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first time out with new rod/reel - backlash!!!! 2024

fishing user avatarcrankbait2009 reply : 

you know, i was really looking forward to today......60-65 degree weather, great day for fishing.

i decided to go to the local lake today and fish (from the shore).  first cast out....................BACKLASH!

this was the first time i ever fished and gotten backlash.  I just bought a baitcaster reel in the off season.  never used it beofre till now.

as frustrating as everyone knows this is, how do i avoid this and why did it happen?

i clicked teh release button (all was fine), threw the crankbait out and it became one big mess.

im not giving up hope yet, i still have till the end of summer for things to turn around.

as my signature states, "still trying to catch something", it looks liek that quote will live for another day :)

any help or advice?

fishing user avatarIzzy3374 reply : 

1.  Check the spool tension.  Hold the rod at a 45 degree angle and hit the release.  You want the lure to just be falling.  If your a beginner, it might help to have the tension higher.  Have it to where the lure stays still but if you move the knob slightly the lure starts to fall.  The spool tension knob is the small knob usually on the same side as the handle.

2.  Make sure the backlash control is set properly if you have it.  Some are turn knobs ( Quantum ) some are adjustable pins ( Shimano ).

3.  Make sure that both settings are set for the conditions outside.  If you are casting into the wind.  You want your backlash and reel tension a little higher unless you want to use your thumb the control it.  That is what I do.

4.  Everytime you change lures check the spool tension.

Is this your first time ever using a caster?

fishing user avatarIzzy3374 reply : 

What kind of reel?

fishing user avatarBranuss04 reply : 

Read the "Sticky" at the top of the page called "Baitcaster Casting Problems".

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 

So you took it to the water without having ever thrown it, get a backlash, then ask for help.

fishing user avatarcrankbait2009 reply : 

when i first received the reel i rad how to adjust that tension knob.  i set it per the instruction of tighten so that when you pusht eh release button, the lure will slowly fall to the ground.  slowly as in not stop but slowly work its way to the floor.  the instructions said to do that, so i did.

i have a BPS extreme bait caster.  ETX10HD.

how was i to ask for help if i didnt have any issues......yet

fishing user avatarbackpain... reply : 

Practice practice practice. One thing to remember is to set the tension for the different lures you use. And take it easy with the casts. Start out barely giving it any arm, and just let the rod kind of sweep a little. You will feel like a girl trying to throw a ball but that is ok. It will at least get you a feel for how the line will come off of the spool. Keep your thumb close to the spool and ready to lock down if you have an overrun coming. Keep at it and as you get a feel for it you will get more comfortable with it and cast better and better.

fishing user avatarbassinfla82 reply : 

How I got my nephew to handle a bait caster and do it well he is 8 Y/O.. Take your reel and turn the brakes to max and then lock the spool adjustment down to where you cant cast more then about 15-20 feet and the reels spool stop when the lure hits the water on its own... so the only thing you need your thumb for is to load the rod when you are making the cast do that for a little and then slightly loosen the spool adjustment to get more and more distance as you train your thumb and learn how to keep everything smooth EVERY ONE gets back lashes it happens dont give up on it once you learn it you wont want to use a spinning reel unless you have to. and while your learning make sure you are casting with the wind and not in to it. once your thumb is trained you can do what you want and shouldnt back lash much... your thumb will get to where you feel the line start to "Fluff up" and react before it turns in to a back lash... I cant remember the last time I had a Birds nest that took more then a few secs to get out... but we all get slight over runs some times just from not paying attention... last thing if you can try to learn on a good quality bait caster that will make a BIG difference fighting a low quality bait caster is not fun... if you want a SUPER easy reel to cast... get you a 90 dollar Daiwa Exceler  or TD-PRO there really good quality LP's for the money and have a great IMO the best breaking system of any out there... there smooth and will help you learn to cast!!!!!! Good luck and stay with it! soon you will be rewarded

fishing user avatarDBinPA reply : 

I also just bought my first baitcaster a month ago.  I havent been out fishing yet, but i probably have a good 2-3 hours of practice in the backyard.  Im pretty confident at this more backlashes.  It just takes awhile to get the hang of adjusting spool tension and braking with your thumb, cause honestly the centrifical brakes do not prevent backlash.  cant wait to get out on the water with my new rod and reel!!!!!

