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Creepy Outing On The Lake Today 2025

fishing user avatarBassKing813 reply : 

I went fishing today with my dad and the creepiest thing happened. We were trolling for crappie and had just hit a huge school, so the action was incredibly fast and exciting. We were trolling with the wind and I don't know how much time passed by but the action started to slow, so we decided to do a 180 and head past the area so we could troll back through it with the wind again. When we first started the troll earlier, we went past the boat ramp and started. This time however, after we did the 180, the boat ramp was nowhere to be found. It was really weird. Both of us suddenly lost all sense of direction and we had no conception of time at all. We were essentially lost and I got kind of scared because it was starting to get dark. We found another fisherman and motored over to him to ask where the ramp was. Here is the really weird part. When I asked him where the main Orange Lake boat ramp was, he said no boat ramp existed on this side of the lake, in fact, he said this wasn't even Orange Lake :-/. After hearing him say that while I was already disoriented and had no sense of direction or concept of time, I got kind of freaked out. We turned around again and started heading back to where we thought the ramp was and this time found it. When I turned around to see where that guy was, I no longer could see his boat and never heard him motor somewhere else :o. The whole thing was very eerie and it felt like some strange Twilight Zone episode. Imagine how scary it would be to be fishing somewhere and then find you are on a completely different body of water than you thought. Just thought I'd share this story with you all.

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

Do you remember what the guys boat looked like? What kind of clothes did the guy have on?  What about the ramp, how did you loose track of it now that you can think back?  Was it where you looked for it the second time?  Were you indeed on Orange Lake?  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 

I was going to make a joke, but this is really not funny.

I have a little gadget that I got at walmart for a couple of bucks.

It's a combination whistle, thermometer, and compass.

I am a great believer in compasses.  They are outstanding instruments. and in fact are lifesavers.  Funny but even a cracker jacks toy compass works.

The key is to take a bearing before you depart.  get a fix on a general heading, and point the directional indicator on the course needed to get home.

I have been in deep woods situations.  You look around and everything looks the same.  Every instinct in your body says go "that way", but your compass says go "that way".  You must have already established trust in the compass BEFORE venturing forth.  any doubts about it's accuracy will haunt you in this moment.

But TRUST YOUR INSTRUMENTS.  Your instincts are probably wrong, your compass is not.

By the way that was me in that boat.  I was just messin with ya'  

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

I agree with Avid. I would like to add that if a compass is all that you have a decent map helps tremendously along with some reference points that you can visually locate as well as locate on the map. I have used this method and it works.

Now, I go nowhere on the water or in the country without my GPS, with extra batteries, and I always have maps for backup.

fishing user avatarMaxumBass reply : 

Orange Lake is'nt near Burmuda is it? ;D Just kidding, actually I am wanting a compass for my boat. My brother and I constantly argue about what direction is what when it comes to wind and such. It will save a lot of arguements.


fishing user avatarLow_Budget_Hooker reply : 

And stop experimenting with illegal narcotics.  You are too young for that crap!  Geez, these days.....

fishing user avatarSPEEDBEAD. reply : 

Did your orange juice taste a little funny before you went out?   ;)

fishing user avatarPlastik reply : 
. Your instincts are probably wrong, your compass is not.

By the way that was me in that boat. I was just messin with ya'

Ill bite.  Was that really you?

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
. Your instincts are probably wrong, your compass is not.

By the way that was me in that boat. I was just messin with ya'

Ill bite. Was that really you?

No, absolutely not.

As you can tell I like to joke around.  But I do not like practical jokes, or anything that could lead to someone getting scared, lost, or otherwise in jeopardy.

Not to mention that my current injuries prevent from even THINKING about boating for at least another month.

But thanks for asking.  For some bizarre reason I feel flattered.  

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Yeah, Avid wasn't the guy in the boat.  He's the guy up in the parking lot with the hunchback, the wicked limp, the patch over one eye, and drool dripping from his lips, telling you he'll eat your children.  

