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Fly fishing equiptment for Largemouth? 2025

fishing user avatarvicdotcom reply : 

Hey everyone,

 I just read a pretty interesting article in Field and Stream about fly fishing for largemouth.  It recommended some gear and a 8wt rod.  I wanted to see if anyone else here has flyfished for largemouth and what equiptment they used.  It seems like a lot of fun and something to really practice and get into.  

Thanks for any info ;)


fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 

I have fished for bass & panfish with fly fishing gear for 30 years. I use everything from 1wt with floating bugs for bluegill & perch to a 12wt with clousers & decievers for stripers. My favorite LM bass on the fly rig is a 9' 2-piece 6wt with floating (WF) line and a hand tied wooly bugger or popping bug. Nothing in the world like catching a nice bass on a fly rod. It's a break from the ordinary and very effective when nothing else works. I rarely go out without a flyrod on board. JMHO


fishing user avatarGrug reply : 

Been fly fishing for largies since high school in the 70's and agree with Ronnie. Get yourself a decent 6 or 7wt 8-8.5ft fly rod, a simple fly reel like a Pflueger Medalist, good Scientific Anglers bass taper fly line and a 8 ft. tapered leader to say 8-10lb tippet. Buy some bass bugs, hard poppers and some clousers.. Practice your casting in the back yard, then hit the water with the poppers and bugs and have a blast!!

Great fun during the summer months, morning and evening with the popper and fly rod will keep you plenty entertained...

Hope you give it a shot.

Tight Lines


fishing user avatarvicdotcom reply : 

Hey thanks for the advice guys.   I really think that I am going to give this a shot.  Its an investment into the rod and line but it really does look like fun when I watch it on TV and read about it.  Nothing like giving it a shot on my own.  What kind of action do you guys recommend?  A medium action for a beginer?

I cant wait to try this out over the summer.


fishing user avatarGrug reply : 

I recommend finding and going to a local flyshop, even it its a hike the fellows will be very happy to help you pick the right rod. They will let you pick one and probably cast it out back or something, mine does. The rod in fly fishing is everything. Expect a good rod to be $100-$200 and any ol single action reel that balances well on it will be fine for bassin. No need to spend more than say $40 on the reel. Good line is around $50.. Then all the leaders, snips, flys, vest to hold it will be the rest...

Poppers are very reliable fly to use, my best success came on poppers and popping bugs (fur instead of cork is a bug).

BPS and Cabela's have very nice priced combo's too..they will save you some money I suspect..

Have fun, wait till you get into fly tying! Thought you spent alot on cranks, spinnerbaits, etc.. wait till you start fly tying...forget saving any money!

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

Everything I'd read indicated an 8wt for bass, so that's what I got. I don't use it much anymore. I have a lot more fun with a 6wt. It's also a lot less work. I have little or no success with any kind of popper, in my waters. Poppers tend to be dink magnets here in the middle of Illinois. I catch much larger fish with bunny strips and wooly buggers.

Temple Fork Outfitters makes a really nice rod for right around 100 bucks. BPS has them.

BPS's Hobbs Creek reel is maybe the best bang for the buck in fly reels. Large arbor design and a decent drag for around 40 bucks on sale, and they're on sale a lot.

Do yourself a favor and don't buy a cheap fly line. Get the best you can afford, clean and dress it every outing, and it will last for years. One thing I can't reccomend highly enough is a braided leader.  For fly fishing, they're the best thing to come along since graphite rods.

For discount flies, until you decide to start rolling your own, try this place.

The best prices I've found, and free shipping. They have an ever changing selection so look back often. If they don't have in stock, ready to ship, it's not on their website.

Be careful. This is addictive, but it's it's a blast. And sometimes the best way to coax out bite in tough times.



fishing user avatarvicdotcom reply : 
Everything I'd read indicated an 8wt for bass, so that's what I got. I don't use it much anymore. I have a lot more fun with a 6wt. It's also a lot less work. I


Hey Ghoti,

 This is exactly the kinda info that I was looking for.  Can I ask why you prefer the 6wt to the 8wt?  I was reading about the 8t also but was wondering if a 6wt or 7 wt wouldnt be better for a beginer.  

I do plan on going to a rod and reel arround here for the rod.  I just like the way they take the time to help me out always and I like to support the local businesses.  

Thanks for all the tips so far everyone! This is great stuff.


fishing user avatarRedlinerobert reply : 

I'm looking at getting a fly rod for bass as well.  I'll probably go with a Sage Xi2 890-4 paired with an Abel Super 8.  Any opinions on either Sage, Loomis or Abel rods guys?

