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Any Suggestions Of Rods, I Dont Know What To Get? 2025

fishing user avatarBlues19 reply : 

I plan on getting a new Revo S, but I dont know what to do about the Rod.


I want to throw Brush Hogs, Paca Craws, big worms and some 1/4-1/2 oz jigs. I dont wanna spend much more than $100 if possible.  Also, It will be for casting and pitching.  I have a flipping stick for when I am really in the flipping/pitching mode. 


I was looking at the Abu Garcia Veritas, but I have read that alot of them are breaking so that has me a little worried, but still interested. I was also considering the Falcon BuCoo.


Next issue, what size and action?


Should I go for a fast action? mod fast? I just dont really know about it.


Any help or suggestions would be awesome. Thanks guys and gals!

fishing user avatarJaiden reply : 

~7' Medium Heavy, Fast action. I've heard good things about Shimano Compres and BPS Carbonlites. I personally use a Skeet Reese micro guide rod for the applications you listed. All the rods above are ~$100.

fishing user avatarBlues19 reply : 
  On 2/22/2013 at 7:41 AM, Jaiden said:

~7' Medium Heavy, Fast action. I've heard good things about Shimano Compres and BPS Carbonlites. I personally use a Skeet Reese micro guide rod for the applications you listed. All the rods above are ~$100.

Do you like the Skeet Reese micro guide rod? I was thinking about micro guides. That was another one I had considered

fishing user avatarQuitlimpin reply : 

I can't speak from personal experience but everytime this subject comes up the Veritas is at the top of the list. That many people can't be wrong......

fishing user avatarBlues19 reply : 
  On 2/22/2013 at 7:48 AM, Quitlimpin said:

I can't speak from personal experience, but everytime this subject comes up(which is CONSTANTLY), the Veritas is at the top of the list. That many people can't be wrong......

I havent been on the site in over a year, I got a new computer and was like, i gotta get back on this beast. Didnt realize it didnt come up so frequently. Sorry, but I have been leaning toward the Veritas. Thanks for the reply bud!

fishing user avatarQuitlimpin reply : 

My apologies. Now that I read my post, it definitely comes off as rude. Welcome back to the site! It's a great resource with some awesome people!

fishing user avatarBasskingKeith reply : 

Get the Falcon Bucoo rod because I want one, and you can fish it for me. lol jk. The Veritas would compliment it since it is Abu Garcia, and white. Decisions, decisions..

fishing user avatarBlues19 reply : 
  On 2/22/2013 at 7:56 AM, Quitlimpin said:

My apologies. Now that I read my post, it definitely comes off as rude. Welcome back to the site! It's a great resource with some awesome people!

Your all good. No worries. YOu made a good point about the Abu rod. So many people like it, why not give it a go?

fishing user avatarJaiden reply : 
  On 2/22/2013 at 7:46 AM, ataris41 said:

Do you like the Skeet Reese micro guide rod? I was thinking about micro guides. That was another one I had considered

I own two and like mine a lot. The micro guides definitely reduce a lot of weight and I love the feel. I have read online that some have had issues with durability. I own the 7'6" heavy cover and had no issues pulling bass out of vegetation though.
fishing user avatarSudburyBasser reply : 

At the price point I love the Shimano Compre line -- I do own several and dig them. That said, many swear by the Veritas...

fishing user avatarclayton86 reply : 

Go with the veritas! Mine has been used and abused even slammed in a car door still works like a charm even with the but section a little loose and cracked from the door.

fishing user avatarDiggy reply : 

If you want a more stout feeling fishing rod, Id get the veritas. I have a few and I love them, plus the lure weight rating is 1/4-1oz on the mh f...covers you in many aspects


the falcon is 1/4 to 3/4 on the mh


and 3/8 to 1oz in the heavy fast



They are both nice rods either way, I know ABU has great customer service...not sure about Falcon, the video below says he hasnt gotten a replacement in the comments, which sucks


fishing user avatarCull1508 reply : 

The Veritas is a good rod but if money has anything to do with it the Vendetta is a good rod too for 20$ less.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 2/22/2013 at 9:20 AM, SudburyBasser said:

At the price point I love the Shimano Compre line -- I do own several and dig them. That said, many swear by the Veritas...

Totally agree here. Lifetime warranty -- over the counter! -- is second to none for a quality rod. Although I'm now "falling in love" with St. Croix too........

fishing user avatarTeal reply : 

Veritas, mojo bass, compre. For the budget u have, you cant really go wrong.

