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Does Mega Strike and other attractants actually work? 2024

fishing user avatarFishDewd reply : 

I have heard about various fish attractants on this forum and others, seems like Mega Strike is one of the most popular. I got a tube from Cabela's last week and used it the last two outings... here are a few things I noticed about it: 1.) it smells exactly like a Berkley Powerbait (which hasn't worked for me to catch anything). 2.) the smell doesn't last more than a cast or two before needing to be reapplied. 3.) it didn't increase my bite numbers... if anything, the number of bites I've gotten while using it has reduced as compared to not using it.


So it makes me wonder if it actually works at all. I know a lot of you use it with success, but I'm skeptical. What are thoughts regarding the effectiveness of such attractants, and what is the idea behind them working?

fishing user avatarSDoolittle reply : 
  On 2/21/2018 at 5:31 AM, FishDewd said:

 2.) the smell doesn't last more than a cast or two before needing to be reapplied.

Really? That has definitely not been the case in my experience!

fishing user avatarChoporoz reply : 

I don't recall Megastrike (reg.) having any scent.  It may, but that's not why I use it.  I believe that Bobby U is on to something with the Amino Acids he uses in Megastrike.  I'm not convinced that it attracts fish to bite --- But, I am 100% convinced that fish that do bite, are generally more reluctant to let go. 

fishing user avatarFishDewd reply : 

Hm, that's interesting.!One says it has a lot of scent, another says it has none! I definitely detect an odor of something in mine... like I said, smells like a Powerbait but not quite so punchy. Are there different kinds of MS? This is the only one I've ever seen. Maybe it's intended to do something with the texture? Cause it does make it feel more life-like I have noticed, and this quality at least seems to last longer than whatever the odor is. So maybe that's what it is. Btw, I don't actually reapply it every cast or two, I just assumed that just because I couldn't smell it doesn't mean it wasn't making an odor that something else could smell. Kinda like a zoom worm.

fishing user avatarTurtle135 reply : 
  On 2/21/2018 at 5:52 AM, Choporoz said:

I don't recall Megastrike (reg.) having any scent.  It may, but that's not why I use it.  I believe that Bobby U is on to something with the Amino Acids he uses in Megastrike.  I'm not convinced that it attracts fish to bite --- But, I am 100% convinced that fish that do bite, are generally more reluctant to let go. 

^^^^ this ^^^^


Berkley Powerbait works the same way. Bass will hold onto the bait longer. Also, I believe these attractants mask offensive substances (sunscreen for example) that might be on a bait. I only use it on soft plastics and jigs I do not believe there is any value in adding it to a moving hard bait.




fishing user avatarnascar2428 reply : 

Original has no scent to speak of, crawfish has a mild crawfish scent. Neither of those come close to the smell of powerbait. I use both on all of my soft plastics, I totally believe that the fish hold on longer with Megastrike on the bait. I re apply after ten or so casts. It doesn't matter what you use, if fish aren't there to bite, your not going to catch any. 

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

The weakest sense bass have is their sense of smell. With that said bass can detect odors in the water that alarm them or increase feeding activity. I have used pure anise oil for decades with good success on jig trailers and soft plastics. Commercial fish attractants for bass are misleading, they are more a scent mask to cover odors that alarm bass then an attractant. If the bass doesn't detect an odor to alarm them it may help from rejecting a soft plastic. If a bass keeps the lure in it's mouth a second longer that can make a big difference when the bite is slow.


fishing user avatarSam reply : 
  On 2/21/2018 at 5:52 AM, Choporoz said:

I don't recall Megastrike (reg.) having any scent.  It may, but that's not why I use it.  I believe that Bobby U is on to something with the Amino Acids he uses in Megastrike.  I'm not convinced that it attracts fish to bite --- But, I am 100% convinced that fish that do bite, are generally more reluctant to let go. 

You hit it out of the ballpark.


