Recently bought the new version Berkeley Spooling Station - great concept , terrible implementation (The older version no longer sold was better) ... Who makes a good quality line spooling station for bait cast and spinning reels that actually works ?
I use this, Plano line storage box. Run line through the rubber gromet and spool up.
A pencil, run through the spool of line, clamped in my toes. Never have to look to hard to find it.
On 6/8/2017 at 6:08 AM, .ghoti. said:A pencil, run through the spool of line, clamped in my toes. Never have to look to hard to find it.
I agree.
Pencil, screwdriver, chopstick. Or throw the spool in a shoe box keep tension with your fingers.
I built one using scrap wood I had laying around. 8" wide X 48" tall 3/4" plywood, some scrap 2" X 4" for the stand/base. I drilled 6 holes centered in a vertical line about 6" apart. I inserted 6" threaded bolts. I put a rubber washer on first, then the line spool, another rubber washer, then a wing nut. The rubber washers let me adjust the spool tension with the wing nut. With this set up I can have 6 different spools that stay attached. The 6" bolts let me use bulk line spools. Turn it sideways for baitcasters, facing you for spinning reels.
Edited by 1201vilbig This is my very high tech version. It's risky though as I didn't dispose of the TW box and the evidence may be found by the wife
On 6/8/2017 at 4:45 AM, ChrisD46 said:Recently bought the new version Berkeley Spooling Station - great concept , terrible implementation (The older version no longer sold was better) ... Who makes a good quality line spooling station for bait cast and spinning reels that actually works ?
Cabela's has it minus the line stripper......
Made mine out of a 2' chunk of 1x2 and a carriage bolt then went to hard ware and grabbed a spring for tension. I have a whole $1.23 in to it and to be honest I think it does a better job due to the reel is on the rod and I can crank down on the tension to really keep the line tight.
On 6/8/2017 at 9:04 AM, 1201vilbig said:I built one using scrap wood I had laying around. 8" wide X 48" tall 3/4" plywood, some scrap 2" X 4" for the stand/base. I drilled 6 holes centered in a vertical line about 6" apart. I inserted 6" threaded bolts. I put a rubber washer on first, then the line spool, another rubber washer, then a wing nut. The rubber washers let me adjust the spool tension with the wing nut. With this set up I can have 6 different spools that stay attached. The 6" bolts let me use bulk line spools. Turn it sideways for baitcasters, facing you for spinning reels.
That sounds like a good idea. Pic?
On 6/8/2017 at 9:04 AM, 1201vilbig said:I built one using scrap wood I had laying around. 8" wide X 48" tall 3/4" plywood, some scrap 2" X 4" for the stand/base. I drilled 6 holes centered in a vertical line about 6" apart. I inserted 6" threaded bolts. I put a rubber washer on first, then the line spool, another rubber washer, then a wing nut. The rubber washers let me adjust the spool tension with the wing nut. With this set up I can have 6 different spools that stay attached. The 6" bolts let me use bulk line spools. Turn it sideways for baitcasters, facing you for spinning reels.
This is the same concept I do. A couple of bucks, a little bit of time, and you end up with something that is solid and easily stored (if your wife is like mine and feels like your fishing stuff is taking up too much room in the house).
A long time ago - mid 80's, I worked for a guy who tried to start an upscale, boutique type, hunting, fishing, outdoor gear store in Columbia, MO. The store folded after less than a year - not a broad enough customer base - actually there were many reasons why the store didn't succeed. However, we did have an electric line spooling station that handled all spool sizes, that was a gift from the Berkley line rep. That was a great toy and I wish I had another one like it. It made QUICK easy work of taking line off and installing new line, once you learned how to use it. I'd like to have one.
I use a pole barn nail through the spool and clamped in my bench vise. It's worked for decades, never wears out and cheap.
On 6/8/2017 at 10:55 AM, Maico1 said:Cabela's has it minus the line stripper......
ChrisD46- You'll never have to worry about or buy another with this spooling station. I've been using this model for a while (1980's). Cabelas price of $14.99 isn't as inexpensive as some of the examples mentioned above, but it will provide you years of reliable, consistent service. BTW, on FishUSA, the new Berkeley spool station model was $25.99.
On 6/8/2017 at 6:37 AM, camo said:
I agree.
Pencil, screwdriver, chopstick. Or throw the spool in a shoe
boxkeep tension with your fingers.
I throw away the shoe box and put the spool in a shoe. Seriously...
If you're looking for the simplest approach to spooling,
just toss the supply spool into a small plastic waste basket.
While you're applying the line tension you desire,
the spool will roll around in the basket, but cannot get out.
The older style Berkley spooling station is on sale at Cabelas for about fifteen dollars. Have been using mine for over twenty years.
I have this cheap device I bought at Walmart. Works better than the pencil and toes but not as good as the spooling station. For the price,under $5, it can't be beat.
On 6/9/2017 at 2:02 AM, RoLo said:
If you're looking for the simplest approach to spooling,
just toss the supply spool into a small plastic waste basket.
