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Poe's crankbaits 2025

fishing user avatardeep-cranker reply : 

Hey guys i have been looking at poe's crankbaits for the past two days and i'm starting to wonder if they are beter than any other companys that make cedar crankbaits?

fishing user avatarStringjam reply : 

The 400 and 400-P Poe's are the finest deep diving crankbaits in life......the Competition Cedars versions being the highest quality from Poe's.  My other deep crankbaits stare longingly at them.....knowing that they are in fact inferior and will never attain the glory of the magnificent Poe's (okay, I'll stop).        

That said.....they're also fragile, and if you get into fishing them, you'll want to run to Wal-Mart and get some Devcon epoxy to touch them up when (not if.....when) the finish starts cracking.    :)

The 200 series is also underrated, and a great bait for digging around thick, mid-depth cover.  

Of course, the RC3 rocks - and is one of the most righteous flatsided cranks ever.

The 1100 is a good little tight wiggling bait, and actually does a pretty good job at catching walleye, too.  

fishing user avatardeep-cranker reply : 

Stringjam, just ot of Curiosity when you are out on the water fishing these baits do you have to tune these baits often? And I know crankbaits need to be tuned every so often but i'm just curious about the subject.

fishing user avatarMemphisFisherman reply : 

There was a time I had zero confidence in any crankbait other than Poe's, since then my confidence has come back some with the other brand's, but Poe's is still a heck of a lure.

fishing user avatarStringjam reply : 
Stringjam, just ot of Curiosity when you are out on the water fishing these baits do you have to tune these baits often? And I know crankbaits need to be tuned every so often but i'm just curious about the subject.

I don't find that they need an inordinate amount of tuning.   If you get ahold of the mid 90's Poe's baits that were made in Mexico, you'll have a lot more problems with the lips tend to loosen up over time (sometimes a very short amount of time).   I've heard that the new Poe's don't have this problem as badly.  

fishing user avatardetroit1 reply : 

Jeez Stringjam, my hat is off to you! I have 5 Poe's cranks and i can only get 1 to run right. I did buy these in the 90's though. Once bitten, twice shy...never to buy again.

fishing user avatarStringjam reply : 
Jeez Stringjam, my hat is off to you! I have 5 Poe's cranks and i can only get 1 to run right. I did buy these in the 90's though. Once bitten, twice shy...never to buy again.

Those Made in Mexico baits had some serious problems - - I bought about a dozen of them at one time and almost every one eventually had lip problems.  I don't recall having any tuning issues, though.....I even caught the fire out of bass on many of them before the lip gave out.   I guess I could have repaired them but I didn't really want to mess with it.

The only Poe's I have now are the late 80's California baits and the Competition Cedars line.......neither of which I've had any problems with (other than finish cracking...but I can deal with that).    

fishing user avatardeep-cranker reply : 

I think stanford lures are bettter than poe's but I kind of like them after trying the 300.  I havent really tried the poe's crankbaits as much as the stanfords.

fishing user avatarTriton9 reply : 

i love poe's deep cranks, best ive ever used. there is just somethin about em' that catches fish

fishing user avatardeep-cranker reply : 

Did any of you ever try on the line crankbaits replica of the poe's 400?

fishing user avatarflippin reply : 

poes are good but ilike brians bees better

fishing user avatarStringjam reply : 
poes are good but ilike brians bees better

I haven't tried any of Brian's baits yet ($30 for the deep diver has kind kept me away for now - - since I'm so satisfied with my current baits).   Which models are you using?   Have you tried the Bee 18 or 22?

His flatsides and wobblers look really nice.    

fishing user avatarGarnet reply : 

On my first trip to Springfield BPS in the early 90's Spring Fever I watched Woo Daves sort thur Poe's cranks and buy every 1 that had glass eyes. He had a carry basket over flowing.

I got my share to maybe 10.


fishing user avatarguest reply : 


How is it that a die hard crankbaitin' fool like ole avid don't have no poe's?

