I'm having problems choosing a brand of fluorocarbon line. Until now, i've only fished mono and braid and I am looking to try fluoro next season. Everywhere I look people have conflicting opinions and reviews of the same lines. I'm not too concerned about price range right now either so if anybody could give me their go-to fluoro brand i'd really appreciate it!
Seaguar Tatsu
It would be my go to brand if I could justify it and I can't so that is why I have been using Sunline Sniper FC lately.
Tatsu is on the upper end of the price range. There are lots of conflicting opinions because everyone fishes differently and in different types of water,cover,structure etc. Ultimately you are going to have to figure out what works for your style and body of water. Start with something cheaper like invizx or sniper. See what you like and dislike about it then go from there.
Tatsu is the best.
It's kind of like mono and braid, everyone has their opinon and their favorites. I stick with SeaGuar and Berkley Brands depending on my needs.
Sunline shooter is the beat ive used followed by tatsu
On 11/10/2014 at 2:58 AM, Tywithay said:Tatsu is the best.
The finest line I have ever fished.
I'm in the Tatsu fan club
On 11/10/2014 at 2:16 AM, npoulin said:Everywhere I look people have conflicting opinions and reviews of the same lines.
Good to ask that question here, that should help clear things up for you.
And I won't answer your question, because you wouldn't believe me if I told you. lol
On 11/10/2014 at 2:16 AM, npoulin said:I'm having problems choosing a brand of fluorocarbon line.
If you're wondering about brand, sunline is the best followed by seaguar IMO. I haven't used shooter or tatsu, but fc sniper is a great line, probably the best @ the $20 price point.
you can ask 100 people what their favorite fishing line is and you will get dozens of answers, but for fluorocarbon, probably only about 6-7....
I have always's been a Berkley guy but for Fluoro I still can't decide which brand I like best, and I can't afford Tatsu, but I use alot of Seaguar leader...
My favorite that I've used is Sunline sniper FC
On 11/10/2014 at 12:07 PM, fishballer06 said:My favorite that I've used is Sunline sniper FC
Junk light line coils like crazy.brakes in hook sets offen.junk if it was 5 bucks maybe s deal
The challenge you will have with fluorocarbon line is two-fold in my opinion: 1) Its lack of manageability...lots of memory can lead to rats nests. And 2) it will stretch more than the braid and even the mono you are used to using.
I can't help give you much advice about #1 above in that you have to be careful with all FC lines to avoid tangles. However I did a line stretch test recently and of all the fluorocarbon lines tested, Sunline Sniper stretched the least of the fluorocarbon lines, including Tatsu, Berkley, etc.
Kvd line and lure conditioner actually works.
On 11/10/2014 at 12:07 PM, fishballer06 said:My favorite that I've used is Sunline sniper FC
Seaguar InvizX and AbrazX are both good as well as Sunline Sniper which I'm currently converting everything too from those. Gamma is good too, little on the stiffer side from what I have used. Spider wires FC was terrible in the abrasion dept in my experience. Don't really have any others I've tried than that.... Actually tried a few of the FC 'coated' lines different brands, not my cup of tea, but not bad either.
You'll have a hard time getting much agreement on "the best", especially if you try and use cost as a limiting factor, but if money isn't taken into the equation, you'll find Seaguar Tatsu and various TORAY (my favorite) lines at the top of many lists.
I like Berkeley vanish. Its manageable and easy to find
I think it depends on if you are going to spool a whole reel with it, or just use it for leader material. I like Sunline Sniper FC for leader material but I have never used it on a spool. I have also used Seaguar Red Label and not had a problem. I think it all depends on the size and application on which you plan to use it.
On 6/12/2015 at 8:31 AM, jignfule said:Tatsu
Trilene 100% fluorocarbon. Tried and never switched. Great line.
i have always been a braid or braid with leader guy , after hearing all the stories about running straight fluoro i drank the kool-aid and bought some shooter. i spooled it up last night on my core 101 and boated about a dozen fish today (nothing special all sub 3 lbrs) on it using both t rigged plastics and jigs. for me i still prefer straight fx2 or braid with leader if needed. it had more stretch than i expected , was great for pitching t rigs due to the lack of bow in slack line and sensitivity was good but in 20lb you need to keep that thumb working on any moderate or harder casts manageability is not horrible but far from great and i knew this going in.but to me for the techniques i bought the shooter for fx2 just does everything better but sink. i understand fluoro has its place i just wasn't that impressed but i am glad i tried it and i have a half a spool left that'll last me a while for leaders.
X2.On 11/10/2014 at 5:26 AM, iabass8 said:Sunline shooter is the beat ive used followed by tatsu
I agree. Stuff works wonders for me especially on fluorocarbon.On 6/12/2015 at 5:30 AM, masterbass said:Kvd line and lure conditioner actually works.
