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favorite baitcasters 2025

fishing user avatardeerhunter reply : 

Whats you favorite baitcasters

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 

Shimano Curado 201E7 for plastics, jigs

Revo Winch for cranks

Currently looking at Shimano Core for my next reel.

fishing user avatarKYntucky Warmouth reply : 

Curado 200e7, e5, and 50e and Daiwa Sol/Alphas

fishing user avatarGrundleLove reply : 

Shimano Calais 4x8 DC

fishing user avatarB-Dozer reply : 

Cabelas Prodigy round reel. 3 of them.

Abu Garcia 4600 C-5.

notice a trend here  :o

fishing user avatarSKTprodigy reply : 

Pflueger Patriarch is my favorite baitcaster of all time!

fishing user avatarzero limit reply : 

All curados.




fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Long list:

Daiwa Alphas Ito

Daiwa Alphas Type F

Daiwa Alphas R edition

Daiwa Liberto Pixy

Daiwa TDZ103H

Daiwa TDZ105

Shimano Curado 200B

Shimano Curado 200B38

Shimano Scorpion 1000

Shimano Scorpion 1000 Mg

Shimano Chronarch 50 Mg

Shimano Chronarch 100SF

Shimano Chronarch 100B

Shimano Chronarch 100B

Shimano Metanium XT

Shimano Citica 100D

Shimano Citica 100D

Abu Garcia Ambasadeur 512 XLT PLus

Abu Garcia Ambasadeur XLT PLus

Practically every reel I own is a favorite. :o

fishing user avatarww2farmer reply : 

Shimano Curado's and Citica's........E's, D's, B's dosen't matter. Next would be Abu Revo's, I like the S better than the mag break SX's and STX's. I don't have a dual break STX.................yet, but it's on my list.

fishing user avatarMonarkMcfaster reply : 

BPS Extreme, Very good reel for the money and they have several left hand models to choose from.

fishing user avatarNick reply : 

Okuma Cayenne. Try one!

fishing user avatartrevor reply : 

Unpopular.... the Ardent XS1000. Love it!

fishing user avatarMArnold reply : 

Abu Garcia Revo S  I only keep one set of brakes turned on,

and with the spool tension knob adjusted for each bait, I

just can't make it backlash!

fishing user avatardude loves to fish reply : 

Revo SX and STX. Smooth

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

Curado B,E7,E5, didn't like the D's.

Revo S and SX. I've got one of the newer BPS purple Rick Clunn reels and like it really well so far.

fishing user avatarskunked_again reply : 



Alpha Ito



btw.....the Fuego is possibly the most under rated reel in the history of Daiwa reels.

fishing user avatarMNGeorge reply : 

All my baitcasters are REVO STX's except the reel on my slop rod which is a Pflueger Summit.

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply :  patriarchlp.jpg
fishing user avatarjdw174 reply : 

I carry seven BC's in the boat.  Two older Curados, two older Castaics, one Caenan.  Wouldn't part with any of them.  One is a Daiwa that I bought in a fit of madness, although I admit that it casts beautifully with the dual braking system.  The last is an OLD Quantum Iron4 with a 5:1 retrieve that I use for cranking.  It does great on shallow/mid-range lures.

fishing user avatarskunked_again reply :
fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

That thread is so 2010  ;D

I have a few different reels, they all work well.  I'd say the most trouble free reels is the TD-X103HSDL on my heavy cover rod.  That thing takes a world of hurt and abuse, but keeps on ticking.

fishing user avatarRevo_Carrot Stix reply : 

Revos...SX, STX, and Premier.

fishing user avatarChiCityBasser reply : 

I like my Quantum Energy but my Cabelas Prodigy made by Daiwa and my Daiwa Exceler spend more time on the water. I like the Exceler enough to be picking up a burner model in a couple of weeks.

fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

Steez Hi speed 100H.

Zillion Hyper Long Cast.

Shimano Aldebaran

Shimano Calcutta 100DC

fishing user avatarskunked_again reply : 
Steez Hi speed 100H.

Zillion Hyper Long Cast.

Shimano Aldebaran

Shimano Calcutta 100DC

is that the blue one i see on ebay?

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 



fishing user avatarflippin and pitchin reply : 

As good as reels are today, I could fish with any one of them.  I do lean toward Revos and have been very happy with them.  My favorite though is clearly a Lews BB1N.

fishing user avatarWanderLust reply : 


That is sweeeeettttttt.

fishing user avatarskunked_again reply : 


i love the smell of Japanese tackle in the morning....

fishing user avatarRich Tehan reply : 

Quantum Tour Edition PT

Abu Garcia Revo STX

fishing user avatarBass4Me007 reply : 
That thread is so 2010 ;D

I have a few different reels, they all work well. I'd say the most trouble free reels is the TD-X103HSDL on my heavy cover rod. That thing takes a world of hurt and abuse, but keeps on ticking.

I totally agree on this reel. I used to have a number of different brands, but over the years have migrated to almost all Daiwas. I also agree with the view stated a few posts above about the Fuego. I really like that reel. It depends on the application, actually, especially the weight I am casting and the rod it is matched with. But the TD-X 103 HSD has been extremely dependable.

fishing user avatarcentral.PA.bass reply : 

Revo S, STX, Premier..   

