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Jigs Vs Senko 2024

fishing user avatarJordan Goehring reply : 

If you could have only one and I truly mean only one, which would it be?  

Have to pick one over the other, cant pick both for different reasons!

Explain why you picked what you did if you'd like.

fishing user avatarJordan Goehring reply : 

I'll start by saying Senkos. Because I love skipping under docks and its easier with a T-riged senko. (For me)

fishing user avatarsenko_77 reply : 

Definitely the jig.  The jig catches big fish consistently and can be worked in the water column from top to bottom and around a variety of cover

fishing user avatarNewAngler reply : 

Senko. Fo sho.

Onky because I have yet to catch one with a jig.

Pretty ironic the guy with the the name of Senko chooses jigs.

fishing user avatarJig Man reply : 

For me it is easy.  I have hundreds of jigs and 0 senkos.

fishing user avatarJordan Goehring reply : 

I woulda laughed if senko picked jig and jig man picked senko

fishing user avatarCWB reply : 

For me it would be a Senko. I fish mostly shallow grassy dock lined lakes and Senkos are ideal.

fishing user avatarJordan Goehring reply : 

here sorry its late!

fishing user avatarWCCT reply : 

Jig because they work everywhere.  They are also easier to fish when the wind picks up.  

fishing user avatarKoop reply : 

They are two different applications that have benefits in different instances... hard to compare them. If I could throw only one, it would be a jig.

fishing user avatarS I G M A reply : 

jigs over dink magnets anyday

fishing user avatarUncle Leo reply : 

Jig= Quality

Senko= Numbers

Quality over numbers so I want a Jig.

fishing user avatarI.rar reply : 

never fished a jig , and never cought anything on a trick stick so ive given quite a few out. swimming senkos cought me some decent sized peacocks though.

fishing user avatarJordan Goehring reply : 
They are two different applications that have benefits in different instances... hard to compare them. If I could throw only one, it would be a jig.

Hmmm IMO I don't think its very hard to compare them at all. You throw them both in relative areas, and can use pretty much the same retrieves.  

I also think there are times to use one over the other. But not hard to compare at all.

fishing user avatarStagerlee reply : 

T-Rig a Senko and I am good to go.

fishing user avatarkms399 reply : 

senko if i have to eat fish to live i will catch more fish more often with a senko.

fishing user avataradclem reply : 

Jig definitely.  You can catch fish anywhere, anytime and under any circumstances.

Later, :)

fishing user avatarJosh Bassman reply : 

I love senkos. I fish a deep lake and use senkos and tubes most of the time, so I picked senko. But, if I could choose between senko vs tube... TUBES win.

fishing user avatarcyph3r reply : 

senko for me, i feel that you get more bites and you also get quality bites. just move up to a 6" one if you want quality bites only.

fishing user avatarTheHammer84 reply : 
jigs over dink magnets anyday


I voted jigs and basically for the reason above.

fishing user avatarEastTexasBassin reply : 

Without a doubt..a JIG of course!

Jigs are more versatile, catch more big fish, and produce far more consistently.

(for me, at least)

fishing user avatarVirginia Jim reply : 

Right now I'd say senko. But, truth is, I just started using them this season so I'm still excited by the number of hits. Used jigs for the past couple of years and have had great luck but the senkos seem to catch alot of fish (although more small fish than jigs). Who knows? I'll probably have a different answer within a week!

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Definitely both!

"Just one" would have to pick the jig because

it is much more versatile. I only fish the Senko

and other weightless baits is water <12' deep.

A jig can be fished both shallow and deep.


fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 

To everyone saying that a senko is a dink magnet, maybe you're using one too small or your not fishing it well.  I've caught plenty of nice fish on them, and only a handful of dinks.  No more dinks than with any other bait.  I think what happens is people say something, other people read it, and they repeat the info until they start to believe it.  Happens on every forum, fishing related or not.  See something enough times, and you start to believe it, and people repeat it, even if it's not true.

