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The friend... 2024

fishing user avatarWurming67 reply : 

Do any of you guys have a fishing partner that is always borroing baits from you while you are out fishing?I do!!!I don't mind sharing a bait with my fishing buddy if I am on fish but every time I take him out it's constant and it's made me not ask him to go fishing as much as I use to and he makes more money than me!!!.Any suggestions how to confront him ?Do I just send him a text and say dude u gotta start buying some baits?


fishing user avatarjeffo21 reply : 

sign him up for Bass Pro, or tackle warehouse catalog and maybe he will get the hint

fishing user avatarNHBull reply : 

Offer to place an order for in on his behalf to TW for a starter kit. 




Tell him your placing an other and ask if he wants to piggyback one




"your becoming a pain in the a**, hit Walmart on your way home"

fishing user avatarWurming67 reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 7:41 AM, jeffo21 said:

sign him up for Bass Pro, or tackle warehouse catalog and maybe he will get the hint

I think he already gets bass pro shop catalog......

fishing user avatarjeffo21 reply : 

lol well before you go next time accidently forget your tackle box or just flat tell him hey dude buy some tackle


fishing user avatarWurming67 reply : 

I think I'm gonna text him I'm putting a tackle warehouse order in you need any worms cause we went thru all mine last trip?Too harsh?

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 

Does he have anything to offer you while you guys fish? Does he take you to good spots, teach you new techniques, help drive the boat, anchor the boat, bring food and drinks, help clean the boat,etc? If the answer is no to all these questions then it's time to tell him he needs to help out more and stop taking your lures. 

fishing user avatarjeffo21 reply : 

nope atleast you will know if he is willing to buy some or be the biggest tackle bum you ever saw

fishing user avatarCroakHunter reply : 

Just don't let him borrow stuff 

fishing user avatarWurming67 reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 7:49 AM, soflabasser said:

Does he have anything to offer you while you guys fish? Does he take you to good spots, teach you new techniques, help drive the boat, anchor the boat, bring food and drinks, help clean the boat,etc? If the answer is no to all these questions then it's time to tell him he needs to help out more and stop taking your lures. 

He will help with gas but he doesn't have anything I would need to borrow,it's like I'm his tackle box and guide ,not really digging it,not cool,but I've known him long time.

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 7:51 AM, Wurming67 said:

He will help with gas but he doesn't have anything I would need to borrow,it's like I'm his tackle box and guide ,not really digging it,not cool,but I've known him long time.

Sounds like he is treating you like a guide. I have had similar experiences and that's why I rarely invite anyone fishing with me, with the exception of my better half,my family,close friends, and maybe someone who can offer something worth my time(someone who also knows how to fish well and makes a good fishing partner).

fishing user avatarLog Catcher reply : 

Maybe he needs to sign up for LTB or MTB. He will always have new baits coming in. Maybe then you can borrow some of his.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 

I find it's best to have no friends.

fishing user avatarBassin' Brad reply : 

I would just drop some subtle hints the next time y'alls out. For instance "Hey dude can I borrow some worms"  "No butt face get your own tackle or go home" 


If he doesn't get the subtle gentle hints you may have to get more harsh. 

fishing user avatarWurming67 reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 7:55 AM, soflabasser said:

Sounds like he is treating you like a guide. I have had similar experiences and that's why I rarely invite anyone fishing with me, with the exception of my better half,my family,close friends, and maybe someone who can offer something worth my time(someone who also knows how to fish well and makes a good fishing partner).

Forgot to mention he also eats my snacks and drinks.I think I realized thru your comment he's really not a good fishing partner maybe a good friend but not a good fishing partner,I'll take my wife out and other times go by myself.

fishing user avatarLionHeart reply : 

Well you said he's your friend, and he's a dude.  Just be direct and honest.  That easy.  Next question...


P.S., dude don't do this by text message.  Do this face to face

fishing user avatarGoldstar225 reply : 

This bring to mind a saying that I've used several times. 


"No one can take advantage of you without your consent".

fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 8:12 AM, Wurming67 said:

Forgot to mention he also eats my snacks and drinks.I think I realized thru your comment he's really not a good fishing partner maybe a good friend but not a good fishing partner,I'll take my wife out and other times go by myself.

