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fishing user avatarisland bassin reply : 

Lost two over 5lb today. I lost another big bass before having the power pro line broken when bass strikes :-/. No chance to react at all!! I use the Clinch Knot.

What do you think is the problem??

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

1)any line can break

2)use a paolmar knot and crazy glue it

3)even braid needs to be checked for damage

4)powerpro is good line but i have heard of it snapping for no reason.there is counterfeit power pro out there.

5)switch to sufix's the best.

fishing user avatarRiskKid. reply : 

Try the palomar knot. I always used the improved clinch knot before becoming a member of this forum. I kept seeing that most folks here use the palomar knot. For the reasons you describe I became convinced to change. Once I became comfortable using it I now find its easier to tie. This has been one of many, many things I owe to and have learned on this forum.

fishing user avatarYakAttack reply : 

I would try the palomer knot. Its what worked best for me when I was using braid.

fishing user avatarCyBasser reply : 

Hi Island bassin!

Good to know that bass are biting again at Kourris!

Anyway, regarding PowerPro, I have been using it a lot over the last few months and have never had any problems with it.

You first have to identify where exactly was the problem: Did the line break exactly at the knot? If so, then you might reconsider the knots you are using.

Did it break somewhere else? The areas you are fishing have a lot of potentially line-damaging underwater structure, especially in the form of submerged bushes and jagged-edged rocks. You need to be checking the line all the time for abrasion and re-tie often if you have even the slightest suspicion that the line might have become damaged. Braided lines are definitely tougher in such environments than mono, but they can still fray and detoriate.

Of course, it is possible that it might be the line's fault. Last March I kept breaking 20lb Fireline all the time, I even had the line break during casting. It turned out that the whole 300-yard spool was defective.

I would suggest that at home you tie the line somewhere solid and try pulling on it both steadily but also with various hard and sudden jerks, like a 5-lber would do and see what happens.

Keep up the good job...


fishing user avatarFishTank reply : 

What type of bait or lure are you using?  I went through 300 yards of this stuff over the summer and had, what I thought, was the same problem.  I went to set the hook or a fish would strike hard and snap, the line would break.  

I fish plastic about 50% time.  After looking at my knot and hook I noticed that the knot would slip into the crack where the knot hole met the hook.  I changed to Gamakatsu EWG hooks for power line and the problem was solved.  You might also try to wet the knot before pull it tight.  A little spit should do and stick with the palomar knot.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

Not being there, I can only guess what happened, but the odds overwhelmingly favor "line abrasion".

Depending on the extent of abrasion, the line-test can be reduced to near zero, regardless of its stated breaking-strength.

In addition, the clinch knot is a notoriously poor knot and for several reasons (I won't get into that).

I use nothing but a "uni-knot" for both braid and mono, which is quick & easy to tie, very strong and easily tied to plugs wth trebles.

If you use a uni-knot, I doubt very much that you will ever see the line break at the knot.


fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

I used to use Power Pro didn't like it. Had a shedding issue and would break at the knot and I used a palomar knot it seemed to fatigue at the knot such like a piece of metal would when being bent back and forth till it reached it's breaking point. You should try Cabela's Ripcord Si or Si Plus a much better braid then Power Pro and doesn't break from fatigue like Power Pro does. You can feel the difference in your hands.


fishing user avatarjacktrevally reply : 

Fake power pro, it could be! There were a batch of fake powerpro on the market, not up to the standard. Read on the powerpro website for more info

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
I used to use Power Pro didn't like it. Had a shedding issue and would break at the knot and I used a palomar knot it seemed to fatigue at the knot such like a piece of metal would when being bent back and forth till it reached it's breaking point. You should try Cabela's Ripcord Si or Si Plus a much better braid then Power Pro and doesn't break from fatigue like Power Pro does. You can feel the difference in your hands.

Shredding Issue?

I can't imagine what shredding issue you may have experienced or why you favor Cabela Ripcord ahead of PowerPro braid.

Actually PowerPro is an inordinately strong line and I've never heard say that it suffers from fatigue or crystallization.

PowerPro is widely recognized as outlasting both copolymer and cofilament line, and lasts just as long

as polyvinylidene fluoride, better known as fluorocarbon. Longevity and strength are among its outstanding properties.