Well, I'm gonna have to correct this sitiation right quick.

My banana eatin' buddy says "Way 2 Go"  

fishing user avatarStringjam reply : 

How is it that a die hard crankbaitin' fool like ole avid don't have no poe's?

Well, I'm gonna have to correct this sitiation right quick.

My banana eatin' buddy says "Way 2 Go"  

RC3's.    :)

fishing user avatarflippin reply : 

i use  the bee #2  i fish the ohio river alot so all the fish are shallow

fishing user avatarJeff H reply : 

I just counted mine....I have 11-400's and 10- 200's.  Only 2 of the 400's have cracking finish on them at this point.  All were bought in the 90's.  I will admit that I don't use them much, but only because I don't crank very much.  I usually put on one of the 400's when I go deep though.  One reason I like them so much is they don't have rattles.  I have not caught much on rattling cranks.  When I'm fishing deep, I usually can't get a crank down that far (18-22'). and there is too many weeds to contend with.

fishing user avatardeep-cranker reply : 

Brians bees are a little too expencive for me.  I'll just stick with Poe's and Stanford lures.

fishing user avatarThe_Natural reply : 

I haven't fished a Poe's since back in the day.  In the early '90' was Poe's and Bagley's.  All other cranks were inferior.  Clunn was on their Pro Staff then, and hence where the Poe's RC gets its name.  When I started fishing again in '03, I thought they had gone out of business or something.  Didn't see them anywhere.  Bass Pro, Cabelas, and all the big bass retailers carried the full line.  I was more of a Bagley's guy back then, but I wasn't into cranks like I am now.  Cranks have become a passion for me that just won't seem to peak. the original company around, or is someone else making them now (I'll let you educate me versus googling it  :)).  

fishing user avatarStringjam reply : 

Yes (still being made) and no (not the original company).  They're under the Yakima Bait Co. line of lures.  The "ORIGINAL" Poes, however - the company from California that put these now famous designs on the map - ended sometime around the early 90's when they were bought out and production was sent to Mexico.   :)    

Here's a link.    

I can't vouch for the quality of current Poe's standard cranks - I know a few guys that say they've cleared up most of the QC issues.      

I do have quite a few of their "Competition Cedars" line of Poe's cranks, however.   As I understand it (which may be wrong) - lure designer Tom Seward (who designed some cranks for Luhr-Jensen - like the Speed Trap, and Hot Lips Express) was brought in to "modify" the current Poe's into a more premium crank aimed at tournament fishermen who dug the original California-made Poe's of the late 80's.    

They rock hard!!  But they still have finish cracking problems - - not nearly as bad as some of the Poe's I've gotten in times past - but it's still there.  I have yet to have any lips loosen or pop out of these though - or have any lip misalignment issues.  

The 4400 is based on the Poe's 400 Plus - and is my favorite deep crankbait design thus far in life.  The 4500 is a completely new design from Tom that hits 20 feet with relative ease - and it's the only crankbait I even bother with anymore for fishing that simply beats everything that I've tried, hands down.

I've noticed a few custom carvers are making copies / improvements on the original 300 / 400 Poe's design.   In know On-The-Line and Zoom WEC both make some (that I've yet to try).    

I remember when I starting using the RC3......I think the first trip out with that crank I caught a limit in an hour or so - I just had some killin' days with that crank, and it's still one of my favorites.

It seems that you don't really hear much about Poe's anymore......probably since their big names are now with other companies (Rick Clunn, David Fritts, etc.).   They don't seem to really do anything in the way of marketing anymore.    

fishing user avatardeep-cranker reply : 

I heard about the Poe's 300 crankbait in a recent issue of bassmasters day on the lake with terry scroggins. He cought his first bass of the day on it. The bass was a 3-12 largmouth. Theres just somethin about a Poe's crankbait that catches fish.

fishing user avatardeep-cranker reply : 

Does any one know why yakima bought poe's lures?