Sounds like he is a very greedy guy the way you are describing him. He does not buy you any snacks and drinks to eat and you take him out for free? He does not help with cleaning the boat,driving the boat,anchoring,or any other normal boat maintenance? You need to sit down and talk to this guy if he really is your friend and tell him to start helping more. If he doesn't well stop taking him.

fishing user avatarWurming67 reply : 

I realized by posting this topic what's going on I'm allowing it ,it's not enjoyable to me,go back to fishing by myself and wife.

fishing user avatarEGbassing reply : 

You could just not take him fishing. He sounds like someone I would not want to fish with.


Or you could always just try to get him to sign up for MTB pro.

fishing user avatarBrew City Bass reply : 

I lost one fishing buddy to this. Notorious for always "forgetting" to hit the tackle shop. Always "Just let me borrow it, I'll pay you back if I lose it". 

Last straw was this past spring. I was on a deep crankbait bite and he didn't have any deep cranks... He begged to use one of my 6XD's and I told him if he loses it (like he always does) he is paying me $10 right out of his wallet. He lost it not even 5 minutes later to a snag. I told him to either get swimming or cough up the $10. He laughed and said he'd buy me a new one whenever. I told him no, you're giving me the $10 like he agreed to. He copped an attitude and said whatever. 

I turned around and he was tying on ANOTHER one of my 6XD's. I told him it's not even funny, take it off. He made a big deal about it. I dropped his ass off at the ramp and told him to take a hike. It shouldn't have even been an argument. I take him out on my boat for free, he eats my food, drinks my beer, and never offers any $$ for gas or anything. Now he is actually costing me money with losing my baits. Unacceptable. His wife had to come get him from the ramp. 

I have a bunch of lures I absolutely don't mind letting friends use and even lose. It happens. But there are certain things of mine you don't touch (like cranks, ploppers, swimbaits) or if you lose em, you pay the cost and the gas it takes me to go get em. I fish with about 3 dudes fairly often, and every single one of them always have their own gear, and always offer up cash for gas or bring food. I never ask for money because I was going on the lake anyways, but these guys get it and they're a pleasure to fish with. That other guy can pound sand though.

fishing user avatarMikeltee reply : 

I bust all my friends balls and they do the same to me. So.... bust his balls. "d**n son... I am tired of you catching more fish than me on my baits. Go buy your own"

If he whines, hes not a friend. 


fishing user avatarWurming67 reply : 

It's one thing borrowing and another supporting ,think I'm gonna go solo bring my seven rods ,two tackle bags sandwiches,drinks and Copenhagen and enjoy mother nature.Thanks guys!

fishing user avatarhaggard reply : 

Set expectations.


Before the next trip out, tell him you're going minimalist, self sufficient, taking only what you need, then cutting that in half. 


fishing user avatarWCWV reply : 

My fishing buddy does that all the time, but she's my wife ????

But I do eat all the snacks she brings, I seldom take many snacks but when she goes, we have all kinds of stuff.

Last time I had cold watermelon 

fishing user avatarMassYak85 reply : 

"Hey man, I don't mind letting you borrow stuff or try some of my lures occasionally but if you are going to do it every trip you should really get yourself some of your own lures so I can use mine". I'd just wait until next time he asks, let him borrow it that time but set a precedent going forward. Just say it somewhat casually it doesn't have to be something all that confrontational. And if he has an issue with you not letting him use your stuff then just don't take him anymore. 

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 

Worming, if its a friend I invite that is brand new to fishing, I will supply everything. 


If its a friend I frequently take, I would make it clear it's his responsibility to bring all he will need including water.  I supply the boat, gas, and locations.  Everything else you need you supply for yourself.  I would tell him this a few days before the trip, so he has time to get everything, and be prepared for once.  If that doesn't work, he doesn't get any more calls.  He will eventually figure it out!

fishing user avatarDINK WHISPERER reply : 

Welcome to the club, we have shirts! Mine does that every single trip out. My partner is my 9 yr old son. ????

But seriously though, just tell him the truth man. If you're good enough friends then that's the only way. 

fishing user avatarlooking45 reply : 

If you're ok with losing him as a fishing partner, and maybe as a friend,  I would just tell him that you can't afford to keep taking him fishing. The next time he wants to go, he has to show up with his own lunch and baits. Don't let him walk over you. If he shows up again empty handed, don't take him. 

fishing user avatarScott F reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 9:30 AM, Wurming67 said:

It's one thing borrowing and another supporting ,think I'm gonna go solo bring my seven rods ,two tackle bags sandwiches,drinks and Copenhagen and enjoy mother nature.Thanks guys!