But seriously, that's a weird story.  As LBH intimated, I wouldn't suppose narcotics were involved?  ;)

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

That is freaky!  :o

fishing user avatarBucketmouthAngler13 reply : 

If the guy was wearing a trench coat and large, dark sun glasses, then it was Avid.

lol just kidding with you avid ;)

Sounds to me that you should take avids advice. Sometimes when you "180" it turns out to be a 270, then your in trouble.

fishing user avatarRatONaStick reply : 

Interesting story

I did a little searching for lake maps of Orange lake and came up with a couple maps and a contour map on the net. It looks like Orange lake and Lochloosa lake are connected by a creek.

Is it possible you had made a wrong turn and ended up in Lochloosa lake??

Here's the links to the maps, it might make navigating the lake a little easier.  ;)

fishing user avatarBassKing813 reply : 
Do you remember what the guys boat looked like? What kind of clothes did the guy have on? What about the ramp, how did you loose track of it now that you can think back? Was it where you looked for it the second time? Were you indeed on Orange Lake?

BASS fisherman, the guy's boat was some kind of a center console saltwater boat, possibly a bay one, around 18-20ft long. I don't remember what kind of clothes the guy had one, just that it was shorts and a t-shirt. I don't know how I lost track of the ramp. I guess I had trolled with the wind a lot further than I thought so when I turned around to head back to the ramp I didn't go far enough. It was where I looked for it the second time, and yes, I was on Orange Lake. Why do you ask?

fishing user avatarBassKing813 reply : 

Just to clear this up, I was not under the influence of narcotics or any other types of drugs, and yes, I am certain I was on Orange Lake and not Lochloosa. I also know that the two connect but I wasn't near the creek that connects the two lakes. I think the guy I asked for help didn't know where he was because he didn't seem to be familiar with the lake. My guess is that he put in at another ramp and motored over to the side I was on, so he wouldn't know there was a ramp over there, which is why he said no ramp existed on that side of the lake. And the reason why he told me this wasn't Orange Lake? Either he was messing with me or he thought he was on Lochloosa. At any rate, I found the ramp again but it was still kinda scary, especially since I've fished this lake many times before and never gotten lost.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

No needed to clear anything up, pinkfloydrules210.  Nobody here thinks you were on narcotics.  That's why when I posted I put the winking smiley at the end.  And I think it was obvious that everyone else was joking as well.  

And, no, I don't think Avid eats children either.  

fishing user avatarguest reply : 
And, no, I don't think Avid eats children either.

Chicken si children no

fishing user avatarWhiteMike1018 reply : 

That is a cool story, you guys are halarious with the feedback .lmao :o

fishing user avatarBASS fisherman reply : 

I was thinking maybe you were abducted by avid, ah I mean aliens.

fishing user avatarcart7t reply : 

Now, now PinkFloyd.  See what happens when you give in and go to one of those high school parties and start drinkin.  :D  

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

Sorry Guys. Edited my second post.

fishing user avatarsenile1 reply : 

Tom Bass,

You're alright in my book.  You're just looking out for these younger people.  I read your post in the Everything Else forum regarding Valascus and his layoff.  Good post.  No hard feelings whatsoever.

Pinkfloydrules, it's still weird that you turned around and didn't see the other boater after you spoke to him.    Do you think that because it was getting dark you just lost him in the shadows, or behind some standing timber?

fishing user avatarBassKing813 reply : 
Tom Bass,

You're alright in my book. You're just looking out for these younger people. I read your post in the Everything Else forum regarding Valascus and his layoff. Good post. No hard feelings whatsoever.

Pinkfloydrules, it's still weird that you turned around and didn't see the other boater after you spoke to him. Do you think that because it was getting dark you just lost him in the shadows, or behind some standing timber?