fishing user avatarkbkindle reply : 

hey  stringjam     kb here    you sound that you are pretty knowledge about poes crankbaits   i try to make wood crank baits in the winter time and have made a few cedar cranks.    do you have any idea what kind of cedar  they are made of  we have red cedar, white cedar  and about 4or 5 different kind of cedar trees around here in indiana. just wondering if there is any reason to use one kind of cedar over another. i have used red cedar and it works good  maybe one kind  floats better   i dont know   maybe you do thanks kb

fishing user avatarStringjam reply : 

Ken - not sure on the cedar question.   There's a crank maker on the board here (aka Big M) who I'm sure could enlighten you.   You might post in the "Tackle Making" board and see if anything comes up.  

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 
hey stringjam kb here you sound that you are pretty knowledge about poes crankbaits i try to make wood crank baits in the winter time and have made a few cedar cranks. do you have any idea what kind of cedar they are made of we have red cedar, white cedar and about 4or 5 different kind of cedar trees around here in indiana. just wondering if there is any reason to use one kind of cedar over another. i have used red cedar and it works good maybe one kind floats better i dont know maybe you do thanks kb

Life made easier!


fishing user avatarBIG M reply : 

Kb, I'll have to make a guess here, but I would say western red cedar.  The white cedar seems to be a little harder to find but I'm going to find some and eastern red has a lot of excess oil in it.  A Old man told me once that I should be making my deep divers out of white cedar (best wood for making cranks) in his opinion.  

I'm at a disadvantage I don't have a planner and some of the other tools needed to mill lumbar down to crank bait size.

Allen, that is one of the better pre made lure bodies I've seen on the market.

fishing user avatardeep-cranker reply : 

Why dont you just email yakima and ask which wood they use.

fishing user avatarkbkindle reply : 
Kb, I'll have to make a guess here, but I would say western red cedar. The white cedar seems to be a little harder to find but I'm going to find some and eastern red has a lot of excess oil in it. A Old man told me once that I should be making my deep divers out of white cedar (best wood for making cranks) in his opinion.

I'm at a disadvantage I don't have a planner and some of the other tools needed to mill lumbar down to crank bait size.

Allen, that is one of the better pre made lure bodies I've seen on the market.[/quote

thanks big m   kbhere  sent a pm  also i going to ask the guy that has a saw  mill where i get a lot of my wood  from if there is any white cedar here in indiana   kb

fishing user avatarMunkin reply : 


    I have a unpainted factory poes crankbait body you can have. Not sure what kind of cedar it is but someone at a saw mill should be able to tell you?


fishing user avatarkbkindle reply : 

kb here  i did what one of the guys suggested to do about what kind of cedar they use in poes crankbaits   they answered me today   WHITE CEDAR  is the wood used.  i have never caught a bass on a bait that does not have a bill  i have not  used one a lot in my serious bass fishing in the past  30 years .  but i did order 3 xcalibur  xr75's  one  crawdad,royal shad,firetiger colors  going to give those lipless bait another try.   and also going to copy design of it to make a few of my own.  i know some of you guys dont like a person who steal's a design from someone else   and ia'm guilty on this one    going to make them out of cedar  kb

fishing user avatardeep-cranker reply : 

Its white cedar?  I thought it was some type of red cedar.

fishing user avatarBIG M reply : 

Kb said he contacted Poe's and they said white cedar.  Maybe the old man I talked to was on to something.  I got to find some white cedar.

fishing user avatardeep-cranker reply : 

Who sells white cedar?

fishing user avatardeep-cranker reply : 

Did any one ever try poe's series 2500 crankbait?

fishing user avatarkbkindle reply : 

hey guys   kb here    i donf know who sell's white cedar   but iam going to find out  i know two different  portable saanother sitell guys  ia'm sure the would know   ill let you know.  if you find out before me give me a hollar   kb

fishing user avatarBIG M reply : 

Another lure maker told me that Poe's was using air dried wood and that was the cause of the bad the finish.  You have to use kiln dried wood or the moisture in the wood will swell the bait and the paint cracks.


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