                  Oddly, a more common complaint among anglers is that PowerPro spectra is too difficult to break-off

when they're hopelessly snagged. Any fishing line can be degraded through abrasion, but I've never had any problem

with PowerPro that I did not cause myself.


fishing user avatartoothdoc reply : 

I would change your knot and also check for line abrasion.  My recommendation is to use a Uni knot or use a Fluoro leader and a Uni to Uni knot.

fishing user avatarkfx400rob reply : 

i clinch knot on braid is alot weaker than a palomar, so im with everyone else, try the palomar knot, the knot is probly where its breaking

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

Shredding? I said SHEDDING.

There would be a fine dust on my guides as the line would pass through them there is a coating on Power Pro line. As far as fake Power Pro I purchased mine at Bass Pro Shops so maybe they were selling fake line. Power Pro is NOT better then Cabela's Ripcord Si Plus not even close I have used Power Pro never buy it again. Maybe some of you need to try the Ripcord Si I get the impression that some of you haven't and so you proclaim Power Pro is better without trying the Ripcord Si Plus do a fair comparison try them both before saying Power Pro is better.


fishing user avatarmike bat reply : 

man .. i like power pro ... id say you had knot failer .... now i use a polamar knot ... and i make sure i yank that knot down .... you have to set that knot ... before i trim the tag end... i always take my plyers and give that tag a hard yank or two just to set that polamar knot evenly .... also make sure the line is wet before tieing any braids ... and where you yanked the tag ,,be sure to clip that off .. dont get discuraged just tweek your knot and knot tieing ....  ;D

fishing user avatarisland bassin reply : 

Thank you all guys.

Apreciate your comments on the knot(palomar knot) , will you reccomend it for spinnerbaits as well? Both bass(?) strike on 3/4 spinnerbaits. What do you think about berkley braid knot, it looks "stronger".

There is though a possibility that the first one,which i didn't see was one of the monster pikeperchs which there are alot in this reservoir.

fishing user avatarBanor reply : 
Shredding? I said SHEDDING.

There would be a fine dust on my guides as the line would pass through them there is a coating on Power Pro line. As far as fake Power Pro I purchased mine at Bass Pro Shops so maybe they were selling fake line. Power Pro is NOT better then Cabela's Ripcord Si Plus not even close I have used Power Pro never buy it again. Maybe some of you need to try the Ripcord Si I get the impression that some of you haven't and so you proclaim Power Pro is better without trying the Ripcord Si Plus do a fair comparison try them both before saying Power Pro is better.


One man's junk.... as the saying goes. Mark me up another one in the "I'm with RoLo" column. I find it hard to believe someone could give Power Pro a fair shake and hate it with all things being equal. While I dont have RoLo's years of experience, I have tried just about every main stream line out there this season and have concluded that Power Pro fits me best in situations where I just have to have braid. Personally I would never rely on store brand line. But that's just me.

I do have to raise the BS flag on this one though. I'd wager your experiences had other variables, seen or unseen, that caused your Power Pro problems.

I know I'm asking for trouble but I've gone days without retying Power Pro and not had a break off. I would guess the knot slipping through the edge of the eyelet is suspect in some of these occasions. I've said it before on these threads, I've had some pretty beat up Power Pro land good fish.

I'm rambling now but the point is, I would accept that any given person prefers another line over Power Pro out of personal preference but to try to say the line sucks or it breaks all the time in my opinion is just bunk.


PS I would agree that there are better options in that # test and line diameter than braid. 50/65# is the lowest braid I would use for the situations that call for braid for me.

fishing user avatardabluz reply : 

Go to this site and read why your knot is failing.

As prescribed in that article, I use the double palomar knot.

The new "super lines" are however notorious for breaking when sudden shocks are applied to them.  I think that you may let some slack line get in between you and the fish when you are ready to strike.

I've been using 20 lb test Power Pro, Tuff Line and Mason Tiger Braid for the past few years and they all work great.  No bass where I live.  However, there are lots of pike and walleye.  I rarely troll for fish because I fish from a canoe and I rarely use a motor.  The pike fishing is very similar to large mouth bass fishing.....meaning casting to likely hiding places in shallow water with all sorts of lures.

