Aren't all the Rage craw products suppose to come in the hard plastic shells to protect their claws? I noticed at a local tackle shop that 3 or 4 of the colors they had, the craws were just thrown in the package while the others were in the protective plastic. All the others.. lobsters, space monkeys... etc were all packaged correctly. I asked the guy at the store and all he said is that is how Strike King sent them.
Has anyone else ran into this? Thoughts?
Must have had an accident or something. ALL Rage products are shipped in
a protective shell.
On 10/1/2012 at 7:16 AM, roadwarrior said:No...
Must have had an accident or something. ALL Rage products are shipped in
a protective shell.
There was probably 10 packs of each color that way. I tried to tell the guy that they were going to be ruined and they should sell them to me at 1/2 price... He just laughed at me!!
I have seen this too but it was in a bargain bin at Walmart or D..ks I can't remember which. Some packages had the plastic shell and some did not.
All the ones I have bought have always had a protective shell.
Do they need to be in that shell? After you buy it could you just take them out and put them in the bag? I put used rage craws in another empty bag without the shell, havent noticed a difference but I havent really examined them.
I'll hazard a guess. Rage Tail did not always pack their baits in a "clam shell". I think they started about four years ago. Obviously there are still some of the older packages in back store rooms or where ever. Unlike food stuffs, I doubt the stocks get rotated.
They get put in store rooms on top of or in front of goods that are already there. From time to time they ship enough to get into the older packages, and those not in blister packs end up on the racks at your local sporting goods stores or bait shops.
I only take one out of its protective packaging when I'm going to use it. I still have a pack or two of craws without the protective shell.
I've seen a few packages of rage craws in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart without the plastic. I assume folks take them out of the plastic package to get a better look and then put them back in the package carelessly (I've been guilty) so the employees just take the plastic out all together. I could be wrong.
Anyway Wal-Mart by me lets them go for like $2.19 a package. I make sure there are 7 craws in each pack and as long as there is I clean 'em out for that price! Most here probably use the craws as a jig trailer primarily but I've also caught some pigs this summer T-rigging them on a finesse set-up with small hook, light flouro, small tungsten bullet weight bottom dragging on a high pressured conservation lake here in mid Mo.
Na they're just fine out of the plastic shell but I don't tell Wal-Mart that.On 10/1/2012 at 8:59 AM, mikey5string said:Do they need to be in that shell? After you buy it could you just take them out and put them in the bag? I put used rage craws in another empty bag without the shell, havent noticed a difference but I havent really examined them.
On 10/1/2012 at 9:12 AM, Goose21 said:I've seen a few packages of rage craws in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart without the plastic. I assume folks take them out of the plastic package to get a better look and then put them back in the package carelessly (I've been guilty) so the employees just take the plastic out all together. I could be wrong.
Anyway Wal-Mart by me lets them go for like $2.19 a package. I make sure there are 7 craws in each pack and as long as there is I clean 'em out for that price! Most here probably use the craws as a jig trailer primarily but I've also caught some pigs this summer T-rigging them on a finesse set-up with small hook, light flouro, small tungsten bullet weight bottom dragging on a high pressured conservation lake here in mid Mo.
I have 2 walmarts near me and neither one carries the Rage products. I would clean them out for that price too!!!!!!!
Academy is 50/50 with and without. I always though someone was stealing them. I make a point of stopping by every Monday morning and seeing what's in the bargain bin. A lot of times they have rage craws that someone has swiped one or two and they mark em down to 48 cents
I've never seen them out of the shell..but for 2$ I'd buy them all day long.
48 cents now that's where it's at
I rarely fish hard baits but man if you're a rapala enthusiast you can find some flat out steals on various cranks in the walmart bargain bin. I'm talking under $2 even.
My local walmart have few rage craw products in 2-3 different colors, and they are just in plaint plastic bags. It goes for 3.50/bag, I am sure walmart won't sell knock off stuff.
Older products had no clamshell. I have a bunch with no clamshell, and they're fine.
The very first run of Rage Tail products didn't have a clam shell. It was after Big O found out that his baits weren't holding their shape very well in the package that he sat down and designed the clam shells. Now the baits are perfect right out of the package.
I would buy them at $3 a bag if they were in a ziplock bag. As long as there were the right amount in each bag and they said "rage tail" on the claw I would take my chances.
Actually clamshells were supposed to be used from the start in '07 and the plastic shop fell short on getting them produced when production began. I immediately took on the clam design operation and provided them myself. As above mentioned, the clams are for perfect action results with EVERY bait EVERY time and I'm really interested in the Walmart or any retailer that is selling them in plain plastic bags...
one thing i really liked about the earlier ragetails was the crawfish butter scent. i'd trade the packaging to get that back. i've always emptied the packs into a big ziplocack to save space in the tacklebox. if the baits do become misshapen (and it takes a lot for them to lose their shape) you can put them in the oven on a cookie sheet (less than 200 degrees though) for a few minutes and they come right back. you can also boil them. best to consult with spouse before pursuing either option though. works with other plastics too.
On 10/2/2012 at 2:53 AM, Big-O said:Bingo! Actually clamshells were supposed to be used from the start in '07 and the plastic shop fell short on getting them produced when production began. I immediately took on the clam design operation and provided them myself. As above mentioned, the clams are for perfect action results with EVERY bait EVERY time and I'm really interested in the Walmart or any retailer that is selling them in plain plastic bags...
I wish they didn't have the clam packs...first pack of Baby rage craws I ever bought, the claws on the last 4 in the pack were cut off due to the edge of the clam pinching down and cutting off the claw.
Well, the packaging generally ensures that each bait is delivered exactly
as it was designed. If you have the misfortune of picking up a damaged
product, return it to the retailer for exchange.
I love the Rage Tails and how they are packaged. You normally don't see bait companies put forth any extra effort in packaging their baits to ensure they work the way they are intended. Strike King has quickly gained a huge fan in the past few months. Love their stuff.
On 10/2/2012 at 6:01 PM, basscrusher said:I wish they didn't have the clam packs...first pack of Baby rage craws I ever bought, the claws on the last 4 in the pack were cut off due to the edge of the clam pinching down and cutting off the claw.
Where ever you bought them should have taken them back. My guess is they were opened by a customer and closed wrong. Just a guess.
On 10/2/2012 at 6:26 PM, TNBassin said:I love the Rage Tails and how they are packaged. You normally don't see bait companies put forth any extra effort in packaging their baits to ensure they work the way they are intended. Strike King has quickly gained a huge fan in the past few months. Love their stuff.
Agreed. I just bought a shat pot of Havoc's since there were on sale. Then I found the SK river bugs for like 45 cents more than the Havoc's.
While they are not packaged like the Rage products, they are still full of salty slimy stinky goodness!!!
On 10/2/2012 at 9:00 AM, paul. said:one thing i really liked about the earlier ragetails was the crawfish butter scent. i'd trade the packaging to get that back. i've always emptied the packs into a big ziplocack to save space in the tacklebox. if the baits do become misshapen (and it takes a lot for them to lose their shape) you can put them in the oven on a cookie sheet (less than 200 degrees though) for a few minutes and they come right back. you can also boil them. best to consult with spouse before pursuing either option though. works with other plastics too.
I like this really nice house I live in. Don't want to trade it for the motel or my pickup. I baked some polish on my duty boots last year in her 1300 oven. Next time I was told that I better like sleeping in my truck