BPS Extreme..

fishing user avatarIma Bass Ninja reply : 

Daiwa and BPS PQ for me..

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

Shimano Chronarch 50Mg

Shimano TE 200 DC


fishing user avatarGoose52 reply : 

BPS Pro Qualifier

BPS Carbonlite

BPS ProLite

Not the best, not the most expensive, but they have class-leading features and offer the most value while still delivering required performance.

Sorta honorable mention: Curado 50E - a nice reel...

fishing user avatarbilgerat reply : 

I own one. A 2009 Revo STX. No complaints.

fishing user avatarkadas reply : 
As good as reels are today, I could fish with any one of them. I do lean toward Revos and have been very happy with them. My favorite though is clearly a Lews BB1N.[/qu  ote   The best reel for cranking!! :o

fishing user avatarVAfishin4me reply : 

Daiwa Sol

fishing user avatarOHIO reply : 


fishing user avatarSouth FLA reply : 

Daiwa Zillion JDM

Shimano Chronarch

Abu Revo Skeet Reese

fishing user avatarDan-K reply : 


fishing user avatarLoomis24 reply : 

gotta be my preimier

fishing user avatarflipin4bass reply : 

Shimano Calais.

fishing user avatarSJex reply : 

Shimano Core 50mg7.

fishing user avatarbassinbrian reply : 

Core 51 and Steez 6.3

fishing user avatarK_Mac reply : 

Yep. They work exactly as they should at a great price.  8-)

fishing user avatar0119 reply : 

Wish I still had it but the 1600C3IAR from the International Series Abu came out with about 12 years ago.

fishing user avatarTin reply : 

Abu Torno 3006HSI

fishing user avatarB-Dozer reply : 
Wish I still had it but the 1600C3IAR from the International Series Abu came out with about 12 years ago.

Not familiar with that model. Are you refering to a C-3?

fishing user avatarWhets Lines reply : 

I've sold two BPS reels...Extreme & Rick Clunn. I've sold two Quantum Energy PTs & a Quantum Tour Edition PT. I sold my pre-2010 Abu Premier.

That leaves me with an Abu Garcia Skeet Reese & my Winches. I recently added a 201E7 to the mix but have yet to cast it. To date, of all the reels I've used (no Pfluegers, no Daiwas better than an Exceler, no Okuma, no Lew's, Shimano...yet, etc), I would say my Revo Winches are my favorite baitcasters. I love the big straight handles, the durability, their casting distance, and the ease of castability. (Is that a word?) Whatever...



fishing user avatarFishes in trees reply : 

I've got a couple of the Shimano Calais reel that are 6 or 8 years old now.  Very good reels.   I've got 5 of the Shimano 200 TEGT Calcutta reels.   They are 6 or 8 years old as well.  I like them better than the Calais.  I have several Curado reels.  They are ok reels.   Should a bait casting reel not say Shimano on it, I probably won't buy it, so I don't know about any other brands of reels.

fishing user avatarCaptain Chaos II reply : 

Best .. Steez.

Favorite .. Daiwa Pixy

fishing user avatarbobbyK reply : 


Shimano Citica

Revo S

Revo SX


Shimano Citica


Shimano Curado 51E

fishing user avatarshackman reply : 

Core 100

Aldebaran Mg

2007 Metanium Mg

Chronarch 50 mg

Curado 200E7

Citica 200E

Curado 200B

Curado 200B5

fishing user avatar0119 reply : 

B Dozer, 1600 size abu's were small, like a Calcutta 50. International Series models were unique Abu's that were updated with instant anti reverse, all made in Sweden and smooth strong reels.

fishing user avatarB-Dozer reply : 
B Dozer, 1600 size abu's were small, like a Calcutta 50. International Series models were unique Abu's that were updated with instant anti reverse, all made in Sweden and smooth strong reels.

Thanks for your answer. I googled it and found another forum you are on! Seems like we are in the minority that like round reels. Just have a better feel to me.

fishing user avatarFishohio reply : 

The Revo Winch hands down!! ;D

Man I love that reel!! :o

fishing user avatarHellbenderman reply : My 1981 Ambassadeur 5500C, updated with ceramic bearings everywhere.

fishing user avatarPez reply : 

I love my revo stx and plan on getting the curado 200e7 very soon.

fishing user avatarSausageFingers23 reply : 

My LH Revo SX

fishing user avatarSmokeRise1 reply : 

The Daiwa Tierra I purchased from WW2farmer last year.

fishing user avatarNibbles reply : 

Top 3:

1. Daiwa Alphas Ito 103-Ai

2. Shimano Calcutta 200 TE DC

3. Daiwa Alphas R-Edition

We shall see if that list changes when my Conquest 50s arrives after being serviced & upgraded by DVT.

fishing user avatarset_the_hook reply : 
Revo SX and STX. Smooth

i agree :o

fishing user avatarGeorgia Jeff reply : 

shimano chronarch 50mg

shimano curado 100d

fishing user avatarProCraft Joe reply : 

Shimano Core 50, Curado B and E, Chronarch in that order.

fishing user avatarBass_Fanatic reply : 

Pflueger President


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