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 

BS-haner. I have to lower your BS flag. I never called it JUNK. never said it SUCKED or said it BREAKED all the time BUT..... I have had issues with Power Pro nothing is perfect but I can say I have never had the same issues with the Ripcord I too have gone all day without retying (Ripcord). I used Power Pro for a whole fishing season I have done a fair comparison until issues arise with the Ripcord I will still promote it regardless who's feet I step on. I have used Ripcord for three seasons and look forward to it's continued use. I have used and correctly tied the Palomar on both lines. I'll give my honest experiances which may not aways parallel everyone else's but thats life. To say Power Pro is perfect would not be honest.


fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

Try the Braid Knot. As the name inplies, it was desinded for braided line. :)

fishing user avatarT_Dot reply : 
What do you think is the problem??

i too like many others use this line, and i swear by it.  it is the roundest and thinnest line i can find.


retie, retie, retie...

most often line failure is due to abrasions.  braided line is also pron to failure to do small abrasions.

i retie every hour, or after every big fish.

palomar knot, use it when you use braided.  i had the same problems as you before, and found out quickly that these 2 simple tips saved me from losing fish, and breaking off during hard hooksets.

i set it hard on fish.  last weekend, i sent a bass flying over 6 feet in the air, and well over 20 feet.  lol.  it was a site to see.

oh yea im using the exact same line as stated in your post


fishing user avataryurstruely reply : 

Pa angler learn what your talkin about before you trash talk a wanderful product..... That dust is the coating put on the power pro it sheds till the line turns white in 3 months.It alows the lien top become more flxible over time and also protects the line from fraying although fraying can not be avoided in any type of line, due to the fact that its not made by GOD himself. hmm but you didnt give the line that much time did you? Oh and another thing power pro used with a uni or DOUBLE uni knot will not come undone it may slip through the eye of a hook if not hooked properly, I cant believe someone would trash talk a product with out disecting the problem and then troubleshooting it. Hmm i guess Fire line sucked too cuz it turned my hands black or maybe i shouldnt use sure set hooks on my dt rapalas becuase i get more weeds in my hooks............ please unless you know for sure what your talking about dont comment.....

fishing user avataryurstruely reply : 

you may not have said power pro sucked but you did say ripcord is batter.. thats a personal opinion, thats liek saying rapala is better that Lucky craft, hmm strictly ignorance. I would say ripcord is a nice line but i have never tried it if my power pro ever gets used up then ill try it out but i have gone 1 year now with it and havent replaced it yet and i have fished weekly since its ben put on. I dont change a whole outlook on a product due to my own experience i cant stand useing a palamer knot but if i were to say a palamer is not as good as a uni or double uni knot. id be lieng since it works for alot of people out there. hmm im done rambling Pa angler good luck with fishing man. No beef here just a itch i needed to scratch.

fishing user avatarflechero reply : 
please unless you know for sure what your talking about dont comment.....

Wow, talk about "the pot calling the kettle black." Maybe you should take a little of your own advice and check your facts... go read up on spectra fiber and then feel free to edit your posts. Spectra fiber will not absorb dye which is why it loses it's color and the reason the line becomes flexible is that the individual spectra fibers fracture with use. There is no "magic coating" that wears off at a prescribed time.

No beef here just a itch i needed to scratch, as you say.

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 


I guess I stepped on a few feet here that's just to bad. The problem with some of you is if it didn't happen to you therefore it doesn't exist. None or some of have not tried Ripcord therefore it's not better but I beg to differ you check the facts nothing is perfect not ripcord or power pro all you want to do is find fault in the Angler to justify your position you got to be thick skulled Republicians who still think there's WMD"S in Iraq. The line DID NOT PERFORM AS WELL AS RIPCORD AND THAT'S THE FACTS you can try to put a spin on it if you want but I'm not buying it. You keep using your Power Pro and I'll keep using my Ripcord and if thet bothers you well THAT'S JUST TOUGH I won't throw away my results just to please you. The issue was to answer a question that was put before the forum not to discredit someone else's experiances there is a possiblity that is was the line and it was and your not willing to accept that STOP BEING SO SELF CENTERED not everything you do is correct or the best.



fishing user avatarCaptain Underpants reply : 

It must be fake. I saw somebody catch and land a 100lb something on 20lb Power Pro. Funny.......................... :-/

fishing user avatarGAMEOVER reply : 

Power Pro is one of the best braids on the market, id check your guides out for any sharp or exposed edges. I had this problem a few years back with a Shimano rod. It would strip away line little by little til adventually it broke. Im a firm believer in the Palomer knot even over the uni. I have never in my life had my line snap at the knot using one and its a must knot imo for braided line lovers, you also might want to give Sufix Performance Braid a try in moss green. Ive used Sufix 20lb test line for Salmon, Pike, Steelhead, LM/SMBass, and even Musky here in Michigan. I have never broke this line once but then again I havent used it for a super long time.

fishing user avatarBORDERBASSER reply : 

Let me add my two cents or three...

First off I am a strong believer in power pro as I have been using it almost exclusively for the last 6 years. I have tried others, (due mostly to lack of availablity of powerpro) and have always seemed to prefer the power pro.  Any problems I have ever had with it were inherent in the other brands and always due to "operator error". However, I won't sit here and tell you that your problems were not due to a defective or counterfeit spool, which unfortunately can happen with nearly any product we purchase today.

