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Cork Or Eva Grips? 2025

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

Do you prefer cork or EVA grips on your rods? I like the classic cork look just fine, but the newer EVA look is pretty slick. That said, I'd prefer cork on a G. Loomis or a custom rod.

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 

I have both but I prefer cork. It's the same thing with split grips. I prefer full grips, but I have both. If I really like a rod I will relax my preferences.


fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

Just curious, where'd the "hootie" come from? Is that your nickname?

fishing user avatarCatch and Grease reply : 

Maybe he likes hootie and the blowfish???

fishing user avatarBasshunterJGH reply : 

I prefer cork. Just feels better idk.

fishing user avatar*Hootie reply : 
  On 11/8/2014 at 1:10 AM, Senko lover said:

Just curious, where'd the "hootie" come from? Is that your nickname?

It's in honor of a childhood friend. We always told him that he looked like a cross between an owl and Benjamin Franklin. We always called him Hootiebenji. That was my screen name until I just decided to shorten it.


fishing user avatarAlonerankin2 reply : 

Cork, full length, I really am not fond of split grips, except my loomis rods do it better than any rod co. At least for me, I do like a hi density eva, full length. However it's a distant 2nd for me.

fishing user avatarRaul reply : 

Makes no difference to me, I like both.

fishing user avatarfishballer06 reply : 

Cork only. I refuse to own any rod with EVA.

fishing user avatarDarren. reply : 

I like both...

fishing user avatarCatt reply : 

Cork full length! ;)

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 

I prefer cork or burl.  If it's foam, it better not be that squishy stuff from the 80s.

fishing user avatarSlipknot_Fan666 reply : 

I like cork more. Looks better and feels better. There's no problem with EVA grips though. The only two rods I own are EVA.

fishing user avatarA-Jay reply : 

Until recently I was exclusively Full length cork.


Then I decided to try Eva was well as split grip.


Don't hate but still prefer the full length cork.


Though this wasn't an option here, I do like the Xtreme-Skin handle St Croix puts on the LegendXtreme line even better than a quality cork. 



fishing user avatarSirSnookalot reply : 

I prefer cork on my lighter rods.  Hard to find boat rods today that aren't eva, I like them too.

fishing user avatarLucky Craft Man reply : 

I wrap all my handles with Rod Wrap, so it doesn't really matter to me.  However, if I had a choice on a fishing rod handle, I would take a rubber one, much like the grips on golf clubs.  My hand grips the rubber better (when dry or wet), very easy to clean, and if it wears out, you can put on a new one (like you would regrip a golf club).  I'm not sure why these grips have zero popularity, but I have a custom (and another being made) with this grip and I love it.

fishing user avatarDFrench97 reply : 

I'm not picky, I like both.

fishing user avatarDwight Hottle reply : 

I prefer full cork over eva but do have one high end rod with eva & I enjoy it. I do like the black handle skins on the St Croix legend extremes.

fishing user avatarBassThumbAddict reply : 

Cork full length.

fishing user avatarmjseverson24 reply : 

I prefer split grip, and I also prefer EVA. The EVA IMO seems to have a better grip when wet (except high quality cork found on rods over the 200 dollar range) and is quite a bit more affordable than cork so when I buy a rod that has an EVA grip i am paying for the blank and not the handle material...



fishing user avatarOntarioFishingGuy reply : 

I prefer full length cork, split grip cork is a close second, and EVA would be my last choice.

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

EVA split grip and burl split grip.


That covers most of my favorite rods.

fishing user avatarFishing Rhino reply : 

When I first got a couple of Johnny Morris Carbonlights, with split grips they felt odd.  But I got used to them and liked them.  Then I switched to one of my full length grip cork handles it felt like I was holding a baseball bat.  It felt clunky and awkward.  The Carbonlite grips are as has been suggested like the grip on a golf club.


Interesting thing about the grips on golf clubs.  If you tend to hook a ball, a thicker grip will tend to prevent you from turning the club over as quickly.  The converse is true.  If you tend to fade the ball, a skinnier grip will help you turn the club over quicker and reduce the amount of fade.


Putters.  In order to take the wrists out of the putt, some golfers use very thick grips.  Some of them are probably close to two inches in diameter.  For me, the thinner split grips allow me to work the bait better, and provide better feel.

fishing user avatarS Hovanec reply : 

I prefer cork, but I have done some work with Hydra's high density EVA.  It's the hardest EVA I've ever seen.  It has a real nice feel.....but it's still not cork!!

fishing user avatarAK-Jax86 reply : 

I have Eva on two of my reels and cork on none but I am picking up some from Hawg tech for my Quantum Smoke Inshore, Abu Garcia Revo STX & SX. I personally like the look of the cork knobs

fishing user avatarLittleBob reply : 

I'd have to say I prefer cork, full or split grip. There's just something I don't like about the feel of the EVA grips.

fishing user avatarPaul Roberts reply : 

I...dunno. Used them all and what I care about most is the blank. Can't think of a handle that I disliked enough to etch a memory. OH! Except maybe pistol grips on casting rods -only have one left. I've even replaced a few with longer handles. And I've added fighting butts to a few fly rods too.

fishing user avatarJrob78 reply : 

I much prefer a split grip, the butt grip suits my 2 handed casting style.  I think a nice cork with some burl mixed in looks the best and is how I build most of my rods.  That said, a good, hard eva is fine too.  I would much rather have hard eva than cork that is full of filler.  I've also used the shrink tubing like the Carbonlites have, I think it looks cheap but the grip is awesome.