Exactly what MegaStrike does.

fishing user avatarFishDewd reply : 

All right, thanks all, very informative! Maybe I had something on my hands that made it seem like it had an odor.

fishing user avatarpadon reply : 

I haven't used mega strike but I've used several others. I like the gel based because they seem to stay on they make fish bite? Idk it'sAnd I don't think there's any way to tell without a controlled lab environment. But for a few bucks a jar I feel like they're worth a shot. I definitely feel like they make the fish hold on longer giving more time for strike detection and hook set and to me that's enough of an advantage to use them.I'm not obsessed with them,if I go fishing without them I don't worry about it but if I think about it I'll use them.

fishing user avatarFishDewd reply : 

Mega Strike is a bit pricey which is why I'm weighing whether it's really worth it or not


fishing user avatarTurtle135 reply : 
  On 2/21/2018 at 7:40 AM, FishDewd said:

Mega Strike is a bit pricey which is why I'm weighing whether it's really worth it or not


$ 9.00 for a tube that should last a couple of seasons?

fishing user avatarFishDewd reply : 

If it does, great... first tube I've ever bought so I wouldn't have known.

fishing user avatarTurtle135 reply : 
  On 2/21/2018 at 7:56 AM, FishDewd said:

If it does, great... first tube I've ever bought so I wouldn't have known.

Yes, you do not need to use a lot of it. I probably fished a jig 80% of the time this past season as I was conducting an experiment. I am still working on the tube I bought last spring.

fishing user avatarAngry John reply : 

I use megastrike to lube a plastic.  Soft swim baits seem to last a little longer and 's punch rig seems to slide in the cover a little better maybe letting me use a little less weight.  Not the normal use but to each there own.

fishing user avatarfishwizzard reply : 
  On 2/21/2018 at 8:10 AM, Turtle135 said:

Yes, you do not need to use a lot of it. I probably fished a jig 80% of the time this past season as I was conducting an experiment. I am still working on the tube I bought last spring.

Would like to see that data.


I use MS but not as much as I want too, I really dislike the greasiness on my hands.  Whatever it's merits as a fish attractant, I am sold on it as swimbait lube and I think keeping them slicked up is going to force me to get over it and use the stuff more.  


I do use it a ton when wading to coat my Ned rigs.  I have landed a few sunfish that refused to drop their hold on the tail of my lure until I got them in hand.  

fishing user avatarFishDewd reply : 
  On 2/21/2018 at 8:10 AM, Turtle135 said:

Yes, you do not need to use a lot of it. I probably fished a jig 80% of the time this past season as I was conducting an experiment. I am still working on the tube I bought last spring.

Cool, so Ive probably been doing about right then... figured it didn't need much. I normally just put a drop or two on the lure and rub it around. Let it set for a minute or so and then fish it, but not sure if it even needs to set really.

fishing user avatarfishwizzard reply : 

I will warn you that when it is hot out, MS comes out of the tube with a quickness, it gets far thinner then you would think based on how thick it is in the winter.  I wasted about a quarter of my first tube by giving it too hard a squeeze on a 90f day.  It makes it a ton easier to apply a small amount though, I can easily get maybe a match-head or twos worth onto a worm or jig for most of the year.  This past winter I made a little warmer for the tube out of a beer coozie, two handwarmers, and a hair-tie I stole from my wife.  

fishing user avatarCTBassin860 reply : 
  On 2/21/2018 at 6:42 AM, WRB said:

The weakest sense bass have is their sense of smell. With that said bass can detect odors in the water that alarm them or increase feeding activity. I have used pure anise oil for decades with good success on jig trailers and soft plastics. Commercial fish attractants for bass are misleading, they are more a scent mask to cover odors that alarm bass then an attractant. If the bass doesn't detect an odor to alarm them it may help from rejecting a soft plastic. If a bass keeps the lure in it's mouth a second longer that can make a big difference when the bite is slow.


This is the gospel right here.

fishing user avatarslonezp reply : 
  On 2/21/2018 at 7:54 AM, Turtle135 said:

$ 9.00 for a tube that should last a couple of seasons?

