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How Many Fish Jigs With Braid Vs. Fluoro 2025

fishing user avatarfishindad reply : 

Am considering switching from straight fluorocarbon (12 and 17 lb test) on my two jig setups, MH and H Falcon Cara rods. I use 832 on my spinning gear and love the handling but am afraid the knot could be a potential weak link on big fish - and I use an Albright or double Uni knot. How many of you use straight braid direct to the jig or those who use brain + leader, do you experience any breakoffs (any more than straight fluoro? Thanks!

fishing user avatarSiebert Outdoors reply : 

So far I have never broke a jig off of braid 832 Suffix.  I have had to cut a couple off but never broke one off.  I do not fish a leader on braid.  I will fish straight braid or straight flouro. 


fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

I use straight braid and love it, I like PP original and super slick.

fishing user avatarolegs reply : 

Mostly I fish clear water lakes.

I use 40 lb. PP + 15/20 lb. fluoro, double Uni knot.

Didn't have any issues.

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

To me the sensitivity & handling of braid far outweighs any negatives. I have no problem fishing straight braid. If I do add a leader it's for abrasion resistance or so I can break off if fish a tx from the back of the boat. Never had a leader knot fail on a fish. 

fishing user avatarrangerjockey reply : 

straight flouro here..

fishing user avatarABW reply : 

I always fish jigs on braid with a fluoro leader. No problems here

fishing user avatarmjseverson24 reply : 

I use floro whenever it makes sense( wood, docks, clear water, rocks and high pressure), but braid is easier to use so if i dont need to use floro then braid is what I will probably use...



fishing user avatardesmobob reply : 

I fish jigs on 30lb. Power Pro with a 20lb. flouro. leader.  I use an Albright knot to attach the leader and have not had any break-offs.  I use the same set-up on striped bass in salt water.  No problems at all with fish up to 30lbs. so far!


Tight lines,


fishing user avatarJrob78 reply : 

Straight fluoro for me.  I don't like the no stretch properties of braid for most techniques.

fishing user avatarsmalljaw67 reply : 

I use 17'b copolymer for moderate cover when using jigs but in really heavy stuff I use braid and I tie direct, no problems or less bites as I don't think they see or are spooked by line when they are in ambush zones.

fishing user avatargulfcaptain reply : 

Straight braid or a small topshot of FC.

fishing user avatarOntarioFishingGuy reply : 

832 with 16lb FC Sniper leader. However, if I am fishing wood cover, I prefer the more abrasion resistant qualities of straight 16lb Sniper.

fishing user avatarOzark_Basser reply : 

I personally won't throw straight braid unless I absolutely have to.  The visibility is kind of a confidence breaker for me. I used to exclusively throw braid using a double albright knot for leaders when needed, but got tired of retying knots and hearing the knot go through my guides all day while casting.  I guess there are advantages and disadvantages no matter what type of line you want to throw, but I just like the easier route.  Straight fluoro for me, even for topwater. 

fishing user avatariceintheveins reply : 

I know i'm in the minority here but I fish jigs with hi vis mono and a fluoro leader since I am a line watcher and fluoro doesn't work well for that usually. Don't like braid with most things except hard jerkbaits, punching, and frogging. In those three applications its the only way to go.

fishing user avatarflyfisher reply : 
  On 10/18/2014 at 9:24 AM, iceintheveins said:

I know i'm in the minority here but I fish jigs with hi vis mono and a fluoro leader since I am a line watcher and fluoro doesn't work well for that usually. Don't like braid with most things except hard jerkbaits, punching, and frogging. In those three applications its the only way to go.

I think you are the first person i have seen who prefers braid for hard jerk baits.......i use braid for everything and no leaders.  I have thought about trying out come co-poly or flouro though just for kicks

fishing user avatarBass_Fanatic reply : 

I use straight floro OR straight braid. Have a couple rods with straight floro with a jig tied on and a couple with straight braid with a jig. If I'm around grass or flipping really shallow I use braid, otherwise it's floro

fishing user avatarJon G reply : 

I switch around a lot from braid to floro but I found i like braid with a floro leader mainly just so I can break it off if im hung up. I will even use copoly sometimes but i think floro makes a better leader

fishing user avatarfishindad reply : 

Thanks for all the responses. I typically fish clear natural lakes in MI so would have more confidence with a fluoro leader. But I don't like knowing there's an extra knot that could fail especially when a big fish hits, albeit rare, lol. I will try fishing out the rest of this year with straight braid for jigging, which is mostly in grass. I just don't carry two of the same setup to compare straight braid vs straight fluoro to see if I am missing bites but it sounds like guys who fish straight braid don't seem to feel it's an issue. Will report back soon.

fishing user avatardeep reply : 
  On 10/18/2014 at 10:41 AM, fishindad said:

Thanks for all the responses. I typically fish clear natural lakes in MI so would have more confidence with a fluoro leader. But I don't like knowing there's an extra knot that could fail especially when a big fish hits, albeit rare, lol. I will try fishing out the rest of this year with straight braid for jigging, which is mostly in grass. I just don't carry two of the same setup to compare straight braid vs straight fluoro to see if I am missing bites but it sounds like guys who fish straight braid don't seem to feel it's an issue. Will report back soon.


I can only speak for myself. But it *seems* I'm getting more bites with straight FC than I was with braid and leader. No, I am NOT getting more bites, I'm just detecting more bites. If I'm not fishing in less than 5FOW, and I don't 99.9% of the time, there's no reason for me to pick braid, unless I wanted to catch less fish.

fishing user avatardwong reply : 

I love using braid with a leader. Gives me a lot of confidence, and I lose a lot less of my main line (or line in general). However the leader knot is a pain with micro guides and the daiwa tws so I've been using straight braid. I've not noticed any decreases in bites.

fishing user avatarWRB reply : 

Straight FC or straight braid, knots are always an issue, the weakest link.


fishing user avatarkickerfish1 reply : 

I have more jig rods than I care to admit. Everyone is rigged with 12# Tatsu.

fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

Braid with a mono leader for all species I fish for, jigs get an ordinary clinch knot.  For the most part the knot is excellent, but any one fishing 7 days week will have knot failure some time, we don't always tie them perfectly.  It doesn't make any difference if I'm fishing for bass or tarpon, the set up and knots are the same.

fishing user avatarbassr95 reply : 

Straight flouro is great! i will never, ever go back to braid...unless i move to Florida or something lol

fishing user avatarFelix77 reply : 

15lb Braid for me.  Love it.


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