So, I'm very new to fishing and decided a little while back to try my hand at bass fishing. I'm legally blind and needed something to do to get me out of the house more, as well as a way to spend some more time with the family. Anyway, I caught this bass the other day, and figured I'd share it with you guys. In the grand scheme of things, I don't know if this is a big bass or not, but for dwarfs anything else I've caught lol.
Anway, this was my 3rd or 4th time actually being able to go out and fish. This was a quick, last minute trip this past Sunday afternoon. We didn't get out to the pond until about 3 in the afternoon and were just gonna fish for a couple hours. We didn't have much luck. My wife caught a small bass right after we arrived and other than that, I had set up our second rod to try catching a catfish in the pond (we have heard they are there but noone knows what type of catfish is in there). I had no luck with the catfish rod and my wife wanted to do some studying, so she decided to baby-sit the catfish rod and gave me her rod, which was rigged with a weightless 5" senko.
I proceeded to fish for about an hour up and down the bank, but only had one bite and it got off It was getting towards the end of the day and I was getting ready to call it quits. I was on the last hop of the senko before reeling it in to recast when I got a bite. It was only a few from shore. Being so close to the shore, I didn't really have to reel him in, Just a few cranks and he was up in the underwater grass/brush at the edge of the pond. I went to lift him out of the water (as I had with the other bass I've caught here), but when I went to lift him, it just pulled out drag...about the same time as I realized this, I saw his head at the surface of the water and he opened his mouth and I kinda double-taked at how huge his mouth was. About this time, my wife (who was further down the bank reading) asked me if I neede some help. I said..."ummm...yea...I think so...go find a net!". We'd never needed net before, so she scrambled for a bit to get one and I was just hoping my new green friend didn't get off the line in the process.
So, we finally got him scooped up and this is what was on the end of the line...
He was 7 lbs on the nose and 24.25" long. Sorry for the long story!
Have a great day guys! God bless!
what do you mean "big"! that's a big ole bass, nice!
3rd time fishing and you caught a 7lber! Nice job!
if that thing had a belly it would be getting really close to 10 lbs... at 7 lbs that is a great fish congrats...
Nice Bass ~
Very nice! With the length on her, she'll probably be packing well over 8 lbs in the spring, unless she is at the very end of her life. You need to go back and catch her again.
On 9/25/2014 at 8:28 PM, OntarioFishingGuy said:3rd time fishing and you caught a 7lber! Nice job!
lol...yea, my father-in-law (who has been fishing his whole life) said "I was gonna be mad if you told me that thing was over 9 lbs (the largest he's ever caught) !"
Dude! That girls a pig! Congrats!
Congrats on a nice Bass.
That is certainly a toad!!!!! Congrats to you, that should keep you fishing for quite some time. For sure, that is a she, not a he. With eggs and a few good meals, she should be close to 9 pounds.
GREAT fish! love how you under play its size hahaha ive been looking for one that big for years!! kudos!!
Congrats on your new PB. Beautiful fish.
That's a nice bass for a seasoned angler let alone a new angler! Awesome fish!
that's a big fish that could be a monster when eating good. NICE FISH!!!
Yep definitely 10 if it was fat. Nice catch.
That is a really good fish, big ole head, she gets close to 10 full of eggs! Senko strikes again..
Nice story too...
Nice fish, great pic!
Nice fish bro what state u in
There are guys that fish for years and never land a fish that size! Congratulations on an outstanding catch and an awesome story
Congrats! Awesome catch.
The size of that mouth is incredible!! It can probably swallow a bowling ball.
nice lunker
If her mouth was any bigger you could stick your head in it. Great Catch.On 9/26/2014 at 11:27 PM, georgeyew said:The size of that mouth is incredible!! It can probably swallow a bowling ball.
Awesome job!
Nice fish, a few bluegill and a steady diet of shad and that fish is a 10+ fish. Congrats.
Heck of a fish, congrats