Tatsu. I have high hopes that TW will have it on sale again.
I haven't tried all the top lines but I have Tatsu and I am goin to take a guess and say Tatsu still wins. It's expensive but it actually lasts a long time and that silly complaint about memory with lines actually is a non issue even without L&L.
On 6/15/2015 at 2:40 PM, hatrix said:... that silly complaint about memory with lines actually is a non issue even without L&L.
Ok... I'll ask... why is that a non-issue?
I'm not the kind of guy that gets to fix numerous times a week. I hate spending good money to spool up the reel with fluoro, then 5 weeks later it's loopy from only being used a few times.
Am I missing something? Or are you just one of the folks lucky enough to fish more often than me so your line isn't sitting on the reel for long periods?
That would be correct, that a really active angler won't have the same issues with fluoro line coiling up as someone who fishes less actively.
And, the pros who use fluoro "straight" as main lines, not just as leaders? They are often sponsored by a line manufacturer and can re-spool their reels at will, likely before every tournament, at least to a length beyond their casting distance. In contrast, most of us likely would spool on fresh line once a season or so.
I really like fluoro leaders, short at around 6 to 8 feet. I really don't like it straight . . . and I fish often. I use Seaguar Invizx.
One trick is to re-tie your terminal knot after catching a fish or two, re-tie the junction knot between main line and leader if you have snagged up and yanked the line hard, had a big battle with a large fish or know that you have scraped the line against things. Fresh fluoro line, after a single tug, works pretty well.
*Our fingers have amazing "touch" sensory capabilities. Most of us can "feel" when we have accidentally grabbed two pieces of paper from a sheaf of paper, say two pieces of typing paper. A piece of 20 lbs. typing paper is 3 or 4 thousandth's of an inch thick! So, with this ability, when using short leaders, it takes just a second to pinch it between your index finger and thumb, run it down the length of the leader . . . and you will feel any imperfections in the line if they exist.
On 4/11/2018 at 8:23 PM, TNReb said:Ok... I'll ask... why is that a non-issue?
I'm not the kind of guy that gets to fix numerous times a week. I hate spending good money to spool up the reel with fluoro, then 5 weeks later it's loopy from only being used a few times.
Am I missing something? Or are you just one of the folks lucky enough to fish more often than me so your line isn't sitting on the reel for long periods?
You won't get an answer since you dug up a a post started four years ago, and that particular member hasn't been on in over a year.
I will say this, I've been using Seaguar lines for several years. They are the best, by far. They invented fluorocarbon fishing line. They are the only ones that use their own resins specifically developed for fishing line, and in the case of Tatsu, Finesse, and Leaders, is the only company to offer a double structure formula. They have a tough abrasion resistant exterior, and soft interior. The memory issue is actually the opposite with good fluoro. I've had some on two spinning rods for 4 seasons now. Memory is very minor. Nothing like mono or copoly.
I've really been digging the Finesse in 5.2 lb. and 6.2 lb. sizes for spinning and 12/15 for casting setups.
Here is the list of all the fluoro lines I like and recommend for bass fishing:
Looks just like @.ghoti.'s list of braid he likes!
Tatsu is way out front of all others when it comes to fluorocarbon lines. I've had good luck with Gamma Edge as well, but it's much stiffer than Tatsu. I can't even tell I'm using fluoro with it, like fishing mono except I'm really careful tying my knots, just like with any other fluoro.
I have tried many and Sunline is my favorite by far.
I think i depends on the type of reel you are spooling it on. On a spinning reel i'm partial to Invizx as long as you keep it under 12 lb test. On my baitcasters I don't see a lot of difference.
On 4/12/2018 at 1:56 PM, Bluebasser86 said:Tatsu is way out front of all others when it comes to fluorocarbon lines. I've had good luck with Gamma Edge as well, but it's much stiffer than Tatsu. I can't even tell I'm using fluoro with it, like fishing mono except I'm really careful tying my knots, just like with any other fluoro.
I have always used Invizx and sometime Super Sniper FC and recently used Gamma Edge on a buddies setup and was surprised at how manageable it was compared to both of the others I listed. Do you think that Gamma Edge and Tatsu are by far the best? Any others worth noting?
When this thread was alive Team9 stated Toray was his favorite and if I had participated in the post would have agreed. Toray is a process and comes in a wide variety of lines that include FC. Back in this time period I was using Toray Solaroam High Class Bass 100% FC line from Blackwater line. Tried Seaguar Tatsu and it didn't compare and was more expensive. Gave up buying all FC lines last year but still have Toray FC on a few reels.
For me the problem with FC is knot strength and outweighs the advantage of low coeffient of drag in water that reduces most of the belly in the line for bottom contact lures like jigs and worms.
