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BPS Pro Qualifier rods on sale - $59.88 Shwe 2025

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I went to BPS today to buy a few Extreme rods on sale for $64 when i found out the BPS Pro Qualifier rod, normally $119, is on sale for $59. I bought 3. :)

fishing user avatardodgeguy reply : 

that didn't last long.they are $119 again.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I went into the store.  There was only a small sign indicating the sale price of $59.  I was told it's a close-out price since that model will not be carried next year.   It may be in-store only.  But it might be worth a try calling in an order and asking for that price.  

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

Man I wish there was a BPS near me! I'm too lazy to call and go through all that automated junk, but if someone does call and they say say $59 please do post and let us know.

Thank you.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

YES!!!  I called the 1-800 number.  It is NOT a internet sale, but rather an IN STORE sale in the Hampton, Virginia store.  However, if you call in your order, THEY WILL match the in-store price - $59.88.

Make sure you tell them it's a sale in the Hampton store's sale flyer.

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

I wish they made a 7ft MH  >:)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I called that number those are not the 119 models they are older models that they sell wioth combos usually. You have to watch BPS, they sometimes put Extreme combos on sale and when you get them they have a rod that says extreme and it is not the same only they are currently selling. I AM NOT SAYING YOU GOT A BAD DEAL, and I really like and use a lot of BPS products I have just learned that some of their deals are not as sweet as they seem :)

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 
I called that number those are not the 119 models they are older models that they sell wioth combos usually. You have to watch BPS, they sometimes put Extreme combos on sale and when you get them they have a rod that says extreme and it is not the same only they are currently selling. I AM NOT SAYING YOU GOT A BAD DEAL, and I really like and use a lot of BPS products I have just learned that some of their deals are not as sweet as they seem :)

Sorry, you are wrong.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 
I wish they made a 7ft MH >:)

They do.  I bought one.

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 
I wish they made a 7ft MH  >:)

They do.  I bought one.

Eh, need a spinning rod. I would get the 7M but now muddy scared me.  >:)

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

Eh, need a spinning rod. I would get the 7M but now muddy scared me. >:)

Have it your way.  I was just passing along info on a great deal.   I'm quite happy with my new rods.

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

Eh, need a spinning rod. I would get the 7M but now muddy scared me.  >:)

Have it your way.  I was just passing along info on a great deal.   I'm quite happy with my new rods.

I heard the older BPS Pro Qualifiers were made with 80million modulus which I wouldn't mind one bit. Micro, which ones did you get , i'm a bit confused?

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

I think he got the close-out Pro Qualifiers which are/were sold this year but will not be carried next year. Muddy was talking about the Extreme's which are totally different rods.

Micropterus, I saw on the receipt that you slid in a Revo STX.....nice pickup man!

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 
I think he got the close-out Pro Qualifiers which are/were sold this year but will not be carried next year. Muddy was talking about the Extreme's which are totally different rods.

Micropterus, I saw on the receipt that you slid in a Revo STX.....nice pickup man!

I think muddy was just saying that happened to him with an Extreme, but that it's the same thing they're doing with the Pro Qualifier.

I was going to pick up two of these for beating the bank instead of bringing my glx when I around bank fishing. But now I'm not sure..

Are they the ones on the website now for $120 or a different model? Still the 70million modulus and fuji guides.?

Just a tad confused right now.

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I heard the older BPS Pro Qualifiers were made with 80million modulus which I wouldn't mind one bit. Micro, which ones did you get , i'm a bit confused?

70 Million.

It's this rod.


Are they the ones on the website now for $120 or a different model? Still the 70million modulus and fuji guides.?


fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

Micropterus, I saw on the receipt that you slid in a Revo STX.....nice pickup man!

It's my 5th one.  1 STX, 2 SX, 2 SC.  I love Revos.  :)

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

Micropterus, I saw on the receipt that you slid in a Revo STX.....nice pickup man!

It's my 5th one.  1 STX, 2 SX, 2 SC.  I love Revos.  :)

I wish I loved my Revo SX! Only used it twice, trying to get used to it. I can't just throw it and let my thumb off like my Curado, I have to keep my thumb there.

reel Mech had some advice though, i'm going to try it and hopefully i'll love my Revo too!

Thanks again Micro

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 

Micropterus, I saw on the receipt that you slid in a Revo STX.....nice pickup man!

It's my 5th one. 1 STX, 2 SX, 2 SC. I love Revos. :)

Me too. 3 STX, 3 SX and 3 S.....

fishing user avatarburleytog reply : 
I called that number those are not the 119 models they are older models that they sell wioth combos usually. You have to watch BPS, they sometimes put Extreme combos on sale and when you get them they have a rod that says extreme and it is not the same only they are currently selling. I AM NOT SAYING YOU GOT A BAD DEAL, and I really like and use a lot of BPS products I have just learned that some of their deals are not as sweet as they seem :)

Sorry, you are wrong.

Now that's a receipt... 8-)

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

It's my 5th one. 1 STX, 2 SX, 2 SC. I love Revos. :)

Me too. 3 STX, 3 SX and 3 S.....

