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Best MultiTool/ Pliers 2025

fishing user avatarBtech reply : 

Hey guys, I have always caried a Gerber Deisel:

(Wow Biger Link than i though) I have this thing on my hip Day and Night and have never realized how handy it is for fishing. Its got a File, Sisors, pliers and more.

Just wondering what you all use in your boat / Bag.

I know most of you will post Leathermans lol. I stuck with Gerber.

Share your thoughts.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

Gerber Resolve for me:

the outside edges of the actual pliers started to rust a little after a long night of yankin' hooks out of skates faces. guess they didn't like the salt water. none of the tools are rusted and the the pivots/hinges haven't rusted so it is still 100% functional.

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 

Gerber all the way, I have a couple of these blunt nose and needle nose and they go where ever I do......

Nothin' fancy, but they are workhorses.

Hey Bri, good to see ya around again! 8-)

fishing user avatarB-Dozer reply : 

I carry the Leatherman Wave everywhere. Easy one hand opening,file saw, etc. + a good pair of scissors. Only problem is I lost the little eyeglass screwdriver, but no biggie, I don't wear glasses :)

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

I take my Gerber almost everywhere.  I've got a few around the house that I've had since I was on active duty.  Still going strong.

fishing user avatarB-Dozer reply : 

Yeah you can forget your wallet,keys, etc. but if you forget to take your multi-tool----PANIC!!! :)

fishing user avatarBtech reply : 

B dozer you are absolutly right with out my gerber on my hip I'm lost I don't need my wallet when I got tools to get the job done

Fire thanks please give me a pm or call sometime well have to catch up

And wow I'm shocked so far gerber is the number one answer I thought for sure leatherman would be.

I used to be a fan of leatherman but a buddy got me a gerber and I abused the heck out of it as a mechanic it broke (when I used it as a chisle) and gerber not only sent me a new one but a updater and better tool. Ill stick with my gerber for life.

Now if they could make a sheeth as tough as the multi tool.

fishing user avatarLong Mike reply : 

I wear my Leatherman Wave almost all the time.  Don't know how I ever got along without it.

fishing user avatarB-Dozer reply : 
B dozer you are absolutly right with out my gerber on my hip I'm lost I don't need my wallet when I got tools to get the job done

Fire thanks please give me a pm or call sometime well have to catch up

And wow I'm shocked so far gerber is the number one answer I thought for sure leatherman would be.

I used to be a fan of leatherman but a buddy got me a gerber and I abused the heck out of it as a mechanic it broke (when I used it as a chisle) and gerber not only sent me a new one but a updater and better tool. Ill stick with my gerber for life.

Now if they could make a sheeth as tough as the multi tool.

Yeah, I've been using the nylon ones, velcro wears out, but they're cheap and last longer than the leather ones. Can't deal with the snap on them anyway.

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

And wow I'm shocked so far gerber is the number one answer I thought for sure leatherman would be.

I've broken quite a few Leathermen tools.  Haven't broken a Gerber unless I've done something excessively stupid with it.  Plus I like the way they open more.

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

This is the current, and best multitool that i have owned.

fishing user avatarB-Dozer reply : 
This is the current, and best multitool that i have owned.

I like being able to open a blade with one hand w/o opening the handles. I keep one in my kayak,Jeep, and on my belt. Just in case :)

fishing user avatarfourbizz reply : 

I like apples " :)"

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

I have a Leatherman Blast that I've been carrying for years. It may not be the best, but it works well for me.

It is funny how you get used to what you have. I was camping and fishing with a group of guys last fall and misplaced my leatherman. A buddy loaned me a Gerber. It was a nice tool (probably higher end than mine), just wasn't what I was used to. I was happy when mine turned up.

fishing user avatarIntroC reply : 

Leatherman. I have to go with the original. Everything else is basically a copy. Pick the one that has the tools you like and go with it. Whether it be a Leatherman or a Gerber. IMO Leathermans just feel more solid.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

that SOG tool looks like a beast and a half...

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
Gerber all the way, I have a couple of these blunt nose and needle nose and they go where ever I do......

Nothin' fancy, but they are workhorses.

Hey Bri, good to see ya around again! 8-)

I received this tool as a gift two years ago on the

Roadtrip at Kentucky Lake. I never leave home without


;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 


i use a regular pair of craftsman 8" pliers and never had a problem. if i do , a quick trip to sears will solve that. it started to lock up from being wet , but wd-40 fixed that. i dont ever see myself breaking it unless it got ran over by a bulldozer. but even then , im sure it would be fine and i really wouldnt care since it doesnt have a nice finish on it and its less than $20 when bought individually.

to cut line , i use a small 'swiss army' knife with the little scissors. i have no problem cutting braid or mono with it. would also make a decent self defense tool if needed.

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

Three different Gerber tools for me.

fishing user avatartholmes reply : 

I carry a Gerber Compact Sport

My wife gave it to me for Christmas 11 years ago. One of the best gifts I've ever received. It goes everywhere with me.


fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Gerber Clutch and Suspension

fishing user avatarmoby bass reply : 

I have a Gerber and 3 Leathermans. I like the Gerber but the thumb stud on the blade broke off and I put a nick in the hardwire cutter. I think I like the Leathermans better.

fishing user avatarAvalonjohn44 reply : 

I carry a cheap pair of hemostats, a gerber pocket knife and a dollar store fingernail cliper set.  When I forget the clippers, I use my teeth.  :)

fishing user avatarB-Dozer reply : 
I carry a cheap pair of hemostats, a gerber pocket knife and a dollar store fingernail cliper set. When I forget the clippers, I use my teeth. :)

and a tube of oraljel  ;)

fishing user avatarfirefightn15 reply : 
Gerber all the way, I have a couple of these blunt nose and needle nose and they go where ever I do......

Nothin' fancy, but they are workhorses.

Hey Bri, good to see ya around again! 8-)

I received this tool as a gift two years ago on the

Roadtrip at Kentucky Lake. I never leave home without


;D ;D ;D

It was all my pleasure......just part of bein' with a bunch of great characters! :)

fishing user avatar0119 reply : 

Ive used my SOG Paratool for over ten years mostly while saltwater fishing and kayaking and it doesnt have one spot of rust on it.


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