I would say either Tatsu or Sunline Sniper... if price is an issue then Sniper wins out. If you want something with even less price, less stretch than fluoro, tougher and a tad better manageability then try Yo-zuri Hybrid ... it’s a good and less expensive transition from braid/mono to fluorocarbon.
On 4/13/2018 at 10:06 AM, Stephen B said:I have always used Invizx and sometime Super Sniper FC and recently used Gamma Edge on a buddies setup and was surprised at how manageable it was compared to both of the others I listed. Do you think that Gamma Edge and Tatsu are by far the best? Any others worth noting?
I've been using some AbrasX recently and had good success with it. For light line applications, the Seaguar Finesse is really nice and super thin and manageable. I've tried lots of different brands and have come to the conclusion that if it isn't one of those lines, it's not worth using.
On 6/12/2015 at 4:51 AM, FryDog62 said:The challenge you will have with fluorocarbon line is two-fold in my opinion: 1) Its lack of manageability...lots of memory can lead to rats nests. And 2) it will stretch more than the braid and even the mono you are used to using.
I have used mono, braid and copoly up til this point. Plan on trying fluoro this year. But it's always been my understanding that fluoro stretches LESS than mono.
For those who use the KVD line conditioner, how often do you spray it? Just once after you spool your reel? Before every outing?
I only use Fluorocarbon as leader.
I been using Sunline for Seaguar for years and they both are excellent, I recently purchased some
Seaguar red label and its been excellent, not one problem and a lot cheaper.
On 4/13/2018 at 3:41 PM, NorthernBasser said:I have used mono, braid and copoly up til this point. Plan on trying fluoro this year. But it's always been my understanding that fluoro stretches LESS than mono.
Conventional wisdom is that fluorocarbon stretches less than mono, but reality is that it actually stretches more. However once wet, monofilament soaks up water and stretches more and eventually stretches about as much. But not more. I did a stretch test a couple years ago with about 30 different lines (you should be able to do a search for it on this forum) and the one line that stretches the least was Yo-Siri Hybrid. It is a blend of mono /fluoro and stretches less, and doesn’t soak up water either. It is a little thicker in diameter, but even the 6 pound test stretches less than any 8 pound fluorocarbon.
Fluorocarbon is marketed hard to be a lot of things - some true, some not. Perhaps in part because it is 2-3 times more expensive (and profitable) than mono.
Dont get me wrong it has its place (when you need a line that sinks, when you need a leader to add stretch, etc. abut again not because it stretches less or is significantly less visible than mono.
I use P-line tactical fluorocarbon. Strong and casts like mono.
On 11/10/2014 at 5:49 AM, roadwarrior said:
The finest line I have ever fished.
Same response today...
I've been using Invisx and Abrasx a lot lately, and have been really pleased with them so far. Abrasx is actually more supple than Invisx, which I didn't expect because it's more abrasion resistant.
Tatsu is the king of fluorocarbon, hands down. I use it a lot, and might use more now that it cost less.
And the finesse fluorocarbon really does perform best for spinning/finesse tactics. I don't have any line issues at all with it, the baits act more naturally, and it's extremely sensitive.
btw - I don't use leaders, so I can't comment on that application for any of these lines.
Well Tatsu is the best fluorocarbon line. The real question is, is it worth the money?
I would go with something like AbrasX, InvisX or Berkley Trilene Fluorocarbon, which don't break the bank.
On 4/14/2018 at 1:48 AM, Boomstick said:Well Tatsu is the best fluorocarbon line. The real question is, is it worth the money?
I wonder how many times I've respooled my rods with mono or CXX, compared to the four years I've had Tatsu spooled up. I'm only changing it this year because it's low on the spool.
On 4/14/2018 at 1:51 AM, J Francho said:
I wonder how many times I've respooled my rods with mono or CXX, compared to the four years I've had Tatsu spooled up. I'm only changing it this year because it's low on the spool.
That's actually really impressive.
On 4/14/2018 at 1:59 AM, Boomstick said:That's actually really impressive.
It wasn't anything I really tried to make a point of testing. I have Invisx that's five seasons long. I'm changing it out soon, though. I'm not pushing it. These are my four drop shot rods running 6# line.
On 4/14/2018 at 4:00 AM, J Francho said:
It wasn't anything I really tried to make a point of testing. I have Invisx that's five seasons long. I'm changing it out soon, though. I'm not pushing it. These are my four drop shot rods running 6# line.
I would have gave up and replaced it after two seasons max! Or in some cases, midway into one if it turns out the weeds are thicker than usual and I want heavier line etc. I don't think that will be a problem this year as it will probably still be snowing until July.
Just changed out a couple reels this winter that had Toray fluoro on them after 3 full seasons of use, but they were both 16lb. Super Hard, so they're naturally a little stiffer than lighter test finesse line and probably needed the change.