A little Revo luv.....

fishing user avatarJake. reply : 
I called that number those are not the 119 models they are older models that they sell wioth combos usually. You have to watch BPS, they sometimes put Extreme combos on sale and when you get them they have a rod that says extreme and it is not the same only they are currently selling. I AM NOT SAYING YOU GOT A BAD DEAL, and I really like and use a lot of BPS products I have just learned that some of their deals are not as sweet as they seem :)

Sorry, you are wrong.

Now that's a receipt... 8-)

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Nice Buy; Unfortunately the Harisburg store has the other rods. Im glad we called before we made he trip because its 68 miles each way! They have the other rods, and we stockpile now for a project we run each spring.

PS What are the top 2 red Revos are those the ones on sale that are exclusive to Cabelas I think they are the SC?

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 
Nice Buy; Unfortunately the Harisburg store has the other rods. Im glad we called before we made he trip because its 68 miles each way! They have the other rods, and we stockpile now for a project we run each spring.

PS What are the top 2 red Revos are those the ones on sale that are exclusive to Cabelas I think they are the SC?

Muddy, how can you tell which are the old ones and which are the new ones. I'm going to call the 800 number and order them for delivery as there's no BPS in Northern California. What should I ask to make sure that it's the correct rods and not the older ones you speak of.

The Red Revos are the Cabelas version, the Revo SC , only made in high speed 7:1

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Just do what Micro did READ THE LABELS ON THE RODS, when i went to get the extremes I knew the rods were green and just took it home. We had 3 of them 2 were the older models you only get on the combos and one was reel. There actuaclly was a idfference in the wrappings, and THE LABELS. I hope you are closer than we are to the nearest BPS , but it still is a good ride and a day with the fellas. We buy stuff for a special service we run , so we have to be right on what we buy, because a group of people pay for this stuff, and we do not want to mislead them, even if by mistake.


fishing user avatarMicro reply : 

I inspected the rods yesterday before I bougth them.  All seemed ok.   This morning when I looked at them closely in the sunlight, the medium-heavy rod has a gouge in the blank just below the first eye.   The two mediums I bought were perfect.  I took it back but they didn't have anymore medium heavies.  I ended up buying a Johnny Morris Elite MH 7' with Recoil guides.  It was already on sale $129 (down from $179) and they gave me another $20 on top of that for goodwill.  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Hey Micro what are the 2 red Revos are those the Cabelas Models on sale: if so how are they?

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 
Hey Micro what are the 2 red Revos are those the Cabelas Models on sale: if so how are they?

They are the Revo SC, sold exclusively by Cabelas.  Still $79.99 (click "add to cart", then "view cart" to see the -$50 discount.

As far as how they are, they are fantastic.  The easiest casting reels I've ever owned.  The SC is essentially the S model.  But the SC has the externally adjustable magnetic brake instead of the S's mechanical brake.

I have used the side by side with the black SX model.  The SC has 9 bearings, the SX 11.  There is no noticable difference in performance.  

I recommend them highly.

fishing user avatarDavid P reply : 

The Revo SC is also high speed 7:1. that's the reason I chose the SX over the SC.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Thanks Micro, I think that will be the ne non-Pflueger reel i will buy The external brake is a big plus at that price range, So if i click cart It changes the price I was wondering what evryone was talking about!!!!!!!

fishing user avatar5bass reply : 
I inspected the rods yesterday before I bougth them. All seemed ok. This morning when I looked at them closely in the sunlight, the medium-heavy rod has a gouge in the blank just below the first eye. I took it back but they didn't have anymore medium heavies.


I ended up buying a Johnny Morris Elite MH 7' with Recoil guides.  It was already on sale $129 (down from $179) and they gave me another $20 on top of that for goodwill.

Heck, you cant beat that. I hear those JM's are sweet rods. I have handled one but never fished one. Let us know how it does and what you think about it.  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
I inspected the rods yesterday before I bougth them. All seemed ok. This morning when I looked at them closely in the sunlight, the medium-heavy rod has a gouge in the blank just below the first eye. I took it back but they didn't have anymore medium heavies.


I ended up buying a Johnny Morris Elite MH 7' with Recoil guides. It was already on sale $129 (down from $179) and they gave me another $20 on top of that for goodwill.

Heck, you cant beat that. I hear those JM's are sweet rods. I have handled one but never fished one. Let us know how it does and what you think about it.

Especially how you like those recoil guides!

fishing user avatarFisinCrazee reply : 

As of 11:00 A.M. this morning, the Hampton VA store had 3 of the 7 ft Medium Baitcasters left.  I purchased one so there were 2 left as of noon.  Also had a couple of MHs in, I believe, 6'6".  Needed that 7' as all of my B/Cs are MHs.  The Pro Qualifier is a lighter action Medium than the "Woo Davies" Extreme Medium (hope that makes sense/lol).  The Pro Qual is a nice rod at a very reasonable sale price.


fishing user avatarMicro reply : 
As of 11:00 A.M. this morning, the Hampton VA store had 3 of the 7 ft Medium Baitcasters left. I purchased one so there were 2 left as of noon. Also had a couple of MHs in, I believe, 6'6". Needed that 7' as all of my B/Cs are MHs. The Pro Qualifier is a lighter action Medium than the "Woo Davies" Extreme Medium (hope that makes sense/lol). The Pro Qual is a nice rod at a very reasonable sale price.