Only lasts about 3 weeks if you use it to brush your teeth.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

I've read probably all of Bobby Uhrig research & highly suggest y'all do the'll change your beliefs!

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 

I don't use it for 2 reasons:


1 if the pro's that fish for a living don't need it why do I?


2 I don't like the smelly stuff all over me, my clothes, kayak and/or boat.


there was a time when i used it in winter only.  when it's freezing outside you'll take any edge you can get.  but i found it did more harm than good b/c it does not melt away in cold water temps.  it stays all over soft plastics like goo which actually prevented me from experimenting with different size/color plastics.  I didn't want the stuff all over me/boat so i'd keep casting the same plastic for hours which is not a good thing.



fishing user avatarFishDewd reply : 

So I assume you can smell it as well?

fishing user avatarClackerBuzz reply : 
  On 2/21/2018 at 11:58 AM, FishDewd said:

So I assume you can smell it as well?

Pro Cure stinks wicked nasty.. and it didn't help me catch fish

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

HMMM Interesting topics and replies .

#1- Cost- averages about half a penny per application- Considering some costs of plastic baits out there today I believe that is a deal.

#2 For a half penny per application-each application lasting approximately 15 minutes and it helps fish hold on longer putting more fish in the  livewell especially in a tournament-Its a no brainier. 


#3-Fish are sight feeders first--olfaction and chemoreception- (smell and taste) second -vibration through lateral lines third-so if I can use it for their second most used sense -I'm in-


#4 You wont believe how many Pros call me and order Mega on the slide and they dont tell anyone- Not good for sales but we know they swear by it-Any advantage they can take -they take-dont be a fool -Tournaments are won by ounces-no one remembers who finishes in second place-Thus Megastrikes Slogan from day one WHEN EVERY FISH COUNTS !!

#5 So years ago I figured if I can stimulate their feeding chemically -Which I know I can -then get them to hold on to the baits through taste -which I can and now adding a UV enhancer for sight which I do-I have got the ultimate GOO.


Here is the New Mega with the UV additive on the tail--   And you guys think I just sit around and do nothing LOL  ALWAYS EVOLVING  -

UV tail grub.JPG

fishing user avatarfishwizzard reply : 

I am still waiting for the "R-Type Pro Edtion Megastrike w/ racing stripe and flip-top cap". 


My toothpaste tube cap never fit right and I am still working through the tubes I bought trying to find the perfect cap.  

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

When I first got into bass fishing heavy I wanted to test all the brands of scents.



orginal bass scent worked.

crawfish scent worked

livebait scent worked

worm scent worked


i used less baitmate scent because everyone around me caught bass too.


megastrike caught nada, nothing.


Snake oil scent another good attractant.


yum garlic worked

yum shad worked


bang garlic worked

bang shad worked

bang shrimp used saltwater blues worked




i mainly use baitmate because it works.

fishing user avatarSpankey reply : 
  On 3/1/2018 at 5:00 AM, bigbill said:

When I first got into bass fishing heavy I wanted to test all the brands of scents.



orginal bass scent worked.

crawfish scent worked

livebait scent worked

worm scent worked


i used less baitmate scent because everyone around me caught bass too.


megastrike caught nada, nothing.


Snake oil scent another good attractant.


i mainly use baitmate because it works.

I have to agree with you bigbill. I use to use that brand and the original Fish Formula. Did it work? Didn't hurt that's for sure. Found them impossible to buy and get over the recent years. Fish Formula anis was great stuff. The YUM garlic and Chompers garlic seem to work ok. Smallies seem to like garlic also. Not sure if they work is the question. I'll stick with they don't hurt. Garlic can have a pretty offensive smell.

fishing user avatarbowhunter63 reply : 

I think SK coffee scent makes a difference.Sometimes it seems they hold it longer.

