is anyone else having problems with hooks breaking on Z MAN baits? in the last few weeks I have broken off two hooks on ned riggs. one of those with a good spot on taking drag. and even broke a hook off of one of his chatter baits. kind of disappointed, don't believe hooks should be breaking that easily.
Every once in a while, I feel like I got a bad batch of hooks. Doesn't matter the brand - it's happened with a few. I toss them, buy fresh, and it seems like the issue goes away. Did you contact them, and let them know what's happening?
haven't contacted them, but did buy from two different places, I do believe they have a problem.
I have a bunch of the Chatterbaits, in several of their lines, and I haven't seen any issues. After several fish, some of the chatterbaits are beat up - especially of one of those fish is a pickerel or northern pike, but that's to be expected. Let them know what you're seeing.
Are you saying the hooks broke because you leaved Z-man plastic on the hooks or z-man brand hooks?
I broke 1/16oz mushroom jig once but that becuz I pulled out from snag. I also lost jig head on Zman chatterbait but not the blade where my line tied on when practice skipping.
now if you leave Zman plastic on the hooks if it is TRD or zinkerz those got salt in it and might rusted the hook. I found some rusted on original Zman chatterbait hook just store in it Plano box.
no rust in hooks and one of the trd hooks might have only been tied on about an hour or two. the chatter bait hook was probably one month old. the chatter bait did hang up ,but the hook broke off with just the pull from the pole and the drag didn't even slip,14 lb test mono. everyone broke right at the curve in the hook. I have sent an email to Z MAN baits. and also informed them that I would post there response on this site. no response yet.
What rod and line were you using with the shroomzs, and also how did you set the hook?
That is pretty bad, let us know what Zman has to say about. I started buying some other brand for chatterbait. I still like Zman chatterbait better but will only get elite or custom from TW not original one.
The hooks on the Zman shroom heads are pretty brittle. I used to use the VMC halfmoon jighead and they had the same issue. I prefer softer hooks that bend but don't snap for finesse stuff.
Were you using the 'Shroom head with 14lb?
On 9/13/2017 at 7:35 AM, Paul Roberts said:Were you using the 'Shroom head with 14lb?
I was just about to ask the same question.
if you are using 14 lb line with the drag tight, a decent sized fish can straighten the fine wire z-man hooks, even if they don't break.
I've seen several hooks break on the Shrooms heads and have broken hooks on the regular chatterbaits, but the newer Project Z and Custom versions have much better hooks.
I'm going on 40 fish with the same Zman shroom head that I have used the last 4 trips out. This one has caught SMB, LMB, a lake trout and 3 pickerel. So far, besides the one that I'm still using, I have went through 3 other heads this year. One was bit off after catching several bass, probably by a pickerel. One I gave to my neighbor with an 2.75" elaztec bait; because we went out in his canoe and he was clueless and had never caught a bass before, so I gave him one of these and all of a sudden he was miraculously able to start catching bass.
The other one I broke trying to unhook a bass that was deeply hooked. I was able to unhook it by snapping the hook near the bend using 2 needle nose pliers; which was a good thing, since I was able to get the hook out and let the fish swim away. These hooks are very hard and if they are torqued severely to the side, they will break.
Can't speak to your chatterbait hooks, however, I am happy with the shroom heads so far. I will also add that the elaztec plastic is tough as nails, as I have caught approximately 40 on one piece of plastic and although it is beat up, it is still usable and I think that the only way this thing will end is to be bit off by another pickerel.
Additional edit - Please note that I am using 6# or 8# test line on spinning gear. The fish pretty much hook themselves, so there is no hard hookset involved.
Yes, I have never broken a shroom head hook on a fish, but have broken dozens of them on snags with 6-8lb line. I guess I would rather break the hook and not leave a lure in the water, but I would prefer a hook I can bend back even more.
I did break a shroomz head hook off on a small catfish when trying to remove the hook from the tough part of it's mouth last weekend. I didn't even realize I broke the hook off at the bend until I went to make my next cast and noticed there wasn't a hook sticking out of the top of my zinker. I superglue my zinker to the head so I just pulled the worm off the head and put it on another shroomz and continued to use it. I think that worm is on about 50-60 fish and it's still catching them.
yes ,on the shroom hooks , and the drag was slipping not that tight. still no response from Z MAN after 3 days. 14 lb on the chatter bait and 10 lb on the trds.
