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Taking Bets: Who's gonna be the first to buy this? 2025

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 


It's not just an ugly lure, it's an ugly lure with science behind it...

:-? ;):)

fishing user avatarMaxDal reply : 

Yop that has to be the worst looking bait of 2008 !

Scientist and artist doesn't seem to match.

I'm pretty sure I'll never buy that.

How do you tie the lure to your line anyway ?

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

I'm betting on T-Rig.  :)

fishing user avatarSam reply : 

It is an unusual lure.

May work.

I will allow the guys to try it out and let us know how it works.  :)

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

I like the theory behind it, but that doesn't say that I like it, or does it?   ;D

Big O

fishing user avatarCory N reply : 

T-rig and Raul both already have them.  But Raul wins because he has 4 and T-rig only has 3.

fishing user avatarfretfishman reply : 

in a nutshell, I'd say it's too ugly for me to use, but the fish would probably love it.  ;D

we've all seen fish eat things much uglier than this, I suppose.

fishing user avatar.dsaavedra. reply : 

i like how most of those arrows in the diagram point at nothing! ;D

fishing user avatarCrabcakes reply : 

It has "Morphologically designed Water Displacement action for Lateral Line Stimulation." Wait did i read this right?!!?... If my translation is correct this lure actually wobbles when retrieved. This revolution will change fishing forever.

As an added bonus not only does it have ambient diffusion reflectors rather than mundane holographic foil, but one of the arrows actually indicates the lure is "self aware".

fishing user avatarBIG M reply : 

A crankbait that leaks fish juice, it's been done many times.    You can drill a hole in the belly of a wood bait and insert a piece of sponge and do the same thing.    

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Something about this just rubs me the wrong way. If this is "The Future of fishing" - I'm thinking we are heading off course.

This website presents a list of 10 different "Professors" who came together to "invent" this very "advanced" lure. . . . .

Call me old school, but I bet the below list of men and their contributions to the sport of fishing will prove to be a bit better . . . .

time will tell.

I probably will not pony up the $$ for this one.

Lauri Rapala The Finnish inventor of the hand-carved balsa wood minnow that serves as the archetype for all jerkbaits to come.

Nick Creme The Texan who invented the plastic worm and revolutionized bass fishing for all time. It is fair to say that all of the radical innovations in modern soft plastic baits ultimately owe their lineage to Creme.

Andre Meulnart The French engineer who invented the Mepps Aglia spinner. There are all kinds of great in-line spinners including Blue Fox, Roostertails and the Panther Martin

Fred Arbogast The Akron, Ohio inventor of the ubiquitous Jitterbug, as well as the Hula Popper and numerous other classic plugs manufactured under the Arbogast banner.

James Heddon Along with sons James and William, this Michigan entrepreneur was likely America's first tackle tycoon. The Zara Spook and Torpedo remain must-have lures for modern fishermen.

Fred Young This Tennessee whittler created a bass fishing secret weapon with his hand-carved Big O the grand daddy of all bass crankbaits. Scarce and expensive, early bass pros protected their investment by transporting their Big O's in egg cartons.

Stan Sloan There seems to be a lot of uncertainty as to who invented the first safety pin spinnerbait. All of the sudden, spinnerbaits were everywhere. But this Tennessee tackle maker gets credit for his Zorro Aggravator ~ The lure that launched a thousand imitators.


fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

I laughed at it.  Man that thing is ugly. ;D

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

Silly.  Totally silly.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

I hear it outfishes live bait 4:1 and may be banned for tournament fishing!


fishing user avatarMALTESE FALCON reply : 

I can't believe it!!! roadwarrior, you beat me to it. I was going to say the same thing. Word-for-word.............. Great minds think alike.


fishing user avatarT-rig reply : 
I'm betting on T-Rig. :)

I would never buy that horrible looking piece of crap! ;)

fishing user avatarCory N reply : 
I'm betting on T-Rig.  :)

I would never buy that horrible looking piece of crap! ;)


fishing user avatarPitchinkid reply : 

Ill just wait until Jimzee buys 1 or 6 then i will give em a try.LOL Gotta love a cuz thats just as crazy about fishing

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 
Ill just wait until Jimzee buys 1 or 6 then i will give em a try.LOL Gotta love a cuz thats just as crazy about fishing

I may have to pass on this one AJ, it's awful ugly.