When I see "best" _______ posts it turns me off instantly becuase they become everyone's choices based on what is most popular, what they use or site sponsor.
Fluorocarbon line fall into the category of subjectivity not objectivity.
Seaguar is a site sponsor and is a top quality FC line, meaning they have excellent quality control so line batches are Consistant and diameters don't vary.
Sunline falls into the same category as Seagaur, both offer premium FC lines and I used 7 lb Sniper for year finesse spinning reels for several years.
Toray Soloaroam FC is another high end FC, but in the price range of Tatsu and I change FC line about every 6 trips of use and it gets expensive.
I have change nearly all my FC over to Sunline Deifer Armilo Nylon for baitcasting use And Maxima Ultra 5 lb Copoly for finesse spinning. I liked FC with 1 exception, rattle snake knot strength, never knew when it would bite me.
On 4/15/2018 at 2:03 AM, WRB said:When I see "best" _______ posts it turns me off instantly becuase they become everyone's choices based on what is most popular, what they use or site sponsor.
Fluorocarbon line fall into the category of subjectivity not objectivity.
Seaguar is a site sponsor and is a top quality FC line, meaning they have excellent quality control so line batches are Consistant and diameters don't vary.
Sunline falls into the same category as Seagaur, both offer premium FC lines and I used 7 lb Sniper for year finesse spinning reels for several years.
Toray Soloaroam FC is another high end FC, but in the price range of Tatsu and I change FC line about every 6 trips of use and it gets expensive.
I have change nearly all my FC over to Sunline Deifer Armilo Nylon for baitcasting use And Maxima Ultra 5 lb Copoly for finesse spinning. I liked FC with 1 exception, rattle snake knot strength, never knew when it would bite me.
A line is a tool and best is opinion. Wish these posts read something like vote for your favorite and had the most common lines in a poll.
Tatsu is the best I've tried, but I use Invisix and Abrasx more often. I can respool 2 or 3 times with these lines for the cost of a single spool of Tatsu. I'd rather have fresh Invisx or Abrasx than some Tatsu that's been thrown for months.
Sniper and shooter for me lasts long and gets the job done.
On 11/10/2014 at 2:16 AM, npoulin said:I'm having problems choosing a brand of fluorocarbon line. Until now, i've only fished mono and braid and I am looking to try fluoro next season. Everywhere I look people have conflicting opinions and reviews of the same lines. I'm not too concerned about price range right now either so if anybody could give me their go-to fluoro brand i'd really appreciate it!
The expensive stuff is the good stuff is what they say? But I wouldn’t know because I don’t spend more than 13,14$ for a spool if my lines.
So, $15 every couple of months or $25 for a season or more? I know what going with.
On 4/18/2018 at 12:33 AM, J Francho said:So, $15 every couple of months or $25 for a season or more? I know what going with.
No doubt. I have some 8lb Tatsu on a spinning rod that I haven't changed for over 5 years. Still fishes like the day I spooled it. Fluorocarbon doesn't break down from uv rays like nylon, so it will last a lot longer.
I’m just changing out some four year old line only because it’s low on the spool.
I wouldn't fish floro if you are worried about the price. In my experience if you don't want to pay 20 bucks for 200yards dont use fc.
On 4/18/2018 at 12:33 AM, J Francho said:So, $15 every couple of months or $25 for a season or more? I know what going with.
Your right but I’ve never been one to make the best financial decisions but you’re absolutely right.
On 4/13/2018 at 9:37 PM, Glenn said:I've been using Invisx and Abrasx a lot lately, and have been really pleased with them so far. Abrasx is actually more supple than Invisx, which I didn't expect because it's more abrasion resistant.
Tatsu is the king of fluorocarbon, hands down. I use it a lot, and might use more now that it cost less.
And the finesse fluorocarbon really does perform best for spinning/finesse tactics. I don't have any line issues at all with it, the baits act more naturally, and it's extremely sensitive.
btw - I don't use leaders, so I can't comment on that application for any of these lines.
Glen - In your experience how does Tatsu compare to Invisx? I used Invisx a fair amount last year and came to the conclusion that it had way to much stretch for my preference with bottom contact lures. I have always wanted to try Tatsu but didn't want to spend the money if it was similar in that way to Invisx. Thanks for any insight.
My favorite FC that I have used to date is Sunline FC Sniper.
Seaguar AbrazX is a better all around FC then invisx, less memory with better abrasion resistance imo. Sunline Sniper is their top seller for a reason and hard to beat at that price point.
Tatsu is touted to have superior knot strength per lb test and it’s good FC, I didn’t find it any better then Abrix or Toray Solaroam Hi Class FC.
PS, I should add that my preference is using the smallest diameter line per lb test and the lightest lbs test line the presentation allows me. The reason is the clear water requires longer cast to catch the big bass I fish for, so line performance and knot strength is critical.