How much does it truly cost to ship rods? I have no idea about the topic but I'm looking to get rid of some rods to fund other things but I feel like the cost of shipping ruins the profit margin for me and turns people away from buying rods that don't have free shipping. What are the best and cheapest methods for shipping rods? Thanks!
I use USPS priority, usually $18 to $25
On 4/12/2017 at 12:00 AM, onetime said:I use USPS priority, usually $18 to $25
do you ship them in pvc tubes?
On 4/12/2017 at 12:02 AM, TH-Outdoors said:do you ship them in pvc tubes?
Yes sir
I tried USPS first and they wanted to charge me almost $60 to ship a TW rod tube with 2 rods in it to FL. I went UPS and it was $35.
Around here USPS is cheapest, odd how it was that much.
I thought so too. I could've swore I shipped a full length rod a few yrs ago USPS and it was around $20.
Agree w/above. Tried USPS once, and it was going to be considerably cheaper until they tagged me with an upcharge due to length (this was 7' or less rod) sending the price closer to $50+ As such, I almost always go FedEx due to convenience, and almost always runs $28-$35 per tube.
Would using this $15 shipping code from St.Croix warranty program work for shipping rods on my own?
One thing I learned shipping usps is the balloon payment. When shipping a rod tube it will actually cost $9 more if it weighs below 5 pounds. I found it hard to believe but for some reason shipping less weight costs more, at least up to a certain poundage. I have paid as little as $11 and as much as $30 because of that stupid balloon payment.
On 4/12/2017 at 12:30 AM, TH-Outdoors said:Would using this $15 shipping code from St.Croix warranty program work for shipping rods on my own?
Nope. I've purchased this a few times to ship them rods for replacement/upgrade. It has their address printed on it. And rightfully so, since they're likely paying a hefty fee to FedEx to be able to provide that service to their customers.
The trick with USPS is to request 2-day Priority shipping. I read about it on a thread here on BR a while back and it works. The clerks at my PO didn't even know you could do it until I asked them to try it out. I think it cost me $21 to ship a rod from Maryland to the West Coast. And that included INSURANCE.
It depends on multiple things...
On average expect to pay $25-35 to ship a rod and insure it for the sale price.
Recently bought a 7' spinning rod from Dobyns. It came in PVC with bubble wrap in the middle and both ends.
FedEx charge was almost $20.
As a customer I was very pleased to see that care applied. I would expect the same if a rod of that quality being exchanged!
Usps quoted me $50 last week.
I sent via ups for $25
On 4/12/2017 at 1:48 AM, DaveT63 said:It cost me $21 to ship a rod from Maryland to the West Coast. And that included shipping.
You don't say...
I dont even hassle with it
I craigslist and sell local. Higher profit margins too
On 4/12/2017 at 2:44 AM, fishballer06 said:
You don't say...
My mind was saying "Insurance", but my fingers typed "shipping". It's hell getting old.
On 4/12/2017 at 2:56 AM, Montanaro said:I dont even hassle with it
I'm in the same boat. I've never sold a used rod. If a rod cost me in the $100-200 range, and I'm selling it used at half that cost because it's now used, and I have to eat PP fee's and shipping at roughly $30-40 total, what's the point in selling the rod if it's still a good backup?
shipping costs jump considerably as you cross each zone. i'm on the east coast and offer free shipping 'east of the mississippi'. you could probably do something similar. if someone lives west of the Miss I tell them to message me their zip code to see if i can absorb the cost or split the extra with them.
USPS has the worst track record on shipping rods in my experience. None of the major manufacturers or online seller use them that I know of. Here is the last time a shop attempted to send me a rod USPS...
On 4/12/2017 at 2:56 AM, Montanaro said:I dont even hassle with it
I craigslist and sell local. Higher profit margins too
This is what I do. If I can't sell it local, I'll keep it over dealing with hassle of shipping rods. Not only are prices high, but the chances of a rod getting damaged in shipping are higher than I'm willing to accept also.
You can sell them for a great price to a local person, and still make more money than you'd make shipping them.
On 4/12/2017 at 1:48 AM, DaveT63 said:The trick with USPS is to request 2-day Priority shipping. I read about it on a thread here on BR a while back and it works. The clerks at my PO didn't even know you could do it until I asked them to try it out. I think it cost me $21 to ship a rod from Maryland to the West Coast. And that included INSURANCE.
this is the trick I learned from my neighbor who works for USPS.
USPS online. Enter dimensions, pay, and drop it off at the post office. $20-25, including decent insurance and the $8 it costs for PVC and two end caps.
USPS print label at house for around $25 +/- if you go there the people at the counter don't know the difference between circumference and radius so you're 2.5" tube will be 17" lmao I had a guy last year try to charge me $70 something to ship rod from CT to NY
I've never been able to ship anything 7' or greater for less than $30, no matter which of the big 3 used.