What is your favorite fishing line and best knot you use to tie on lures?
I use the spiderwire and can not keep a knot tied for nothing! I have tried cinch knots and they come loose and I loose the lures and fish.
Tell me what you all use and what knots.
I use the Palomar knot for everything including fluoro and have never had any issues. You need to tie it correctly and wet your line before tightening it.
Recently, I have started to use the San Diego Jam for everything except braid and I can tie it in literally 3 seconds. It's great for treble hooks because you don't have to go around the lure and waste line like the Palomar.
To connect braid to a leader, I use the Alberto Knot. It's easy to tie.
Copolymer - McCoy Mean Green
Braid - Regular Power Pro
Fluoro - Sunline Super Sniper FC
again????? I would do a search, as this has been discussed many many times, you will find all the suggestions you want, enough to confuse you for years.
On 7/1/2013 at 12:09 AM, Capt.Bob said:again????? I would do a search, as this has been discussed many many times, you will find all the suggestions you want, enough to confuse you for years.
True, but I will mention that I use a Uni for everything but splicing. There are tons of good knots...some better than others. No matter which knot(s) you choose, it is important to tie it correctly. Some knots are a bit more forgiving than others in this regard, but a properly tied knot will always be stronger than a slipshod one. Although I am 100% satisfied with my Uni knots, there are several others I would like to learn to tie just because. Using a knot you have confidence in (& tie well) goes a long way towards success.
settle on a line and knot...then practice tying in front of the tv. then test it off the water. if ur using braid wrap it around a stick (NOT ur hand) and pull lure till it slips or snaps. same with mono/fluoro and connection knots. seeing ur line snap BEFORE ur knot slips OR breaks will give you tons of confidences to hit the water again.
Mono I like Sufix Elite
Copoly Yozuri Ultra (spining) been trying PLine Copoly with good results
Fluro trying Segar InvisX jury still out
My go to knot is the San Diego jam, hold good and is easy to tie
Braid..Power Pro, Palomar
Floro...Segar Invisix, SDJ
Uni to Uni for all line to line
The ordinary clinch knot has been the basic fishermen's for eons, I learned it over 60 years ago and it's way older than that, I still use it everyday for something. Without seeing your knot can't say if the knot is not correctly or it just isn't a good marriage with the line you are using. Is the knot pulling thru or comes unraveled? If the knot is pulling thru singe that tag line with a lighter and don't trim it super close. If the knot isn't holding for you it may be time to learn a new one, many knots to choose from that work well. For lure connection, it's a leader and double wrap loopknot for me.
Copolymer - Pline Voltage
Braid - Power Pro
Mono - Trilene XT
Fluorocarbon - I don't use fluorocarbon
My favorite knot is the polomar knot. It's the easiest and fastest knot that I can tie. If I'm tying on something like a crank bait or any line over 20 pounds it's the improved clinch knot.
Currently, YZ Hybrid combined with the Palomar knot.
I like the Trilene knot, which is basically a double Fisherman's Knot. Works with braid, fluoro & mono. For braid, I like Fireline. I've just recently been using 10# PP on my drop shot rod (with a fluoro leader of course), which is working out really well. I don't use straight fluoro often, mainly using it for leader material; and for mono (usually on my UL's for panfishing) I've used Trilene XL for about 40 years.
Braid - Power Pro - Palomar
Copoly - Pline flouroclear - Clinch
Braid -> Flouro - Uni - Uni
Uni Knot almost 100% of the time, any line. Used to use the Improved Clinch for mono, but then started having problems with the knot cutting my line. I switched to the Uni Knot when I started using braid, and now I use it on everything. The only other knot I use is the Palomar knot.
Palomar knot and Seaguar InvizX, AbrazX and Tatsu and Yo-Zuri Hybrid
On 6/30/2013 at 11:36 PM, duckmaster1 said:What is your favorite fishing line and best knot you use to tie on lures?
I use the spiderwire and can not keep a knot tied for nothing! I have tried cinch knots and they come loose and I loose the lures and fish.
Tell me what you all use and what knots.
Braid and the shaw Grigbsy knot. I have yet to break it.
On 6/30/2013 at 11:36 PM, duckmaster1 said:What is your favorite fishing line and best knot you use to tie on lures?
I use the spiderwire and can not keep a knot tied for nothing! I have tried cinch knots and they come loose and I loose the lures and fish.
Tell me what you all use and what knots.
There are many web sites that test knots. Hard to beat a Palomar knot. 2 lines through the lure make it a very strong knot. Easy to tie. I even use it for SB and other large baits.
Been trying out the Yozuri Hybrid and loving it and using the improved clinch with an occasional palomar knot.
Uni to Uni for line to line/leaders
Standard knot - Trilene Knot for everything
Palomar knot occassionally
For line I use PP, but I'm starting to like Spider Thread, mostly use braid on all my lines. Use Red Label for leaders and some reels have P Line or Yo Zuri. I don't have any favorites yet, but in my experience so far both P Line and Yozuri seem to be on par.
On 7/1/2013 at 3:07 PM, SirSnookalot said:The ordinary clinch knot has been the basic fishermen's for eons, I learned it over 60 years ago and it's way older than that, I still use it everyday for something. Without seeing your knot can't say if the knot is not correctly or it just isn't a good marriage with the line you are using. Is the knot pulling thru or comes unraveled? If the knot is pulling thru singe that tag line with a lighter and don't trim it super close. If the knot isn't holding for you it may be time to learn a new one, many knots to choose from that work well. For lure connection, it's a leader and double wrap loopknot for me.
This was the first knot my Dad taught me 60 years ago. I didn't change to the Uni Knot because the Clinch Knot failed me, but because the Uni Knot was reported to be a stronger knot. Both are easy to tie correctly.
Braid- Sufix 832 or PP/ Jansik Special Knot...beats the palomar by a mile in terms of strength and just as easy to tie to me.
Yo-zuri- San Diego Jam
Seaguar invizx- San Diego Jam
On 7/6/2013 at 12:25 AM, down4ttown said:Braid- Sufix 832 or PP/ Jansik Special Knot...beats the palomar by a mile in terms of strength and just as easy to tie to me.
Yo-zuri- San Diego Jam
Seaguar invizx- San Diego Jam
Is the Jansik Special knot the same as the Jansik knot? Curious to know what makes you say its that much stronger than the Palomar? I finally looked up the San Diego jam and like it a lot and might have to try it.
Seaguar Tatsu and the Pitzen knot
On 7/6/2013 at 12:38 AM, Revival said:Is the Jansik Special knot the same as the Jansik knot? Curious to know what makes you say its that much stronger than the Palomar? I finally looked up the San Diego jam and like it a lot and might have to try it.
Three loops over the two and the knot will not give. I have had a palomar give a couple of times, but the Jansik has not. Palomar still has its place and is good. I just like to test out new things.
On 7/6/2013 at 2:38 AM, down4ttown said:Three loops over the two and the knot will not give. I have had a palomar give a couple of times, but the Jansik has not. Palomar still has its place and is good. I just like to test out new things.
I just was curious because according to Knot Wars, the Jansik is a "great knot for mono and fluro, lousy for braid". I been practicing the San Diego jam and this might be my new knot.
I really like the Torray Solaroam Super Hard Strong Fluorocarbon and tie all my lures with a palomar knot
Palomar knot either tied with Berkley big game 30lb test, or Berkley nanofil
That knot just doesn't come undone!
On 7/6/2013 at 1:46 AM, skeletor6 said:Seaguar Tatsu and the Pitzen knot
Me, too!