While you're applying the line tension you desire,
the spool will roll around in the basket, but cannot get out.
Similar to what I do...but without the waste basket.
Toss the spool on the floor, apply line tension by grabbing the line about 10" up the rod with a leather glove and reel away.
If my kid is around, I have her hold the spool.
On 6/12/2017 at 8:27 AM, Further North said:Similar to what I do...but without the waste basket.
Toss the spool on the floor, apply line tension by grabbing the line about 10" up the rod with a leather glove and reel away.
If my kid is around, I have her hold the spool.
In the beginning, I just laid a board on the floor to confine the spool's travel,
but when it hopped the board, I tossed it in a waste basket...problem solved
Save the money and get some pencils and chopsticks. No need to purchase a spooling station.
My girlfriend and a pencil, but she's not for sale!
This is what I use. I got mine from somewhere else for significantly cheaper but they are all basically the same thing just sold under different brand names. Its worked great for me.
I use the American Premier line winder. Never had a problem with it
On 6/9/2017 at 2:02 AM, RoLo said:
If you're looking for the simplest approach to spooling,
just toss the supply spool into a small plastic waste basket.
While you're applying the line tension you desire,
the spool will roll around in the basket, but cannot get out.
How do you keep the line from twisting if the spool is flopping around in a wastebasket?
On 6/16/2017 at 9:30 PM, onetime said:
How do you keep the line from twisting if the spool is flopping around in a wastebasket?
Since the supply spool is trapped in a container (any container),
it only rotates under tension, unlike a runaway spool on the floor.
A screwdriver and my bench vise.... works every time.
I recently bought the Fishon Spooler by Sportsman Innovations, I think they are relatively new company, and am very pleased with it. Strips old line off in no time and has a spinning reel attachment that takes the line twist completely out. It sells for around $100 but is very well made and worth the money.
Built mine out of a 2x8 piece with heavier feet so it doesn't move around, steel angles, threaded rod, springs and knob nuts
On 11/28/2018 at 3:46 AM, GeekFisher said:Built mine out of a 2x8 piece with heavier feet so it doesn't move around, steel angles, threaded rod, springs and knob nuts
That is really nice.
Some day I am going to spring for the Cadillac of spooling stations, but so far I have resisted. I do swap spools and line around in my reels pretty often and being able to easily pull the line off a spool in a way that saves it for later re-loading would be useful.
It's way over the top but sometimes a fancy and well-made tool is it's own reward. I mean just look at this thing!
I've tried a few over the years - the suction cup with spring/wingnut type, the old original Berkley, and recently the American Premier that is sold under a few names - got it during a Memorial Day sale for pretty cheap. Have also used method similar to the bucket (dish drainer for sinks that has ridges/spaces on bottom to keep spools from moving around...
The Suction types never seem to work well, either the suctions fails or the cheap rod bends.
The Old Berkely works ok for BC's, if you find one cheap on ebay or garage sale, etc...
Tons of bad reviews on the new Berkely so haven't bothered with it.
The American Premier type (there are several under different names) works OK, it's kind of a hassle to setup and keep oriented correctly but is one of the better ones for spinning reels, but takes longer to setup than to spool a reel most of the time. Also it doesn't like filler spools too much.
I've got both the large and small plano boxes, even loaded with spools i find they can move around if you don't anchor them someway (feet, weight on top, etc)
The Pro Strike System looks interesting but is costly and better suited for bulk use I would think.
I just ordered the Jewel Baits pro spooler ( during the BF sales - simple design with hopefully weighted plate to keep it from moving around, but haven't received it yet.
Honestly the bucket/drain tray deal works fine for large spools, not so much for filler spools although I rarely buy filler spools anymore.
Since this thread started I have purchased a Pisicfun line spooler. Works for spinning and BC. For spinning reels the spool spins to reduce line twist.
I like it but it comes with no directions. There are plenty of YouTube vids on how to load and operate the device.
I find it works best with line that comes on larger spools, like Suffix Elite.
On 11/28/2018 at 4:50 AM, fishwizzard said:That is really nice.
Some day I am going to spring for the Cadillac of spooling stations, but so far I have resisted. I do swap spools and line around in my reels pretty often and being able to easily pull the line off a spool in a way that saves it for later re-loading would be useful.
It's way over the top but sometimes a fancy and well-made tool is it's own reward. I mean just look at this thing!
What's that one called? I put a Daiichi Line Recycler on my X-mas wishlist for my wife this year. I plan to change out some line between reels.
A ten cent pencil works well for me.
On 11/29/2018 at 3:21 AM, Junger said:What's that one called? I put a Daiichi Line Recycler on my X-mas wishlist for my wife this year. I plan to change out some line between reels.
They advertise it being able to remove salt from braided line to extend it's life. No idea if that is even a real thing but the ability to say rinse off Mattawoman Creek mud out of braid sounds appealing.
On 11/29/2018 at 5:53 AM, fishwizzard said:No idea if that is even a real thing but the ability to say rinse off Mattawoman Creek mud out of braid sounds appealing.
Yeah that mud is no frog rod guides are caked up.