Just keep practicing..................Good Luck :)

fishing user avatarSharkbite reply : 
Practice practice practice. One thing to remember is to set the tension for the different lures you use. And take it easy with the casts. Start out barely giving it any arm, and just let the rod kind of sweep a little. You will feel like a girl trying to throw a ball but that is ok. It will at least get you a feel for how the line will come off of the spool. Keep your thumb close to the spool and ready to lock down if you have an overrun coming. Keep at it and as you get a feel for it you will get more comfortable with it and cast better and better.

Yes I agree BP.  Just start easy and work your way a little at a time.  The biggest mistake I made was trying to get the distance before the form.  I heard all the great talk about how far the cast will improve only to realize that I need more acuracy then distance.  Are you cast from the side or over head?  I still can't cast over head but from the side I am doing really good.  Just learned last year.  Also FYI I struggled with certain reels not saying to go buy a new one.  I started on a Pinnicle then had a Xstreme or 2 but then I found what worked for me.  That is the Trion.  So keep at it and you'll get it.  We're here any time for yuo don't worry one bit.  Another thing that helped me is to bring nothing but you BC set up and extra line.  I would get very fustrated and throw it down and pick up the spinning combo.  By doing so I just slowed my self down.  

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

Takes a lot of practice, hey I STILL get backlashes even though I've been fishing casting reels for almost ten years. The spool tension is probably more important than the braking system. You want your lure to slowly fall and when it hits the ground, you DON'T want coils of line to jump off the spool.

The more expensive reels with better braking systems do backlash less.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

Expect many more backlashes until you learn what you are doing.  After that, expect occassional backlashes.  Backlashes come with the territory.

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Set your reel up properly & educate your thumb :)

fishing user avatarLAO162 reply : 

Start conservatively.  At least half of brakes on (or 1/2) setting.  Use a weight/lure approaching 1/2 oz.  Use very limp line.  Set the spool so that when you lightly shake the rod it only drops a couple inches - definitely not more than a foot!  Swing lightly and be pleased with a 15 ft cast.  Let your thumb lightly touch the spool during the cast.  KEY - As the bait hits the water, immediately stop the spool with your thumb.

If you are trying to catch a fish in your first hour with a baitcasting, you're not practicing your casts.

After you're getting more consistent, loosen up the spool so the weight drops a foot.  After practicing a bit more, start looking for spots on the water and try to hit them.  Don't concentrate on distance for your first few outings!

As you get more consistent, you can then work on distance.  Apply even less pressure on the spool during the cast, but still stop the spool when the bait hist the water.  Once you've maxing out, then lighten up on the brakes - not on the first few outings.

I'm still not very good, but I'm improving. Hint - do not overspool your reel.

Have Fun!

fishing user avatarcrankbait2009 reply : 

thanks guys.  i can see what i did wrong now but if i am limited to only being able to fish from the shore, i dont have access to deeper waters.  so i am trying to cast out as far as i can to get a deeper drop.

are baitcasters best with a boat?  or does it not matter?

fishing user avatargrimlin reply : 

No,just have to practice.Distant will come with practice.I fish from shore also and i use baitcasters.  :)

Just stay with heavier lures for now 3/8- 1/2 oz atleast.

fishing user avatarUnder the Radar reply : 
thanks guys. so i am trying to cast out as far as i can to get a deeper drop.

are baitcasters best with a boat? or does it not matter?

OK Reds, You learned to walk before you learned to run. So the info you've got so far is all on target. I think you may find that after all is said and done, you'll probably end up catching more fish on shorter casts parallel to the shoreline. I have a bass boat a 2 man inflatable, and a canoe. My fishing time is probably 50/50 boat & shoreline. The first rods I load up are the baitcasters, unless I have a specific technique in mind that requires a Spinning rod.

Get mad enough to get determined and you'll do fine.

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 
thanks guys. i can see what i did wrong now but if i am limited to only being able to fish from the shore, i dont have access to deeper waters. so i am trying to cast out as far as i can to get a deeper drop.

are baitcasters best with a boat? or does it not matter?

