array of options in the jerkbait category.
A couple of Oldies but Goodies are Smithwick and Rapala ~
Smithwick Rattlin' Rogue
My favorite brand of Jerkbait is Smithwick without a doubt. I like a lot of different brands but if I could only buy 1 brand it would be Smithwick because the Rogues just flat out catch fish. The other reason is they have models and sizes to cover every depth and every situation.
Megabass, Lucky craft, Duo Realis are my main three in no particular order. I have some Rapala and SK for the areas where toothy critters live.
On 1/28/2016 at 8:07 PM, Catt said:Smithwick Rattlin' Rogue
This, cheap and catch fish
On 1/28/2016 at 9:02 PM, smalljaw67 said:My favorite brand of Jerkbait is Smithwick without a doubt. I like a lot of different brands but if I could only buy 1 brand it would be Smithwick because the Rogues just flat out catch fish. The other reason is they have models and sizes to cover every depth and every situation.
Doesn't have the glitz & glamour of the high dollar brands...they just catch fish!
LC Pointer 100's in Ghost and shad patterns.
I have a couple of the older FlashMinnows that I love.
I have a couple SK's and one or two Rapalas, but my most used ones would be the Bomber Long A and Cordell Redfin.
I've always had really good luck with Lucky Craft. Rogues work well also.
Continuing to beat a dead horse the LC pointer 78 and 100 have always treated me well.
I like the SK KVD's and the Storm Twitch Stick
Rapala husky jerk dd has put more 6 lb smallmouth in my boat than an other jerkbait. I love my LC's & smithwicks too.
Pointer, Shadow Rap and DUO
LC Pointer and Smithwick works for me.
hard to argue with the amount of votes for lc, though i also like the daiwa db minnow
For a floating Jerkbait or ripbait....Bomber Long A, Bagleys Bang O lure, and original Rapala Floater....Also the Smithwick Rattlin rogue in floating is killer on some days and I would consider that a must have lure since it is loud and has a unique action.
For suspending....Timmy Horton Pro Long A and Smithwick Rogues is what I have the most confidence in and pound for pound I like them over most shallow suspenders...The Pointer and XRAP are good as well when I want to work the bait more, but I tend to find that size and color matter the most when fishing really slow....I am not a huge fan of suspenders in the cold, but I will use them if that is the best tool and sometimes it is...