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Oil molecules coagulate, hmm tough to fit them into the receptors. So you can basically toss them . 

fishing user avatard-camarena reply : 

I personally dont believe in attractants. I have used them but didnt notice a difference. Now i dont use them at all. I seem to do well without them, and my buddys that use them do not seem to catch more fish than me. 

fishing user avatarbigbill reply : 

I’m fishing off a low bridge in 9’ of water and the current is moving away from me carrying my scents with it. The fish follow the scent trail.

fishing user avatarChrisD46 reply : 

It could be a confidence thing as well - Megastrike , BANG , Smelly Jelly , Pro Cure , Kick 'N Bass ,  Gulp ! Alive , etc. all have their place ... More recently I see Pro Cure being used by guides and pros (if that means anything) .

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Often in current situations the scent trails can be dispersed more rapidly. What it will do is heighten their senses and by using "water soluble" aminos -It will cause a "search" mode =Fish will search for food. As for others stating no difference in catch or bite ratios- Take a plastic bait - taste it- (dont swallow it knucklehead)Whats it taste like?? Nothing -Thats exactly what the fish says -Expelled in seconds- Woops missed a fish-it happens faster than you can detect the strike -I have seen it a thousand times.



fishing user avatarmattkenzer reply : 
  On 2/21/2018 at 5:31 AM, FishDewd said:

So it makes me wonder if it actually works at all.

In my boat on my lures, absolutely.

fishing user avatarmattkenzer reply : 
  On 3/2/2018 at 1:26 AM, mattkenzer said:

In my boat on my lures, absolutely.

I think it is important that I give a little detail to my reply ..... when I use attractants (Mega Strike) my goal is to get a second lick from the bass if you will, too hold on just that split second longer. If your attractant can do this, in the world of fishing, that is huge to say the least.

fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

remember -the fish isnt going to come 50 yards because of some magic potion to eat your lure- BUT if its close -Ill improve my chances and if it puts one more fish in the live well- Im a winner


fishing user avatarFishDewd reply : 

Great replies all! Lot of good info there. I think I'll continue using it. Might as well as it can't hurt since the fish around here have been finicky lately. Anything that might help them find the lure and hold on for another few seconds in this murky water I fish can't be a bad thing.


I'm gonna fish a lake I haven't been to in a while here later... I think later in the day is better here since the days are already getting warm and the water temp is already approaching 80* in some areas. Gonna start with bass, and it that fails, switch to catfishing.


fishing user avatarmattkenzer reply : 
  On 3/2/2018 at 2:49 AM, FishDewd said:

Great replies all! Lot of good info there. I think I'll continue using it. Might as well as it can't hurt since the fish around here have been finicky lately. Anything that might help them find the lure and hold on for another few seconds in this murky water I fish can't be a bad thing.

Exactly ... :thumbsup:

fishing user avatarFishDewd reply : 

This lake has always been a bit of nemesis for me since it is so large, but it's a nice place and I'm gonna give it a go:


fishing user avatarBobby Uhrig reply : 

Most important thing is to just go out and enjoy your time on the water


fishing user avatarFishDewd reply : 

Well so much for that... lake is totally closed! It wasn't last year... I assume it's related to the closure of Brazos Bend National Park. I had no idea it was owned by the same people... so yeah, there is officially no lakes in my area that are open lol. Well, it was a nice 35-40 minute scenic drive through rural texas at least...

fishing user avatarMichaelJ7 reply : 

I don’t know about MS but i will use Bang. I have crawfish, shad, and crawfish/shad. I was prefishing a tourney and the bite was tough. I found the fish but could not get them to bite. Sprayed some crawfish bang on a Zoom Ole Monster that they wouldn’t touch before and it was keeper after keeper. Made me a believer that day

fishing user avatarChrisD46 reply : 

The attractant that gives me the best confidence in using for bass is BANG - Garlic (I have no idea if it has any hi-tech research behind it) ... That leaves Mega Strike and the big $$ research of Berkley Gulp ! Alive as probably being the most scientifically formulated followed by Kick'n Bass ... Pro Cure touts itself as "using all natural ingredients " but not sure about amino acids and other scientifically studied ingredients being part of the make up in Pro Cure ?   


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