fishing user avatardetroit1 reply : 

I would probabally buy one if it was under $5. I look in my tacklebox and see some strange-looking baits, and i bet you do too. I'm not saying that i would fish with it (although, how could you not try it), but ,unfortunately, i also buy lures just for the"museum". And the "i can't believe you caught something on that thing" from my fishin' bud ranks high on my list of things i like to hear.

fishing user avatarPitchinkid reply : 


fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 
Ill just wait until Jimzee buys 1 or 6 then i will give em a try.LOL Gotta love a cuz thats just as crazy about fishing

I may have to pass on this one AJ, it's awful ugly.

kinda like this year's yankee roster... not only are they ugly but they stink, too! ;D

fishing user avatarJimzee reply : 

Nothing Megabass makes is ugly, just unique. :)

kinda like this year's yankee roster... not only are they ugly but they stink, too!

You guys wouldn't kick a fellow while he's down would you? ;)

Both of these comments are coming from Red Sox fans...go figure ::)

fishing user avatarTournyFish001 reply : 

fish up here would laugh at that thing.

fishing user avatarMasshole Mike reply : 

Nothing Megabass makes is ugly, just unique. :)

kinda like this year's yankee roster... not only are they ugly but they stink, too!

You guys wouldn't kick a fellow while he's down would you? ;)

Both of these comments are coming from Red Sox fans...go figure ::)

kick? no.

poke with a stick and laugh at? quite possibly!

fishing user avatarCrestliner2008 reply : 
I hear it outfishes live bait 4:1 and may be banned for tournament fishing!


;D  ;D  ;D Do you have to wear the "mask" when you fish it????

fishing user avatar-ebby- reply : 

"Hard lure [ch8212] Mystic Tackleworks BioPulse Lure"

Guess where that came from- ICAST Best of Show

also doesn't look as bad when it has a decent paint job on it

Wow i might have to be the first to buy it :)

fishing user avatarHarryDownUnder reply : 

How do you tie the lure to your line anyway ?

that profile obscures it a little but there is a ring on its nose just like any other lure. Cheers

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 

34.95??? No Thanks.

fishing user avatarCaliBassanator reply : 

I'll loose that bet. I agree that the actual product picture on ESPN does make a difference. I also like the idea that it has "fish feeding stimulants" for many species of fish, including Bass and Salmon. From what I've read these are stimulants, not attractant smells. They claim that the scientists have studied what makes the fish feed, and duplicated that chemical reaction. Which will increase my odds of a fish biting no matter what it looks like.  ;D

Don't hate me for forking over the bucks to give this one a shot! I figure if we can place grain for deer to feed on in order to lure them to the kill, then what the heck...get these fish to bite an ugly lure!  :)

fishing user avatarLittle Luey reply : 

My bet is that is KVD used it on a turnoment and won, we will all be trying to buy that lure, even if it is $35.00. ;D :)

fishing user avatarCaliBassanator reply : 

If one pro angler shows me it works as good or even better than anything else, I may have to just buy stock in their company.  

fishing user avatarHarryDownUnder reply : 
If one pro angler shows me it works as good or even better than anything else, I may have to just buy stock in their company.

Funny you should mention that. I'm a foundation shareholder - there is a small group of us here in Australia who know one of the Non-Executive Directors. Mystic will be doing a second capital raising soon - I'll let you all know when it happens.

fishing user avatarFishingelbow reply : 

CaliBassanator, don't forget to leave a post in the "Worst tackle investment you have made..." thread!

I just love the pseudo-scientific mumbo jumbo. Check out the esoteric formulas and the lab coats in the ICAST pictures!

P.T. Barnum would be proud of these guys!

fishing user avatarbasspro48 reply : 

Ha wow, I guess these guys have never heard of KISS?


fishing user avatarCaliBassanator reply : 

"...lab coats in the ICAST pictures!"

It helps the simple minded like me to piece the puzzle together..."scientist + fishing = $$$$$$"  :)

I just want a piece of the green. Aren't you even remotely curious? I'm man enough to admit, I am. It's worth $40 bucks to me to get the biggest Bass of my life. Heck, I spend more than that on worms, in an amount of time I don't care to disclose as to be rediculed for all eternity. :;)

fishing user avatarTheBeast reply : 

My money would be on Burley being the first to get one.

fishing user avatarCaliBassanator reply : 

The Beast: Nice Bass!


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