Next next time, on the way to the lake, make a detour to a tackle shop and tell him what to buy. Next stop at the gas station, tell him it’s his turn to buy. Have him fill the tank, and, tell him which snacks and drinks you’d like.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Stop enabling.



fishing user avatarNorcalBassin reply : 

Yep, if you permit it you promote it. There are many ways to say what needs to be said in a respectful manner that would likely end up with you guys still being fishing buddies... all about the delivery.

fishing user avatar813basstard reply : 

Make him buy the beer. Beer is the great equalizer. Through the history of time. I think that’s in the book of Numerator  

fishing user avatarMichaelCopeland reply : 

Tell him your car broke down and you need him to take you to the tackle shop. Go in pick out a bunch of lures and baits. When you get to the checkout counter tell him you forgot your wallet and tell him you'll pay him back. Then immediately after he pays and you're out in his car, hand him the bag of lures and baits and tell him you got these for him. ????

fishing user avatarWurming67 reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 9:33 AM, WCWV said:

My fishing buddy does that all the time, but she's my wife ????

But I do eat all the snacks she brings, I seldom take many snacks but when she goes, we have all kinds of stuff.

Last time I had cold watermelon 

Wife is different we have the same checking account lol

My wife said to me if he ask just say no get your own stuff lol 

What's really crazy is he doesn't even bring rain gear we our in South Florida,but if we ever got stuck out there overnight 2 bottles if water he brings and no rain gear makes for a long night in the Everglades... I bring more than I need food,water,bug spray etc just in case

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

It's not fun to play mind games while out on the water or getting ready to.  My opinion....unless he is broke my time would be less and less with said person.

I have a good friend I fish with and it's kind of funny...if one of us should get on a good bite with something and the other one says OH....I should put that on we'll complain and tell one another not to as it usually turns off the bite!!

fishing user avatarMobasser reply : 

Not a problem for me. My fishing partner is my 13yr old grandson. He helps out with chores and buys some of his own baits, and I let him use some of mine. He always puts them back and takes care of them. After earning the money to buy some of his own lures- he understands it can get costly

fishing user avatarDerek1 reply : 

I think everyone has a freind like that, mine not a fishing buddy. Instead he drinks my beers, smokes my smokes, hot dogs at the barbecue lol. I have to laugh it off. If he brings beers he takes what’s left with him when he leaves. I’m surprised he doesn’t squeak when he walks. I’m sure his bank account embarrasses mine. 

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 

Give him a Trick Worm. He'll catch fish. If it's windy, make it a weighted T rig. If it's deep, make it a C rig. If it's shallow, weightless works. That's what I give my buddy when we go kayaking and he catches fish on it most trips.

  On 8/17/2018 at 8:23 PM, Derek1 said:

I think everyone has a freind like that, mine not a fishing buddy. Instead he drinks my beers, smokes my smokes, hot dogs at the barbecue lol. I have to laugh it off. If he brings beers he takes what’s left with him when he leaves. I’m surprised he doesn’t squeak when he walks. I’m sure his bank account embarrasses mine. 

I have the opposite friend. He'll always buy the (cheap) beer. But he doesn't know anything about fishing and isn't into it like I am. So if I want to hang out with him fishing I have to outfit him. He can hang with me on bream though. But I usually still have to rig him up. He won't have hooks, bobbers or split shot. Then, of course, he'll talk smack if he catches one more than I do. At least I don't have to bait his hook and take them off. And he brings the aforementioned beer. That's because i usually don't take beer fishing, so he has to if he wants some.


But I have another fishing buddy I go with who's on-par with me as far as equipment and knowledge. He has a better boat than me and I'll go with him when it's cold or just when he offers. 

fishing user avatarSpankey reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 8:12 AM, Wurming67 said:

Forgot to mention he also eats my snacks and drinks.I think I realized thru your comment he's really not a good fishing partner maybe a good friend but not a good fishing partner,I'll take my wife out and other times go by myself.

I'd ditch him in a heartbeat. A dead beat? But I prefer to bass fish alone. I enjoy getting my daughters and grandsons out. But that time is about them. 

