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Lazer Trokar 2025

fishing user avatarmatt996 reply : 

Has anybody used the lazer trokar hooks yet? Are they worth the money? Thanks for the help with these hooks!


fishing user avatarlmoore reply : 

I've used the flippin hooks. I like them, but I don't see any noticably better hook-up ratios than with other style hooks. If I find some on sale I use them, but I don't htink it's necessary to pay twice as much for them.

fishing user avatarmsolorio reply : 

yea like lmoore said, i didnt notice any better of a hook up ratio. ill stick to my bmf's for half the price.

fishing user avatartelmomarques reply : 
  On 1/26/2012 at 6:13 AM, msolorio said:

yea like lmoore said, i didnt notice any better of a hook up ratio. ill stick to my bmf's for half the price.

bmfs and trokar are almost same in price, thinking about trying trokar flipping hooks soon

fishing user avatarSoFlaBassAddict reply : 

I tried them. Won't be buying any more of them. The tips on them rolled way too easily. I'll stick with my Owner cutting points. Far better hook for the price IMO.

fishing user avatartelmomarques reply : 
  On 1/26/2012 at 9:27 AM, SoFlaBassAddict said:

I tried them. Won't be buying any more of them. The tips on them rolled way too easily. I'll stick with my Owner cutting points. Far better hook for the price IMO.

but i like the hook keeper plastic, i cannot find size for shrink tubing for owners, they are too thin

fishing user avatarChrisAW reply : 

I didnt see a big difference in hookup ratio, but i did see a difference in how much deeper some hooks would penetrate when comparing Gamakatsu/Owner and Trokar. For everyday fishing, i wouldnt say its worth it. But if you have money on the line, it could make the difference.

I was pleased to see them lower their prices 3 dollars a pack to 6.99, atleast at my store. I will likely be using a couple of their techique specific hooks in the future now if i happen to be in a big money tournament.

fishing user avatarmatt996 reply : 

thanks i was thinking that they would be kinda a waist of money but always good to double check right

fishing user avatarRaider Nation Fisher reply : 

They definitely seem to hold onto whatever they stick into. Be it fish or human. So I'd say they are worth the price. Like ChrisAW said they dang sure penetrate.

fishing user avatarHooligan reply : 

I won't fish another hook in plastics, by choice. I've got a few jigs on Trokar hooks and...WOW are they deadly good. I've noticed a huge difference not in the number of solid hookups, but the effort it takes to set that hook. It's a lot less with the Trokar. The thing I dislike about the Owner is that it can "blow through" creating a hole that tears much easier, don't get me wrong, they're superb hooks, but the Trokar is that much better.

I broke some hooks initially, and I rolled a few points. It seems, though, that they got their stuff straight and they're now basically flawless. I fish the flipping hook, the HD worm, and Mag Swimbait, as well as the jigs I have on the Trokar. Not a better hook out there right now.

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

Is there a second generation of the trokar hooks? If so, I might try them again. First ones I tried bent, broke and tips rolled big time. How would one know the difference????

fishing user avatarRiver Rat316 reply : 

Yes they tried to do a better job on the second batch, I know Hooligan likes the Trokar hooks but I personally can't stand them in a jig, my personal experience with them out of 5 jigs was one rolled tip setting into a dock piling (yes it happens, and sometimes I even try to in testing) and one unexplainably bent out hook on a 4lber, I wouldn't think that was normal, but it happened. My biggest gripe about the hook was my sliced up hands after tying jigs with them, the way the cutting point is angled you will get sliced up just by looking at it, let alone trying to tie on it. I still have 3 or 4 jigs left with Trokars and plan to get another batch in later in the spring for more testing, but right now for the money I feel like the Owner deepthroat is still the best jig hook out there.

fishing user avatartstone reply : 

I use their flippin hook and have had really good luck with them. The thing I like about them is when you hook a fish, these hooks really seem to stick them well. I've never had to use pliers so often as with these hooks.

fishing user avatarmatt996 reply : 

I was at dicks today and picked some flipping hooks up for 4 bucks. I said what the heck

fishing user avatarHooligan reply : 

I forgot to say this, the plastic thing on the flippin hook won't stay put after a while. Get some of these: to fix keeping your baits put. Since finding these, I've gone back to using a LOT of straight shank hooks; they're so much better on the hookset...

fishing user avatarquanjig reply : 

Thanks for the diamond pegs idea, gonna get some of those and look to try them with senko on straight shank hooks. Glock hooks sometimes let me down.

fishing user avatarMyKeyBe reply : 
  On 1/27/2012 at 10:05 PM, quanjig said:

Thanks for the diamond pegs idea...

Toothpicks are dirt cheap, work well, and last forever.

fishing user avatarlmoore reply : 

When I made that initial post, I didn't realize they were lowering the price on them. Wit the price down to a little bit more reasonable, I might have to try them out again.

fishing user avatarfishinkeebs reply : 

I have tried some of their EWG and dropshot hooks but none of the flipping hooks. Definately felt like I got better hookups but not convinced enough to keep spending the big bucks on them.

fishing user avatarHooligan reply : 
  On 1/27/2012 at 11:51 PM, MyKeyBe said:

Toothpicks are dirt cheap, work well, and last forever.

Toothpicks don't hold as well, and can cause a weak spot in your line. Diamond Pegs eliminate that, they also last indefinitely.

fishing user avatarMyKeyBe reply : 
  On 1/28/2012 at 8:24 AM, Hooligan said:

Toothpicks don't hold as well...

Please explain.

This is way off topic. To the O.P. sorry. Trokar hooks seem overpriced to me. Never used them so I really have no idea.

fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

I bought the flippin hook when they first came out ( at dealer's cost ) and immediately rolled the points on the first two I used. I also heard there was a change in the production process and the points don't roll. My buddy swears by them. The jury is still out for me.

fishing user avatarNCLifetimer reply : 

I've picked up a few packs when I was able to get them cheap. They are definitely sharp, not sharper enough in my opinion for me to use them exclusively considering the price. Owners cutter points have been just as effective.

fishing user avatarflipin4bass reply : 

I just received a sample pack from Trokar, it contained 1 pk of 3/0 finesse worm hooks along with a light shoulder bag, two decals, and a Trokar catalog. You can get a free sample pack by going on their site and taking a multiple choice test on their hooks. (You can find all the answers on their site.) I think I'm going to give their EWG hooks a try.

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

I recieved some on the Christmas exchange this year....Gonna give them a try this coming bass season.

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

I bought ans used the flipping hooks when they first came out, I liked them, no real issues, but I was not wild about the price. When they were gone, I switched to the Gamakatsu heavy cover straight shank worm hook, I like Gamakatsu alot................but I am going back to the Trokar this year.


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