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New Shak-E2 Heads have been shipped 2025

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

%7Boption%7D                                                                               We said we were going to ship the first 50 BR members who emailed us for free samples- I be;lieve we are around 80 . Dana was in a good mood- Wanted to know if anyone had received them yet???


fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Here are pics of the New EVO 2 Jig Head -SWEEEEEEET

fishing user avatarBig Tom reply : 

I got mine today!

Thank you for the opportunity.

fishing user avataryzcajunman reply : 

that looks awesome !

fishing user avatarTennesseeVols14 reply : 

WHERE CAN I GET THESE???? our local bait shops says that it would be sometime to get these so any1 got any i can buy from??? thanks

fishing user avatarChad. reply : 

I sent an email to Dana and 2:15pm the day it began on and never even got a reply. :-/

The email did go out.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
WHERE CAN I GET THESE???? our local bait shops says that it would be sometime to get these so any1 got any i can buy from??? thanks

You can buy them direct:


fishing user avatarPond Hopper reply : 

Got them this morning and they look fantastic.  Hope to get out and try them this weekend.  Thanks again Bobby.

fishing user avatarflyhatch reply : 

I recieved mine on saturday and used them sunday on lake erie.

I didnt catch anything on them this trip, I had rigged a micromunch trickster worm that was producing on a drop shot. but to no avail.

I am confident I will catch fish, its just a matter of time.

Thanks for the chance to try your product,

I am interested in your other products as well, I heard roadwarrior mention buzzbait ;)

i will be in touch

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Yep, you really need to try the 3/8 oz Cavitron Buzzbait.

Pick your own colors, but I'll recommend black on black.


fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Warroir Did you get a box from megaStrike ????

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I did and sent you a "Thank you" note, but "THANKS" again.

In addition to some monsters caught on the 3/8 oz Evolution jigs,

I caught a 7-8 lb pig on my first morning outing at a new "secret

pond" on your 3/8 oz Cavitron Buzzbait (black on black). When I

catch a biggun' I'll try to get a pic, I certainly owe you one!



fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

You owe me nothing- we appreciate and enjoy your support-thanks buddy,Bobby@Megastrike

fishing user avatarfoul hooked reply : 

Just got mine. Very nice jig. Thanks Bob. I will write a review once I fish these.

fishing user avatarStill a Bigbuckifan reply : 

Got mine sunday. Went yesterday and tryed them, no luck thoo ;) maybe next time thanks again

fishing user avatarformulagamble reply : 

Got mine today!!....can't wait to try'em out! THANKS!!...when will they be in stores?

fishing user avatarGr8wall reply : 

i just got mine today while i was surfing this place.....wierd.  the jigs look awesome and cant wait to try them.  mine dont have the weed guard though.  doesnt matter they look freaggin sweet.  so i konw these can be versatile, but i was hoping to use this on my finese outfit (i think 8lb line with med light rod)  would these be a bit on the heavy side for this?  just wonderin.  thanks again for the awesome free samples.

fishing user avatarfishfordollars reply : 

Bobby I have not received mine yet, but I will go ahead and thank you in advance. Thanks, for all you do.

Jack Y

fishing user avatarSoCalRob reply : 

I got mine and will try out this weekend! I've got a few questions though:

1. Whats your fav worm to use on these? If I had to choose I would use a  5" zoom finesse worm or 5" Robo a curly tail a bad choice?

2.  What rod to use? My lightest rod is my 6'9 shimano crucial Drop-shot rod Med-Light action.

fishing user avatarFR0G reply : 

I havent got mine yet, but when I do, I will be sure to post a review on them.

fishing user avatartyrius. reply : 
mine dont have the weed guard though. doesnt matter they look freaggin sweet.

I think Bobby attached the wrong picture.  The picture in the first post looks just like the evo2 jig head which is designed for a skirted jig.  The Shak E2 is a shaky head jig and they don't have the fiber/flouro weedguard.

Here's the pic

fishing user avatardana_megastrike reply : 
Bobby I have not received mine yet, but I will go ahead and thank you in advance. Thanks, for all you do.

Jack Y

Yours was definately sent out on Thursday.  Maybe today they will arrive.  Let's hope!!!!

fishing user avatarRobbyZ5001 reply : 

I just received them yesterday. They look awesome! Can't wait to use them.

fishing user avatarssaB_htuoM_egraL reply : 

Received mine today, hope to try them out soon.  Thank you Bobby and Dana.  I will spread the word!

fishing user avatarscbassman28 reply : 

Got mine yesterday.  Will try them out and spread the word.

fishing user avatarSPAZ reply : 

i got mine yesterday. Thank you. I expect to try them out some time this week, weather permitting of course ;)


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