  On 8/17/2018 at 6:11 PM, Mobasser said:

Not a problem for me. My fishing partner is my 13yr old grandson. He helps out with chores and buys some of his own baits, and I let him use some of mine. He always puts them back and takes care of them. After earning the money to buy some of his own lures- he understands it can get costly

I have two grandsons and they are just like that. Good kids. I help them out to have what they need. After I'm dead and gone they will have more then they'll ever need. 

fishing user avatarBassNJake reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 7:36 AM, Wurming67 said:

Do any of you guys have a fishing partner that is always borroing baits from you while you are out fishing?I do!!!I don't mind sharing a bait with my fishing buddy if I am on fish but every time I take him out it's constant and it's made me not ask him to go fishing as much as I use to and he makes more money than me!!!.Any suggestions how to confront him ?Do I just send him a text and say dude u gotta start buying some baits?


This is why I fish alone unless it's tourney day.

I'm trying to enjoy my time on the water and learn a little something, not babysit a grown man that doesn't understand common courtesy.



fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

Borrowing a hard bait?  Maybe.  Plastics?  Get out of my boat now.

fishing user avatarGlaucus reply : 

My fishing buddy is less experienced and much further behind on the tackle he owns, being that this is his third season ever. He'll sometimes ask to use this or that lure. If he liked it, the next time we go out, he's bought his own of whatever lure or plastic. He also pays for lunch and beer. He's not using my stuff because he doesn't want to buy his own; he uses my stuff to determine what he likes and needs to buy - and he does it.

fishing user avatarBassWhole! reply : 

Text him? I assume he's within 20 feet of you when you go fishing, no? Peek down at the two boys between your legs, and then look him in the eye and tell him how you feel. 

fishing user avatarSpankey reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 8:46 PM, BassNJake said:

This is why I fish alone unless it's tourney day.

I'm trying to enjoy my time on the water and learn a little something, not babysit a grown man that doesn't understand common courtesy.



I hear that man. And along with the common courtesy these people are not there for the same thing as I. I'm there to accomplish something. To better my personal best. I'm sorry, that's why we are going. I would rather take a green horn guy, gal or kid and put on a learning/fishing clinic with someone who has never caught a bass and really wanted to catch one. I have done this and enjoyed myself and know they appreciated it. Others. Some have come along but I sense they really don't want to be there. I can sense that once I tell them to be at the ramp at 4:50 am. But with my daughters or grandsons it's different. I approach it different. 

fishing user avatarBass_Fishing_Socal reply : 

I don't think you should call him fishing buddy, just a friend. He might not care about fishing as much as you do and think that he does you a favor to accompany you fishing that why he entitles to use your stuffs. Tell him up front he is on his own if he wanna go fishing with you and see what he says. 

fishing user avatargeo g reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 9:55 PM, Glaucus said:

My fishing buddy is less experienced and much further behind on the tackle he owns, being that this is his third season ever. He'll sometimes ask to use this or that lure. If he liked it, the next time we go out, he's bought his own of whatever lure or plastic. He also pays for lunch and beer. He's not using my stuff because he doesn't want to buy his own; he uses my stuff to determine what he likes and needs to buy - and he does it.

That's OK in my book.


fishing user avatarGlaucus reply : 
  On 8/18/2018 at 12:23 AM, geo g said:

That's OK in my book.


Yep. I'm happy to do it. Not so much if it was simply a bum pattern.

fishing user avatarBass Turd reply : 

Sign him up for LTB and MTB. He'll be so busy trying to use his new baits he won't have time to borrow yours.

fishing user avatarBuffdaddy54 reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 8:14 AM, LionHeart said:

Well you said he's your friend, and he's a dude.  Just be direct and honest.  That easy.  Next question...


P.S., dude don't do this by text message.  Do this face to face

Agree. If he is really a friend, you owe him the truth. If he gets offended that's on him, you need to be truthful in a kind way. In the long run it will either strengthen that friendship or you know you can now cut the line and move on.

What ever you decide, be kind!

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 



Y'all young!


I got a 12 yr old grandson who is real good & it cost Pawpaw!


He has his own rod-n-reels but tackle is all mine!

fishing user avatarNYWayfarer reply : 

I like to handle things like this in subtle ways.


If he asks for tackle, have some baits and lures from your "bought it, tried it, didn't like it pile" (every fisherman has one.) If he asks why can't he use what you are, tell him limited supply, sorry.


If he asks for snacks and drinks, give him a jug filled with tap water. As far as snacks go, he has been your friend for awhile you must know what he doesn't like to eat. Make sure you have some of that on the boat to give him.

fishing user avatarrob0225 reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 7:36 AM, Wurming67 said:

Do any of you guys have a fishing partner that is always borroing baits from you while you are out fishing?I do!!!I don't mind sharing a bait with my fishing buddy if I am on fish but every time I take him out it's constant and it's made me not ask him to go fishing as much as I use to and he makes more money than me!!!.Any suggestions how to confront him ?Do I just send him a text and say dude u gotta start buying some baits?