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 

Has anyone tried a hard grip like a Mad Swirl or Carbon Skinned grip with top coat finish? They look slippery, but actually feel tacky when wet. It works kind of like dampening sneaker soles for grip on a wooden court floor.

fishing user avatarS Hovanec reply : 

I really want to try the carbon skinned, but haven't made the leap. I don't need another thing to occupy more time that I don't have!

I may get a set at the ICRBE this year. Had a set in my hand last year but didn't pull the trigger. Went to the booth too late and didn't like any of the colors he had left in the style I wanted.

fishing user avatarEvanT123 reply : 

I am very intrigued by the carbon as well. There is a few very good/detailed videos on YouTube but I haven't taken the time to view them. At this point I'm a cork fan and generally prefer natural cork over synthetic. Split or full doesn't matter much to me.

fishing user avatarkickerfish1 reply : 

Either is fine in my book. I am willing to accept split grip and cork/EVA differences among rod manufactures if the rod has the "It" factor. Cork filler can rot away over time and EVA can show signs of wear or may be prone to puncture marks. I have variations of cork/EVA and split/full grip for both tip up and tip down presentations and really can't say with strong conviction my loyalties lie one way or the other.

fishing user avatarDriftb reply : 

I am OK with either, but I also really like the rubberized cork composit "TAC" handles  that Fenwick is using on some of it's  rods. Very light and it is even grippy when wet.

fishing user avatarJeff H reply : 

Have always preferred traditional full cork handles but do have one rod that is split EVA Winn wrapped and I really like the feel of the Winn.  I think Winn has a good future in the fishing industry.

fishing user avatarOregon Native reply : 

Have heard that the foam stuff is more of an insulation and dampens the feel...I have a couple rods (shimano) I really like that have it.. Also have several rods with the black carbon handles that are cool too.  Cork is traditional and has it's place for sure.  Keep my fingers on the line anyway so the rod is more important to me.

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 
  On 11/8/2014 at 11:56 AM, S Hovanec said:

I really want to try the carbon skinned, but haven't made the leap. I don't need another thing to occupy more time that I don't have!

I may get a set at the ICRBE this year. Had a set in my hand last year but didn't pull the trigger. Went to the booth too late and didn't like any of the colors he had left in the style I wanted.

Exactly. I'll probably buy a couple from Riley or someone before I think about my own setup

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 
  On 11/8/2014 at 1:56 AM, fishballer06 said:

Cork only. I refuse to own any rod with EVA.

Same here. To me EVA just feels cheap. I think a good quality cork balances just as well. Plus, EVA holds onto fish slime and dirt a lot worse. I don't mind quality EVA reel grips though.

fishing user avatarbighed reply : 

Cork for me.  I like them best when they are getting old and the cork gets dirty from the oils in our hands. 

fishing user avatarDogBone_384 reply : 

Split cork is my first choice, but if the rod feels really good in my hands, it really doesn't matter all that much.

fishing user avatarjignfule reply : 


fishing user avatarfisherrw reply : 

eva that's my take...

fishing user avatarIAY reply : 

EVA, since its not that much worse than cork if you have top quality ones, and it doesn't look like crap after couple of trips.

fishing user avatarS Hovanec reply : 
  On 11/8/2014 at 11:17 PM, Delaware Valley Tackle said:

Exactly. I'll probably buy a couple from Riley or someone before I think about my own setup

Do you go to the ICRBE??

fishing user avatarDelaware Valley Tackle reply : 
  On 11/9/2014 at 9:35 AM, S Hovanec said:

Do you go to the ICRBE??

I've never been but would like to.

fishing user avatarTrippyJai reply : 

Full handle cork for me. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser will bring it back to life.

fishing user avatarS Hovanec reply : 
  On 11/9/2014 at 12:54 PM, Delaware Valley Tackle said:

I've never been but would like to.

You really should. I went to my first in 2007. Loved it, but wasn't able to go back til 2010. Been to all since, working for Karen at the Bingham Booth.

fishing user avatarHoosierHawgs reply : 
  On 11/9/2014 at 2:08 PM, TrippyJai said:

Full handle cork for me. Mr. Clean Magic Eraser will bring it back to life.

Or rubbing alcohol and a shop rag worls just as well. I clean the handle at the end of every season

fishing user avatarBluebasser86 reply : 

If I could get all mine done with handles like St. Croix has on the Rage line up, that's what I'd get. I like EVA and cork, doesn't really make a difference to me. 

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 
  On 11/11/2014 at 7:49 PM, Bluebasser86 said:

I like EVA and cork, doesn't really make a difference to me. 


Me, too!




fishing user avataraavery2 reply : 

I use to only purchase rods with cork handles, everything else just felt less comfortable to me.  I had an opportunity to purchase a Rage spinning rod at a great price so I did, I have grown to really like the handle on these rods, wish they would have cut some of the threads on the reel seat down but that is another story.

fishing user avatarJ Francho reply : 


wish they would have cut some of the threads on the reel seat down but that is another story


It's pretty much the story on almost EVERY production rod. Even the ones with a fore grip.

fishing user avatarriverbasser13 reply : 

Cork with a full length grip for me but my budget and how good of a deal the rod in question is are also big factors for me, just like most everybody else.

fishing user avatarMissourifishin reply : 

I have cork and eva, split and full. I switch back and forth from one to the other and barely notice the difference. So I don't have much of a preference.

fishing user avatarSenko lover reply : 

I also really like the rubberized cork or the cork + eva or even just a little cork on the end of a otherwise EVA rod like this: The Browning Medallion is one of my favorite looking rods, with a red blank and the rubberized cork split grips. I like split grips much better than full.


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