I laughed when I seen my co worker set his drag using the bumper on his car so he gets a exact feeling with the rod setup too. To me thinking about it after he is right. He knows exactly we're it's set. I set mine inbetween loose and tight. The bass can pull but I know when it's a bigger bass. There's a medium drag setting as to where I can do a hard hook set and my drag won't give. Yet if she pulls line she can go. It's a balance between the two settings.
So far I haven't had any issues with any Z Man baits. Let's hope it stays that way.
I have 2 of the original Z-Man chatter baits and 1 Project Z chaterbait. Those are the only Z-Man products I have at this time and I really like em alot. Had no issues with them at all.
thanks to all who have responded. I do like there baits , and have caught a lot of fish with them. maby they just made a bad batch, don't know. i am how ever disappointed that the company has not responded back to me and my concern with there hooks breaking easily. haven't broken any of the new ones I have purchased in the past few weeks. best of luck to you guys this fall season. the top water bite has seem to be getting good here in southern Indiana. show us some woppers ,and thanks again.
I have broken the shroomz hooks off where the keeper is welded on. That's the weak point. The resistance weld that holds the keeper on makes it brittle. (I'm a welder). I've broken them off on snags or after a snag when I'm trying to bend the hook back. I just use ball head jigs now
I had a bag of Z Man plastics, opened them today and they were all shriveled up and hards a rocks? I think I bought them last summer. Hope all of my new TRDs do not shrivel up .
On 9/17/2017 at 10:00 AM, 3crows said:I had a bag of Z Man plastics, opened them today and they were all shriveled up and hards a rocks? I think I bought them last summer. Hope all of my new TRDs do not shrivel up
they do not take heat well. left a bag in my truck and ended up with a big glob of plastic. wont make that mistake any more.
On 9/18/2017 at 9:44 PM, lonnie g said:they do not take heat well. left a bag in my truck and ended up with a big glob of plastic.
wont make that mistake any more.
Nope, from the store, to my basement which is cool and dry. I have not checked any other Zman packages. i am sure this is an anomaly. I hope. I have original Mr. Twisters from 1973, still good.
Had my fishing buddy bust a Zman Chatterbait last weekend. Problem was he busted it ON MY CONSOLE!! I coulda smacked him right upside the head!!
He has this weird side arm cast that puts a lot of baits into my console and motor cowling.
I am definitely having a similar problem regarding hooks breaking off on Shroomz heads. I've been fishing this rig exclusively lately and am experiencing similar issues to Lonnie G.
On 9/19/2017 at 2:37 AM, Fishin' Fool said:I am definitely having a similar problem regarding hooks breaking off on Shroomz heads. I've been fishing this rig exclusively lately and am experiencing similar issues to Lonnie G.
I must just be lucky. I have never personally broken a Shroomz head on a fish.
I have lost the bait keeper on a few and I have straightened a few trying to get them out of snags.
I would say at least 10% of my bass fishing is using these baits. I have caught bass up to 5 lbs. on these hooks. Actually caught drum and catfish up to 10 lbs. on them also.
To me the Ned Rig is a finesse bait. I always use light to medium light tackle and never try to horse a fish in with it.
I agree with you I am using a medium rod and I wonder if it's too much power for the technique. I will definitely check into their newly designed hooks though as I feel the failure rate is too high.
I have found my Ned Rig sweet spot in a ML/F rod rated 1/8-3/8oz. It will load and cast a 3/16oz Ned very well and I have a near perfect hookset record with an open hook Ned and a decent-to-good one with a weedless one. I have used the zman heads and have only broken them when pulling out a snag by holding the spool and walking backwards, I don't feel like the rod has enough power to break one with any reasonable hookset. I tried the Ned on a L/F rod but even with open hooks I was missing a lot of hooksets.
On 9/18/2017 at 10:42 PM, TOXIC said:Had my fishing buddy bust a Zman Chatterbait last weekend. Problem was he busted it ON MY CONSOLE!!
I coulda smacked him right upside the head!!
He has this weird side arm cast that puts a lot of baits into my console and motor cowling.
tell him if he wants to fish in the live well, just ask and you would open the door!
On 9/18/2017 at 10:42 PM, TOXIC said:Had my fishing buddy bust a Zman Chatterbait last weekend. Problem was he busted it ON MY CONSOLE!!
I coulda smacked him right upside the head!!
He has this weird side arm cast that puts a lot of baits into my console and motor cowling.
And you still let him fish with you, lol ?? It's funny everyone has at least one person in their life that fills that role. I'm usually that person in their lives ?
He's my tournament partner and a good stick....when he's not destroying my boat.....