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

I started last year with a fly rod and smallies. Ronnie gave me some advice when I wrote about it in here. He has been doing this a long time and knows his stuff. I bought a Lefty Kreh TiCr rod in a fast action in 7wt and paired it with a Battonkill LA. I love it. A smallie on a fly rod is fun. This year as it warms I am going after that early morning topwater bite and looking for a #6 green bass. For beginners ( like me ) I saw two rods that would be a good start. First, Gander Mountain has a set up for 199.00 that looked pretty good for a beginner until you see if you like it, and I think that 270 combo in BPS looks pretty good. Also, on page 24 in the 2007 Fly-Fishing Catalog there is a nice Lefty Kreh TiCr combo for 339 bucks. I like the combo with the SLA reel. I started with a moderate action rod and did not like it. I caught a 4-12 smallie on my fly rod last year and lets just say you could have nick named me Woody that day, ;) I like the fast action, at least for my style, if you could call it a style,lol. :)

fishing user avatarAlpster reply : 
I'm looking at getting a fly rod for bass as well.  I'll probably go with a Sage Xi2 890-4 paired with an Abel Super 8.  Any opinions on either Sage, Loomis or Abel rods guys?


I have a Sage VPS 3 pc 4wt and it's a marvelous pack rod. I also have a G-Loomis FR1089 GLX 9wt (this rod is incredible). I have one Abel TR reel on a 1wt Orvis. 4 other Orvis Fly rods and a couple of customs I built myself. It's hard to beat Sage, Loomis and Abel quality. JMHO


fishing user avatarflechero reply : 

You guys have already gotten some great advice... just wanted to add that good flyrods are expensive and I would never buy one without casting it first...  I've never been to a fly shop that wasn't happy to take you outside to do some casting. (even when they know you aren't buying today)

All my buddies that flyfish swear the new temple fork outfitter's rods (Left Kreh) are awesome... and these guys also own Xi2 & GLX flyrods.  

I'm looking at the TFO blanks for my next project.   ;)

fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 

I started flyfishing around 10 years ago when i was in college. Alot of trout fishing but alot of bass fishing too. I suggest going with a medium price Bass Pro shops setup go to the store and tell them you want a bass set-up but no the low end combo, A fly shop is great too, but $ but for a begginer. Great rods for the money. One of the big companies make the. I use several Orvis rods and reels, Have a 8wt Temple Fork, and a 6ft 2wt custom built on a cedar blank. I had a few bass pro rods too 6 and 7 wts. I use a 8'6" 3wt and a 9ft 5wt more for bass(shoalies,smallies,spots,LM) than anything else.  It will be a while before you really need to throw really big flies. I only use my 8wt for saltwater and stripers hybrids. It doesnt hurt to go up one line size more than suggested when you are learning. Flywise. #2 and #4 sneakypetes (poppers)(chartruese)and several size woolly buggers. and some small stuff for bluegill(great learning fish). A 7.5-9ft leader, I like the pre-rigged Orvis knotless, tapered leader. Another thing w/ bass you will need a good reel w/ a disc drag. I like the Orvis rocky mountain reels, they have a cassette spool system, making them more versatile.

PM me w/ questions. I flyfish alot.

fishing user avatar.ghoti. reply : 

Quote "Can I ask why you prefer the 6wt to the 8wt?"

I found the 8wt to be overkill for the bass in my part of the world. A five pounder is a really good bass, and an 8 is a giant. Two's and three's are a lot more common, and an 8wt is just too much rod for that size bass. It takes a lot of the fun out of it. If I were fishing an area that had a lot of 8's and 10's, I'd probably use the 8wt rod more often.



fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 

Google Bill Byrd, Southeastern I think.....If not Google....An 8wt is over kill on big fish too. A 5 wt is all the rod you need until you decide to go with something smaller. 6wt isbiggest I would go. An 8 is a saltwater rod really...I use it for hybrids and stripers when I dont have to cast alot.

Redline-Check out Sage, Thomas and Thomas, and Winston. Orvis T3 series is awesome too.

