I've been fishing on and off for 22 years and finally caught my 1st lunker yesterday.
She weighed in at 8lbs, 4 ozs.
Just wanted to share it with all of you.
Never give up on catching that monster!
(hope I'm posting this in the right place,lol)
Congrats man! That is a slob!
Great FISH
Congrats..nice fish!
That's a heavysaurus! Congrats on the PB.
That's a nice one!
Congrats! Thats a great fish, what did u catch it on?
Thats a great catch!! :thumbsup1:
I was experimenting around and threw a wacky-rigged 7.5" Culprit Black/Red Ribbon Tail worm, with a 1/8 ounce nail weight in the head of the worm.
My line was Trilene 10 pound test (monofilament) and my knot was the Trilene knot.
I was worried with the 10 pound test, but I loosened the drag and let her run around while keeping tension and then, when she got close to the boat, I dipped the tip of my rod in the water to prevent her from jumping, though she still jumped a bit.
I'm ready to hit the lake again, lol!
Thanks for the comments, everyone!!
Nice fish!
One more picture of the same bass
I bet your heart was pounding when you pulled her out of the water, she's a wall hanger for sure!
Do I see a spawner? I'm just assuming cuz its so fat. Lol great catch!
Great catch! Now go get her sister!
Nice Bass!
d**n man! that's a huge fish.
1st post on this forum :]
great catch man!
Thanks, everyone!
I think, looking at her girth, she was already spawned out.
Tex, you posted in the perfect place! We're all a bunch of Bassaholics and we know a full-grown one when we see it!
Good Job Mate.
Awesome fish!
Great catch, congrats!