That being said, the senko is very versatile, can be fished shallow, deep, weightless, weighted, wacky, all depending on the depth and where you're fishing.

fishing user avatarStagerlee reply : 
To everyone saying that a senko is a dink magnet, maybe you're using one too small or your not fishing it well. I've caught plenty of nice fish on them, and only a handful of dinks. No more dinks than with any other bait. I think what happens is people say something, other people read it, and they repeat the info until they start to believe it. Happens on every forum, fishing related or not. See something enough times, and you start to believe it, and people repeat it, even if it's not true.

That being said, the senko is very versatile, can be fished shallow, deep, weightless, weighted, wacky, all depending on the depth and where you're fishing.

That is why I read articles to learn and Forums to discuss.

fishing user avatarMarc David reply : 

A 6" senko will easily catch them for me. Since it's 6" instead of 5", I catch more quality fish.

fishing user avatarJordan Goehring reply : 
Definitely both!

"Just one" would have to pick the jig because

it is much more versatile. I only fish the Senko

and other weightless baits is water <12' deep.

A jig can be fished both shallow and deep.


Slap on a bullet wieght or bullshot and you can fish senkos deep aswell, not only t-riged but wacky as well. Just my 2 cents

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Well, the shimmy, horizontal fall and slow speed combine to

create the magic of the Senko. If I'm using a weight, I'm using

something else. A T-rigged Kut Tail is the proxy.


fishing user avatarJordan Goehring reply : 

Poll is closer then I thought it would be. :-?

fishing user avatardman reply : 

A senko, because i cant catch fish on jigs...for me a senko produces and a jig doesnt

fishing user avataraceman387 reply : 

i always use senkos eve though this past winter i bought some jigs and have never taken the time to try them this summer , shame on me because after seeing these posts i see alot of you guys catch have great success with them .i plan on educating myself  about them.

fishing user avatarBig-O reply : 

Jigs for me....if I'm fishing for fish that might be attracted to a senko style offering, I am using using a keel weighted hook on high action soft plastic that gives it a slow horizontal fall which is often more attractive to the fish and allows this presentation to catch as many or more, and often bigger fish.

IMO, it is the fall rate, subtle action and size of the offering that gets their attention. When you add any variety of creature style baits available, I feel it improves the attraction qualities.

Keel weighted softies are just now becoming more understood and being utilized to their greatest benefits as they can provide much more variety to the "Slow fall Game" :)

You can also use superlight jigs with a larger high action trailer and slow the fall rate considerably which gives you additional versitility when the fish want something falling thru the water column slowwww.

Many of us see the jig as a bottom bumper or dragger but it is much more versitile than that ;)

Big O

fishing user avatarslider head reply : 

I had to think on this for a bit but I went Senko. Which made it a perfect 50-50 split at the time.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I prefer finesse fishing to all else, but even for me, fishing the stick worm is just TOO boring

Of course, there's also the option of fishing a stick-worm on a jig, but as Big-O pointed out.

there are many superior slow-falling plastics to use in conjunction with jigs and belly-weighted sinkers.


fishing user avatarBenoBreath reply : 

A Jig, Hands Down !

BB :)

fishing user avatarNasTMcfingas reply : 

Jig, I seem to get bigger fish on my jigs vs. the senko.

fishing user avatartnbassfisher reply : 

I have more experience with fishing Senkos.

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

The senko catches better numbers than a jig so that's why I picked it. A jig catches bigger bass for sure on average though.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

As the poll indicates, the correct answer is both!

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

I voted jig due to versatility, just for the sake of the discussion. In reality I think each has it's time and place. As for dinks, I've caught my biggest of the year on a weightless 4" senko and my smallest on a crankbait that, if it were real, could have eaten the fish!

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

If I could only fish one, it would be the jig.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

Boy, does this question pose a dilemna for me.

Frequently I use both.

By the way, I've also used a Flappin Hog on these hooks.  Rig it so the ball on the hook becomes a head for the flappin hog, with the nose of the hog tight to the ball, and the hook protruding from the hog almost at the end of its body.

Tried it a couple of days ago, and the bass loved it.

It also works well with finesse worms rigged the same way.