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Hey guys, like I said, I am real new to this fly fishing but, have learned to really enjoy it. Any suggestions on line for bass? I am using a Mastery GPX WF line at present. Is this OK for the setup I have? I am using a TiCr Lefty Kreh fast action rod in a 7wt and a Battonkill LA reel. Give me a heads up on line, tippets and lengths of tippets if you could be so kind. I am still looking into DT, WF and yada, yada. I am a little confused on what I should be using. I am typically making fairly long cast. Thanks. ;)

fishing user avatarTxBuddha reply : 


The GPX is a good line but may end up being a little light in the head to throw poppers and such. I used the GPX for my "default" line on every new rig I bought until last year when one of my buddies turned me on to the Scientific Anglers Head Start. The Head Start has a very aggressive taper and is designed to help beginning casters load the rod properly, it also has the AST coating that the Mastery series lines have but the best news is they can be had for $39.99 almost anywhere. So far I've fished them on a 4 weight and a 6 weight and for most warm water applications they work great. A buddy of mine (the same one who turned me on to them) even fishes them in salt water.

As to rod weights I've got everything from a 2 weight to an 8 weight but the rods I fish the most are my 4, 5, and 6 weights. I've caught more bass on the 5 & 6 than everything else combined but that may be because I fish them the most. The only time I have bass fished with my 8 weight was at Fork a couple of years ago when we were night fishing topwaters in the fall and other than the size of the flies I was fishing I didn't need it there either but there's always hope right? ;)

fishing user avatarG3 Fan reply : 

In regards to the debate between a 6wt or 8wt rod keep in mind the higher line weights will allow you to cast larger flies easily. If you are going to throw a size 6 wooly bugger for bass than a 6wt is fine but if you start getting into larger flies and poppers they have some weight and wind resistance and trying cast them on light equipment can be a chore. Especially if you are new to casting or if you go with entry level or intermediate equipment. I prefer a rod with a moderate action, they load easier and you don't have to work so hard to get line out. A fast rod will give you more distance but your casting stroke has to be pretty good.

I agree with everyone else you need to go to a flyshop and cast some rods. Make sure to cast different actions and not just different brands. And make sure the equipment will handle the size fly you are planning on using.

I think it was the May 2006 issue of "Fly Rod and Reel" that had a review of Bass flyrods it is worth hunting down. If you can't find it PM me and I will copy the pages and send them to you.

As for the differences between flylines: If you have a regular flyine and you don't want to fork out $50.00 for a bass taper just cut about 12"-18" of the head of you flyline. Of course I wouldn't reccomend doing that if you plan on using the line for other presentations.

fishing user avatarvicdotcom reply : 

This is great advice from everyone and I really appreciate it ;)

I think im going to head for a 5-6 wt rod. Most of the bass I catch are within the 3-6 pound range. A few 8-9's when Im lucky. The only issue is finding the right lures to match the rod and line. But will a 5 wt rod handle an 8 pound bass ok? Or should I stick with the 6wt?   I pretty much ruling out the 8wt rod at this point.  Im sure the rod shop will help me also choose somethign good but I like to get better informed before going in there and save some of their time.


fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 

I caught a 9.5LMB on a 5wt. Alsoa few 9- 10lb catfish, and 5 lb stripers and hybrids. Several bass in the 5-8lb range on the fly...Check out ....He has caught 10s on 0 and 1 wts. i think.

fishing user avatarRoLo reply : 

I haven't fly-fished in so long that my fly rod was a 9-foot split-bamboo using a catgut leader :-[

I used "bass bugs" almost exclusively and discovered a very wild phenomenon.

I used to catch bull frogs on the bass bugs as well, and the hackles on every bass bug that caught a bull frog

fell apart about a year later. Frogs apparently have very strong acid in their saliva >;)


fishing user avatarHUNTER19 reply : 
Hey thanks for the advice guys. I really think that I am going to give this a shot. Its an investment into the rod and line but it really does look like fun when I watch it on TV and read about it. Nothing like giving it a shot on my own. What kind of action do you guys recommend? A medium action for a beginer?

I cant wait to try this out over the summer.


Def go with temple fork they are an amazing rod for an amazing price i have two of them and many of my friends use them and they have a no fault warenty......... They are amazing!!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D and If you can afford the line try for the scientific anglers mastry series!!! awsome stuff!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D

fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 
I caught a 9.5LMB on a 5wt. Alsoa few 9- 10lb catfish, and 5 lb stripers and hybrids. Several bass in the 5-8lb range on the fly...Check out ....He has caught 10s on 0 and 1 wts. i think.