Whether you fish from the shore or boat has absolutely nothing to do what type of reel you use. The only thing that separates you from us is focused, quality practice and exeperience. The only thing that can stop you from learning how to use a casting reel is you quitting. Keep at it, don't give up and you will be there.  :)

fishing user avatarIzzy3374 reply : 
thanks guys. i can see what i did wrong now but if i am limited to only being able to fish from the shore, i dont have access to deeper waters. so i am trying to cast out as far as i can to get a deeper drop.

are baitcasters best with a boat? or does it not matter?

Having a boat doesn't matter, but if you are limited to the shore and want to get out deeper, than a spinner is better.  That is, unless you are an expert at baitcasters which then you should be able to get one out just as far as a spinning reel.  In a boat you can move to the deep spots so it doesnt matter

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

There is another trick you can try as well and something I have seen or heard mentioned. Spool off 15-20yards and then apply a piece of tape to the spool and that way if you do backlash it won't go any further than the tape and continue to practice

fishing user avatarcrankbait2009 reply : 

ok, one last question, then ill put this to sleep, as long as nothing else goes wrong  :)

but, i have a reel that has backlash.  can i back the line off the reel till it disapears?  or do i have to replace the line everytime with new?

it looks like the birds nest is in pretty deep.  i dont wanna use jacked up line and have a chance of it getting tangled due to the kinks.

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 
ok, one last question, then ill put this to sleep, as long as nothing else goes wrong :)

but, i have a reel that has backlash. can i back the line off the reel till it disapears? or do i have to replace the line everytime with new?

it looks like the birds nest is in pretty deep. i dont wanna use jacked up line and have a chance of it getting tangled due to the kinks.

Since you are going to be practicing get a "pick" and get the backlash out by finding the loop amongst the backlash. Once you work the backlash out keep practicing with that line and then respool when you get better at controlling it.

JMO and the more experienced guys will jump in I'm sure

fishing user avatarhercdoc reply : 

Here is a good tip that I found really helpful on getting rid of a backlash without cutting line.  Give it a try...It has worked for me

fishing user avatarfish eye reply : 

Another thing to be careful with is the wind. If you're throwing into a wind.....your chances of getting a backlash goes way up. This will take practice and experience to know what weight lure you're throwing and what levels you should have your brakes set. I have found it to be an ongoing education !! By the way, it never ends.

fishing user avatarcrankbait2009 reply : 

when practicing, is it ok to use a 3/8 or 1/2oz sinker?  or is better to use a crankbait?

fishing user avatarKYntucky Warmouth reply : 

As everyone has's all about practice.  From my personal experience it is easier to learn with a round reel.  The heavier spool allows for easier casting.  but regardless, you're gonna waste line when you first start so use some cheap line at first.  As for the practice, my friend always used a hookless jigging spoon to test out new reels in the backyard or parking lot.  you can use a hookless crankbait but personally I would want to ruin one unless you buy a cheap one to practice with.  

I may have read over this but what weight of crankbait were you casting?

fishing user avatarbjohnson reply : 

I HATED my BPS extreme reel! I have 3 other BPS reels that I love. One is a Pro Qualifier, and 2 of the cheap LTD reels, both cast a mile with very little thumbing, but I tried 2 different BPS extreme reels and HATED the braking. BUT.... their are a lot of people that love them just not me. I would keep practicing but I have used bait casters for years, with no trouble until I bought that extreme.  JMO

fishing user avatarNBR reply : 

I've been baitcasting for over 60 years and still haven't found a reel I can't backlash. Read Reelmechanics post on setting up a baitcaster and the other previosly posted info. Then practice, practice practice.

Did you have to cut the line off the reel? If not you were pretty successful.

fishing user avatarislandbass reply : 
when practicing, is it ok to use a 3/8 or 1/2oz sinker? or is better to use a crankbait?

The heavier, the better for a beginner. Just use a bass casting weight of at least 1/2 oz. Save your lures for fishing.

fishing user avatarLAO162 reply : 

I fish from shore.  It wasn't until the end of my first season that I could get the same distance with the baitcaster that I could with my spinning outfits.  I still have one spinning rod/reel combo that gives me the most distance.