As an aside, the brush guard is more of a pain.  It's in the way for rigging certain ways, and at times, has to be bent out of the way to unhook a fish.

By the time it has caught a dozen or so fish, the guard is usually gone.

Zappu makes a similar hook, and sells them with or w/o the brush guard.

fishing user avatarSwimbaitDave reply : 

Jig for me. They are more versatile in the water that I fish. Plus IMO they are more fun to fish.

fishing user avatarCaptain Rhino reply : 

Jig with a senko...? :)

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

90% of the time, Jig.  Here's why:





The other 10%, well that would be for the spawn....



fishing user avatarShimmer reply : 

It must just be the area I'm fishing, but I bought 25-30 jigs different sizes, colors etc. and I lost all of them over a span of about 2 weeks without a single fish :-? I catch fish all the time on everything but a jig. All I seem to catch is snags /shrug.

Vote Senko

fishing user avatarboomdigity reply : 

Senko for me most of the tournement bass I have caught have come from Senkos.

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 
Definitely the jig. The jig catches big fish consistently and can be worked in the water column from top to bottom and around a variety of cover

cant beat that answer. 8-)

fishing user avatarD4u2s0t reply : 
Definitely the jig. The jig catches big fish consistently and can be worked in the water column from top to bottom and around a variety of cover

are you saying that you can't work a worm from top to bottom, and around a variety of cover?  

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

This thread is depressing...

fishing user avatarbassin is addicting reply : 

senko....wacky..  :)

i fish 95% from the bank and just seem to get hung up and lose jigs.

i want to learn to fish jigs since it seems they catch more quality fish but from the bank they are more of a head ache.   >;)

fishing user avatartaco45 reply : 

jigs are fun to fish but senkys win :-?

fishing user avatarwormsnufsaid reply : 

let there be jigs

ya sure senkos catch a lot of fish but the day senkos catch more quality fish  than jigs will be the day i throw all my worms away

fishing user avatarKoop reply : 
but the day senkos catch more quality fish than jigs will be the day i throw all my worms away

wait what? That doesn't make sense... lol

fishing user avatarBig Phish reply : 

I love jig fishing but i chose the senko only because i really cant imagine life without them.

fishing user avatarKenny418 reply : 

Jig seems to catch bigger fish for me.

fishing user avatarMarc David reply : 
but the day senkos catch more quality fish than jigs will be the day i throw all my worms away

wait what? That doesn't make sense... lol

That's what I was thinking  ;D

Looks like the poll is almost split 50%

fishing user avatarMuddy reply : 

I took the jig, having to choose. But these are 2 difrrent baits, 2 different uses. I always have both tied on. If you had both that would have been my choice.

fishing user avatarBassFishingMachine reply : 

The jig without a doubt. It is my favorite lure to fish has caught me 2 out of 3 of my largest bass #2....and around here everyone and their mother uses senkos, so I am tired of seeing one uses jigs by me..#3...

fishing user avatarMottfia reply : 

Definitely a Jig. Its suits my style. I can fish fast and cover water extremely well. The biggest factor to me is that it brings a level of confidence to me. Not because of the old " it catches more quality fish" but because when I do have a jig bite on then the elements are in my favor and I feel like I have a chance to win. Its just the opposite if bite is a slow drag across points with a c-rig, I wouldn't feel as though I was the top guy in that contest.

another reason I chose jigs...I don't fish senkos  :)


fishing user avatarptomacbass reply : 

Definatelly a jig.  I don't fish Senkos too much.  Even though they do work, they are hard to fish fully weightless in 20 feet of water, and the lakes I fish rarely hold fish in water less than 10 feet deep.  They don't seem to work as well Carolina rigged, or Texas rigged.

fishing user avatarretiredbosn reply : 

Jigs, senkos catch fish, but they are limited.  IE can't bust through mats of vegetation.  If the fish are wanting a craw and senko will not work, but you can swim a jig to make it look like bait fish.  I like the senko, used to call them stinkos, but jigs are more versatile IMO.

fishing user avatarlooking4structure reply : 

for me i've caught more fish on the Senko but the jig has produced bigger fish.tough call     SENKO all the way


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