Most likely he just moved behind the point of land sticking out, or motored away while I had my outboard running. At the time it was really weird, like he was a ghost or something, but thoughts such as this are always heightened when you are scared about something.

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

Thank you Senile1 :)

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

I deleted my second post Tom.  No hard feelings.  ;)

fishing user avatarVorlin reply : 

I did 2 1/2 years of sea duty in the Navy and can tell you that things get really spooky, really fast. It's not that unusual, and that's why we use instruments and have redundant instruments and take along cracker-jack box instruments to back those up too (hey, I've heard of worse things than cracker jack toys getting someone out of a jam).

If you break it down, this could be easily explained...

1) You were focused on staying over the school so you weren't tracking your landmarks. This is how you got disoriented to begin with.

2) You asked a guy who didn't seem familiar with the lake... and his choice of words: "on THIS SIDE of the lake", is very telling. What "side" did he think he was on? Did he put in on the other "side", before coming in through the creek himself? Maybe he didn't put in on Orange and simply didn't understand that once he went through the creek he had changed lakes entirely, not merely changed sides of one lake.

3) You found the ramp well enough but somehow lost the other boat. Those bay jobs have a lot of "sail", meaning side area that gets hit by the wind. This will shove them around very quickly in any sort of breeze. He may have intentionally went around a strip of land of gotten blown by one... or maybe he got blown far enough that you may have seen his boat but thought that it couldn't have been him.

All in all there are believable, logical reasons for it all. Is it still spooky? You bet your rear end it is! Especially when you're in the middle of it.

Once I had my skin crawl in a way that it had never done before, or since, in my life. We were way out in the middle of the Carribean, hundreds of miles from anywhere. It was a peaceful, beautiful, quiet, summer dawn with the sun just coming over the horizon. Those of you who have been out there at that time of day know what I mean and why it makes the skin crawl.

They call it "Dead Calm" for a reason... not even the tiniest breeze, mirrored water, no sign of life anywhere. It's the eeriest feeling in the world, bar none. You would think that it's a natural, peaceful thing... but it gives you the creeps in a way that's the most unnatural thing I've ever experienced.

*** Any compass will do.... even a peanut butter jar lid with a needle that's magnetized and a scrap of paper will be far better than nothing. And yea, there are sailors who have used such a rig, or worse, to find thier way. (Put water in the lid, lay the paper in it and lay a magnetized needle on the paper... it rotates to align itself with the eaths magnetic poles. It's an old boy scout trick and it's a good thing to have when all else goes downhill on you.)

So how were the crappie!? Any pics?

Scott / Vorlin

fishing user avatarTom Bass reply : 

Thanks Troutfisher. None at all ;)

fishing user avatarTroutfisher reply : 

No problem.  Glad we handled this like men.  ;)

They call it "Dead Calm" for a reason... not even the tiniest breeze, mirrored water, no sign of life anywhere. It's the eeriest feeling in the world, bar none. You would think that it's a natural, peaceful thing... but it gives you the creeps in a way that's the most unnatural thing I've ever experienced.

I have had that happen while I'm fishing.  It is VERY creepy when you're fishing alone.  It just feels like someone is watching you and they're following you.

"Who's there? Is that you, Avid?"

fishing user avatarOkeechobee_Cracker reply : 

Ive had a couple wierd times also.............I usually fish the kissimmee river but one day desided to go out on okeechobee for my first about 1 mile out and was fishing in some tall grass and my buddy got his line stuck in the trolling i had to mess around with that for about 5 minute and when I looked up I was like "O no.......witch way back......." it all looked the same........luckly I saw this water tower just barley and knew that it was somewhere around the river so that lead me back...if it wasnt for that I would of been out there for awhile........................and then another time I was at a local lake and I wasgetting ready to put it in and I was watching the guy that had just launched out go up the river......I thne put my boat in and went the same way....I fish all the way to the end of that river and never once saw him.....and theres almost no way I could have missed him and theres also no boat ramps on that was pretty creepy :-?


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