You're better off using a 1/2 oz weight for practice, but cranks are more fun :)  Buy a bulk spool of mono for practice (& cranking).  I think I spent <$7 for 1000 yards of BPS #12.


fishing user avatarIzzy3374 reply : 
There is another trick you can try as well and something I have seen or heard mentioned. Spool off 15-20yards and then apply a piece of tape to the spool and that way if you do backlash it won't go any further than the tape and continue to practice

Never heard that one before.  Great idea for beginners, so your not picking out nests while your trying to practice.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

Everyone gets backlashes from time to time

unless you're fishing a dual brake reel like the Pflueger Patriarch

As for picking out a backlash? It'll come from experience. I can usually tell when one is beyond the effort or at least not worth it time wise. I would suggest throwing an extra spool of line in your tackle bag for those situations. :)

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

When I was younger and saved up enough money to buy a baitcaster, I had no idea what the breaks were for or what a tension knob was. I took the baitcaster out for about a year and I had no issues at all casting anything I wanted.

It's all thumb control... I had backlash after backlash until I learned how to control the spool with my thumb properly.

fishing user avatarJeff H reply : 
When I was younger and saved up enough money to buy a baitcaster, I had no idea what the breaks were for or what a tension knob was. I took the baitcaster out for about a year and I had no issues at all casting anything I wanted.

It's all thumb control... I had backlash after backlash until I learned how to control the spool with my thumb properly.


When I was a kid, the ONLY control option was spool tension and there were no brakes on my first few casting reels I owned.  Too much blame gets put on brake performance and not enough on the errant thumb these days. Like Catt said, "educate your thumb" and everything gets easier.

fishing user avatar.RM. reply : 


What reel, rod length, line weight, lure weight are you using on your new rod/reel?

fishing user avatarTX Bass reply : 

In my opinion, one reel or another is not better or worse in a boat or on the shore.  Don't even worry about that.  Just use what you have effectively and you'll be fine.  However, if you're just beginning and you want to chunk a lure as far as possible and not have to worry about backlashes, get a closed face reel and throw whatever lure you are using.  Heavy bait and long rod will get you distance.

fishing user avatarcrankbait2009 reply : 

here are my rod/reel specifics that im using:

reel - extreme baitcaster ETX10HD (Bass Pro Shop)

rod - extreme 60 Million XPS (XTR66MHT), 6'-6" MH, fast action, lure weight 3/8-1oz (Bass Pro Shop)

i am using the Yo-Zuri hybrid line, 12lb test, clear

as for my lures, i am using 3/8 and 1/2. i have a variety of some but the 3/8 and 1/2 are the ones iv'e tried so far.

fishing user avatarFishingPirate reply : 
There is another trick you can try as well and something I have seen or heard mentioned. Spool off 15-20yards and then apply a piece of tape to the spool and that way if you do backlash it won't go any further than the tape and continue to practice

Thats some good advice. Id say that saved my $100 dollars in line :)

fishing user avatarSmokeRise1 reply : 

You can also pick up some "practice plugs" in various weights from just about any tackle shop.  They're shaped like tall skinny pyramids with a loop on top.  You can throw them in the yard or on the water.

fishing user avatarcrankbait2009 reply : 

Well.  today i had a great day fishing!!

the weather was 60 degrees and sunny.

2nd time that i used my baitcaster.  i used some lipless cranks, football heads and plastic worms.

i casted my line out about 100 times (easily)

here is the outcome

3 hour boat rental - $35

bottle of fuel - $1.50 (pepsi)

100 casts with NO BACKLASH and a few fish bites - PRICELESS

although i did not catch anything, i did have a few bites, which i can honestly say is a lot better than what i had in the past.  for not ever having caught a fish, i will take a bite over nothing at all.

thanks to all that have helped me in learning how to fish a baitcaster.  it has definitely paid off.

thanks guys, i will try again next weekend, weather permitting


fishing user avatar.RM. reply : 

That's great, there is nothing better!!

Now even when you can't make it to the lake side. Take yourself and a small bucket as a target and practice short cast (10' to 20') into the bucket. The more practice you get the better the hand eye coordination gets...

Your gonna be catching soon.... :)

Good Luck & Tight Lines!!!  


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