Besides, if your veritas does break. Abu/ pure fishing will take good care of you. I had one break, but i must have gotten a lemon. The replacement has been a back up jerkbait rod over the winter and has hauled several fish with no prob.

fishing user avatarBassMaster#1 reply : 

I like the bps carbon light with micro guides and with the spring classic starting tomorrow you can get the Johnny morris one for $106 with a rod trade in. If you don't have a bass pro by you get the veritas of tackle warehouse when the have their 10 or 15% sale within the next couple weeks.

fishing user avatarAmarley reply : 

7' MH with Fast tip is definitely a great choice. You can use it for spinnerbaits, swim jigs, texas rigs and even carolina rigs in addition to the other techniques you mentioned. I like the Veritas, Mojos, etc, but I would also look at Halo Daylite, Powell Diesel for some different options. Those are also great choices under $100. 

fishing user avatarnwmike reply : 

fenwick hmx ,daiwa team, powell diesel would be my picks for under 100.00.

fishing user avatarSudburyBasser reply : 
  On 2/22/2013 at 10:43 AM, DarrenM said:

Totally agree here. Lifetime warranty -- over the counter! -- is second to none for a quality rod. Although I'm now "falling in love" with St. Croix too........


If I hadn't bought a pair of Shimanos last month I would be tempted by a St. Croix or G. Loomis thanks to the unexpectedly large tax refund I'll be getting in a few days...that said, a man can never have too many fishing rods...

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 

I have Veritas 7'3" MH/F and I like it, it hasn't broken.  *knock on wood*  However, I also have a Compre Worm and Jig 7'2", I like the feel of the Compre a little more.  Either Rod wouldn't be bad though.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 2/22/2013 at 11:42 AM, SudburyBasser said:

If I hadn't bought a pair of Shimanos last month I would be tempted by a St. Croix or G. Loomis thanks to the unexpectedly large tax refund I'll be getting in a few days...that said, a man can never have too many fishing rods...

But a man's wife can determine if said man will sleep in dog house (or shed) with all his rods! LOL

fishing user avatarlmbfisherman reply : 
  On 2/22/2013 at 11:44 AM, DarrenM said:

But a man's wife can determine if said man will sleep in dog house (or shed) with all his rods! LOL

Totally true, I wish I knew BPS had these sales for Spring (last year was my first season getting into the Bassin' world) or I would've saved up my money and unloaded at one time.  Due to my money being spent in January my wife would kill me right now if I spent another penny on anything to do with fishing.  I'd be buried with my rods.  LOL

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 2/22/2013 at 11:49 AM, lmbfisherman said:

Totally true, I wish I knew BPS had these sales for Spring (last year was my first season getting into the Bassin' world) or I would've saved up my money and unloaded at one time.  Due to my money being spent in January my wife would kill me right now if I spent another penny on anything to do with fishing.  I'd be buried with my rods.  LOL

I can sympathize. I just bought some needed stuff for the house, but the CFO was reticent to let me do it. If she was reticent on that stuff, how can I justify going to the Spring Classic! She caught me! I'm officially between a rock and a hard place.

fishing user avatarSudburyBasser reply : 
  On 2/22/2013 at 11:44 AM, DarrenM said:

But a man's wife can determine if said man will sleep in dog house (or shed) with all his rods! LOL


Ah, but this is why I stayed single my good man! I never need justify why I bought a new rod versus a corner table that my theoretical better half found "darling" :eyebrows:

fishing user avatarnew2BC4bass reply : 

Don't know what happened to Diggy's rod.  Maybe it got nicked in transit or something.  Any company can occasionally let a product out the door that isn't up to snuff.  I have a couple Falcon Originals.  My MH landed my PB LMB last year.  Bass was in a Hydrilla bed so I locked down the drag on my STX, and applied thumb pressure to the spool to keep it from slipping while I hauled her out of the weed bed.


Falcon treated me fairly when I fell face first into a pile of rocks and broke my 7' Medium Expert..a favorite of mine.  :cry:   I told them what happened, and they replaced it with a $200 rod for an $80 cost to me.  I thought I would check to see what they might offer me, but wasn't expecting much since it was totally my fault the rod broke.  It may not be the same as a Shimano warranty, but Shimano could lower the prices on their rods if they didn't have to replace them for free regardless of how they were destroyed.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 
  On 2/22/2013 at 11:56 AM, SudburyBasser said:

Ah, but this is why I stayed single my good man! I never need justify why I bought a new rod versus a corner table that my theoretical better half found "darling" :eyebrows:



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