Wow, I am comfortable in the fast water of the Susquehanna and big smallies with my 7wt Lefty Kreh TiCr rod and Battonkill LA reel. I am obviously doing something wrong if I am using a 7wt for these fish and you are catching 9.5  bass on a 5wt along with 9-10 catfish. Also, #10 bass on 1wt's? Everyone is saying a moderate action rod is best for beginners. I had one and when I bought the fast action I found it easier to cast, at least for me. I need to go to a fly fishing school. I am embarrassed. I obviously need to go back to square one. ;)

fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply : 


With the flies you use, the current and the smallies....A 7 is a great choice.

The 9.5 was luck, I was just throwing a streamer around a 27 acre pond i lived on in college right after I moved in. One of those December Ga days that you can wear shorts and a t-shirt. The catfish, with the exception of one or two caught bass fishing, were caught on a stocked pond that the fish are fed sometimes, so i tied some flies that looked like food pellets and caught some of them. Also a few on 4lb test UL tackle. The stripers, hybrids was a fun way to show off after more than a few beers. I fished with a flyrod almost exclusively before I got into tournament fishing, So me and my buddies would pull of some crazy stuff. Plus w/ the somewhat expensive rods we use warrenties, it was nice to break one on a fish and send it back for a new one. Check out that site I posted. Bill Byrd is awesome w/ the ultralight flyrod. Rarely will a LMB jump on the fly if you fight him like you are supposed to...

fishing user avatarvicdotcom reply : 
I caught a 9.5LMB on a 5wt. Alsoa few 9- 10lb catfish, and 5 lb stripers and hybrids. Several bass in the 5-8lb range on the fly...Check out ....He has caught 10s on 0 and 1 wts. i think.

Hey ;)

 I just tried the site and it is no longer availble.  Is it out of commission?



fishing user avatarjustfishin reply : 

Let me correct my spelling, its not Battonkill LA, its Battenkill LA. I got mine on Ebay for 125 bucks new in a box. Good deal. This is a great reel for what I know about fly reels. I have never had a problem with it. For Redline or whomever is interested here is a link.

                          - 45k

fishing user avatarflyphisher # reply :

I posted the wrong link...the above works.

The Orvis Rocky Mountain LA's are sweet too. If you dont fish saltwater. I used mine on one trip and cleaned it upon return and never had any problems. Okuma and Pflueger make some great reels too for less than $100.

Line wise. I like courtland bass line, Orvis wonderline, and BPS house brands, WF one line size higher than what the rod is rated for. You can make your own shooting head/sink tip out of  a section of lead core trolling line another thing to google.

I did catch a few smallies 2-3lbs on a 3wt wade fishing the Little Teneesee river in NC. That year I tried to catch every species of bass in the southeast on the fly. Never got a suwanee though.

fishing user avatarBud reply : 
                         Nothing in the world like catching a nice bass on a fly rod. It's a break from the ordinary and very effective when nothing else works. I rarely go out without a flyrod on board. JMHO                      

I with you Ronnie their is a fly rod on the boat all of the time.

fishing user avatarvicdotcom reply : 

Hey all,

 Again thanks for the great advice.  Im about to head to the rod shop this weekend.  Also, one thing I just thought about in regards to lures and flys;  Will I still be able to cast the larger lures such as foam poppers and frogs using a 5-6 wt rod/line?  Or would it be better to go with the 7-8wt to throw these larger lures?


fishing user avatarHUNTER19 reply : 
Hey all,

Again thanks for the great advice. Im about to head to the rod shop this weekend. Also, one thing I just thought about in regards to lures and flys; Will I still be able to cast the larger lures such as foam poppers and frogs using a 5-6 wt rod/line? Or would it be better to go with the 7-8wt to throw these larger lures?


depends on how big/heavy the poppers are.... I would prob go with a six weight  just to be safe. My buddy throws pretty big pike flys with his six weight! the six weight has a little more back bone to it to throw the bigger bugs!

fishing user avatarvicdotcom reply : 

Hey all!

 I just wanted to give everyone an update.  Thanks to all your help and suggestions, I tried out a few rods and decided on a 6wt Temple fork outfitters Lefty kreh TiCr-X rod.  I also got an Okuma integrity reel and some scientific angler Ultra 4 line (6wt).  It casts sooooo nicely!  I havent attached a fly on it yet.  Just been practicing but I will post up the first bass I catch with it.

Also I actually went with a 7'6 rod rather than the 9 foot.  I planned on fishing some  tight spots and the 9 footer seemed to much for me to get into some tight areas.  I love it so far.

Thanks everyone again!  This forum really is great ;)



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