How about just tell him you can't afford to provide tackle for both of you.  What is wrong with being honest and straight forward with someone?  No need to skirt the issues. People are too worried about offending someone.

fishing user avatarGlaucus reply : 
  On 8/18/2018 at 10:32 AM, rob0225 said:

How about just tell him you can't afford to provide tackle for both of you.  What is wrong with being honest and straight forward with someone?  No need to skirt the issues. People are too worried about offending someone.

It's probably harder in real life to tell your friend on the boat that they can't use any of your stuff. Easy to say on here, harder to do face to face because friends are people you care for. I think it says more about the character of a man asking how to go about it than it does about a man saying tell him to bug off. Asking how to do it implies feelings and humanity.

fishing user avatarWurming67 reply : 
  On 8/18/2018 at 12:25 PM, Glaucus said:

It's probably harder in real life to tell your friend on the boat that they can't use any of your stuff. Easy to say on here, harder to do face to face because friends are people you care for. I think it says more about the character of a man asking how to go about it than it does about a man saying tell him to bug off. Asking how to do it implies feelings and humanity.

You nailed it!

fishing user avatarLxVE Bassin reply : 

We all know that bass fishing is an expensive hobby but having a boat makes it even more expensive. Just be honest with your friend. If he is your real friend he will understand. I’m willing to spot people now and then especially if someone can’t really afford things but a guy that makes more money than me needs have his own stuff. Give him a week’s notice before the next trip out. Let him know that he needs to help on gas, have half of the launch fee, and bring his own tackle. You can’t go out on the water for 8 hours with a 5 pack of hooks and a pack of senkos. I fish tourneys as a coangler and I have buddies with boats that fish with. Tournament or not I make sure to have launch/gas money, offer drinks or snacks to bring, and have my own gear. 

fishing user avatarjeffo21 reply : 

Mmm nothing like a good dip of Copenhagen and fishing.

fishing user avatarWurming67 reply : 
  On 8/19/2018 at 5:04 AM, jeffo21 said:

Mmm nothing like a good dip of Copenhagen and fishing.

It just goes together,big fat knot of Copenhagen and a  Texas rigged plastic bait and Im in heaven ????

fishing user avatarjeffo21 reply : 

not much better than that well maybe a double digit fish on the end of the line also


fishing user avatarsoflabasser reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 8:12 AM, Wurming67 said:

Forgot to mention he also eats my snacks and drinks.I think I realized thru your comment he's really not a good fishing partner maybe a good friend but not a good fishing partner,I'll take my wife out and other times go by myself.

Sounds like you found your answer to this problem. Keep being friends with your buddy and take your wife fishing more often. Teach her everything you know and you will have better fishing trips with her than with some guy who eats all your snacks and takes your lures.

fishing user avatarjeffo21 reply : 

lol my 12 year old daughter is my tackle thief. At least she has started asking for dips of snuff yet 

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

I usually tell my good friends to just bring minimal tackle, their favorite hard baits, plastics, and terminal box, then just fish out of my stuff to cut down on clutter in the boat and reduce the amount of stuff they have to pull out of their boats to put into mine because I know how much of a pain that is. There's a caveat though, if we find out they're eating Rage craws and they didn't bring any, and I toss them 2 packs of craws and don't get any back, they know at the end of the day I'm expecting them to float me 10-20 bucks to cover my baits and the convenience of not having to pack all their stuff for the day, the same way I do when I jump into one of their boats. 


What your situation sounds like is what I have when I'm guiding. I'm providing everything, but I'm getting paid quite well for it while you are not. You're either going to have to have that uncomfortable conversation, not while you're on the water because then you're trapped on the boat with a potentially disgruntled fishing partner, or you're going to have to start giving him all the baits that don't work so he stops borrowing yours. 

fishing user avatarbassh8er reply : 

I always put myself into how I would treat someone else in the same situation.  It’s one thing if you are going out of your way to take someone fishing who has never been before versus someone that consistently goes with you.