 I will say that power pro is coated.  Exactly what the coating is for, I can't remember, but the coating will wear off.  This is evident right out of the box if you ever pinched the line in front of the line guide pawl to keep tension while re-spooling. It will leave the coating on your fingers.  Over time, this coating will wear off, and the line will turn white.  It will eventually happen due to use.  I have seen no major adverse affects from this.  Simply put, the lack of color alone is in no way an indication that your line is defective or worn out.  If you wish, you can take a permanent marker in the color of your choice and color the last several feet of the line if the color bothers you.  I usually prefer black  However like was mentioned above, the line will not absorb the ink and essentialy becomes another coating that must be reaplied with time and use.  Some lines like Spiderwire will maintain their color a little better, but still fade out a little with use.  I personally do not like Spiderwire because I had more problems with it burying up in the spool.

As far as breakage is concerned, I have broken off...several times.  It happens. How often it happens is entirely up to you, how observant you are, and how often you re-tie (barred any defective line, which I'm sure exists, but have personaly yet to see it). I will say that I have fished several days, through the thick stuff catching good fish and had not had any break-offs...but then it has also usually been under those circumstances that it did break...usually on the hook-set though. Frayed line is a killer.

As far as knots go, I can not stress to you enough how important your knot is.  Mainly because power pro (and all other braids I've tried) is very slick and an inferior knot WILL slip.  Power pro WILL NOT "grip" itself like mono.  I have found that the palomar knot has been the most efective, but beware of some of the variations.  I once tried running the tag through the loop as well as the bait, based on a recomendation from a buddy, but that variation proved to be inferior to the original palomar and was very prone to slipping.  Also, make sure that when you secure the knot down, that you pull on both ends...together and sperately.  I know that sounds like a given, but if you don't pull on the tag especially hard, the knot will not seat properly.  And on that note always trim the tag just a little long, pull on the main line HARD, and watch to see if your tag doesn't shorten a little on you. Then you can trim a little more if needed, but I always leave a little more tag with braid than I do with mono, simply because you can not effectively recreate with your hands the kind of force that is put on that knot like a strong hook-set can on a 5lb+ fish (or stump, LOL) on a MH or H rod.

Another problem that was mentioned earlier which I have had happen to me several times, is the knot comes out of the joint in the hook eye.  This is due to the rather small diameter of the line.  The most effective solution I've found (other than changing brands of hooks) is tie a knot or two to the hook eye like normal, and then cut your line just above the knot leaving the knot intact on the eye. Then slide the knot or knots down to the joint, effectively "stopping up" the joint and retie as usual.  Another thing that will help is to check your knot occasionaly and reposition as necessary and pull on the line to keep the knot tight.  The knot will loosen up a bit and tend to slide around.  Or, as mentioned above ( I think?), put a drop of super glue on the knot.

Just remember, that "super" lines can be an overstatement.  You cannot just spool up, tie on and forget.  I don't care what brand you use.  If you do, you are heading for disapointment.  Braid is also by no means better than mono or flourocarbon, just better under certain circumstances where the utmost sensitivity and abraison resistance is required.  Hope this helps.


fishing user avatarfloridabassboy reply : 

Ive never heard conterfit line . This is becoming a countierfit world

fishing user avatarPa Angler reply : 
Let me add my two cents or three...

First off I am a strong believer in power pro as I have been using it almost exclusively for the last 6 years. I have tried others, (due mostly to lack of availablity of powerpro) and have always seemed to prefer the power pro. Any problems I have ever had with it were inherent in the other brands and always due to "operator error". However, I won't sit here and tell you that your problems were not due to a defective or counterfeit spool, which unfortunately can happen with nearly any product we purchase today.

I will say that power pro is coated. Exactly what the coating is for, I can't remember, but the coating will wear off. This is evident right out of the box if you ever pinched the line in front of the line guide pawl to keep tension while re-spooling. It will leave the coating on your fingers. Over time, this coating will wear off, and the line will turn white. It will eventually happen due to use. I have seen no major adverse affects from this. Simply put, the lack of color alone is in no way an indication that your line is defective or worn out. If you wish, you can take a permanent marker in the color of your choice and color the last several feet of the line if the color bothers you. I usually prefer black However like was mentioned above, the line will not absorb the ink and essentialy becomes another coating that must be reaplied with time and use. Some lines like Spiderwire will maintain their color a little better, but still fade out a little with use. I personally do not like Spiderwire because I had more problems with it burying up in the spool.

