Has anyone used these baits yet? If so have you had any luck with them? I saw Bill Dance pull in some hawgs with them so I bought a couple to try. I am hoping to try them one night this week.
QuoteHas anyone used these baits yet? If so have you had any luck with them? I saw Bill Dance pull in some hawgs with them so I bought a couple to try. I am hoping to try them one night this week.http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10001&cmCat=SearchResults&hvarTarget=search&langId=-1&partNumber=90134&storeId=10151
I also did see this bait on Bill Dance and I was thinking of picking some up but I will wait for your guys input. It did look like a cool bait with real nice action!
Do a search on it. You'll find around 50 responces on the bait.
Can't find anythig on it!
Well i have 1 and i've tryed it 2 times didn't catch any on it but i does look good i have to say
QuoteWell i have 1 and i've tryed it 2 times didn't catch any on it but i does look good i have to say![]()
Agreed, I have used many times and while the action is great the bait isn't. Save your money.
I am going to try these out Thursday on a lake where I have been having extremely good luck fishing. I am hoping to land another hawg and hoepfully this bait will work well.
QuoteI am going to try these out Thursday on a lake where I have been having extremely good luck fishing. I am hoping to land another hawg and hoepfully this bait will work well.
Let us know how you do!
yeah one of my buddies bought this and i didn't think it was going to work.....and it didn't. but good luck with it maybe he was using the wrong retrieve for it or something.
I believe Bill Dance marketed this lure in the 80s, and it failed then. Now he has Yum putting it out again, and they just released a smaller 4 inch version. I also have a buddy that has used them with no luck. They look a little gimmicky, but should work at least as well as anything Roland Martin puts out...
From what I've seen and heard, I will stay away. There are a ton of crankbaits that work better.
I am going to try throwing them a little bit tomorrow and see if I get any takers as I will fishing a deep water lake. I agree that there are a lot of other good crankbaits that work well and I do throw a lot of crankbaits. I will report back on these Dancin' Eels tomorrow night. They were only three bucks so if they don't work it is not a real big deal.
Looks pretty cool in the water, but even moreso, looks gimmicky. Has anyone on this forum even caught a fish on one of these?
FYI - basing your lure purchases off of Bill Dance's show is not a great idea. I could poop on a hook, work it like a zara and catch an 8 pounder in the ponds he fishes. Nevertheless I respect him a lot...but don't fall prey to all of his endorsements.
QuoteI could poop on a hook, work it like a zara and catch an 8 pounder in the ponds he fishes.
I'd like to make a wager on that...
Do you suppose "the incredible Dance's Craw" will be re-introduced?
I had 1 back in the day, never caught anything on it, but when i moved,my new neighbor loved them so i gave it to him. I liked the craw and caught a number of bass & pike on them, but they got destroyed. Closest thing i have ever seen to a live craw. And for T. Tony:Could you call it "stink bait" if it doesn't stink? ;D sorry....
detroit1, I still have an unopened Dance's Craw, do you want it?
I love the dancing eel. Once you get past feeling so stupid throwing it, it produces.
QuoteI love the dancing eel. Once you get past feeling so stupid throwing it, it produces.
I never even caught a d**n "gator" on mine. After at least 500 empty casts/retrieves with that bait I never got past feeling stupid for throwing it.
When I first saw it, I knew it was stoopid.
Matter in fact, I think my I.Q. dropped just thinking about it.
I have caught several big bass on the eel. You just have to crank it fast enough to get the rod tip to wiggle and stay with it. Like any other bait, it has a time and place. It took me a very long time to catch a bass on a Rat L Trap
i bought one a while back and didnt have any luck, i havent used it since. i guess i will try cranking it faster. probably another waste of time
Bill's got a whole team of folks that go out ahead of him and locate and then pattern the fish for him before he ever arrives. We all know if the fish are there and are feeding it really doesn't matter much what you throw, you will catch a few. So yea, I'd put my money on the "stink bait" in one of his pre-found areas. Heck for all we know they may have chummed or baited the areas somehow prior to filming. I like ole Bill and have a lot of respect for him. He was one of the pioneers of this sport and was a real oh-fish-eonado back in the day. But his "day" was a lot different than today. I won't be buying one of the eels. I did back in the 80's as well as the craw......and ....remember these?.......The Hannon's Snakebait? Let's face it guys, some baits are designed to catch fish, but most are really designed to catch fishermen. :
I tried it a couple of times with no luck but then again those were slow days on the water anyways. I will try it a few more times before I pass judgement on them.
I went to scout a local pond in a wildlife refuge and brought this lure. I fished for about 2-3 hours and caught 5 bass with the smaller eel.
Welcome aboard!
Simp, thanks for the update. You are the first person I have heard say they caught any bass with them. I am going to try throwing these again this weekend and see if I can catch any bass using them.