It’s like some of my neighbors that come over for a beer but don’t bring any.  The first time is fine, the second time is whatever, the third time tho???  GTFO!!!!!!!

fishing user avatarBurke reply : 
  On 8/19/2018 at 1:32 AM, LxVE Bassin said:

We all know that bass fishing is an expensive hobby but having a boat makes it even more expensive. Just be honest with your friend. If he is your real friend he will understand. I’m willing to spot people now and then especially if someone can’t really afford things but a guy that makes more money than me needs have his own stuff. Give him a week’s notice before the next trip out. Let him know that he needs to help on gas, have half of the launch fee, and bring his own tackle. You can’t go out on the water for 8 hours with a 5 pack of hooks and a pack of senkos. I fish tourneys as a coangler and I have buddies with boats that fish with. Tournament or not I make sure to have launch/gas money, offer drinks or snacks to bring, and have my own gear. 

Exactly -  I fish alot which I have one bag dedicated for tournament only. The other bag is for the Lake that I tend to fish. I always offer money and gas to my partner since


I know how expensive it is. My brother has a boat that he kept spending money on it to keep it running. We go out at the pacific ocean to slay some yellow tails during the summers when I come "home".  


He kept saying this - B.O.A.T  = Bring Out Another Thousand. 

fishing user avatargilkeybr reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 8:24 PM, the reel ess said:

Then, of course, he'll talk smack if he catches one more than I do.

You saying this brought a smile to my face.  I mostly go fishing with my brother in law these days, and we always have a great time.  But he LOVES to talk trash when he catches more fish, or catches the biggest fish, or really any other excuse he can get.


I just think to myself, "You're on my boat, at my spot, fishing my lure that I told you to use and how to work....your fish are all at least half mine"


Part of the fun of fishing!

fishing user avatarthe reel ess reply : 
  On 8/20/2018 at 10:46 PM, gilkeybr said:

You saying this brought a smile to my face.  I mostly go fishing with my brother in law these days, and we always have a great time.  But he LOVES to talk trash when he catches more fish, or catches the biggest fish, or really any other excuse he can get.


I just think to myself, "You're on my boat, at my spot, fishing my lure that I told you to use and how to work....your fish are all at least half mine"


Part of the fun of fishing!

Yeah, this buddy of mine could catch 10 tiny bream to my 9 bass and still try to rub that in. LOL. But he's my best friend and that's just how he is about everything.


I remember once we went in my fish & ski boat and he caught about a 4 pounder early in the trip. He stopped fishing nad started sending pics of the fish to every contact in his phone and drinking beer, all the while talking smack to me about how much better he is at fishing than I am. I caught a bigger one right before we took the boat out. He was mad. I told him you can't catch fish without a lure in the water. And besides, I'm just better.

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 

Free guided trip, free lures, and free snacks I want to be your new fishing buddy.


I had a guy in my old club that fished as a co-angler that would use my baits. I would ask him what is the secret bait to which he would respond "they are in your tackle bag". If I got on a pattern I would give him whatever I had that was working. He would just ask what it was and what it cost. At the end of the day he would give me cash to compensate for anything that was lost.



fishing user avatarFurther North reply : 
  On 8/17/2018 at 7:46 AM, Wurming67 said:

I think I'm gonna text him I'm putting a tackle warehouse order in you need any worms cause we went thru all mine last trip?Too harsh?

Perfect. If that doesn't work, be direct.

fishing user avatarRatherbfishing reply : 

It SOUNDS as though, at the beginning, you didn't know this is going to be a problem but it has become one.  When you talk to him, frame it this way-that you didn't know it was gong to be an issue but it has become one.  Say something like: "I understand that you may not want to fill an entire tacklebox with lures you may or may NOT use HOWEVER it gets expensive when you borrow mine, lose them, and then don't replace them or pay me back for them."  See how he responds.  If he is willing to listen, then continue the dialogue.  If he refuses to budge, just don't invite him back anymore.


I take a 12-year-old fishing every now and again.  I've given him a fair number of baits for Christmas, etc.  Usually, we look in his box to see if he has something that is appropriate and THEN, if the bass are picky, I'll offer to let him use one of my baits.  More and more, he's getting the idea that lures are not free or infinite and he's catching onto the concept of "You play, you pay."  But your friend is not (i don't think) 12 years old.  He should not have be nursed.

fishing user avatarblckshirt98 reply : 

Some people are just "like that" and don't feel like they need to pay their share when someone else can give them what they need.  It's not a fishing thing, it's a personality thing.  If you two golfed together he'd probably be asking you if he could borrow some of your golf balls or hitch a ride in a golf cart you paid for.


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