Also, the Pro Qualifier is a nicer rod then the Extreme. It's a 70 million modulus rod versus 60 million modulus. Also has nicer guides - Fuji Alconite versus Fuji Hardloy. The cork looks a little better, too.

The fishing manager told me that there would be a new shipment of Pro Qualifiers coming in on Wednesday (10/3/07). They would all be sold at $59.88, too.

If the medium Pro Qualifier wasn't what you wanted, or you want a medium-heavy, you'll have another chance.

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

Micro: you bring out a good point here This is an excellent time for bargins at BPS and CABELAS, Last year Cabelas put theior Prodigy BC Reel out for 49 bucks, because they were updating the reel for the next year, this may be why the Qualifiers are being sold off, it looks like the same maybe happening with the Cabela's Fish Eagle II rods, this is a great time of year to pick up some house brand deals!

fishing user avatarfish-fighting-illini reply : 

Man you guys are killing me. Probably a good thing the kid is sick again or I'd be buying more stuff!

Am going to WI next week for a day or so ( if everything goes smooth ). I am staying next to a nice fishing store that I love ( bad move probably).

fishing user avatarfish-fighting-illini reply : 
Nice Buy; Unfortunately the Harisburg store has the other rods. Im glad we called before we made he trip because its 68 miles each way! They have the other rods, and we stockpile now for a project we run each spring.

PS What are the top 2 red Revos are those the ones on sale that are exclusive to Cabelas I think they are the SC?

Muddy, how can you tell which are the old ones and which are the new ones. I'm going to call the 800 number and order them for delivery as there's no BPS in Northern California. What should I ask to make sure that it's the correct rods and not the older ones you speak of.

The Red Revos are the Cabelas version, the Revo SC , only made in high speed 7:1

Hey Broke,

 I was kind of involved with Muddy on the Extreme deal that he is / was using as an example. He posted then I think the exact part# that was on the rod that came as part of the combo. It had "Extreme" on it but I happened to glance at the book and the part# was nowhere close to the Extreme's part"s in the book"

Go to the website and get the part#. Without being there in person I'm not sure how you are going to tell what you are getting online. I guess you could ask via call or via e-mail somehow.

 Probably no big deal I'm sure you'd get a pretty decent rod either way. But seems to be a little shaky on BPS's part at times. If they advertise a "PQ" or an "Extreme" in Oct you'd expect this years model not almost 2 years ago's model.

 I guess despite earlier posts about receipts

maybe the moral of the story is " petentialy not all receipts are created equal"  !!!

fishing user avatarBassbilly reply : 

I stumbled on this deal last Friday on my way out of town to go fishing. I was gonna buy a BPS Extreme...the sales guy pointed me to the Pro-Qualifier! Awesome deal for a fantastic rod. I picked up a 7'0 MH and matched it with a Quantum KV600CB for $99 (of course that went down to $79 this week!).

Anybody have the Quantum KVD series reels? What do you think? It seemed like a good reel for the price and it performed well over the weekend.

fishing user avatarroadwarrior reply : 

Welcome aboard!

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
Welcome aboard!


fishing user avatarBassbilly reply : 

Thanks guys!  :)

fishing user avatarMicro reply : 
I stumbled on this deal last Friday on my way out of town to go fishing. I was gonna buy a BPS Extreme...the sales guy pointed me to the Pro-Qualifier! Awesome deal for a fantastic rod. I picked up a 7'0 MH and matched it with a Quantum KV600CB for $99 (of course that went down to $79 this week!).

Anybody have the Quantum KVD series reels? What do you think? It seemed like a good reel for the price and it performed well over the weekend.

Welcome aboard.

If you bought that reel at BPS, you can go back and get a refund of the difference in what you paid and the sale price.  Technically, you could return the reel for a refund then buy it again on sale.  To save you the hassle, they usually just give you the money back.

fishing user avatarBassbilly reply : 
I stumbled on this deal last Friday on my way out of town to go fishing. I was gonna buy a BPS Extreme...the sales guy pointed me to the Pro-Qualifier! Awesome deal for a fantastic rod. I picked up a 7'0 MH and matched it with a Quantum KV600CB for $99 (of course that went down to $79 this week!).

Anybody have the Quantum KVD series reels? What do you think? It seemed like a good reel for the price and it performed well over the weekend.

Welcome aboard.

If you bought that reel at BPS, you can go back and get a refund of the difference in what you paid and the sale price.  Technically, you could return the reel for a refund then buy it again on sale.  To save you the hassle, they usually just give you the money back.

Sweet! Thanks for the tip. I just called my local BPS and they still have a handful of Pro Qualifier Rods on sale for $59. He put a 6'6 M on hold for me to pick up tomorrow. I can't believe these are half price. It is by far the best rod I have ever fished with (and I've had a few in the $100-200 range)


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