As far as breakage is concerned, I have broken off...several times. It happens. How often it happens is entirely up to you, how observant you are, and how often you re-tie (barred any defective line, which I'm sure exists, but have personaly yet to see it). I will say that I have fished several days, through the thick stuff catching good fish and had not had any break-offs...but then it has also usually been under those circumstances that it did break...usually on the hook-set though. Frayed line is a killer.

As far as knots go, I can not stress to you enough how important your knot is. Mainly because power pro (and all other braids I've tried) is very slick and an inferior knot WILL slip. Power pro WILL NOT "grip" itself like mono. I have found that the palomar knot has been the most efective, but beware of some of the variations. I once tried running the tag through the loop as well as the bait, based on a recomendation from a buddy, but that variation proved to be inferior to the original palomar and was very prone to slipping. Also, make sure that when you secure the knot down, that you pull on both ends...together and sperately. I know that sounds like a given, but if you don't pull on the tag especially hard, the knot will not seat properly. And on that note always trim the tag just a little long, pull on the main line HARD, and watch to see if your tag doesn't shorten a little on you. Then you can trim a little more if needed, but I always leave a little more tag with braid than I do with mono, simply because you can not effectively recreate with your hands the kind of force that is put on that knot like a strong hook-set can on a 5lb+ fish (or stump, LOL) on a MH or H rod.

Another problem that was mentioned earlier which I have had happen to me several times, is the knot comes out of the joint in the hook eye. This is due to the rather small diameter of the line. The most effective solution I've found (other than changing brands of hooks) is tie a knot or two to the hook eye like normal, and then cut your line just above the knot leaving the knot intact on the eye. Then slide the knot or knots down to the joint, effectively "stopping up" the joint and retie as usual. Another thing that will help is to check your knot occasionaly and reposition as necessary and pull on the line to keep the knot tight. The knot will loosen up a bit and tend to slide around. Or, as mentioned above ( I think?), put a drop of super glue on the knot.

Just remember, that "super" lines can be an overstatement. You cannot just spool up, tie on and forget. I don't care what brand you use. If you do, you are heading for disapointment. Braid is also by no means better than mono or flourocarbon, just better under certain circumstances where the utmost sensitivity and abraison resistance is required. Hope this helps.


Excellent post, It addresses the issues that this subject has created hopefully we all can get something from it.


fishing user avatarsodaksker reply : 

Island basser. I had the same problem with some 20# power pro earlier this year, breaking right at the knot on hookset and I use the palomar knot. It happened twice, within an hour of fishing. I noticed that the line had started to look more faded in color, so I just respooled and end of problem. I will try some other brands when I run out of power pro. I notice that it tends to fray a lot just above the knot, It can be fixed with retying but, it seems to fray quite quickly especially around the rocks. I will take dodgeguys advice and try suffix.

fishing user avatarisland bassin reply : 

Many thanks to all of you. I used palomat knot with the same line last weekend and had no problems whatsoever. of course , the bass i cought were aroung 2lbs each

fishing user avatarvtbassin reply : 
There is though a possibility that the first one,which i didn't see was one of the monster pikeperchs which there are alot in this reservoir.

Big pike will cut braid very quickly with those sharp teeth they have :)  And the pike I have met love spinnerbaits.  You may not have a line problem at all.  Just stop letting those big pike swollow your baits ::) and your problem may dissapear.  Once you figure out just how to do that please let us know because I would love to stop feeding those big toothy critters my baits ;D ;D

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 
There is though a possibility that the first one,which i didn't see was one of the monster pikeperchs which there are alot in this reservoir.

Excellent point, I forgot about pike.

Shall we say, instant line-abrasion ;D

As for knots, I use nothing but a 'uniknot' and I'm still waiting for my first negative incident (not going to happen).

Further, the uni-knot may be used for tying direct to a plug with 3 treble hooks.


fishing user avatarCyBasser reply : 

Hi there,

The pike-perch that island-bassin is referring to in his posts are not pike. They are the European species of Walleye, known as pike-perch or zander (sandre in French). They do have some sharp teeth, and they actually grow much bigger than the American Walleye, although they look pretty similar - the walleye is a bit darker, otherwise it would be hard to note other differences (scale counts etc). They are usually no problem with line, I haven't heard anybody having a line cut through their teeth, whether mono or braid, and they are often caught by bass fishermen over here.

Pike would probably be another story altogether, but they wouldn't be the problem in island-bassin's problem as we don't have them here!


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